' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1916. PAGE TWO -- . m-- From Trapper to Co Hudson Seal The reasonable in price, good looking, good wear- ing Fur." The best substitute fot the costly Alaska Seal- skin is Seal Dyed Musk- rat. Good judges often find it difficult to distin- guish between them. We purchase these skins raw direct,from the trap- pers and select for this purpose only the fall prime caught skins. department. We invite models now ready. John McKay, Ltd, ™S Po Chamberlain Metal Weather Strips ~fhut out wind, and dust. -fave fuel. «Stop windows rattling. ~Sakes them run easy. Now is the time to equip your windows and doors. Ring 810 and we will show you the goods and give you a price, J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street. Typewriters and Insurance. snow, rain | Lesgass Device A guaranteed gas saver. Re- ference to W. C. Bruton, 261 Unicersity Ave., H. M. Stoyer, 109 Alfred Street. . Price $2.00 A.W. ELLIOTT 806 QUEEN STREET. ' OUR PLES OF RUGS are an embarrass- ment of riches to those in search of a We have dressed and dyed this sea-| son a magnificent lot of skins for our special order] you to call and inspect our | Kingston's Reliable Fur House. "A PAIR OF SILK STOCKINGS" Comedy Attracted Capacity House Xt | creasing, are wondering if they will} Grand Thursday Night. { "A Pair of SilR Stockings," | staged at the Grand Thursday, and drew a capacity house. It is a three- act comedy, audacious, but clean. There was something every moment to cause one to sit up and take notice, ! | but there was nothing at any time to cause the most modest to hang his (or her head, {life in high English society. It centres arount the adventures of a young mérried couple, Mr, and Mrs, Sam Thornhill, who agree to disagree over the selection of a motor car and sepdrate, The husband, to ef- fect a reconciliation, surreptitiously invades his ex-wifes bedroom at the | country house of Lady Gower, who 1s | The play deals with] 1 | NO ALE ND BEER VENDOR | THEIR SALE IN KINGSTON SEEMS | #0 BE UNLIKELY. | Those Requiring These and Porter | or Meilicinal Purposes Will Have to Secure Them Elsewhere--Whole Province Studying New Temper- ance Act. It is unl porter, of t | will be sold in K The Or : nes into effect at seven o'clock Saturday evening, states that a vendor, on a physician's prescrip- tion, may sell a doZen bottles \[ ale, beer or porter, eath bottle not'con- | taining more than three half pints, or one pint of distilled liquor. | That list but there' at ale, beer and oxicating variety, ton for medicinal 'purposes. Act, which co asad little sequel to this tale, and that is, there is to be no | | vendor in Kingston, for the present lat leastr Vendors have been ap- pointed in Toronto, London and Ham- |ilton, and the License Board says | others will be appointed later, if it 1s found that there is a need for them 1 Thus, if a person: requires ale, beér or porter as a medicine, il will be necessary to get a doctor's order and sent to' Toronto or else be his own doctor and import it {rom Que bec. inet . War News Secondgyf'y | The whole province is now turning Act. The war news takes a second- izes itself with the provisions of the The thirsty ones who like liquor [ the pleasure it act. for its own sake, for gives rather than ' the health it brings are not worrying, because {they know that there is an unfailing supply of thrist quenchers in Mont- | real and Hull, the destined Meccas pf | money orders, postal notes and regis- | tered letters.. But the 'sickly and { other members are constantly .in- | be able to convince their physicians was | that a constant and generous supply | erations, the prevention s essential if the spark of become extinguished {through lack of fuel. Everything, it | seems, depends on the doctor. The {druggists are determined to sell only on prescription. They will, if a doct- or orders it, give six ounces of liquor to rescue the perishing, or one pint of a mixture contdining alcohol | mixed with drugs, or one pint of alcohol for bathing purposes--that is, outward bathing, although some will undoubtedly be of the opinion that internal bathing would be much more efficacious. lof liquor {life is not to A Saving Clause. For those who are subject to faint- entertaining a house party, A formers,» spells there is a saving clause in { admirer of hers, entering