NCDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity ~What the Merchants Offer to the "Huyler's Sweets" at Gisfon's. Coleman's Epicure acon and Hams at Gilbert's, Dr. and Mrs. Miss Kathleen leave on Oct. for England. A 50¢ Kidney Pill, 25¢ at Gibson's. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, "21 King street. Leave orders at McAul- ey"s Book Store. "Huyler"s Sweets" at Gibson's. The Weather Man gave the Kings- ton InduStrial Exhibition the best of weather for the show. "A 50c Kidney Pill, 25¢ at Gibson's. Major W. L. Grant,' Kingston is convaléscing in the I. O. D. E. hospi- tal at Hyde Park, London. i Buy your home supplies at Gil: bert's stores. Satisfaction guaran- teed. "Buy Shaving Cream" at Gibson's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank LeClair and little son, Mexico, N. Y., are visiting her mother, Mrs. E. Ball, Alfred street. "Huyler's Sweets" a Gibson's. Miss Lorraine Shortt, Marlborough avenue, Ottawa, has arrived in the city to resume her studies at Queen's University. A 50¢ Kidney Pill, 25¢ at Gibson's. "Billy" Matheson, the evangelist, spoke in the Union Street Baptist church on Monday night, and gave a stirring appeal. 'Gilbert's Bulk Teas are better and cheaper than package teas. A 50c Kidney Pill, 26¢ at Gibson's. W. H. Wyllie gave an interesting address on "Child Welfare' at the Brock Street Methodist Epworth League meeting Monday evening. "Buy After Shave" at Gibson's. Cooke's Church choir gave $5 to the Belgian Fund, and the president of the Board of Trade wishes to ac- knowledge the receipt of the dona- tion. Fair people will find fair dealing at Gilbert's stores. William Tait, Superintendent of Public Utilities, Picton, has been in the city attending his father's fun- eral, the late William Tait, Clergy street, "Buy Shaving Cream' at Gibson's. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bateman and friends motored to Gananoque - to- day to call en Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bateman at their summer camp at Hay Island. A 50c Kidney Pill, 25¢c at Gibson's, The results of the recent supple- mental examinations in the faculties of Arts and Applied Science were posted at Queen's University on Tuesday morning. Clarence Emberly, tonian, now located in Wimpeg, has been visiting his home in Yarkef, and also in Kingston. He is in busi- ness in Winnipeg. "Physicians recommend' Red Cross Cough Syrup. They know it cures all coughs. Sold only at Gib- géon's Red Cross Drug Store. The baseball team of the 156th Battalion will play the C.L.C. team to-morrow at 10 a.m. at the fair grounds. The military team has cleaned up all the honors at Barrie- field camp. Mark Cummins, the famous player BANKING SERVICE Business men are offered in this Bank the satisfactory banking service provided by our com- plete facilities and extensive -connections. Your business and private accounts are invit- ed. Established 1835 Edward Ryan and Assets 10th $66,000,000, BANK or TORONTO Market Square, Kingston. Geo. B. McKay, Manager. A bargain in a lot, size 44x 132, Earl street, for . . .. .. .. $800. J. K. CARROLL AGENCY, 56 Brock Street. i Phobia: Office 68; Res. 874 ~, ibd, SILVER SPOONS, KNIVES and FORKS. Now is the time to replenish your tableware. Our stock of spoons, forks and knives is both large and choice at prices to 'suit everyone. R. J. RODGER "Where the Clock is on the Walk." 132 Princess Street -- You Can Count On It When we take care of your storage