Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Sep 1916, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1916. PAGE SEVEN Incorporated 1855 BANK or TORONTO Head Office - Toronto 25,000,000 $6,439,352 . BANKING Paid Up Capital . FACILITIES Reserved Funds 'DIRECTORS Gooderham, ice-President; ald, J. 1. Goodernam, r 1 Wir »W of Branches BANKERS ational Bank f Commer Midland Market Square, Kingston: Saturday, September 23 Last day subscriptions will be received for the War Loan. Call or phone. J. K. CARROLL AGENCY, 56 Brock Strget. Phones: Office 68; Res. 87: 4 SILVER SPOONS, KNIVES and FORKS. \ Now is the time to replenish your tableware. an Our stock of spoons, forks and knives is both large and choice at prices to suit everyone. R. - RODGER ho the Clock is on the Walk." - ea meant 132 Princess Street You Can Count On It When we take care of your storage bat- tery there's no doubt of quality service. We have established ourselves as experts. Will you come in and be convinced? I. LESSES, hone 1045 507 Princess St Free inspection of any battery at any time A Daring Subsarive At. F. J. JOANSON; Florist 115 BROCK STREET. tack | FRESH CUT FLOWERS, Was Made Upon the Vessel Which PALMS AND FERNS a Cargo of | Floral Designs, Wedding Bouquets. PHONE 239. Riley's Celebrated As-| a Tanya sorted Toffee PHEREEIOR a ACN RGM IAN RAXNESS, DISCRARGES The Veasel Only by 8 halrs- SRABDER, Hojeen el O iy Escaping y > BITHER No. DRUGGISTS or MAIL $1. PORT 4 Securing part of the eargo. Must be on NEW YORK or LYMAN WRITE FOR T0 Da. LB tasted to be appreciated, all flavors, Ey Ts only 40¢ per Ih. i HERA | TRADE ; I Clo oa ME ION Lowstails Hoag's Drug Store Te VINEGAR Es Trancs Pact Otvee = Pure Spirit Vinegar, Pure Cider Vinegar, Pure Malt'Vinegar, Pure Pickling and Preserving Spices. J. M. GORDON Pure Food Grocer Cor. Bay and Montreal Sts. Phone 88 WANTED Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 300 pair good Fowl and ------ - " Ontario Florist a and Plants 3 qrder. gr ae 1762 Duty. 17e Wella St. Wood's The Great English rm and rates De NL nda! na Dr ~ Brain Wor. | Price $1 o six will eure. pkg. on (Forv ot PARADIS GARAGE FOOT OF BROCK STREET t Office 322, House 611. Highest price paid. Anderson Bros. Princess and Division Sta. Bon Marche Grocery Hees Choice Srotstie:; Sei. .Chickens GERMANY MUST LOSE PARALLELS TAKEN FROM THE NAPOLEONIC WARS. . Every Conflict in Which Britain Has Jeen Involved Has Had Its Dark Days When - Everybody Was Hopeless of Victory--Wellington 4 Insisted on Persevering When and 7.30 PM. the People Were Anxious to Give | Up. 44 HE fature hope," Frenchman recent is sald a feat | | and as he could not, ig give | military reasons, {cha pter- and verse for his belief, we [bad to be content to take his word for it. - But if the future is full of ! Lope, so, too, Is the past, ard what | is more,*anyone who cares fo turn to | the pages of history can learn' the fullest details without fear of inter- vention from the censor. Many of us are apt to believe that the Boer War was the only qne which had its dark days, but that is anly because most of us remember them, Yet the campaign to which we look back with the greitest pride, that which finally ended with the Basle of Waterloo, had darker days than any we have known jn this war, Wel- lington and Nelson carried us finally to victory, but they did it almost in spite of ourselves, and most of the "regrettable incidents" of this war had counterparts a hundred years ago. The defeat of Napoleon was not, as we are too inclined to think, the result of a series of brilliant campaigns, ending in the triumph of Waterloo. Pitt said, "We have saved ourselves by our exertions, and shall save Europe by our example." It was not an example of efficiency; It | was an example of bulldeg tenacity. For six years we hung on to Napol- eon In Spain and Portugal, while he overran the rest of Europe. We had defeats as well as victories, twice Hur armies were within an ace of being | driven into the sea; still we hung on, | and finally' the rest of Europe, seeing that Napoleon was "not invincible, came back to the task of crushing bim Our great man--the Duke of Wel- lington--insisted that we should per- severe when the people, and even the Government of the day, were inclin- ed