" IBRITAIN'S DRUG CRAZE : | TERRIBLE HABIT IS SWEEPING OVER THE ISLANDS. Demand for Cocaine and Other Drugs Has Become Greater Than Fryer Before -- Indulgence to Other and Worse Offences--Pro- Men Have Been the J Worst Offenders, Packet of WILSON'S EY \ WILL KILL MORE FLIES THAN / \ $8 WORTH OF ANY / STICKY FLY CATCHER A 4 Leads '* fessional 0 what extent is the war re- sponsible for the alarming growth of the drug hapit? asksSLondon Tit-Bits, Chemists : 1 of London will tell 'yo mand for cocaine 'and o terious tonics has * of | become caler thap at any €lean to handle. Sold by all Drug. gists, Grocers and General Stores, in t HELP FOR WORKING WOMEN Some Have to Keep on Until They Almost Drop. How , Mrs. Conley Got Help. her dele- ate time they can recall, and doctors, toe, Swill testify that the habit is on the increase among all classes of people. Not long ago a well-known physi- cian who has intimate knowledge: of the ravages of this terrible. evil de- clared that a person who, habituates | himself or herself to the use of drugs is nothing less than a potential lun- atic; and many tragic events have from time to time revealed which amply justify startling statement. Here is a case in point. At West- | minster Police Court not many | weeks ago two "well-to-do persons | were accused of obtaining goods {from a west-end store by false pre- | tences. Both of them, it was stated, were victims of the morpbja habit, {and the effect had been to produce a condition akin to insanity. - One of the defendants, a married woman, had been taking the drug for four years, and bad become 80 accustomed to it that she took it in doses of four- | teen grains a day. Similar havoe bad | been wrought on the other defendant | =~one of the smartest young men on the Stock Exchange until he fell a victim to the scourge, , Here ig a letter from a woman 'who had to work, but was too weak and suf- fered too much to continue. How she regained health :-- Frankfort, Ky. --*I suffered so much with female weakness that I could not do my own work, had to hire it done. I heard _so much about Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound that | tried it. I took three bottles and I found it to be all you | claim. Now I feel as well as ever I did and am able to do all my Y own work again. | recommend it to any worjgan suffering been this THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, SEPT ¥ 7 comes to me and asks for cocaine of | morphia or chloral I, of course, fill 1 the doctor's prescription. -This is my business, But I take care to keep a close eye on that customer's fifgers all the tinfe she is 'in-the shop. The cocaine flend will steal anything if she thinks she can do it "iffobserved." b That is but the beginning of the darcotic eurse, The)! moral effects ary, after 'a timéyfollowed by physi- cal results of thé mest disastrous character -- indezcribable depression of. spirits, sleeplessness, and d@iagte food. In peace-time who were most addicted to the drug habit were professional wmen---doctors; , writers, actors and actresses, artists, and wo- men. ih society or those who live by brain-work. But since the war broke out, with all its attendant worries and anxieties and sorrows, the*testi- mony of social workers, mental ex- perts, and police officials justifies the assertion that the ravages of this vice have spread among other cl PS, [' Even soldlers have become a prey to the habit. Although it is_ahn of- fence under the Defence of the Realm | Act to, sell' or supply cocajne to army or naval men unless prescribed by a medical man, cases have come to light in whieh they have obtained the drug by clandestine means, or | through having fallen into the NM4nds | of unscrupulous persons who profit by the growing lemand for drugs of | one kind and another. All poisons must, of course, 'be | signed for by the persons who pur- for people i AMERICAN GIRL'S - VIEWS EARRIEFIELD WAR CAMP WHICH SHE VISITED OF b Tells About the Queen's Ambulance Work-----While Her Country Talks . Preparedness, Canadians Age In Arms, American Girl ng on a visit to my inate enough to live in, frame it, pretty Kingston, I av myself of the opportunity of Barriefield Camp and consider 3 time. well spent. I first of all, must tell you I am an American girl, from away out west, and as we are b ly engaged just now talking © - ness," I thought I might get a ' dope' -on "Being Ready," which would be valuable of course. I must ask you to deal