BANKING SERVICE are offered in Bank the 1g service provi by our com- ns. are invit- Business men satisfactory bank plete facilities' and extensive conne Your business and private accounts ed, Established 1855 Assets $66,000,000, A HE hpi BANK or TORONTO "Market Square, Kingston. Geo. B. McKay, Manager. A bargain in a lot, size 44 x 1: 132, 0 Earl street, for . . .. .. $8 0. J. K. CARROLL RROLL AGENCY, 56 Brock Street. Phones: Office 68; Res. 874 SILVER SPOONS, KNIVES and FORKS. Now is the time to replenish your tableware. Our stock of spoons, forks and knives is both large and choice at prices to suit everyone. R. J. RODGER "Where the Clock is on the Walk." $ % 132 Princess Street You Can Count On It When we take care of your storage bat- tery there's no doubt of quality service. We have established ourselves as experts. Will you come in and be convinced? 1. LESSES, 'hone 1045 507 Princess St Free inspection of any battery at any time Are You F. J. JOHNSON, F Florist Interested? FRESH CUT FLOWERS, PALMS AND FERNS in a box of fine stationery, 'if so you Floral Wedding Bouquets. should see our window. We have some very fine lines to offer at pop- ONE 209. ular prices. It is our intention to make the Stationery Line one of our VINEG AR serving tho wp town resklonis mors | ure Spirit Vinegar, satisfactorily than in the past. Pure Cider Vinegar, Pure Malt Vinegar, Hoag's Drug Store Pure Pickling and; Preserving Spices. op Y.M.CA. J. M. GORDON Watts-Florist Pure Food Grocer Cor, Ray and Montreal Sts. Phone 88 Fresh Cut Flowers and Pl Day. Vanernd Bevin Jo ants, Anderson Bros. Manufacturers of High Class SAUSAGE, HAM and BACON. Wholesale and Retail \- Anderson Bros. ~ FHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER : 27, 1916. HEFTY ANNIE" IN WAR BRITISH BIG. GUN HAD A RE- ! MARKABLE JOURNEY. She Had a Big Train Drawn by a ; Huge Gasoline Tractor and an Army of Men to Take Care of Her--Her Range is "Fifteen Miles or a Bit More"--Coughs All Day Long. x HE young newcomer to the billet sat up. with a start and stared in wonderment while the ground rocked under him. ¢ "Needn't be alarmed, sonny" quoth ans old-timer there as he un: concernedly lighted a "fag," "that's only 'Hefty Annie' doing a cough and spit at the Boches. Never heerd big guns barking before, I s'pose?" The youngster admitted that he had not. r "Well, you'll soon get used to them here, an' then you won't mind them no mor'n if they was your mo- ther singing y' tq sleep. It's fine music, m' boy, find music when _it's made by yolir own side, and dayfitied- unwelcome when it's made bY the other.' Having delivered himself of this terse description of gun-firg the old-timer stretched comfortably back and whilfed his "fag" with great enjoyment, "Hefty Annie' lay out fields nearby cunningly screened from the sharp eyes of the hawk- men from over the barbed-wire bor- der who were always trying to locate ber whereabouts, with the sinirter motive of compassing her destruc- tion. Official documents, in their cold, unimaginative way, described her as "Howitzer, 15-inch, mark " and so on. But to the more understanding minds of the men who expended much loving care upon her, "Annie" was a creature with a soul, something that could be talked to and had a truly feminine 'way of exacting little attentions from the male folk around her--not a mere cylinder of st which alternately labored and sle But then official- dom, dry as dust and dull of vision, does not understand the psychology of guns as the men who work them do. "Hefty Annie" in the was not only "hefty" in herself but she demanded the same useful quality from the "court" over which she