to give up. Those who thought the task hopeless had been discour- aged by one failure after another. They could point to a Dardanellas expedition more disastrous than ours. In February, 1807, a squadron of ships under Admiral Duckworth was dispatched with orders to force the Dardanelles, appear before Constan- tinople, and demand the surrender of the Turkish fleet. The Turks ne- potiated for a week, but in the mean- time, under French engineers, im- proved and extended the fortifica- tions to such an extent that Admiral Duckworth. found himself in a daa- gerous position, and was forced to retire with considerable loss. That failure was to be compensated for by landing British troops at Alexandria, | but here again the enemy was under- rated and a bumiliating evacuation followed. The Duke of Wellington's campaign in the Peninsula was han- dicapped through the home Govern- ment using for another purpose rein- forcements which he badly needed. Forty thousand fine troops were the island of Walcheren, The' eren expedition failed to take Ant- werp, and was so wasted by disease that a mere skeleton of the Army re- turned to En:land, - A hundred years ago our navy was supreme as it is now. The Battle of Trafalgar, fought when Napolecn was hardly atthe height of his pow- er, shattered the French navy for good. But Naraleon, like our arch- enemy to-day, hoped to destroy Eng- land's sea power by other means. His plan, how-:ver, did not involve tho wholesale slaughter of non-combat- ants. He was then master of prac- tically all the sea coast of Europe, except Spain and Portugal, and was looked on as an all vietorious leader, In 1806, by the famous Decrees of Berlin, he declared the British Isles to be in a state of blockade. He had no U boats to enforce his will, but his decrees made it a crime to have any intercourse with Great Britain, All British subjects found in acy country in alliancé with France were to be made prisoners, and every sr- ticle of British produce or manufac- ture was to be confiscatéd. To en- force this plan, which Napoleon call- ed the "Continental System," all the sea coasts were to be carefully pa trolled by Customs officers. But ple, and especially on his allies. Britain was then the only great man- ufacturing country in the world, and they had been in the habit of getting from ber a t and one neces- sary commodities. They would not give them up readily, and systematic smuggling began. Articles were especially imported from Bitaln into Spain and Portu- gal, and smuggled thence across ste French frontier. Napoleon saw that domination the "block- ade" was effective, and he began tne Peni War. i ed ftugal was our old ally. 3 landed troops there, and pe- Sih the war ar which ended in Na- EE ren whole of Europe against it } | sent under an incompetent command, er to the Netherlands and lan ageen | decrees told heavily on his own poo! dicted for first degree murder. GRAND 2 Continuons DAILY Performance 2--Vaudeville Acts--2 Virginia Pearson in "Blazing Love" Charlie Chaplin in "The Sap Mat. Evening, 10eg 10c served Se extra. A230 P. M. Prices: re- Any Seat «+ STRAND Theatre _ THURS, FRL, and SAT. F Re -------- | THE PEOPLE'S FORUM | 2 CONDENSED ADVERTISING WATES| irst insertion, 1c a word. Each con- secutive insertion thereafter, half- cent 8 word. Minimum charge for one "insertion, 23¢; three insertions, | x $1; ome month, $2. HELP WANTED A BOY FOR WHOLBSALE GROCERY | fice Apply Box 23. Wt G VIE MANETTO DUO FATTY ARBUCKLE | The Biggest Seream of the Season. The Waiters' Ball FRANK KEENAN and ENTD MARKEY "The Phantom" Matinee, 5 Evenings 10¢ and 15¢. Four Shows Dally, 2, 3.30, 7 & 8.45 p.m. . GRIFFIN' S Where Everybody THI ED AY, FRIDAY, Son RDAY Presents BLANCHE SWEET in | "THE DUPE™ | VAUDEVILLE ly DUFFY and MAY Gymnasts and Head-to-head Balancing. | The Athletic Weekly A Review of the World" Athletic Musty Suffers Comedy, | with Harry Watson. Prices--Mat. 10e; Evening, 10e¢, 15e. Two performances every evening, and 9 o'clock, Cc X {Gi A A |e [a | la < BASEBALL lis City Championship Cricket Field 'OUNG | MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR ENBRAL IRL FOR GENERAL OFFICE WORK. Apply Box 169, Whig Office ARTERS AND CARRIERS TO HAN- dle coal, ete, 8. Anglin & Co MAN AS SHIPPING AND time clerk. Apply in person to 8S. Anglin & Co. LIGHT housework. Mrs. Wimot, 91! Clergy IRLS, APPLY Laundry, corner Sydenham streets. Apply street west. STEAM | and KINGSTON of Princess MAID FOR GBRER. AL HOUSEWORK Apply Mrs er, corner of King and West streets. STEADY MAN TO work the year round. Fair, Kingston Station DRAW SAND; Apply R, H.