the room quite by accident, discovers the hus- { band, whom he mistakes for a bur- i glar, concealed in the closet. He | binds the ex-husband with a pair of | the ex-wife's sill stockings; hence | the name of the play. | The cast was a well-balancéd.one. | Langdon Bruce as Sam Thornhill, and Miss Ida Stratham as | parts, each possessing a plentiful sup- {ply of histrionic ability. A. E. Win- |fession, promises to be busier than| Ness as good. | nington-Barnes as ia ti a { Mollie Thornhill's admirer, was most¥nervous manner and a guilty look,| Oddfellows Relief Association is in- their tongue | mayor Bagnal, | popular with the audience because {of his rkilful acting. Miss Stella ! St. Audrie, as. Lady Gower, the lover lof scandal, was natural and charm- | ing." { All the others took their parts in j creditable manner, Sale of homemade cakes and pies Prince {under auspices of Mollie | Thornhill were 'ully equal to their {the act, which states that a druggist may sell six ounces of liquor when {the same is required owing to a seri-| ous injury or the fainting of a per- son, which liquor must be consumed lon the druggist"s premises or pre-| | mises adjacent thereto. "It is hinted {that this clause is likely to increase | {the number of faintings. But those who are unable to faint easily will have to turn their atten- tion doctor-ward, The medical pro- ever. The new patients will have a {and if asked to show will exhibit something that looks like « strip of a parched desert. A doet- |or, when convinced that liguor is ne- {cessary for the. health of a patient, {may give a prescription, or he may administer the liquor himself, a first aid process as it were. He may have | Hquor in his possession not exceed- Charles | ing one quart at'any one time, when {| Chapter, Daughters of the Empire, | Visiting in the discharge of his pro- Saturday morning," lington and Clarence streets. We will sell 90 Dunlop covers, all | specials, for $3.00; Imperial for $2.70; while they last, H.. Milne, 272 Bagot street. . Bishop Bidwell is to hold confir- mation services in Athens on October 1st. : ny. Individual Eye No twe persons' eyes are exact. iy alike. Glasses that correct one person's vision will prebably injure another's. Each eye must be examined separately. We preseribe corner of Wel- | fessional duties, and no doubt there {will be quite a few accommodating {men who will always stand ready to | carry the dovtor's grip--and to light- en his burden. {+ While. a | from {from other doctors. {a household may have more than one family physician. trying to secure prescriptions Boom For Dentistry. The dentistry business will likely pick up, too. The new act allows every dentist to Kg€p In his "office six ounces of liquor, which he may administer, to a patient in case of actual need.. This will probably {lead some schemers to visit a dental parlor in the hope that he, as well as his tooth) may be filled. | Some werp banking on the veterin- ary, but. the act states that whi | veteran ni have in his possession | | ario Temperance | ens good, says some one, | its attention to the new Temperance ary place, while the public familiar | physician can prescribe | {only six ounces at one time, there is | |mothing to prevent a very sick man] For this reason | ar i | SYLVE SENTENCED FOR ROBBING. ) Henry Sauva, of Watertown, N.Y.} | Who Robbed a Drunken Man, Was Allowed to Go on Suspended Sent-| ence and Will be Deported. Nine months in the Central Prison) was the sentence given.to Sylvester Bradford, Montreal young man who -pleaded guilty to robbery at 3 local hotels by Magistrate Farrell the police court om Friday morning He was rounded up a week ago and has Been in jg on remand. Henry Sawfa, the Watertowm N Y., who pleaded guilty" in young man, the police court a few days ago to} robbing a, drunken man of a watch, was allowed to go * on sudbended| sentence, and will be deported. William McQuade was charged with assault by his brother, Joseph | McQuade. It is alleged that he th¥ew | a stone at his brother's little boy, and'hit'him in the back. The boy in question, with his sister and another] youngster, told of playing in an old house on Russell street and being {chased by the accused, when the| stone is alleged to have been thrown,| {but the accused strongly denied the charge, He said he had chased the] | children away. from the