00D SHORTAGE ++ Tht Ont PROF PRODUCTION NOT KEEPING PACE creased Grow Beans and Potatoes as Concen- trate Seed Tron (snr Starvat ple in her of been ir Vho Allie other vear like still hig no the 1 th the patrioti daing al are the pro ~ Production In an that pr ing pace w her of decreas has bee "Tak said Pr of tae the pas the least amount of food material of in large or small quantities and can! any of ol cattl] age ol been decreasing sCarcity many « large acres of grass lands this spring. | It is true that the growing of beans | seed . --~-- % ~~ -- er eee hoses, "1 This Ointment Possesses Two Peter use of wonder . can aot plished. can be night by Mr. George street, Peterbaro, Ont. healing . Chase's large running sore on my leg, and al though tions of got any the Chase's such ge give the gether glad to on my Since this experience with Dr. Chase's Ointment | have recommended it to ~~ YEAR R84. NO. 99 Ipiv, April 26 r ul { oa 107 their | toto producer materials, in non-producing province hy over sore healed gist handed me a sample box of Dr 12 PAGES Ls ever which 1etior FACES WORLD. 18 potatoes ar -- { exceedingly important to increase h ds possible valuable cone KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY. APRIL 27, 1917 ail) Famers Ate Eager 10. DO) frre rood materiale, Sul uf beans wheat Best What They Can. and spring Use Varities, "The most important thing introduce a system of for the CIWS MDNGE 7 economizing in and {abor, with a production, and wonderfully helped by best varieties and. the best quality bf seed having each kind ready g at exactly the right time far more in this statement Duty to tl people realize. Some vari- : eties of a certain crop will fty per cent. more food than other varieties of the same classes view to in- this can be securing the time WITH CONSUMPTION. and for sow «1 Food--Importance of Good There is Fmphasized--~Great an many ide People's Food, ; fi Meatless days ring Ontario in the face, and province, but all over! to thirty-per cent mad, plump seed or shrunken The grain sheuld be sown in the spring in the order of spring barley, field and it is important to get these in the land as soon ag possible after the can be worked to good After first 'week has passed in which these grains can be sown there is a decided decrease in the yield per for every day's delay For in- ance, for every day's delay after the st week crease in fhe pounds of 28 pounds of seed ere is a serious shortage Reserve supplies are lower than they have ever heen oats and peas, ion threatens the poorer peo the-war zone, where the num non-producing consumer has tue creased by millions is to provide food for the What can Onv¥arpo do" 1918 Aq. ACF woud bring! there is an vield per 17 pounds of spring wheat for foodstuffs, and acre of 48 barley, and 12 tion to many acro oats pounds of peas "Kxperiments show that on the potatoes give the best results when planted about the 20th May and field beans about the Ist June The ceding of turnips _migit bei delayed ur third week of Juni. This is an important crop ugh riously handicapped hy, labor. Ontario' sive farmers are the situa Prof. ¢. A Agricultural mail and tel iniries as to te of cand progre average Day after day Ontario til the Tee hy how he What are ced for Ontario? | the farmers « Ontario the best time to do it, the best niethod? que 1 tn he met 3 r : 4 h Some Leading Varieties, best ties of varieties of | farm which can be used in On These | tario at present time time are Nl "Spring wheat: Marquis and Wiud fessor of field husbandry Goose cctor of field experiment Jarley . Peas ( Falls Behind. thur CL Prof. Zavitz was: OAL. No food is not keep Potato Empire : Davies anution. The nam Warrior Dooley Extra Early Eureka of aR Tif ultural food, "Beans: Common white pea bean with the rapidly situatibn, | "These the war are all important ¢ Ontario as an example," man food Jeans from the 0. Zavitz "The grass lands most important crops which can be have been increasing greatly increased at the present time 100,000 annually in They furnish a large amount of con- stures furnish, centrated food, which is e Some of the crops the of the