liently with me and not mistake me for a "spy," but I suppose I am one really, Isn't that awful? A spy! Ugh! But when I tell you that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, I am sure you Can- adian felk will realize that I don't mean' to use my information in any way but friendly, After a pledsant auto frip we at last arrived in the camp. tents dotted the landscape for some two miles or so and the sound of! pipers prompted me to' continue along the road to the furthest camp. Here 1 was informed that the 156th By a » Be is for Prep | chase them, and some of thew. can only be sold on doctors'. prescrip tions. But the vonfirmed drug-taker | overcomes a'l' those difficulties , hy making a round of many chemists' | shop#, so that 'mi. one really knows | how much he buys or { Then, again, the cocaine habit can be | carried on secretly. For a time even | the nearest friends of the victim have no suspicion of it. It has none of the | repulsiveness of ordinary intoxica- tion It grows on one with amazing | rapidity, and gives little or no warn- ing of the harm it is doing until the from female weakness. You may pub- Another recent cdse in London was evil i# accomplished almost' beyond | | | | consumes. | | lish my letter if you wish." -- Mrs. JAMES CoNLEY, 516 St. Clair St., Frankfort, Ky. No woman suffering from any form of female troubles should lose hope until she has given Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound a fair trial. This famous remedy, the medicinal ingredients of which are'derived from native roots and herbs, has for forty years proved to be a mostwaluable tonie and invigorator of the female organism, * All women dre invitéd to write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medi- | that of the son of a stockbroker who had been secretly taking drugs and had become so addicted to the habit that he suffered from delusions, and {eventually died from opium poison- ing. Bottles bearing the deadly label of laudanum, which had been bought from forty-eight chemists, were dis- | covered in his desk after he had paid | the penalty for his folly. The, fixst harmful result of drug- takifNis? often enough, not physical, but moral. Cocaine, cven more than morphia, destroys the moral sense. | Psychologists are puzzled as to why | this destruction of the m al sense is accomplished, but the fact femains | that jit is. When questibned on the subject a chemist - answer: d, some- | what bluntly: "Wh 4 woman HOODS cine Co., Lynn, Mass., for special advice,--it will be confidential, {Notice! n The shortage of photo chem- cals for finishing films does not affect us as we have supplies on hand to carry us till the new supply arrives, We are finishing more films today many times over than all other local. dealers combin- ed. - Six finishers cannot keep up with the work. Wo are selilng. and guaran teeing the best film on the mar- ket and still developing at 10 cents a roll, '"Ranks with the Strongest" HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE Head Office, Royal Insurance Bldg. MONTREAL » DAA A IA St est's The Popular Drug Store Open Sundays PERCY J. QUINN, Manager, Ontario Branch, Toronto W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. Be - Sa PILLS: Special Announcement to Ladies recall 2 In many ases, from twelve to twenty doses are, before long, taken in a single day. This costs neney CGucaine hydrochlorgte, the form of the drug used for thi purpose, is very expensive, Wholesale it Coss an ounce, and retail usualy about,three times as much, Some men are known to have ten or twenty doses a day, and at that rate %oz. would last but a week It is a well-known fact that some | people contract the habit of taking drugs in the effort to cure drunken- ness; other get a craving for one in the effort to stop a desire for the other. 'Cocaine is occasionally given to kill a desire for morphia; morphia to dissipate the wish for cocaine. So it frequently happens that the one i8 driven away only to leave the other in possession. The list of morphia vietims in this country, if it could be given would be amazing. In the natfenal life of any country the "dope fiend" 'is a menace of the Worst descrip'ion. The. real remedy ems to lie not in attempting fio cure the victims of the vice they hgve cultivated, but in striking at (the root of tho evil and prohibiting | by law the sale of drugs in any form jexcept on the prescription of a medi~ | cal man, 25¢ A er -------------- No Rice for Kaiser. Paris, Sept. 15.