house, as he {feared they would be injured play- |ing there. The case was enlarged till | Tuesday for further evidence. i William Weeks, gathered in |drunk, was fined $1 and costs. the n as a ARE VERY OBSERVANT | The Inspectors Are Looking Out For Smugglers, A resi'ent of Cape Vincent, N. Y., | makes the observagjon that the pur- pose of the federal inspectors walk- ing along the frontier, is concealed | by their apparent interest in the pro- | tectiod®! fish and that some of the | visits of the government men to Alex- andria Bay wheré nets were inspect- ed was a guise to cover the real op- of smug- gling. Far out on the lake, he said, the government boats are seen cruis- ing day and night. He told of the entry of a number of passengers from Kingston at Cape Vincent recently when a povernment man stepped into the crowd, put his hand on the shoulder of a foreigner of uncertain nationality and said, "I want you." * 3 * ALL GOT LICENSES, + Word was received in the city 4] + on Friday morning ' that 1e + fourteen Kingston hotelkeepers, % 4 who made-application, had been' + 4 granted "standard hotel" licens- + + es, +» * - + WAR LOAN SUBSCRIPTIONS. Business Reported Good--1.0.0.F, is Investing $100,000. The Kingston financial men and institutions receiving subseriptions {for Canada's war loan report busi- Som® large invest- | ments have or are to be made, The vesting $100,000 in the loan. In the previous + domestic loan a similar amount was invested. The sums in- vested run from $100 well up into | the thousands. One broker reports a personal investment of $13,000, while all say that $5,000 subscrip- 'tions are quite common, More Big Subscriptions. Torontto, Sept, 15.--Some of the big subscriptions to the Canadian war loan are: Canada Life Assurance Co., $1,- 000,000, Confederation, $500,000. : C. K. I, Ross, Montreal, $500,000; | Canadian General Electric Com- | pany, $250,000. 1.O.F., $250,000, Life Association, Picton's Big Fair. Better than ever this year. See it | by taking SS. America, Wednesday, | Sept. 20th, at 7.30 a. m. Fare 50c. | | 4 | Have your carpets cleaned by H. Milne, 272 Bagot street. | "Ice Cream Bricks" at Gibson's. } WAS GIVEN NINE MONTHS STER BRADFORD' WAS} Special Reduction in Music from 40¢ to 15¢ The following Standard and Operatic numbers have this week been reduced from a 40c price to 1 5¢c. Every one is a N.Y. hit. "Where Did Robinson Crusoe Go With Friday on Saturday Night," from "Robinson Crysoe"; "I Love a Piano," fro from "Step This Way. Instrumental "Ragging the » Scale," "Bridal Blu shes." m the N. Y. Success, "Stop, Look, and Listen"; "If I Knock the 'L' Out of Kelly" Other New Popular Numbers, 15¢, 7 for $1.00. Vocal, "Welcome Honey To Your Old Plantat ion Home," "What 's the Matter With the Irish." "It's a Long Long Timre Since 1've Been Home," *'I 'll Wed the Girl I Left Behind," "Not _So Far From Zanzibar," """Fwas Only An Irvishman's Dream," 'T he Eyes of Heaven (My Mother's Star)" "At the End of the Trail," "The Sweetest Melody of AJL," "1 Lest My Heart in Honolulu," "The World is Hun- gry for a Little Bit of Love." Instrumental, "Silvery Stars, three step; Wisteria Waltzes, Romany Waltz, a Saturday Music Sale, 2 for 25¢. The College Book Store " Phone 919 ~ Open Nights 160 Princess St. S-N-AP-S! From Our Ready-to-wear Department pink, coral: broken urday . ....... A clearing lot of ladies' skirts, including black serge and colored tweeds, brok- en sizes, 24, 25, 26. Priced from $4.95 to $7.00 each. Saturday morning on the bargain counter .. .. .. .. $2.50 A clean up in ladies' blouses, white with dainty colored trimming, including copenhagen, green; canary, 34 to 42; sizes, $1.25 and $1.50 lines, to clear on Sat- A bargain in ladies' brassieres, 19¢ each vr + priced. See our values in ladies' black cashmere hose at 25¢, 35¢, 50c. All sizes. Underwear for all the family; popular See our special rain coatat .. .. .. $5.00 Imported feather ruffs, . Pictorial magazine for October . .. .. $250 up 15¢ ~ " THE ALWAYS Newman & Shaw BUSY STORE i J 3 ( CLOSING OF MAILS British | mail closes irregu- larly. Information posted at P. O. Lobby trom time to time. United ates, Jails «1345p. Be Truul, Sviag am Grand Trunk, solog 100 pm: BALES) ... «.. .::++ 1.00PM, Grand Trunk and all west of eity .. .. ., 330pm. C. P. R., 10.15 am. and 5.30 p.m. C. NR css sess 2.00pm. -- sen