tions fired a and 0O.A.C. No. 21 tnadian Jeauty and Ar 742 and No interview said State, oduction of : th con comparison consumers, 1s 1g, and a 'nn brought Beans as a Food. said Prof. Zavitz, in furnishing hu gerious crops,' about by one of acres t four years. I: the farm «crops. The number! be readily stored and transported. It © on the farms and. the acre- is practically impossible to increase valuable food materials have in a short time such Owing to the great meat, cheese or butter, of help it is unlikely that|crop might be of the farmers will plow up|the coming year but the bean without difficulty Power to Heal the Skin | fore Cases Which Prove the Extraordinary Heal- ||"); werefor. er Ty ing Power of Dr. Chase's Ointment. -- - boro, Dr. fully satisfactory because you ually see the results accom- It is surprising what change brought about in a single y this great healing ointment Beavis, Ont. Chase's Apr. 27 Ointment The many people." is Mrs. W. W. Annapolis Co., N.S., writes: "I am going to tell you my experience with Dr. Chase's Ointment. There was a | spot came on my lace something like | a mole, but it kept getting worse. | and several doctors whom I consulted 4 119 James | writes: "As a said it was skin cancer, and that cousider pr. | would have to be cut or burned out I had a|l intended having this done, but] changed my mind when my brother recommended Dr. Chase's Ointment: | Befora I had finished one box of the! ointment this skin trouble had gone | and has not bothered me since. 1! ointment, I the best obtainable. I had tried aM the prescrip two doctors I was unable to relief from the pain or to get One day my drug- Ointment, and 1 used it.with results that 1 decided to ointment a fair trial. Alto- I used four boxes, and am be able'to say that the sore leg is entirely healed up too much, and you are at liberty to publish this letter." youl If you have never used Dr. Chase's | Ointment send a two-ceng-stamp for | a"sample box, and mention this pa- | per. Price sixty cents a box. alll dealers. or Edmanson, Bates & Co..| Limited. Toronto. re NUNN ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH YOUR COMPLEXION? NN SN Take care of your complexion-- 5 N and your complexion will lake care of you. CHOOSE PURE AIDS. OHOOSE CREME ELCAYA THE PURE, DAINTY, TOILEY.CREAM THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST FOR YEARS. '""Makes the skin like velvet' average (e-| products as| easily doubled during|scarce, in On | | Oliver, Port George I | year. | hope that he was alive apd a pris- cannot praise Dr. Chase's Ointment | oner of war, but definite word in_re- | from Captain W. H. Hooper, | { i produce | } Large, | plump seed will produce from fifteen| greater yield than} wheat, land | advantage. | of Rove and in the roads leading into the town. The huge crate here seen in the foreground. It is full of water. | | directions. This also is true of all other towns requires more labor than!" pasture - gnd hay cro bal. it is equally true BRITISH OCCUPY | that tuey can be cuttivated without ta very large amount of skill and that thé returns are more satisfactory It may be mentioned vear Huron crower had $9,000 worth of beans from his farm "There are a number of varieties of beans, but the most ible for growing at the present time," said Prot white pea beam used for § home ( export i either in the ndition or in some prepared as canned | beans and pork "Bean growers are market for thei because manufacturers feat ent guaranteeing over $5 _a for the produced this to be used in combination with pork for export I understand this guar antee holds good hether th closes, before nd of the sily grown| or that last one county suit --_--r Zavitz, "is th mall This variety can be rt rr Palestine. nsumption natural « form uch sure of a good this vear pres : i i . bushel | BY THE CONTINUATION OF THEIR ADVANCE. produc beans season war eason Blossoms a Joy ta the Soldiers. { With the British Pales | Importance of Potatoes. | tine, April 4 (Correspondence of Prof. Zavitz emphasized Associated Press) --It is portance of potato-growing twogmonths British potatoes, he said, are exceptionally