-- The Swiss export commission has refused a personal request of the Kaiser to furnish his | table with rice. Baron von Rom- berg, the German minister at Berne, asked the Swiss Government to au- | thorize the shipment of 200 pounds of rice for the consumption of the j Emperor and his family, but the ex- | port commission, being tied by an | agreement with the Allies was un- | able to comply with the request, » from $1.00 and up. Call and 257 Princess Street. ~" Joseph B. Abramson wishes to announce his fall millinery opening. Tuesday September 19th 20 pe recent. discount on all cash sales opening day. ladies' and children's hats, 'Dbposite Strand Theatre. Shapes inspect our large assortment of Phone 1437 Our Gingerbread Davies ' Week End SPECIAL! Calls attention to ginger in our boys' suits and coats. Boys' navy blue coats for fall from two years to 14 years, | Girls' coats in same] sizes. with trimn sleeves. « Prices 50c¢. from last season, but 5 ~_cheaperthan they will be. British warms for boys who want something ab- solutely new. EP. Jenkins Stewing Cuts . . . . Fronts . . .. ca £ on Spring Lamb Mint With Orders. The Wm. Davies' Co. Ltd. ~ Phone pg tradi cae 16 hate. 23027 ' | brass | musieians of the | ed some more men were apparently fl tood' and plenty of it, congenial pals IcASTORI Battalion were encamped gnd im- mediately adjacent ere fhe 1 and 154th 1 walked thfoug lines and was shown the officérs and mens messes and was very pleased to see that everywhere the place looked clear and tidy. the seem like a thousand devils yelling, | 1,000 to and think it marvellous that men can all ."'savoy" the way mhrch together with only the wild cat-calls to beat time. [I hope pipers will not consider my rédmdrks in any was displeasing for I am thinking it must be an eduecatioh in icelf to know how to produce those weird strains, ' The 155th possesses band which mensely, I could much easier than 156th. law srlendid im a nleased me understand those elas Then and everything. seemed | and it is a credit to all concerned that these men, who Jave volunteered to live thus, shoul be so well looked after, Visited Queen's Ambulance. On my way back I ventured a visit | to witness a display eof ambulance | work and "Jerks" as I think they aré | called, and of which I now have sey- eral pictures, The display was indeed clever, not to.say wonderful considering these men had only a whistle to guide them, not even a bagpipe. I notlred a group of men sitting on the gTound as I thought for a rest but a blast of a whistle brought them to their feet with clock-like motions they stooped grasped « stretcher handle, and rose again as one man. They then ran out to where 1 obsery- sunning themselves and arriving, stopped short whilst two men who were on each stretcher ran on and knelt by the man on the ground. I hope I may be understood for I can- not give the technical terms for these things. He said «something to the men" with: the stretchers who turned and got the stretcher opened. I then began to see that the men who were taking a sun bath were to be treated as patients and I-became all interested. The two men who were kneeling now began to apply bandages and dressings to supposed wounds, one removing a shoe to bandage a wounded foot. After this was fixed up the patients were put onto the siretehers and carried away with great care. Ugh! When they started walking with the stretchers it the cold shivers run up my spine, for it recalled a death scene to me so pealistic. After disposing of their patients, th men gave a display of the jerks so essential, Iam told, to making a soldier fit and they looked as well as any squad of gymnasts I have seen... This finished the display, White | 55thr that | al | again| order, | to the Queen's Field Ambulance and | . Field Hospital, and was 'just in time | was a slow shuffling move and I felt | ER 15, 1916. T Jv New Suits Spec Probs: . Saturday, generally fair and cool. > | SATURDAY AT STEACY'S ~ially Priced At suits at very special prices. suits are from $25.00 to $35.00. The materials are broadcloth, gabardine, men's wear serge, poplin and rich I watched the troops | drilling and marching to the pipes, | those weird, wild instruments which | | | i | "D vite you to see our co with the charming new styles and prices. * $20.00 nn im A FOR MEN ished hose in a perfect XN Any suit will be laid aside until wanted payment of a small deposit. AA i, price