ILLUSTRATED SECTION. | 7 REMEMBER a TO CAPT. FRYATTS MEMORY. ON THE BRITISH WESTERN FRONT. British Tommies were so incetised over the execution of Capt. Fryatt by Among the ways used by the British Tommies to keep in mind the execu- The sign shows the way clearly to the two towns, "Posleres and Bapaume." : i ti "apt. Fryatt was that of writing "Remember Capt. Fryatt" on the the Germans that they marked the large shells and guns with inscrip- Hon of Cap! at ol ER ig gn ekg BR and the rest should be easy. for the Allied troops. These towns have been the tions they thought suitable, soldiers would remember it was another shot in'revenge for the execution. goal of the Allies since the July offensive. -- nd WANAMAKER EXPEDITION TO ALASKAN WILDS --Louis Shotridge, Chink Indian, who with SHIPPING MUNITIONS TO THE ALLIBS. MRS. LOUIS SHOTRIDGE his wife, also an Indian, will have charge of the expedition which' will go into the Alaskan wilds Large calibre shells on a barge alongside of the 8. S. Baltic, to discover new facts of the Alaskan tribes. Théy will gather ethnological specimens dating back . J to. the stone age, and which are rapidly disappearing owing to the contact of Indians with white ready to be loaded on board the steamep for France. - Generally ; men. It is believed that this is the first expedi:ion, for scientific purposes, ever headed by In- the shells are packed in cases, but in this insfance they are expedition. dians, but it is doubtful if white men could obtain the information desired. being shipped in bulk. Who will accompany her shusband on the Wanamaker Alaska SIR H. E. DUKE, SECRETARY FOR IRELAND. : \ . ROUMANIA AT LAST ENTERS WAR. FROM AVEATRIX TO DIVER--Formerly an aviator, but made timid by ' : death of her husband, also a fiyer, Mrs. Alyn Bryant has turned to the "lef 7 Sir H. E. Duke, the new Secrétary for Ireland, having suc- Roumanian cavalry and light artillery which are mow fighting Austrian and Bulgarian hazardous occupation of deep sea diving, which can be classed as almost ne Birrell, shortly after the . ite of flying. Mrs. Bryant is but twenty-six years old, and has ceeded Augustine , who resigned 3 troops. ; been working for three months In Seattle harbor. Capt. Fiteh, an old div Dublin uprising. : : H was her instructor. iS a.