Jd Clothing for Men Best Fall Suits ei Overcoats in King- ston, for men and young men. The The Best Tailoring Infinite care with. every little detail that helps to make a perfectly hand-tailored suit or overcoat, a shapeliness that will last and a refinement of finishing effects that gives each garment a touch of individuality, The Best Styles. Good taste, the dominant note the young men's garments bear in these lines, the spirit. of progressive enterprise, the suits and overcoats for men of more mature years, comprise all that is new in Conservative selections. , Suiff, $15.00, $18.00 up to $25.00. * Overtoats, $12.00, $15.00, $18.00 up to $25.00, Livingston's A 1ibte out of the way, but it will pay you to walk. > and Pte. Thompson. lin Suits ! CREE EAA AOR Suits of distinctive lines, fash- ionable materials and new fall shades, in an extensive assortment that assures a satisfactory selec- tion at prices we cannot duplicate later on. Broadcloths, velours, cheviots, tweeds, men's wear serges, and many other new weaves, beautiful- ly tailored in plain and fancy trim- med effects, featuring the newest styles of t : season, from THE DAILY BRITISH wa, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1916. ° G0 WORK OF WCU. [| MRS. G. A. BATEMAN IS ELECTED | PRESIDENT. | Fifty-six on the Roll---Sixteen Peni- 'tentiary Prisoners Have Joined the | Pocket Testament League. The annual meeting of the Wo- | men' s Christian Temperance Union | | was held on Tuesday afternoon. Re- | ports of the' year's work were. re- {ceive d. The sum of $169.93 was rais- [ed for the work; $52.50 was sent to theip if the prohibition campaign, $55.75 was given to support Y. M. {C. A. workers among the soldiers at { the front to provide soup, chocolate | Jana other comforts | the trenches, Fifty-six names are on the roll. The following officers were elect- ed. President, Mrs, G. A. Bateman; vice-president, Megdames Craig, Lyon and Sparks; recording secre-| tary, Mrs. Stickng¥; corresponding secretary, Mrs . Halkett; treasurer, Mrs. Muirhead. Mrs. Brebner and Mrs. Sparks were elected as delegates to the provincial convention in Ham- ilton. Several new members Weng 1e- ceived. 300d work has been done during the vear in the hospital and Sunday schools and among soners in the penitentiary. prisoners have joined the Testament League. Pocket for the men in} the women pri-| Sixteen | 4 | THEATRICAL NEWS r= At The Grand. The Grand was packed to capacity last night and all present were del lighted with the splendid programme. | Theda Bara, in "East Lynne," proved ||| { to be one of the best pictures ever, presented before Kingston people. Al two-reel Universal photoplay 'The Red Li€)" a comedy picture "Al Stranger In His Own Town' and the | tamous Pathe news were also shown and pleased immensely. . The vaude-| villé is immense. John W. Mangles, | "The Talkative Hoop Juggling Jes-| ter" certainly lives up to his repu-'} | tation. He is easily the King of | | Hoops. The Roma Duo, in a musical | made a big hit. - During their ast they rendered with fine effect, "Mis- | erere'" "Good Bye, Good Luck, God | Bless You" "One, Two, Three, Four™| and "Chere, Chere Bin" and réceived loud applause, The same program- me - be shown to-night. << = "The Bohemian Girl." Rue Bie feature of the Hl : Il Aborn Opera Company' produstioni] I of Balie's masterpiece, "The Bohem- I} ian Girl} which will be presented at {the Grand Opera House for two nighgs, Friday and Saturday next, with a matinee on Saturday afternoon, 154 itd greater presentment. Hitherto] | } In Bivouac And Barracks (See also Page 9.) the Special § ice Company. g -- The 155th Battalion machine gun gection under Lieuts. MoGie and | Allen, were in Coe Hill on Tuesday | attending the fair-- { Two splendid concerts were given | at the camp on Tuesday evening. The entertainment for the 155th! took the shape of an assault at| arms, John MeLaughlin, who is running a show on the Fair midway, gave a pleasing competition showing his cleverness as a wrestler, The programme 'was carried out on | the parade ground with a camp fire. | The band furnished selections. Major McPee was chairman. In a bayonet) fighting exhibition between ergts. | Wrightmyer and Birllied, the former | won the decision by one point. Spiero | and McLaughlings exhibition fol- lowed. The programme in the 156th Bat- talion was of a musical nature. The following took part: Miss A. Gibson, Miss Telgmann, Miss D. L. Craig, Mrs. Dodds, Misses Phyllis and Frances Devlin, Miss Lemmon, A. Simpson, R. Hudson, Pte. Lalonde BUY SULVIES Id JAIL; ves ridAT ING CASE wv. rH. wvyine is 'tracing up rivcora of gixieen=Year= vid weserier. rie. ©, w. Suupsol, une sixteen- Jeul-uiu lak Wau was alleoitu as a Wuotilel, 5 dll vue CUMNLY Jui vu re led WL SUE IRDQUies ave veen Wiaue concerning his case. ne is toe young leliow vustice Of Lhe Yeace UtulEe munLer wanted Lo send to Loe ¢eulial Prison for a term or a year and a halt. w. ki, Wyllie, inspector for the Children's Ala bociety, wno protested against the boy peing given such a sutl semience, nas written to secure the boys age, and 'has also noulied the lnausirial School at "Toronto, the lad being a ward of tnis institution. The authorities can take the boy back to the Home it they so wish. The boy soldier says that he will not be sixteen years old until October 31st. SHR INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Local Notes and lems of General Interest. J. R. Donaldson, Toronto, was in the city to-day. Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Corbett, Bos- ton, are visiting S. S. Corbett, Vic- toria street. Old Probs said there would be rain on Wednesday, and the fair directors were given quite a scare, but Old Sol saved the day, and also the bacon for the directors. All the men at Barriefield camp = re free from camp duty fo attend fair Wednesday afternoon, and | fe! was a big rush of men u in khaki | to the grounds. ! BIG DRIVE. WAS ON But It Was To "Bob" Bushel's Hig Exhibition. 'There was a big rush to the fair on Wednesday afternoon. Princess street presented a very busy scene all afternoon, Street cars were crowded and taxis did a rushing business to he sh show grounds. The weather was ideal, and this in itself was sufficient to draw out 'were delighted eather it would be hand Bushell. "Bob" ngston is in, the dry belt, but is certainly noth ing dry about | ganization only. with the same primitive | mounting with which it was presented lin times when stage equipment was! lin its infancy and gaslight was the | forerunner of electricity. idea of the Messrs. { American theatregoers, | ne unced, Two men re transferred on Tuesday fro e 156th Battalion to a S at It was the! Abhorn to give to so they an-} the greatest presentation of Balfe's splendid opera' cver offered, in realizing this they have sf pared! nothing in the way of expenditure and! effort with the résult that it has en-| joyed most substantial success ever since its initial performance. Henry W. Savage sending here the tremendous dramatic spectacle, "Everywoman," which created such a furore in New York, Boston, Chicago, and the other large American cities It wit be disclosed at the Grand | Opera House, on Thursday evening, Sept. 28th. Every character in the | play is symbolic of some abstract vir-| tue or vice or condition with relation | {to the life of woman. It is declared |} | to be the shrewdest analysis of human nature ever presented upon the stage, and combined with wonderful pic- torial and embellishments "Hrives home its lesson with telling force. An entire orchestra accompanies the or- which is Mr. Savage's 18 | | "Everywoman." i | nest, At the Strand. Another big house greeted the! Manetta Duo at the Strand last even- ing. To-night will be the last op- portunity of hearing these big ar- tists. Douglas Fairbanks will also! be shown in the five- comedy drama, "Flirting With fate a par- ticularly strong bill. The vaudeville! consists of Budd Holloway in a re- fined novelty musical act. He per- forms on musical dises, hat rack, funnels, four-in-hand bell ringing, | lyre, harp and also "Scotland's na- tional music, the bag pipes. This is sure to please. The photo play end of the bill, Bessie Love and De Wolf Hopper, in a strong five-act drama, 'Stranded," and a two-part Keystone comedy, "A Social Club." hi THE WORLD'S NEWS i IN BRIEF FORM. Tidings From All Over Told In a Pithy and Pointed Way. Cobourg Town Council has decid- ed to raise the poll tax from $1 to 5 2, Alfred Jury, the Canadian emifra- Hen agent ay Liverpool, is seriously Capt. C. C. oo of the Canadian Veterinary Co RL is dismissed from the service, J. W. Flavelle, hairminh of the Imperial Munitions Board, is leaving early in October for England. The Spanish Government has sent a note to Berlin protesting energeti- cally against the torpedoing of Span- ish steamers by German submarines. Vancouver, B.C., citizens waited on Sir George Foster 'and presented him with a resolution approving "enfore- ed national service under a proper system of selection." Austrian officers and soldiers who have arrived in Triest from the Carso platean are reported from Triest to have stated that they are tired of the war; .thev say they can stand it no longer. Free From Outrages. I That Canada has enjoyed a re- markable immunity. from outrage and attack by alien » enemies within her borders sinca the war began, was the statement' made by Hon. C. H. Doherty recently, in reviewing ihe activities of the Justice Departmept during that peri Contrasting strongly with the ax perience of the United States, which, though a neutral country, has had this opera has been pre sented in Am- | erica "JOHN LAIDLAW & SON He f a ! | and singing act are also good and! i | TWO DAYS ONLY, TOMORROW AND FRIDAY. ~ = m= pes : We have just secured for two days only | 50 Ladies High NEE Ress la "(lass Sam ; Sampl Suits ! All the latest New York models. No two alike. These we have the privilege of order- ing from, so that the woman who wants a fashionable and exclusive suit for autumn will have an opportunity now. Every one of these neat fall modelssaxe delight- fully chic and distinctive. Prices range from $48.00 To $75.00 As we have to return the sample models on Friday night, you will have just two days in which to see them. The materials are VELVETS, BRO CLOTHS, VELOURS, FINE SERGES, G ERDINES. Many fur trimmed. You may order any material and have it made in any of the models shown. ni -- "Fa Se 32 ° WE HAVE MADE A CAREFUL SELECTION : MEN'S SHOES FOR FALL. a | recede toes ome EE OF