| WASHING, | McPher-| NO Mrs Ave SERVANT; wages Aply 138 + University ENERAL Good son, A FIRST Work the & Co, CLASS PANT. | 'ar round. Ap- | Opera House T ONCE, maker ply O'Brien Block. OUNG GIRL, with light treated as family Whig ye ABOUT 15 OR 16 TO] housework Good | Box Apply BE ron \ s s good cook; ing Apply King street APABLE COOK GENERAL, IMMED- | fately; family of three. ' Apply 250 King street, in the evenings from | 7 to 10 o'clock * { CRVANT, MUS no washing Mrs. M. Sullivan, rad BOY WANTED We have another splendid op- oe ie he ee be ee Saturday, 3.15 pam. Ponies, vs. C.L.C. * FURNITURE class cendition mr mm. PRIVATE SALE ( A Upright piano, first large side board, dining room. table, kitchen cupboard, gag range (4 burn- ers), 4 rugs (nearly new), 2 fron beds, | springs and mattresses, 2 dressers, stands, dis cooking utensils and other artic Apply to Wm, Murray, Auctioneer, Phone 1382 { [op | Cle National Drink' | MAID FOR GENERAL H AGENTS A RELIABLE BOY yok GROCERY | wagon at Gore street store. Apply | to J. Gilbert, 194 Barrie street, orf corner Gore and Wellington 'streets. | COOK-GENERAL, CAPABLE OF good plain cooking. Will pay $30] a month to reliable party Mrs Wellington, 583 Huron street, To-| ronto. i i OUSE WORK | girl to take care ml school hours Aply in| the evening to Mrs. E. A. Rees, Bagot street. . | | WO CARTERS, STEADY WORK FOR | " reliable men. We wowld sell one or two complete carting outfits on easy terms to the right person,| with guarantee of steady work, | Jémes Swift & Company, Limited FOR OTTAWA, KINGSTON, and surrounding districts, required by a well known Insurance Com- pany, trapsacting Personal Acci- dent and Sickness, Automate, Burglary, Plate Glass, and Guar- antee business. Liberal contract | granted to gentleman possessing satisfactory credentials. Apply P. 0. Box 1030, Montreal. ~-t ~ POSITIONS WANTED, GRAPE JUICE v2 all ] Sree, Druggists and Seda 'ountat Buy It by the caus for the heme, FENWICK, HENDRY & CO. Distributors M THE WORLD'S NEWS IN BRIEF FORM. STEADY BY A COMPETENT, REIMABLE MAN, MAN WANTS EMPLOY. ment, any capacity. Apply Box| 228, Whig Office. i IDDLE AGED MAN REQUIRES | work, either as clerk, or charge of | any place of trust. Indoor work | preferred. Apply Box 500, W hie | Office. or- janitor, | position as watchman Als fifteen years experience. steamboat experience. Apply Princess street. § | GUN METAL, OPEN FACED WATCH, | STORAGE FOR SALE THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. COST itttle. ' Once, 25¢; three times 6&0; one week $1.00. Apu MPC ART, Street. 1914 FORD, TOURING BODY, IN Goon condition, new hood, cheap for cash. Apply Bax 118, Whig office. MeLAUGHLIN TOP BUGGY, RUBBER tired, nearly new, side curtains, ete; alo a Gladstone sleigh. Ap- ply 8. MeC ullagh, the Armouries. GENUINE VICTROLA AND TWELVE selections, your own choice, $28.50; $10 cash and $1.00 per week, C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. 121 Princess street. 1913 S5-PASSENGER AUTOMOBILE «= ! Starter, electric lights, etc. Must be sold at once, Apply Me- Laughlin Garage, Montre street. {capiLLAC, FIVE PASSENGER TOUR- ing car, at attractive price, In ex. cellent condition; complete equip- ment. Apply Howard 8 Folger, 14 Clarence street, EACH WITH ONB Suitable for gar- den. Also three Jots, all in city Limits, Reasonable rices and hr terms. Apply rlendship, 42 Albert street. TWENTY-FOUR AWN HITE RAT. APPLY 182 Clergy street i WATC eH FoB LOCKET, OWNER may- have same by ap Splving ta APPLY Pv WILLIAM i Whig Office | BROOCE raft i | ROT ND, WITH PORT. oung lady, found in rio park yy J. KE. ¢r may haye same || alll at Whig, Office M OF MONEY IN A THE | lobby of the Phst Office, Apply to Postmaster Stewart. FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- | { TISED FRKR ii Anyone finding anything and || Wishing to reach the owner may do so by reporting*the facls to The British Whig. The adver- tisement will be printed