TY i. A News F rom Eastern Ontario o Poin]. or FON THE DTRCT CLIPPED FROM 1 THE WHIG" s| MANY BRIGHT Ei EXC HAXGES, Chit op AND BUILDINGS LOST. DARLINGSIDE BUDGET Does Damage to teen Thousand Dollars. ite a fev Peterbe Sept. 22.---Fire which from. - t locadity ite a 18W | broke off on the farm of Thomas H. Ogdensburgh fair. The weather st t Cavan Township, toial continues very dry, and farmers ha yeason's crop and a as yet been unable to do little if any ' the farm, and cau plowing. Shanley Latimer is erect- Sxient of about an ing a garage for his.car. Robert Mc- ' v nd Was blowing, an : Cullough has just complefed putting k of fire protection the n new floors of concrete in his cow quickly, and nothing and, horse stabl wed. One dwelling, four ocked with crops, and a arm implements, inelud- Ng machine, the t Lewis Mo: of rook, were destroyed, It is thought hat the outbreak was caused spark from the thrasher. f News and Comment Upon Current Fire Events. Sept. 21 ro, Darl le In Brief Form 2 the 1 Events a The Country About Kingston Are Told | ~i'ull of Interest to Many, Perth's tax-rate i3 35 mills this year, and this will leave a deficit of over $15,000, J. 'Cranston, ceived word that his son, been wounded. 2 At Lyn on Wednesday the marri- age took place of. Miss Sadie Wiltse S and William Neddo, | Mr. McQuaig, Picton, iz taking George Campbell's place on the staff of the Bank of Montreal, Tweed. The honor roll, occupying a prom- inent position in Melville church, shows the names of nine brave boys who have enlisted. - the Rev. T. C. Brown united in marri- | war age at Brockville on Wednesday fering t Miss Kathleen Margaret Burke and [parts of the country Burton Edwin Sanford. to buy a share in the James A. Neilson has getired from {Great Br n as to buy the milk business in Carleton Place | tea. If similar to accept a good position with a dairy fin n Canada the Government would get company near Toronto {the money required, thrift would be Brockville council has passed a by | encouraged, and we would be doing first contingent, and has so far law imposing a pool tax of five dol {our borrowing at home instead of escaped injury lars per annum on «ll men between If abroad . ah on i the ages of twenty-one and Sialy, | a Final Honors to Capt. McDermid. Mrs. (Rev.) G. R. Lang, Vegre- Kemptville, Sept. 23 The funeral | ville, Alta is on a visit to her sister, of the late Capt. J. H. McDermid, Miss Ellen 1 Findlay, Carleton who died at Halifax, was held here Place, who at present very Hi {seers declare to be the absolutely Ne" | vesterday. The late Capt, McDermid R. A. Gould, whg was for some |cessary condition of prosperity in|' time manager ofthe Great North | Canada In that event what are we was wounded in France some two 3 months ago while defending his bro- Western telegraph office, in Belle-dgoing to do when the war stops? ville has been transferred to North | ther, Archie, who was killed in ac {mm tion Captain McDermid was ex- Bay I pected to recover, and was brought Mg. and, Mrs ville, are still at i | | ve damage to ihe 000 Al owing to spre ead 1 be" Merrickville, has re- Harry, has ibles -- { way they keep makking of living, the price mak- 1ink we are all Allisons show how the cost of up. They do not show ow the guality of it goes down. continuous From the pro- up the cost ¥ ton, Mill by a Only a Month at Froht. Belleville, Sept. 23.