queened it with most exacting autocracy. No room there for unmuscular weak- lings nor ahy slow of foot. When "'Annie" started upon her travels she did so in almost royal state. Her train spread over quite a considerable length of roadway. A {buge-patrol tractor led the van--a strange-looking contraption with rear wheels almost as high as an omnibus' knife-board; then came "Annie" herself in solitary grandeu upon her special carriage and eh in tarpaulins--the scarlet and ermine of her line. After her rolled the "pill-boxes," otherwise the am- munition wagons (so called because the battery humorist had chalked "Pills for the Kaiser" on their dull grey sides); then the "wireless" truck and sundry other vehicles all designed for the specific purpose of ministering to "Annie's" needs. These trundled along at a good pace under the persuasion of the tractor, which, although a queer-looking af- fair in itself, was indubitably "hefty" when it came to pulling. "Somewhere in France" at last, and "Hefty Annie' was settling down to "own a bit of the earth." Dexter: ously, yet carefully, her "subjects" went about the task of erecting her throne. - First, they laid the bed- plates which formed the base of it; when all was ready tackles were rig- ged and "Annie" was enthroned with somewhat less pomp, perhaps, but with far greater solicitude for permanency of her seat than is us- ually shown towards monarchs. Just what was done, how it was done, and why it was done would make an in- teresting story. Doubtless history will tell us all about the matter one day. This narrative, not being his- tory, must stop at Arcusing curiosity and not go on to satisfy it. Suffice it, therefore, to say that everything that had to be done was done--swiftly, deftly, and correctly, as the work of well-trained hands always is. Its completion found "Hefty Annie" sitting grimly on her seat and poking an ugly round snout contemptuously towards the enemy. "All ready for action, sir," shout- ed a subaltern, poking his into a hole and addressing spmeo ap- parently down in the bowels of the earth, who answered: "Righto. What's your full range, did you say?" "Fifteen miles or a bit more, sir," replied the "sub," whereat the sub- terranean voice rumbled back an ex- pression Sf ard: satistastion, 80 it was "Hefty Annie" began her " the | Princess and Division Sta, Downeys Sbarage Repair Work o ul Hide 1nd Wash Cars Stored at- Reasonable Rates. Cars for Hire. Gasoline, Otis gad Greases Alwaye on coughed, hy that Tipped whole body. Sometimes she Just once or twice, at others this quite a GRAND PAGE SEVEN _ TO-NIGHT, not again wd till Monday Matinee. | 2--Vaudeville Acts--2 | Five Reel Feature Film E'S FORUM | THEDA BARA in. \\ * "EAST LYNNE" A And Other Photoplays. Mat. 10¢ Evening, 10e; re~ Seat merved Se extra. | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES ---- | First iosertion, 1c a word. Each com- secutive insertion thereafter, half- cent a word. 'Minimum charge for ONE NIGHT ONLY | one insertion, 25¢; three imsertions, | __B0e; six $1; ome month, $2. y Thursday, Sept. 28 = =2 Prices: Any | | | - | FOR. KINGSTON GENERAL hospital. Apply to the Matron. i GENERAL SERVANT... APPLY MRS, J. Singleton, 32% Frontenac St. | A MIDDLE AGED WOMAN TO TAKE charge of house, Apply 22 Patric ki slreet | MAID ------------------------------------ } MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK | Apply Mrs. Oliver, corner of King| and West streets. | | A STEADY MAN TO work the year round. Fair, Kingston Station. DRAW SAND; Apply R. H.