bat- tery there's no doubt of quality service. We have established ourselves as experts. Will you come in and be convinced? I. LESSES, hone 1045 507 Princess 8t Free inspection of any battery at any time Are You F. J. JOHNSON, Florist a fermor Kings- 'Interested? ERS Lo FRESH CUT FLOWERS, PALMS AND FERNS in a box of fine stationery) if so you should see our window. We have some very fine lines to offer at pép- Floral NE 289. of the Cornwall Lacrosse Club, has received a gun-shot wound in the leg. Mark was a member of the 59th Battalion, which left for the front in the spring. ular prices. It is our intention to make the Stationery Line one of our leaders, so that in future we intend serving the up town residents more satisfactorily than in the past. Hoag's Drug Store Opp Y.M.CA. a Watts Florist Flowers and Plants red Funeral Riaigne Jo order. Ie ire Wellner St, a 1762 "PARADIS GARAGE oor yr hr Brock rent Auto Supplies, Gasoline at 33e, Meter Of. J. Ovila Beaudry, late city editor VINEGAR Pure Spirit Vinegar, Pure Cider Vinegar, "Pure Malt Vinegar, Pure Pickling : Preserving S, J. M. GORDON Pure Food Grocer Cor. Bay and Montreal Sts. Phone 88 Anderson Bros. ternoon presented by his former fel low employees with a handsom cigarette case, engraved. He is tak- ing a position on a paper in"another city. Select Crawford "Peaches from Robertson, St. Catherines, best in the city, at Gilbert's stores. Special low prices on teas for fair people. 10 1b. select Japan tea, $3; pedlars charge $4. For sale at Gil- bert's stores. . Provost, Brock street, has this ear an extra fine assortment of eeds, Cheviots and Satgoy for his order clothing - His ready-made clothing and pi fur- nishing department are well assort- ed with new goods. A------------ Manufacturers of High Class SAUSAGE, HAM and BACON. Wholesale and Retail STREET 322, House 611. Fe The Late Miss Annie Elliott. After an illness of six nanthe duration, the death Tuesday morning of Annie Biliott, eldest daughter of the late Robert Elliott, of this city. Deceased was born here and has been a lie-long resident of the city, where she has always been held in high esteem. She has been a most faithful member of St. Paul's church. The late Miss Elliott is survived by two sisters, Jennie and Katie, both of whom reside in the city, and of Omaha, Cars for Hire. Washing Cars: Large, $1.00, Efficient Service guaranteed. Give us » vail, E. PARADIS, Prop. Bon Marche Grocery i Shit, Anderson Bros. Princess and Division Sts, Phones 458 - 1846. Se Downes Garage i rae Wok oF in ond Wash Cos. Sobel Bt Mmmamable Hales Cars for Hire. Gasoline, Oils and Greases Always on - Hand. of the Standard, was on Monday af-} ren a A230 P. MN DAILY oi ad 730P 0 2222854 % Perfomance 2 Vaudeville Acts--2 | 5 Reel Feature Film | THEDA BARA in | "EAST LYNNE" | And Other Photoplays. Evening, Mat. 4 0c; re- Seat Prices: Any served Ue extra. ONE NIGHT ONLY Prices 50c¢, 75¢, $1, $1.50 Seats Now On Sale. Tickets ordered and left at Box Office if not called for by Tuesday] noon will be placed on sale again. 