--Pte., Jacob Palmer, Derbyville, who is reported as killed in action on Sept. 2nd, tried to go overseas at the outhreak of the war; but was refused. Last sum- mer he came home to visit his par- ents, and underwent an operation in a Kingston hospital to enable him to join the ranks. He returned to the means 3 pound of West, enlisted at Winnipeg, and had RY sn " heen at the front only one month when he was killed. His brother, Arthur, t has seen service with the Systematic and effort s what counts which Britain al strain Gover bonds in them is ¢ Ere nents mal all ng the finan t measure due' to offering yunts, and of- ime and in all It is as easy war loan of in of It took a war in Europe to bring about the favorable balance of trade which one sc our political ool of is hose triumph who smile When mists of doubt obscure final goal Then give us strength, valley's gloom, To note that on the ers bloom most, Albert Davern, Mel the Valcartier and will ailing of their son, service over back to Canada The father, Rev Mr. McDermid, Perth, remain until the St. Paul's church here for eighteen Lieut, W. A. Davern, for year The family were well known seas K in . Kemptville and hundreds turned W. H. Cumstock, jrockville millionaire, to To | out to show their last respects ronto to join the aviation corps at Long Branch preparatory for over seas service, Mrs. Arthur McConkey, with three children, Calgary, visiting rela-| tives in Prince Edward, spending last week the guests of My. and Mrs. Jas. MdConkey, Cagsecon Lake, On Wednesday night Carléton Place gave a fine reception to Sergt. | J. H. Brown and Pte. Upton returned | soldiers. Sergt, Brown is to get a commission in the 240th Battalion. The death of Gilbert J. Johnson, accountant in the Hawthorn and Bates Innes mills, Carleton Place, occurred on Thursday last. Typhoid fever was his ailment. Deceased was twenty-seven years of age. The cottages at Hickory Park were occupied this summer by Mrs. W. P. Reynolds and Miss Josephine Rey- nolds. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Reburn and family, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Willcox and family, New York. At Smith's Falls on Wednesday the marriage took place of Miss Margaret Coughlin and Julian Ches- ter Boyd. The groom is now a resi- dent of Winnipeg. He is a son of Robert Boyd, of the five mile light- house, Brockville, » when in the hillg, the flow- | jr., son of a went Work of Kingston Engineers, | The Li amp Exploded. Calabogie, Sept. 21. --Hydro-electric | Napanee, Sept. 23.--On Thursday | power construction has not been | Fred. Thompson, on going to be ed | | commenced here by M. J. O'Brien, blew out the light, but failed to notice | Renfrew. Engineers Johnston and|that the flame was driven down ute Sells are still in Calabogie, but they|the nil. S hortly after; his wife awoke are engaged upon survey work be- | and found the lamp had exploded and gun a couple of months ago. Mr. |the room was on fire. After a few O'Brien "has made a purchase of |strenuous minutes the fire was. ex- some ground bordering along the tinguished, village side of the river, and is re-|gijerable ported to have made overtures to! | carpet, John A. McIntyre looking to the pur- i chase of his farm. Messrs. Johnston) and Sells are to return to Kingston when Queen's University opens for! the fall term, the former being a lec- turer on mathematics in the famous Seat of learning, Tiey have gone { wounded and admitted Southward over the ground---and water---thar- IM ve tal Lon Adi oughly, procuring a great deal of Military Hospital in London. ry ant, who was a member of the 8th er a the Calabogie wate Mounted Rifles, of Kingston, had previously been wounded, but is damage had been done to| bedd! ing and wearing apparel. | Wounded Third "Time. Belleville, Sept. 22.