| A GENERAL SERVANT FOR SMALL! family, no washing Lyman, 127 King street west 15 OR 18 YEARS OF s with house-work. | ening, 118 Gore street. Ll OPE ry ARIE CC | A YOUNG GIR { age, to a Apply in e YOUNG GIRL. ARpouvr help wit light hou Ge od | girl tented as family. ply Box | Apply to Miss | : Two A SUM OF MONEY ON JOHNSON street. Owner may hage same by applying ar 284 -Johnson street. 2 LADY'S PARASOL WAS FOUND in the lobby at the Post office Apply Postmaster Stewart. "H, ROUND, WITH PORT. of young lady, foumd in Ontario park by J. E. Owner may 'hive same Whig Office, rait Lake Jones. by calling at FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE + Anyone finding anything and Fabing to reach the owner may do so by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adver- tisement will be printed in this columa free of charge. { m= STRAYED. LAMBS AND ONE marked with from farm of Cataraqui, Reward if r above address turned 10 T0 IL.ET 92. Whig AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GEN-| eral housework; small family. Ap-| ply Mrs. E. A. Collin® 423 John-| son street. AT "ONC EA COMPET Ne « gh 1 highest WAR ings to Mrs. Thi Prices 50c, 75¢, $1,$1.50| is i Seats Now On Sale. [DOMBSTIO SERVANT, SMALL F el washing sent Address -Box H. | PI rd, an) 2. We Ning- Tickets ordered and left at Box | Office if not called for by Tuesday noon will be placed on sale again, 2, NIGHTS sae SEP. 29 MAR. posi BRE AD DR VER AT ONC ried rhan preferred thon. Apply to Messrs, . & Co., 1956 Ontario street. ---------------------------------------------- WANTED REPRESENTATIVE, TH. | | STOR AGE { OFFIUES IN CLARENCE . Toye | FURNISHED FRONT SITTING [TWO FURNISHED ROOMS AND SIT- ting room, Apply 240 Johnson St BED SITTING ROOM AND BEDROOMS we furnished. Apply FOR FURNITURE, McCann, §2 16 Earl sireet : are SEP. arate rooms. Brock street. URNISHED SHG ROOM AND BED K rooms, 123 8t., opposite city park. ng ST. CHAM. bers. Apply to A. B. Cunningham, 79 Clarence street ROOM family: room in priv 25, Whig 2pply Box and bed good locality Office er sex, for authoritatively censored | containing Kitchener's | career, greatest sea battle, part| Canadians have taken; profusely | in ustrated. Salary or commission. | re time accepted. Nichols Lim- . Publishers, Toronto. WANTED GENERAL Matinee Saturday at 2.80 War Book, The Aborn Opera Co, present Apply Box 248 Whig Office, | MODERATE-SIZED HOUSE, CEN- i trally located. Apply F. Clark, 354 | Albert street. RENT, BY OCT. 1ST, AN 8 OR 9 room house, all modern convenien- ces. Apply Whig Office for address. Maker Walls sewing by day or at § John street or Box | ne Whi {s" Don | RESIDENCE RENT, FURNISHED 16th, Apply to King and Prin- 7 TO or unfurnished, Oct Miss Sullivan, cor. cesg streets. STREET, furnish- Mrs. NO. 115 BAGOT street, Kingston, for rent, ed or unfurnished Address I. Mulloy, Iroquois, Ont TOUSE | A SIX ROOMED HOUSE BY SEPT. 15ST. | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN. dry, airy rooms; your own lock and Frost's City Storage, 199 key. Phone 526b. Queen street. | DOUBEE PARLORS AS SITTING ROOM also other furnished da AN improvenm located Apply and bed room, rooms to let and centrally Barrie street, EXPERIENCED DRESS AND' surT | TWO FURNISHED ROOMS IN PRIV- | in west end | per week, for ate home, with board, of city Terms, $7 two respectable gentlemen, Box 529, Whig Office. Apply ne) FOR BALE ---- A Na one CORNWALL REED ORGAN IN FIRST class condition. Cheap. . 465 Al- bert street. BOAT HOUSE, row boat, 5 PIT ALSO Apply 160 Rideau street, BABY CARRIAGE AND'SLEIGH, BOTH in good condition. Apply 28 Charles reet. YORK WEBER SQUARE PIA} in good condition; a bargain. ply Box 936, Whig Office. GENET HORSE (CITY BROKEN), rubber tired buggy and harness. George Mullen, 373 King street 1914 FORD, TOURING BODY, IN GOOD condition, new hood, cheap for cash. Apply Box 119, 'Whig office. 