2;NIGHTS Sm SEP. 29 Matinee Saturday at 2.830 The Aborn' Opera Co, present Prices--Evening, 25¢, 50¢, 75¢, $1, Matinee 25¢, 50c, 75¢, $1.00. Seats on Sale Wednesday. STRAND Theatre MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY. VaungiilE and Pletures. The Manetto Duo" in a complete Farha "Douglas Fairbanks" New Yorin Favorite Comedian in. his "Flirtin . Latest g With Fate" 4 tek 'Flirtin rung Keystone Comedy Wings Matinees 5c; Evellings 10c ': Joe. Four shows daily, 2, 2, 550, 7, as GRIFFIN'S" Everybod monn AY: (TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Myrtle Stec Stedman in "The American Beauty" A Famous Players Rele: . Fr Danie In Another of Those Mr. Jack Coinedies Vaudeville BECK & WOODS In Comedy and Harmony Sin A Pathe News W. ZmShows Every Evening--2 7 and 9 o'clock. Prices--Mat. We; Evening 10c and 15e. a A et at 4 a9 Welc hs xt an arnerm. Drees sn Son E20 Buy it by the ease for the homme, FREI SEIINY 4 00, Cross Cough Syrup" cures sold only at Gibson's Red Store. \ A. Smith, Kingston, who s been at Salonika with the Royal Corps, was at Barrie- Thursiay, Sept. 28 = shospital ! GENERAL SERVANT. | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES ---- g First ingertion, l¢ a word. KEuch coa- secutive iusertiom 8 half cent a word. Minimum charge for ene jmsertion, 35¢; three imsertions, S50c; six $1; one month, $3. HELP WANTED MAID FOR' KINGSTON GENERAL Apply to the Matron. APPLY MRS, Singleton, 3214 Frontenac St. MSTERS, APPLY SHEDDON FOR- warding Co., G.T.R. freight sheds. --------------------(-------------------- GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY Mrs. } OG. Bogart, 10¢ Wellington street. A MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK Apply Mrs. Oliver, corner of Bing and West streets. GIRL JUST LEAVING SCHOOL TO Jook after two small children. Ap- ply 217 University Ave. A STEADY MAN TO DRAW SAND: work the year round. Apply R. H. Fair, Kingston Station. ALL ROUND HANDY MAN, HO%vod wages. A ly Military Y. M A., Barriefield Camp A GENBERAL SERVANT FOR SMALL family, mo washing. Apply to Miss Lyman, 127 King street west. A YOUNG GIRL 15 OR 16 YEARS OF age, to assist with h work, Apply in evening, 118 Gore street. WANTED FOR "EVERYWOMAN" 10 women Stage door, Grand Opera to Thursday at 2.30 pm. YOUNG GIRL, ABOUT 15 OR 18 TO help with light housework. Good girl Jeateq as family. Apply Box 92 'Whig. { EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; small family. Ap- ply Mrs. E. A. Collins, 423 John- son street. DOMESTIC SERVANT, ily, plain cooking, out: good wages. Whig Office. RELIABLE GIRL, WHO CAN SLEEP At home, to assist with care of infant and light housekeeping, Ap- ply 251 Barrie, WANTED FOR "EVERYWOMAN" 10 men and 10 boys. Apply Stage door, Grand Opera House, Thurs- day at 30 p.m. SMALL FAM- Jeashing sent Address Box H. oF $30 Mrs To- COOK-GENERAL, god plain cooking. Will.-pay a month to reliable party Wellington, 583 Huron street, ronto. WANTED REPRESENTATIVE, EITH- er sex, for authoritatively censored War Book, containing Kitchener's career, greatest sea battle, Canadians have taken; iNustrated. Spare time accepted. Nichols Lix ited, Publishers, Toronto. CAPABLE WANTED GENERAL A SIX ROO HOUSE SEPT. 187. Apply Box 248 Whig MORRRAT TE-SIZED : HOUSE, CEN ly located. Apply F. Clark, 854 + Adbert street, RENT, BY OOT. 1ST, AN 8 OR § room hoo: all modern convenien« ces. Apply Whig Office for address. EXPERIENCED DRESS AND SUIT maker wants sewing by day or at 8 John street or TO home. Ap Box 149 Whig Bithoe COUPLE OF STUDENTS, FOR meals, in a refined home, five min- ise walk from college. Apply Box Whig Office. DOOND-HAND "of now for cash or art i planos and V say. Limited a Princess STUDENT Sr ard with room or,room and' vate taniily in the viéinity of Fron tenac street. Apply to Box 818, Whig office. EE FOR SALE OR TO LET. RM FOR SsLE OR TO LET, SALE A lots 