---Frank Bry- ant received a telegram from the re- cord office, Ottawa, that his son, Pte. Eddie Bryant, had been seriously / twice Temptation Now Removed. Brockville, Sept. 22.--James | Burns, Brockville, was sentenced to! serve six months in the Central Pri- son, and Frank Mitchell, of Jasper, three months in the counties jail by Judge Dowsley at a special session of the counties criminal court for as- sault upon Robert Ferguson The latter was attacked on his own ver- andah by the men. The judge gave a lenient sentence becapse of the part] played by liquor, a temptation now | removed. ! {in the-firing line. Damages Asked. Napanee, Sept, 23.--Mrs. Annie Manion, wife of Thomas Manion, of the township of Richmond, tripped and fell upon the pavement on the south side of Dundas street, in front of A. 8. Kimmerly's store on . Sept. 16th, and refeived severe injuries, and claimed that the accident was due to.the negligence of the corpora- tion. She wants damages. Of the $100, 000 required for the endowment of Albert College, Belle- ville, $78,000 has been subscribed. THE LONDON DIRECTORY (Published Annually) enables traders throughout the world to communicate direct with English MANUFACTURERS & DEALERS In each class of goods. Besides be- ing 4 complete commercial guide to London and its suburbs the Direc, tory contains lists of EXPORT MERCHANTS with the goods they ship, and the Colonial and Foreign Markets they supply; STEAMSHIP LINES arranged under ihe Ports to which they sail, and indicating the approxi- mate sailings; : PROVINCIAL TRADE NOTIC, of leading Manufacturers, Merchints, ete., in the principal provincial towns and industrial centres of the United Ruguom, Sentenced at Winnipeg Edward Back, Winnipeg Telegram, given month in jail and $500, by Judge Galt, for contempt of court. Stanley Beck, reporter, month ic jail. B. R. Deacon, two weeks in jail and $100 fine. Knox Magee, 1 monts and $500 fine. Pa, Exley, night constable, Nap- has resigned, WwW, anee, 8. Motor Boat and Automobile Supplies JHalliday's Electric Shop, hone 94 :: :: :: 345 King Street 7 Charm Ceylon Tea Black, Green, ited Packed in King- on by GEO. ROBERTSON ys SON, Limited. -- At All Grocers -- A copy y of the current edition will be forwarded freigmt paid, on re- ceipt of Postal Order for $5, Dealers seeking agencies can ad- vertise their trade cards for $5 or lar ger advertisements from $15. The LONDON DIRECTORY C0., Ltd. Ti Abchurch Lane, London, B.C. 1A Good Day's Wor gum bien in the morning, an Le When a man attends to hi other people's business alone life in the "old and tried" Canada Life Assurance Company, he has _ done a good day's work. ng : > Wanted: Agénts to represent the Canada Life Assurance Company. Liberal contract offered, "along with a course in Life, Assurance. means large earnings. Apply to iH N \ y Extent of Fif- was pastors of | | upon recovering resumed his duties | WOE SD avy draught team, G u wier and Son, Fred Staley. her he Keyes Bros. Colt, Keves Bros., Hugh Horne, -Colt, yearling, orge Boyd, 10a at years old, Maxim Greenwood. Fred Staley. General purpose team, H. Esford, Greenwood, Wm, Mosier. Mare, 1.at her side, R. Mosier and Son, ar nes Hulton. Colt,-three years old, Frank Faweett,' David Wats. two years old, Frank Fawcett, Boyd. Colt, yearling, Frank Faw- ett, W. Mosier, W. Mosier, Colt, 1916, R. Mosier and Son. Carriage-horses--Mare, foal at her side, T. J. Connelly, Wm. Mosier, M. Greenwood. Colr, 1916, M. wood, ©. Hawkins, Wm. Mosier; celt, three years old, R. Mosier and Son, M. Greenwood, Colt, two years old, Thomas Rogers, T. Greenwood. Colt, yearling, M. Greenwood. Carriage team, 15 hands and over, ; McCready, H. Bsford, F. M. ( 1gEY horse 13 hands and over, Brown, E, -Briceland, E. Grim- . Buggy horse, under 15 hands, es Brown, R. Howe, T. Green| vood Thoroughbred Holstein -- Bull,! 