aric; and every effort which geographic the gate-of- not." Forces in the im | the Seed since the El-Arish, historically is {entered 1 | to retain all the good | ally and possible seed pur true that in normal! otitoes apt to re scrub seed or from Owing to the abnormal pota-« | | should be made potatoes for Palestine, advance has now put them firmly on the soil of the Holy Land from the sands of the sown land was gradual arked by three separate years small are sult from eased tubers | weather conditions of 1916 the toes were arrested in their growth {and were in many cases harvested bg they matured In many | therefore, the best pota-|ing th After a dis Progress lesert to the and was m stages ¢ The first ended at El-Burg, bring troops to the region of grass vear of yellow sand, the potatoes should | green vistas were sooth! and re Experiments have | freshing to the men, especially with immature seed often | t! relief afferded by the Tamarisk results than that wich | rising between the said dunes become thoroughly matured. It The second stage was from El-Burg is also true that the potatoes were '0 Shelk-Zoweid, making tran exceptionally free from disease last | Sition from the green meadows to a We therefore have on the| land of barley fileds Shiek-Zoweid farms throughout Ontario a consider mud village, but fruit able quantity of potatoes which, if ful orc hard with a cactus hedge, properly handled, may be used to ad- Suen as sufrounds every Place oft vantage for planting this year with |!ruitfuiness in Palestine. The or the prospect of good returns." hard's bio Ooms Wweig a joy to the --_-------- {eyes of thousands of men who had seen no signs of spring for two years past. The was from and marked of 'wheat. found in reached Perth the Day on, week in a letter projang at pre- With the passing of Rafa, the Bri sent at Murren, Switzerland, to Dr. | (ish army began the English occupa- Beeman of Perth, who wrote Capt. tion of Pleestine and opened a new Hooper in regard to Archie Sinclair. era in the history of the East. In his letter, which is dated March emraoneove 25th, Capt. Hooper says: "Pte. Ar- War Tidings, chie Sinclair of Perth was killed One of Germany's newest Zeppel about or between 4.30 and 5.00 p.m., | ins exploded when siruck by light- on April 24th, 1915, at a place 'about ning near the Swiss border and was midway between St. Julien and] destroyed with the loss of all the Langemarck, in Belgium. He was a| crew. . 'very good soldier and a credit to his | The\Brifish freighter Paris bound family. -1 had attempted while in| to New York:swas sunk by a German Germany to get word through to his | were hen's ' eggs Such make good shown that gives better seed trees is a boasts a Cam . i Capt. Hooper Gives News, Perth April 27 --Since the reports ed missing of Archie Sinclair of Perth two years ago there has been third stage of the transition Sheik-Zoweid to Rafa, entry into the country The grass was no longer patches, but stretching undulating plains, like the gard to his death Sussex and Hampshire in latter part of last FRUITFUL LAND They Came Out of the Desert to Plenty in FIRMLY IN HOLY LAND | John Bull Has Opened a New Era in the History of the East--Orchard's over troops and the continuation of the In order to obstrudt the French advance the Germans explodes) mines both in the main streets | ormed by gne such explosion is The.enemy did not.content himself with such legiti- | mate means of warfare, but also destroyed many of the buildings, besides pillaging and burning in all and 'cities which the Germans have evacuated. ~~ oy Pr AA 20 IB[[OpP uol{[iw g0 The crew Germans in warned by the Mexican that move near States border will be 2 IM dulIrWgn Governme any the United followed by ar rest. Fierce fighting continues all along the line from to the Nor Sea The have gained nothing but lost thousand men Soissor Germans many In the House of Lords on Thurs diy Lord Beresford insisted that Government should reveal the whale truth of the submarine menace LEAVE TO COMMONS NEW IRISH SCHEME Lloyd George Changes His Mind_Regarding County London, April 27 The Daily News says: "As result