wee - 3 - Builders' Bricks Good, hard brick, suitable for chim- neys. Nice, handsome pressed brick . for houses. Am * Pearl IN PEARL RINGS WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT SHOWING AT PRESENT. v Pearls are soaring and any bought now from supply on hand, will grow in value to the owner, considerably. PEARL RINGS FROM $5.00 uP, Am A SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians ' Issuers of Marriage Licenses Furs! W.F. Gourdier | Phone 700 ' [r---- Improved Headache Powders A quick, safe and certain cite Tor headaches of all or- iging, whether billows, nervous, or hysterical. Also a positive relief in neuralgia. These powders are made from the purest ingredients and are guaranteed free from ali dangerous drugs. , 25¢ a box, Prepared only by Portland Cement. one quart, it must not be administer- | ed to aghuman, no matter how much | of an ass he may be. This barring | of the human may cause an increase | slnnses fine I covering. |[] Smination wita scientife instra- The patterns and designs are || ™"*™ all so handsome, the colors so Dr. Chown's ' tense in rich and the guality so uniform- ly good, that choosing is pot so easy. But when you tingly decide you can be confident that you could not have obtain- -od a more handsome 'rug or greater rug values anywhere | else. R_ McFAUL Cr Bungalow? ground ipecinily for each case in our own factory. You are assured accuracy and apa a eyea with wus. made for any evening. HRT : v 7 J'S. ASSELSTINE 34 KING ST, ° Fons 1018 r + Atthe Golden Lion Grocery In one pound sections, 25¢ ench, ~~ Fresh California Prunes, nico and juicy. 106, 1313, Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs. for 25¢. Evaporated Apricots, 15¢ Ib. |W Fancy Clover Honey among those who believe in the transmigration of soul, the highest ambition of the pew converts being to become a horse, a sickly horse. 73rd BATTERYMAN'S WIFE Charged. Mother-in-Taw With Ab- ducting Her Baby. The Ottawa Free Press says that Mrs. Irene Ault, 58 College avenue, withdrew her charge of abduction preferred against Mrs. Nellie Ault, of Aultsville, in the police court Thurs- {day morning. Mrs. Ault, jr., charged her mother- in-law with abducting her 22 months old baby." Her husband, Don Ault, who is a gunner in the "3rd battery, which recently left Barriefield Camp for Petawawa, is stated to have left the child in the keeping of his mother. It eged the mother- in-law refused {6 give it up. ar Bonds. Thomas Mills, broker, 79 Clarence street, is authorized by the Finance Department, Ottawa, to receive ap- plications, . and respectfully solicits your order for bonds of $100, $500 or $1,000 each, "Larkspur Lotion™ kills head para- sites at once. Sold i . Kingston at Gibson's cig fn Store. - expert t in Mr. Jo the k mills, The new Knox Hats have arrived. The | styles are elegant, as usual. Careful dress- ers, the world over, § wear Knox Hats. The |} name signifies every- In Marine Circles | 3 ' The freighter Keybell arrived at the Kingston Shipbuilding Company's drydock at midnight, on Thursday and will undergo repairs. : The steamer Chip: ries excursion parties rom Toronto, arrived at the Kingston hipbuilding Company's wharf on Thursday, and is now awaiting repairs, The barge W. M_Egan arrived at the Kingston Shipbuilding Company's wharf from the west on Thursday. MT. Co's. Bulletin--The tug Emerson arrived with the barge Un- gava with grain from Port Colborne, cleared with the barge Hiawatha for Sodus, and the barge Augustus, for Charlotte, and will return with the barge Davie, with coal, from Char- lotte; the tug Thomson is due to ar- ing that is best in a hat "The price is five If you want the best buy a Knox. We are sole agents light ba [}|- McMaster, of Toronto, all her pro- rive to-day from Montreal with four Call and see our special $29.00 bicycles, guaranteed at H. Mine's, Bagot street. | o By the will of Mrs. William Me- Master, widow of the late Hon. Wm. perty goes to her daughter, Mrs. William A. Grath, of Montreal, formerly of Kingston, "All up-to-date books" in Tabard Inn Library at Gibson's Red Cross a, which car-| S. ANGLIN & CO. « SHOOTING |W.A Mitchell 80-87 Princo 86 ____ | i Store. 183 PRINCESS STREET, Phone 343. cr | FOR | "HOUSECLEANING CARPET WHIPS BRUSHES O-CEDAR MOPS O-CEDAR POLISH RE-NU-ALL LIQUID VENEER D.COUPER 76 341.8 Princess St. Prompt Delivery