81s, Frank Briceland, O. Hawkins. I Durham, bull,,two years old and over, E. Briceland. Reg. Jerseys, two years old and over, J, y. Cow, milch, Rev. Father ing, 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Heifer | 1916, Rev. Father Fleming. irade Ayrshire--<Cow, mileh, Wm. Allinson, F. Briceland, 2nd and 3rd. | Heifer, two years old, Richard Card. Heifer calf, 1916, Richard . Card.| {Grade Holstein cow, milch, William Hawkins, 1st and 2nd; Frank Brice- land Heifer, two | Greenwdod. Heifer, Connell 1st and 2nd. 1916, T. Greenwood. Grade Jersey--~Cow, milch, T. Greenwood. irade Durham---Co milch, Frank Briceland, 1st and; T Greenwood. Heifer, yearling, T Greenwood. Sheep, long te n a yearling, Heifer, calf, wool, awe having | 1916; William Kemp, Harry | and 3. Ewe, yearling, Wm. 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Ewe lamb, William Kemp, 1st, 2nd and [12 ambs, Boyd, 2 | Ke mp, 1916, ard Shey, | lambs, short wool---Ewe, having | 1916, T. J. Connelly, Harry | { Boyd, Harry, Boyd. 'Ewe, shearling, T. J. Connelly, 1st, 2nd and 3rd: Ewe lambs, 1916, T, J. Connelly, 1st 2nd and 3rd. Swine, Yorkshire brood--Sow, one| 2nd. though not before con-|year old and over, Wm. Mosier, 1st| McCready. Shadow embroidery, Mrs. under | McCready, and FRid. Best litter of pigs, | two months, David Watts, | 1916, Thomas Rogers. | Swine---Berkghire Frank Fawcett. Swine ChestéF white--Boar, one year old and over, reg. William Mosier. Best litter pigs not over iwo months old, R. Mosier & Son. Saw, 1916, William arom ir; William Mosier, 2 and 3 Swine, Tamworth--Brood - SOW, one year old and aver, David Watts, | R. Mosier & Son, 2 and 3. Best brood sow, pigs at her side, William | Allison, R. Mosier & Son. Best| litter pigs not over two months old, William Allinson, Agrieultural Department -- Goose wheat, Keyes Bros. Spring wheat, Fife, E. Briceland. Beans, large, George Friend. Field peas, smail, Pavid Watts, George Friend. Field peas, large, E. Briceland, Geo. Sow, | sow, Mare Ranus. 2 Colt, | Geo. | years old, T.| G. | *| Friend, | Cready, 1916, | FAR PRE LT keted, Mrs Rag mat, McCready. . Cdrpet, Mrs. Rattray. dies, Mrs. mat, croc McCready, any kind,' ra¥, Homemade mits, MeCready, 1st and 1st and McCready, 161 | crocketed, Mrs. {ous. Shawl, Mrs. Ranous. McCeady. Grimshaw, Mrs. McCready. Ladies' | Jacket, knitted, Jessie Cooper, Grimshaw. 1st and 2nd. Mrs. McCready, and Rattray, 2nd. Mrs. Shawl, crocketed, Mrs. hahd Rattray, Plain Mrs. Gents' Green- | White shirt, machine made, Mrs. Ran- | § ous. | made, Gents' flannel shirt, E. Grimshaw, Mrs, { Guilt, coecketed, Mrs, { Mrs. Rattray. Quilt, McCready, Mrs. Ranous. Quilt, -cot- { ton patchwork, Mrs. R. Pyke, Mrs. | Rattray. Quilt; woollen patchwork, { Mrs. R. Pyke. Quilt, { Mrs. William Henderson, { Pyke. Quilt, tuft, Mrs. Mrs. Rattray. Quilt, Henderson, Richard Card. Quilt, | embroidered, Mrs. McCready, Mrs. Ranuous. Work apron, Mrs. Hender- son, Mrs. McCready. Fancy Work and Fine Arts--Wool wreath, Mrs. Ranous. Feather flow- ers, E. Brice land. Braid crocket -| Work, Mrs. McCready, 1st and 2nd. | Richelieu embroidery, Mrs. McCrea- {dy, 1st and 2nd. Punch work em- | broidery, Mrs. McCready, 1st