16 in 3rd and 4th concession of Portland; 100 acres, well watered and fenced. Good well at the door. Under fair state of cultivation. Frame buildings. Apply to Mrs. AB Shapgraw, Yar- ker. Ont. TIED DUNTAL © JHNAPP, LD.S., A. ace 258 PIAS, street. D.D.S, Phone DR. ei, LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, Son er Princess and Bagot streets, he 626. DRS. ND SPARKS, DEN- 1! , C Piacte, 108 Wallmeyign sires. CU Phone 146 HAIR, Molen and all ishes removed out Seal; 3 Yours oN irs experierice Dr. Elmer a Bar, Nose, Throat and Skin Bagot street. WARRY Ir LONELY, FOR RESU, nundreds rich w Hat; most relitbis; part | profusely | Salary or commission, | ne | BERT F. EA ly. with. | FIRST FOUND LADY'S PARASOL WAS FOUND in the lobby at the Pest office. Apply Postmaster Stewart. BROOCH, ROUND, WITH PORT. rait 'of young lady, found in Lake Ontario park by J. E Jones. Owner may have same by calling at Whig Office. FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE Anyone finding anything and wiohin ng _peach the owner MAY do so by reporting the fa: to The British g€. The adver- tisement will printed Fy this column free "charge. 70 LEY TWO FURNISHED ROOMS AND SIT- ting room, Apply 240 Johnson St. BED SITTING ROOM AND BEDROOMS furnished. Apply 116 Earl street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, SEP- arate rooms. McCann, §2 Brock stree . FURNISHED SITTING ROOM AND BED 1001s, 123 King St, opposite city park. OFFIVES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. bers. Apply to A. B. Cunningham, 79 Clarence street. FURNISHED ROOM, WITH electric light and all 140 Wellington St. LARGE fireplace, conveniences. FURNISHED FRONT SITTING ROOM and bed room in private family; good locality. Apply Box. 925, Whig ce. RESIDENCE TO RENT, FURNISHED or unfurnighed, Oct, 15th. Apply to Miss Sullivan, cor. King and Prin- cess streets. |sronAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN. aly rooms; your own lock and Sake rost's City Storage, 0 Queen street. Phone 536b. DOUBLE PARLORS AS SITTING ROOM and bed room, also other furnished roomg to let. AN improvements and centrally "located. 260 Barrie street Apply TWO FURNISHED ROOWS IN PRIV- ate home, with board, In west end of eity. Terms, $7 per week, for two respectable gentlemen Apply Box 529, Whig Office, MUSIO MISS CARRIE BAJUS WILL RESUME her teaching of singing October 3rd, 4T=Rideau street. COUPER WILL RECEIVE pupils in piano and théory. Ad- gions, 776 Princess street. Phone TEACHER OF Is prepar- nservatory 129 Col- MISS ANNIE BURNS, Plano and Theory. Pu ed for the Toronto examinations. Addr Hngwood street. PEARL A. NESBITT: L.T.C.M., VOICE and organ. il of Dr. A. S. Vogt. plano. Ro is prepared for all nati tions, Studio 449 Johnson 'street. mss OLIVE WOODMAN, SOPRANO, pared to take pupils in Voice Sa ultule a and Theory of Music after ber 8th, at her residence, 185 repared in RESrvALory accept concert and recital en ments after October 1st. ee BUSINESS NOTIONS AWNINGS, VERANDAH CURTAIN tents, canvas, skiffs for outboa motors, folding boat seats, fishing tackle, etc. Frank W. Cooke, 39 Clarence street. PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS IN dressmaking, cutting by measure, dealgning. trimming, ete; three dollars, including system. Madame Elder, New York Dressmaking Parlors, 253 Princess street, corner Sydenham. ' SON, Hi WN. ARC Domes, 258 Bagot St NEWLAN tects, etc. Phone $08. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants Bank Butiding. corner Brock and Wellington et LBGAL B. CUNNINGHAM, oi ARRISTER and solicitor. law ce, 79 Clar- ence street, Kitmton, > A. lv marriage oon' : E EFFECTIVE ADVTS. 008% little, Once, 25c; three times 500; one week $1.00. BOAT HOUSE, 2% FOOT PIT; ALSO row boat, Apply 160 Rideat street, BOTH harles 'BABY CARRIAGE AND SLEN in good condition. Apply 28 street. NEW YORK WEBER SQUARE PIANO, id good condition; a bargain. Ap- ply Box 826, Whig ENET HORSE (CITY EN), rubber tired buggy and harness. George Mullen, 373 King street. 1914 FORD, ORIG BODY, IN Goob . conditsd chery * for cash. Apply Box 119, Whig office. 1913 FORD CAR, FOR QUICK SAL engine; body, 'and tires Ia ®B Sendition: Apply 40 Gore street, city GENUINE VICTROLA AND TWELVE selections, your own choice, $28.50; cash and $1.00 per week. CW. plant, Ltd, 121 Princess street 1 ASSENGER AUTOMOBILE «= arter, electric lights, etc. Must "be sold at once. App Me- Laughlin Garage, Montreal street. CADILLAC, FIVE PASSENGER TOUR. ing car, at attractive price, In ex. cellent condition; complete equip- ment. Apply Howard 8S. Folger, 44 Clarence street. TWENTIES FOUR Foor 'LAUNCH, FIVE yot beam; cedar hull, trimmed +d mahogany; G ten-twelve h.p. Kingston Foundry engine, 11 miles por, hour. 'Apply Lieut. Vokes. R. M. CHOICE STOCK OF HEATERS, RAN. ges, and all kinds of new and see- ond hand furniture We are also open to buy everything in the above lites. J. Thompson, 333 Princess street, Phone 1600 FARM OF 153 ACRES, TWO MILES from Napanee, on the Newburgh road. One of the best located farms in Richmond. Good bukMd- ings, ete. For particulars address F. W. Scott, Napanee, Ont, LARGE STOCK OF DRESSERS, ches, stoves, men's clothing, mili. tary boots, also new upholstered chairs; large assortment of sealers, We buy all kinds of new and sec- ond hand furniture. 8. Shapiro, 48 Princess street. Phone 1237. Uv. FARM, 225 AC RES, SIX MILES FROM {ingston, house and outbuildings in repair; well Handy to watered and two schools: factory at rear of farm: front; wel adapted for Also horges for sale. Ap- Rosa Harpelle, Cataraqul a wled. cheese mill at the dairying. ply Mrs. Ont. FOR SALE BY G. A. BATEMAN'S ES. tate Agency. A BRIOK STORE AND STOREHOUSE in a smart country village, suit- able for any business or combina- tion. Very cheap to a quick buy- er to close out an estate, FARM IN NEW ONT. ARIO CLAY BELT, frame dwelling, twenty acres seed. ed. Would exchange for city pro- perty. ACKSWMITH SHOP "IN COUNTRY village, with dwelling, stables, and tools, chea, A NUMBER OF Goon HOUSES IN THE city, cheap. EY TO LOAN IN SUMS OF $300 N5800, $1,000, $1, 500 and up St rea-. sonable rates. 7 ULARENCE ST. "KINGSTON, PHONE mm MEDICAL NEA ok T versity Ave. BLA FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST- ment Society; incorporited J8e3; president, Colonel CMG; vi and farm countr chase sais; 0 } tere allowe: manager, 87 Clarence 8t.. Kingston. LIVERPOOL, LoNDaN AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Gompany,, Available assets $61,187,216. addition to which for sseurity the unlimited laninity of city Xs. nsur a owes Bie" ra Before renewing old or giving new business net rates from Strange & Strange, Ageats. Phone 3 PATENTS & SONS, Patents, trade marke. desis design oa Estab. Wr Forme erly Piles . tent PLS! of "patant Book, tection" free. "5 fit. James roe us real. Branches: Ottawa, Washingt | OR Ta ae Highest rate of wages, open shop, no labor troubles, Apply,