YEAR NO. 83224 PHOTOGRAPH OF KING GEORGE'S VISIT TO THE SC ME FRONT PHOTOGRAPH OF KING GEORGE'S VISIT TO THE SOMME FRONT. ng at the graveside of Pennington, on the Somme battlefield The King and' the Prince of Wales (in trench) visit a captured German trench at Fricourt P - g ON THE SOMME N rt ] nm of 155 | metres being-setiinteo-place: eh with gas masks. On one of the gunners can be seen a wrist watch, which is welded to his arm, and Is stamped with the wearer's number, which is re corded in Paris for identification purposes. WITH THE FRENCH FORCES ON THE SOMME FRONT Junners with rapid fire gun behind barrier of rocks.' Note 'how the soldier holding the cartridge belt must lie on his back while the gun is being fired. HARVESTING ™ FRANCE. German prisoners are working in the French fields to harvest the wheat for the winter. Our photo shows a batch of prisoners feeding a thresher. PRELIMINARY TRI OF CURTISS SPEED SOOUT.--The Model S2 speed scout of 100 horsepower. Which . KING AND QUEEN OF BELGIUM VISIT THE SOMME' signed by Mr. Curtiss t&eliminate all exposed wires and has but two wing posts, w: : wo cently, when pilot Victor Caristrom flew over a surveyed mile course at a speed of Li! per hour. : Photograph shows King Albert and the, Queen of Belgium and their sons visiting the _¥et made with a motor of 100 Sorsepomar. nd establishes a new world's a3 ml for such a > : :