and 2nd. Sofa cushion, cotton, Mrs. Me- | Cready, 1st and 2nd. Sofa cushion, jany kind, Mrs. McCready, 1st and, 2nd. Pin cushion, cotton, Mrs. Mc- Cready, E. Grimshaw. Pin cushion, | silk, Mrs. McCready. Pins cushion, any kind, Mrs. McCready, E. Grim- shaw. Berlin wood work, plain, {| Mrs. McCready, Mrs. Henderson. Berlin wool work, raised, Mrs. Me | Cready, ju and 2nd. Dinner mats, croeketed, Mrs. McCready, J. Brown. Dinner mats, any kind, George Mrs. McCready. Slippers, handmade, Mrs. McCready. Cross | stitch embroidery, Mrs. McCready. Doilies, Mrs. McCready, Mrs. R. | Pyke. Towels, embroidered; Mrs. McCready, R. Card. Collection. of t towels, Mrs. McCready, Mrs. R. [ Pyke. Pillow cases, embroidered, Mrs. McCready. Mount Mellick, em- broidered, Mrs. McCready. English elet, Mrs. McCready, Mrs. R. vke. French embroidery, Mrs. Mc- William Allinson. Hardanger Embroidery, Mrs. McCready, 1st and Wallachain embroidery, Mrs. machine | Ranous. McCready, knitted, Mrs.| Mrs. R. McCready, outline, Mrs, Mrs, R. Pyke. Worsted work, Mrs. McCready, 1st and 2nd. {Five o'clock tea cloth, embroidered, E. Grimshaw. Five o'clock tea cloth, crocheted, Mrs. Rattray. Tray cloth, Mrs. McCready, Mrs. Henderson. Irish crochet, Mrs. McCready, Mrs.4---- Rattray. Battenburg, Mrs. McCrea- dy, Mrs. Henderson. Drawnwork, Mrs. McCready, T. Greenwood. Buttonholes, R. Card, E, Grimshaw. Slipper case, Mrs. Me- Cready, Mrs. Keown. Whisk holder, | Mrs. McCready. Three handkerchiefs, | ha 3d made, Mrs. McCready. Fancy apron, Mrs. McCready, 1st and 2nd. Toilet set, Mrs. McCready, 1st and 2nd. Braiding on cotton, Mrs, Me- Cready, Mrs. Henderson. Embroid- ery on wool, Mrs. McCready, E. Grim- shaw. Edging, knitted, Mrs. Mec- Cready 1st and 2nd. Lace, crochet, Mrs. McCready, Mrs, Rattray. Point lace, Mrs. Henderson, Mrs. Me- Friend. Oats, white, David Watts, Thomas Rogers George Friend. Bar- ley, David Watts. Corn in ear, vel- low, Thomas Rogers. Corn in ear, sweet, Henderson Horne, William | Mosier, Thomas Rogers. Potatoes, McGlynn: Bros. Carrots, table red, Henderson Horne. Grass seed Keyes | Bros, Blood beets (turnips), Geo. | Friend. Cabbage, George Friend, 1 and 2. Onions, David Watts, James Brown. Onions, red, J. Brown. Celery, George Friend, E. Briceland. Vegetables, best collection, Hender- son Horne, James Brown. Parsnips,| George Friend, Henderson Horne. Dairy and. biking--Butter, Mrs. McCready, Mrs. Burrows, W. H.| Woodwman. Butter in prints, Mrs. McCready, E. Grimshaw, W. H. Woodman. Cheese (factory made), Arthuf Henderson, John O'Shea. Home made bread, T. Greenwood, Mrs. Ranous, William Misiner. Buns home-made plain, William Mosier, Mrs. Ranous, Mrs. R. Pyke. Honey! in comb, Rev. Father Fleming, Al; bert, Docteur. Bottle home-made wine, George Friend. Mrs Ranous. Specimen canned fruit, Henderson Horne. Pickles, home-made, Mrs. Ranous, Mrs. R. Pyke. Chili Sauce, E. Grimshaw, Mrs. Ranous. Tomato catsup, William Mosief, Mrs. Rangus. Jelly, William Mosier, E. Briceland. Layer cake, Mrs, R. Pyke, William Mosier, Fruit cake, Henderson Horne, Mrs. R. Pyke. Fried cakes, R. Card, Mrs. R. Pyke. Sweet Cider, { E. Briceland. Fruit--Collection apples, Henderson Horne, William Mosier, E. Briceland. Apples, best single variety, Hender- son Horne, E. Briceland. Fall apples, E. Briceland, Henderson Horne. Win- ter apples, William Mosier, E. Brice- land, William Kemp. Pears, William Mosier, E. Briceland. Plums, E. Briceland, Ist and 2nd. . Grapes E. Briceland, Mrs. Rano Pumpkins, cinnamon, E. Bricefand. Pump- kins, field, FE. Briceland, John