in this | calumn free of charge. |i LOST HEAD | name TWO HOUSES, acre of Eround. A WHITE FOX TERRIER half brown, answers to the of "Billy." Finder return to 230 Earl, street and receive reward. Phone | 665. ~ | between University ave- Bagot street, valued by as a keepsake teward | 311 University Ave. with fob, nue and little boy if returned--to FOOT LAUNCH, FIVE foot beam; cedar hull, trimmed with mahogany: ten-twelve hp. Kingston Foundry engine, 11 miles jor Dour. Apply Lieut. Vokes, R. > TO LET | "URN TRE WE HAVE A LOT OF Samp STOVES FOR FURNITURE, SEP- | | and a few very larg cookin; McCann, 83 Brock ranges; will sell cheap, Also a kinds of Burniture, good mattresses fid beds. J. Thompson, 333 Prin-v/ Peas street, arate rooma. treet. FURNISHED SITTING ROOM AND BED | ] rooms, 123 King St, opposite city T'hone 1600. park. { {aw EST HAL F, ur LOT NO. 2, TOWN. " x ship of Portlgnd, 100 acres, good OCTOBER | house, and outbuHdings, orchard do { ) sold in reasonable 'time, to . 4 | For further particulars ap- to C. N. Davy Sydenham, HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE shipmeut of high grade bicycles, and are offering special bargains for same. Also a large stock of Dunlop tires. George Muller, 376 King street. Phone 1032, 155 ACRES, TWO MILES the Newburgh One of 1 best located in Richmond Good -bulid- etc. For particulars address Scott, Napanee, Ont. A SIX ROOMED HOU 1st, modern improv t able 497 Barr OFFICES IN CLARENCE NT. CHAM. | bers. Apply to A. B. Cunningham, | = 79 Clarence street [we rent Apply | LARGE fireplace, conveniences, { v | FURNISHED ROOM, WITH) electric light and all | 140 Wellington St oF |sToRAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, | FARM Nopans Napanee, ary, alry rooms; your own lock and from key. Frost's City Storage, 2199 road Queen street. Phone 526b. farms FU Syme th Apply to i King and Prin RESIDENCE STOCK OF DRESSERS, O0U. ches, stoves, men's clothing, mill - { tary boots, alsp--new upholstered FRONT BED | chairs; large agsortment of sealers, n, bay window, in private fam- We buy all kinds of new and sec- entrally located, middle aged ond hand furniture. 8. Shapiro, 4% i pref rred. Box 24, Whig | Princess street. Phone 123 FARM, 225 ACRES, SIX MILES FROM | Kingston, house and outbuildings in good repair: well watered and wooded. Handy two schoolsy cheese factory rear of farm; mill at the front: wel adapted for dairying Also horses for stle, Ap- ply Mrs. Rosa Harpelle, Cataraqul Ont. LARGE FURNISHED fy, gentleman office. MUSIO | | MISS CARRIE BAJUS WILL RESUME her teaching of singing October | 3rd, 47 Ride { BERT F. COUPRR WILL RECEIVE | pupils -in 'p 'o and theory. Ad-| dress, 776 Princess street. Phone [pop gone BY G. A. BATEMAN'S KS. 556. | tate Agency, | MISS ANNIE A BRICK STORE AND STOREHOUSE Piano and Theory, in a smart country village, suite rE oF Je aranta able for any business or combina- xaminay HS. ot ress tion. Very cheap to a quick buy- ngwood s . er to close out an estate. FARM IN NEW ONTARIO CLAY BELT, frame dwelling, pwenLy acres seed- eh Would exchange for city pros perty. to at RURNS, TEACHER OF | Pupils prepar- Conservatory 129 Cols PEARL A. NESBITT, LT.CM., VOIC E | and organ. Pupil of Dr. A. 8. Vogt. | in piano. Pupils prepared for all examinations. Studio 449 Johnson | street. mm SHOP mw ov BLACKSM NTRY MISS OLIVE WOODMAN, SOPRANO, + village, with h dwelling, stables, and is prepared to take pupils In Voice tools, chea Culture and Theory of Music after September 8th, at her residence, 185 | A NUMBER OF GOOD HOUSES IN THR Ear]! street. Pupils prepared In city, cheap. Theory for Toronto Conservatory examinations. iss Woodman wil MONEY LOAN | IN SUMS OF 8300 accept cencert and recital engage- | $500, N. 000, $1,600 and up St rea- ments after Octobér 1st. 1 sonable rates. | 87 CLARENCE ST. K KINGSTON, PHONE BUSINESS NOTICES 396. WNINGS, VERANDAH CURTAINS, tents, canvas, skiffs for outboard motors, folding boat seats, fishing tackle, etc. Frank W, Cooke, 39% Clarence street. A LEGAL 1 B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and solcitor. Law office, 79 Clar- ence street, Kingston A. BOARD AND ROOMS. % MEDICAL Tidings From All Over Told In a Pithy and Pointed Way: At Detroit, Mich., Edwin F. Sweet, assistant secretary of commerce, was endotsed by the Democratic State Central Committee for the Demoerat- ic nomination for governor. United States authorities at New York object té incapacitated Canad- fan soldiers and British and French reservists landing at New York en route to Canadian cities. At Hartford, Conn., Mrs. Amy E. Archer-Gilligan, charged with p ing five inmates of her home for elderly people at Windsor, was in- A At, Boston Gaspare Di Cola, al wealthy importer and wholesale fruit dealer, died as a result of wounds inflicted by an unknown man who shot him five times. 