1913 FORD CAR, FOR QUICK SALE, © engine, body, and tire in rood 10 fin NTs condition Apply city PRIVATE SALE OF FINE PARLOR n fuenitu re on T ® and bedroor day, September 25th, at tén o'clock at § Colborne street GENUINE viernor A AND TWEL VE selections, your own cholee, $i $10 cash and §1.00 per w eek. Lindsay, Ltd, 121 CADILLAC, FIVE PASSENGER TOUR. ing car, at attractive price. In ex- cellent eondition;" complete equip- ment. Apply Howard 8. Folger, 44 Clarence street, TWENTY-FOUR FOOT LAUNCH, FIVE foot beam: cedar hull, trimmed with mahogany: ten-twelve h.p. Kingston Foundry engine, 11 miles per hour. Apply Lieut. Vokes, R M. C. NE Q CHORE STOCK OF HEATERS, gts and all kinds of new and sec ond 'hand furniture. We are also open to buy everything in the above lines, J. Thompson, 338 Princess streey Phone 1600 FARM OF 155 ACRES, TWO MILES from Napanee, on the Newburgh road. One of the best located farms in Richmond, Good buMld- ings, ete. For particulars address BE. W. Scott, Napanee, Ont, ALL HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, INCLUD. ing Souvenir Range, with water front, buffets, bed room suites good Connor ball-bearing washing machine, complete, ete; also some hens. Apply 507 Albert street. LARGE STOCK OF DRESSERS, OOVU. 8 ches, stoves, men's clothing, mill tary boots, also new upholstered 5 chairs; large assortment of sealers | We buy all kinds of new and sec- ond hand furniture. 8 Shapiro, 4% Princess streot. Phone 123 | FARM, 225 ACRES, SIX MILES FROM Kingston, house and outbuildings in sued ND-HAND UPRI GHT Tine r or in part payment of new | ra and Victrolas, C. W. Lind- | say. Limited. 121 Princess street. | GENTLEMAN STU room or room and board with pri- | vate family in the vicinity of Fron- tenac street. Apply to Box 818, 'Whig office. IIIT TIT FOR SALE OR TO LET. | FARM FOR SLE OR TO LET, SALR | preferred, lots 15 in 3rd and 4th 100 acres, | Good Prices--Evening, 25¢, 50c, 75¢, $1, $1.50. Matinee 23¢, 50¢, 75¢, $1.00. SEATS NOW ON SALE. STRAND Theatre MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY. ViHILLE "The Mane tto Duo" "Douglas Fairbanks" New York's Favorite Latest S-sct "Flirting Wi Also 2-Part Keystone Comedy "Wings and Wheels" Matinees Se; Evenings 10¢ nnd 15. Four shows Four shows daily, 2, 3.46 2, 330, 7, 7, & RAS R543 pm. GRIFFIN'S- here Everybody noONDAY TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Palins Metures Presents rrtle Stedman in "The American Beauty" A concession of Portland: well watered and fenced. { well at the door. Under fair state | of cultivation. Frame buildings. | Apply to Mrs. A. E. Shangraw, Yar- | ker, Ont. | | l DENTAL KNAPP, BA. LDS. DDS. | EB. Olce, 258 Princtas street. Phone A. DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot streets, Phone 626. DRS. SPARKS AND tists, 159 Wellingston street. Dewar, .D.8., DS. Phone 346. SPARKS, DEN-| G. C. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS DIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blem- {shes removed permanently, with- ont scar; 30 years Sxperitnce, Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Skin Specialiet, 268 Bagot street MARRY IF LONELY: FOR RESULTS, try me: best and most successful; hundreds rich h marriage soon; A Famous Players; Release. strictly confiden 1; most reliable; : years of experience. descriptions | free. "The Successful Club" Mrs, | Fr aniels In Another of These Mr. Jock Comedies | Purdie, Box 556, Onkland, Calif. | Vaudeville | FA. ABCOCK & SONS, Pal t BECK & WOODS he 11a marks, designs. Estab. Form