Abbott. Squash, ordinary, Henderson Horne. Tomatoes, R. Mosier and son, Wil- liam Mosier. Cucumbers, David Watts, J. Abbott, Poultry -- Rhode Island Reds, David Watts, Frank Fawcett. Rhode Island Reds, 1916, David Watts. Brown Leghorns, Keyes Bros. Ban- tams, Frank Fawcett, Thomas Rog- ers. Bantams, 1916, - A. He | Rocks, Ply- | Watts, Re aczed Stiver i m wkins. fr Sez aaacte. celand. Cready. . Plain, crochet, Mrs. Me- Cready . Mrs. McCready. Crayon drawing, Jessie Cooper, Mrs. Mec- Cready. Freehand drawing, Jessie Cooper, Mrs. R. Pyke. Painting on | silk or satin Mrs. Henderson, 1st and' i 2nd. Painting in oil (landscape and animals, amateur), Jessie Cooper, | Mrs. 'Henderson. Painting on china, [ Jessie Cooper Mrs. Henderson. Paint- | ing in water colors (amateur) Jessie | Cooper, Mrs. McCready. Painting in | water colors (professional), Jéssie { Cooper._* ~ Flowers--House plants, Gearge | Friend, E. Briceland. Foliage, Wil- | liam Allison, E. Briceland. Fuchias, | E. Briceland, Mrs, Rattray, Roses, E. | Briceland 1st and 2 Palms, E. Briceland 1st and oe] Asters, BE, Grimshaw, E. Briceland. Geraniums, George Friend, E. Briceland. Feath- ered Coxecomb, E. Briceland 1st and 2nd. Boston Sword Fern, E. Brice- land 1st and 2nd. Whiteman Fern, iE. Briceland 1st. and 2nd. As- E. Brieeland 1st Rubber plant, E. Ggrimshaw. Carnations, E. Grim- shaw, E. Briceland. Dahlias, E. Briceland. Petunias, E. Briceland 1st and 2nd. Gladiolas, E. Brice- land 1st and 2nd. Every day bloom- er, William Mosier 1st and 2nd. Mor- way Pine Plany, Géarge Friend. Fir Ball Salavi ¥. Grimshaw 1st and 2nd." Cu overs E. Grimshaw, George Friend. Begonias, E. Brice- land 1st and 2nd. Star Plant, George Friend, NOTHING OFFICIAL paragus Fern, and 2nd. Who Is Reported Kilied--His Brother Is Major the 155th. Major A. P. Allen of the 155th Barriefield Camp, was called by tele- phone Friday night by his mother in Belleville with regard to his brother, Lieut. A. Allen of the 21st Battalion, Mrs. Allen picked up a late edition of the Toronto Star and saw by a special cable, that her younger son was reported killed in the big battle a week ago. No official announce- ment has yet come to the family. Mrs. | Mrs. | homemade, la-| 2nd. i Knitted gents' socks, Mrs. MeCready, 2nd, ) Shirt, kn} tted, Mrs. | Shirt, Ran- knitted, Mrs. McCready, | Ladies' 'jacket, knitted, E. | Darning, Mrs. McCready | sewing, | silk patchwork, | ABOUT LIEUT. ALLEN | Soldiers ! Attention! BALANCE OF J. M. ASHBY'S KHAKI - GOODS TO BE SOLD | ® Half Price Khaki Overcoating, Khaki Suiting, ° Khaki Caps, Bedford Cords, Cap Covers, Chevrong * All new goods a must. be sold Iedintely Apply, MRS. J. M. ASHBY, 156 Frontenac Street, or Phone 1809 IVY TeV we ewes selon nmin "Have You a Photo Taken in Your Own Front Room? No depoatt required. We try to please, Prices from 37 te $35. Have a Negative aken at our expense. Home portrature and, groupsspecialties, BLAKEMORE, Stuart Street, City. "C" Battery, R.C.H.A. Wants Recruits Tete Du Pont Barracks A Fitting Tribute to the dead may be ordered here with every confidence that the work will be carefully and artistically executed. We erect monuments in all styles from the plainest to the more elabor- ate. Estimates and sketches furnish- ed on request, El | ------------------ A AAA AARAA Your Oppo VICTROLA 1V. P 24 esi Say. $33.90. Terms: $10 cash, $1.25 per week CW. Lindsay Limited NORFOLK Sizes 24 to $3.50 to $12.00 D. B. SACK SUITS Sizes 26 to 35 .$4.50 to $10.00 Boys' School to $10. Shirt ayaists, Chaice for $3.75. a Shirts, Etc. 127 Princess Street /