worth 50c a pair, $19.50, $19.75 &$24.50 An asortment of the smartest fall and winter 'The real value of these wide wale cheviots. Coats, satin lined with fur trimmings. See these values -- they cannot be' duplicated! with the yn Beautiful New Autumn Millinery A wondrous array. of all the new shapes that Dame Fashion" has stamp in trimmed and untrimmed hats. We cordially in- ed with her approval -- will.be pleased attractive small llection; you Trimmed hats from $2.75 to $12.00, on up to A i im, HOSIERY for all the Family Our fall stocks are now complete, with all the best known makes for men, women and children. Appended are three very special values to be had irrall sizes. Values that can- not be purchased wholesale at tomorrow's special price. FOR WOMEN : 300 pair Penman's black cashmerette, full fashioned hose, in Misses' and Women's sizes. Regular 35¢c. 'The stock price, Saturday 25¢ a pair. FOR BOYS "420 pair "Tough as Leather" school hose. A heavy union mixture, a good strong, dur- able hose,:made for hard wear. All sizes. Sat- urday 25c¢. - 120 pair only, Penman's all wool cashrnere socks: a fine soft fin- An old, old value, and at today's black dye. last, Saturday, 35¢ or 3 for $1.00. while they and I had the pleasure of expressing my admiration of the men and the work of the Sergt-Major, who, I am informed, has had entires. control, of the training of the * men, and their display certainly bears testimoney to the amount of work entailed in training a groupe of men. I then learned that the whole com" pany are efficient workers, but this was a squad picked to give § display Jat the Peterboro fair, and I am sure that everyone who see them will be impressed by the. smartness, neat- ness and regularity of movement they present. I had a talk with several of the men, and wis not a little sur- prised to find them all well spoken, polite and courteous, and them on top-of that I was informed that-the- majority were either 'grads' or teach- ers, and I asked myself: "What is it that makes these good fellows give up good homes, freedom, good situa- tions and all the various pleasures of life to sleep with three blankets and a board? And we are yet talking preparedness." 3 At the Field Hospital, I visited the field hospital and marked the cleanliness of the linen used. Everything seemed in order-- the mess tents, the sleeping tents and the various offices, and I ean say I learned quite a lot as to what a real camp is. Talking to one of the boys ~~they like to be called boys--the i majority being only 20 or so, he re- marked: "Yes, life's not too bad these days; although we are soldiers, we have comfortable quarters, good A 597 iw Tomorrow we invite you to NEW SUKINGS, and NEW The greatest stock in East now while stocks are STEACY'S| and ast, but not least, the best of officers." He told me the officers joined in all the sports with the men, which. I could not really understand, for I was always under the impression that officers were stern. men, who drilled tht men, and so scared them that a sneeze from the commanding officer on parade would cause seve- ral cases of paralysis, The lad to whom I was speaking, a clean cut; bonny boy, nodded his head in the direction of another sol- dier passing, and said: "They are the men who Lelp us out a lot." Ventur- ing a question, he informed me he was a N.C.O. (he didn't tell me what that meant), and contivfued: "It's the - N.C.0's. who make or mar a bunch, for they are always with the men, and if they became prejudiced it makes it miserable. Our O's. white ex- are good fellows, and with men for officers what would you peet in the ranks? Why, white men also." - } And here am I now, thinking of my visit to Barriefield and wondering 1if there is any possible chance of ever ming a white man. Sir Sam Hughes has gone to Ire- et cc------ -~ see our great range of New Silks, - RESS GOODS at old prices. Ontario for your selection. Choose RE Eats oo complete! terre s: THOMES COPLEY Telephone 987 Drop a cand t0 19 Pine street when wanting anyt ing done in the carpen- tery lime. Estimates given on all kinds Of repairs 'and new work: also hard- mood fivors -of 1 inde All orders wi receive om, ttention. Shop, Queen PP ~We ate prepared to sopply you with the best in : fall footwear at the lowest prices. See our window for the latest. Prices from $3.50 to $6.50. ; 's Shoe Store S.he sie It fs cstimated that $500,000 the Dominion Gove bent Joan be subséribed ¢ 1 tions of London,