In Comedy and Harmony Singing. erly Patent Office Examiner. ren et | A Pathe News Weekly |! oe: Ze=Shows Every St. Eventng--3 Wranchen: Ottawa, ashtugton. Tannd § o'clock. Prices--Mat. 0c; Evening 10¢ und' 106. BE ra P. DRISCOLL, FINISH or an ohn 3 J B. CUNNINGHAM, ARRISTER and solicitor. law ohn: 79 Clar- street. Kingston Tae National Drink? GRAPE JUICER \ At all Grocers, Druggists and Seda Buy it by the ease for the homse, RE any 4 Cl PRIVATE SALE OF PURNITURE Upr| piano, first class large board, MUSIO BERT F. PEARL MISS OLIVE WOODMAN, AWNINGS, PRACTICAL trade | WM, NEWLANDS & SON, Mont :,/ POWER & SON, - ARCHITECTS, FURNITURE FINISHING { | TRY JAMES SELRY FOR ALL KINDS | | MISS CARRIE BAJUS WILL RESUME BENT DESIRES | her teaching of singing October 3rd, 47 Rideau street. COUPER WILL pupils In piano and theory. gross 776 Princess street. MISS ANNIE BURNS, TEACHER OF Pupils prepar- ed for the Toronto Conseryaiory ol- Plano and Theory. examinations. Address 129 Hngwood street. A. NESBITT, and organ. Pupil 6 Dr. A. 8 Vogt in piano. Pupils prepared for all examinations. street. SOPRANO, is prepared to take pupils in Voice Culture and Theory of Music after eptember Sth, at her residence, 185 Earl street. Pupils Jrepared in eory for Toronto nservatory examinations. Miss Woodman will acce concert and recital engage ments after October lst. BUSINESS NOTICES VERANDAH CURTAINS, tents, capvas, skiffs for outboard motors, folding boat seats, fishing tackle, ete. Frank W. Cooke, 39 Clarence street. DRESSMAKING INSTRUCTIONS IN dressmaking, cutting by measure, designing. trimming, ete; three ollars, Including system. Madame Elder, New York Dressmaking Sydenham ARONITECT ARCHI. tects, ete. Offices, 258 Bagot St Phone 608. MER chants Ming, corner Rrock and Wellington wrote CARPENTERING. of carpenter work. 212 University Avenue. Phone 1683. RECEIVE Ad- Phone JT.C.M,, VOIOR Studio 449 Johnson *arlors, 253 Princess street, corner | i | security the unlimited lability good repair: well watered and wooded. Handy to two schools; cheese factory . at rear of farm: mill at the front; wel adapted for dairying. Also horses for sale. Ap- ply Mrs. Rosa Harpelle, Cataraqul Ont, FOR SALE DY G. A. BATEMAN'S ES. tate Agene¢y, A BRICK STORE AND STOREHOUSE in a smart cpuntry village, suit. able for any business or combina- tion. Very cheap to a°quick buy- er to close out an estate. FARM IN NEW ONTARIO OLAY BELT, frame dwelling, twenty acres seed. ed. Would exchange for city pro- perty. BLACKSMITH SHOP IN COUNTRY village, with dwelling, stables, and tools, cheap, A NUMBER OF Goon HOUSES IN THR city, cheap. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS OF $300 $500, $1,000, $1,500 and w aL rea- sonable rates. Ld CLARENCE oT. KINGSTON, PHONE . i MEDICAL DR. CLARENCE ALMANZAR HOW- ard, late of Westport, physician and suzgoon, 317 University Ave. Phone 1801. FINANCIAL LOAN AND INVENT. ment Society: Incorporated 3: president, Colonel! II. R. CM.G.; vice-president" WW, kie, K.C oney issued! on city | and farm properties, munieipal ana country debentures; mortgages pur chased; investment bonds for sale; . deposits received and in- terest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, __ manager, 87 Clarence St, Kingston | LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available | assets $61,187,215. In addition which the policyholders have FRONTENAC operty, insu at lowest possible rates, Before renewing old he giving new business pet & Strange, city rates from Sirange | Agents. Phone 325 ---- AR Ones We: Ji nee a ; rr RAN. YOUR WINTER COAL We have a large stock of coal but will need more to sup- Please ~