8 Canada is experienéing something like a famine in steel rails. Not only is there a scarieity of rails for the little construction work that is in progress, but_rails are needed for the maintenance of constructed lines. The shortage is due to the war. A A FURNISHED HOUSE, TO WANTED GENERAL SIX_-ROOMED HOUSE RY SEPT. 1ST. Apply Box 248 Whig Office. WHOLE OR part, for family of four. Apply | Box 209, Whig Office. } SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO, DE- sires to rent a shop for a term of years. Address 164 Princess Street. '¥ OCT. IST, AN 8S OR 9 room house, all modern convenien- ces. Apply Whig Office for address REXPERIENCED DRESS AND SUIT maker Wants sewing by day or at home. Apply = John street or Box 149 Whig UNFURNISHED SITTING ROOM and two bedrooms, for two ladies, by Oect. 1st, In good locality. Ap- ply Box 921, Whig Office FURNISHED HOUSE IN GOOD LO- cality, rent about $25 per month, from Oct. 1st until May 1st. Ap- ply to G. B, Box 123, ig Office 1 h tn part yment of os for cash or In Pa; of ne planos and Vietro C. W. Lind- say. Limited. 131 cess treet GENTLEMAN STUDENT DESIRES room or room and board with pri- vate family in the vicinity of Fron- A We on street, Apply to Box 818, The Brightest Go. (Hamilton Heri) Among the latest Victims of the| ™* war is Lieutenant Raymond Asquith, son of the British premier. He was an exceptionally brilliant and promis ing young man, the author of one of PERSONAL WARTS BIRTHMARKS blem- % Roa gy out ear} ® ence, J. lake Eye. Bas oat ang Skin street. the most beautiful poems inspired by the war. . r E. J. Kelly, business for the big opera, "The Erni opera, is in the city arranging for his traction at the Grand next Friday) BR. and Saturday. ¥, a: "EETT ROR ad FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, | every convenience: central loocs-| tion.- Apply 243 Brock street. FURNITURE FINISHING DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. er. Sal or drop a card. 23 John atree DR. CLARENCE ALMANZAR HOW. ard, late of Westport, phveloian { and surgeon, 317 University Ave. Phone 1801 FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND ment Soclety; incorporated president, Colonel H. R. Smith, C.M.G.; vice-president, W. F. Nie-- kle, K.C oney issued on city and farm properties, municipat ana country debentures; mortgages pur- chased; investment bonds for sale; deposits. received and - in- terest allowed R. C. Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarence St, Kingston INVEST. 1863; DRESSMAKING ' PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS | dressmaking, cutting by measure, | designing, trimming, ete.; three | gollars, including system. 'Madame | er, New York Dressmaking | Bearatn, 253 Princess Spreet, corner | Sydenham. } | LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLORE | Fire Insurance Company. Available ! assets $61,187,216. In addition to whieh the polleyholders have for security the uli ted lability of city Property. in red at possible rates Before renewing old or giving new: busine Ket rites from Strange & Strange, Agents. Phone 225, PATENTS BABCOCK & SONS, Patents, marks, designs. Estab. 1877. orm. | erly Patent Office Examiner. Master | of Patent Laws. k, atent Pro- | tection" free. 99 St. James St. anit Branched: Ottawa, Wash ngton. trade lowest real. Help Wanted .. Sole bd, ec hd far, bine mil 2 , milling machine helpers, blacksmiths, ordinary laborers. Highest rate of wages, open'shop, no labor troubles. Apply, Canadian Logomotive Co., Ltd. - Kingston, Ont. YOUR WINTER COAL We have a large stock of coal but will need more to sup- ply all our custom. Please -make sure of yous supply by

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