of criticism of the Government's plan for deal- ing with the Irish problem, Lloyd George is now credited with the in fention when he commends it to Par liament of leaving it to the House of Commons to decide by what majority an Irish county should vote itself din or out of the Home Rule scheme. The whole situayfon, however, may be changed in the next few days, as it makes representatives t& the DBrit- ish Government as to the desirability of Irish settlement." CONGREGATIONAL A Splendid Gathering in Queen Street Methodist Church. A congregational reunion was held in Queen Street: Methodist chur h on Thursday eyening with a very large attendance and an exceptionally good time Judge Lavell, with wit and humor presided. The reports for the past vear were presented from the treasurer, Sunday school, Missionary Society, Ladies' Aid, Young Men's Club, Adult Bible Class, Choir, Ep- worth League, and all were of a ver: encouraging character Good work was done by every department The finances were above the record, and the year will be closed satisfactorily By a standing vote the congregation expressed its appreciation of th splendid services of Rev. J. D. is and Mrs. Ellis during the vear. Their labors had been abundant and ful. Mr> EHis = acknowledged the token of regard in a very helpful speech. During the evening there were song8 by Sergt Lightheart, Joseph Hodge, R. Tandy, Mrs. Evans and Miss Trousdale; duét by Messrs Hodge and Pettigrew, and violin solos by Miss Goldie Bartels All were of rare beauty Mrs. Pettigrew was the capable accompanist REUNION fruir An Appreciation. Harrowsmith, April 17th, Dear Sir,-- Kindly cancel the advt. in Daily 1916 N NES a a City Dairy \ » . SEND 100 FOR LARGE SAMPLE JAMES C. CRANE, ° 104 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM, ) Visit This Dairy and Decide for Yourself, -- Satisfaction Guaranteed. 24 Johnson Street Phone 2083 Pinch Back Overcoats $14.00 to $18.00 Plain Grey Chesterfield Overcoats $12.00 to $20.00. New Raincoats and Spring Overcoat Combined, $15.00. Large Stock of Indigo Blue and Pattern Worsted Suitings at moderate prices. JOHN TWEDDELL Military Tailor '131 Princess St 'Civil an . Ahh A | tell his father and mother that 1 am proud to have associated with i such a boy as Archie ' Visited Famous Cemetery. Perth, April 27.--John McCann, «As received a letter with enclosure | which he p ries vpty highly from his daughter, ing Sister Annie Me- { Cann, on the staff of the Duchess of | Connaught Hospital, having been: transferred from France. Migs Mec-, Cann sent hersfather a sprig of a yew tree that has been 'growing for a thousand years in the chureh yard where Gray wrote the elegy that has made his name immortal, | St. John, N.B., April 27.--aAn amalgamation of fishing interests in which are merged several of the oldest houses in the fish business in the provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Quebec has been consummated, and the new concern is now known as the Leomard Fish- eries, Iad., with headquarters at Montreal, with branches throughout | a capitalization of $1,000,000, Fish Concerns Amalgamate. i! the three provinces named. and with | . | British Whig for teacher, as we have engaged one. We always have splen- {did results from advertising in your 'daily, and wish your paper every suc- cess." We have taken the British | Whig for nearly fifty vears, and it is always a welcome visitor. Kindly send me the amount due You and .1 will return same V. LAKE, father that he had died but apparent- ly word never got tiftough. Please EL - SAYS: . ~~ *"Zam-Buk {s a valuable addition to every soldier's kit" This re matk 'was made by Lieut.Col. A. C. M - B. Hamilton-Gray, R.C.R., Welling- ton Barracks, Halifax, NS. Ho says further: "1 can speak from personal ex- perience, as I have used Zam-Buk myself for cuts, burns and rheo matism, and believe there is moth- ing to equal it." Zam-Buk, the great herbal balm, isa boon to the men in the trenches --it ends pain and heals so quickly, and instant application of Zam-Buk prevents all possibility of festering or blood-poisgning. Pa forget to put sce Zam- your next parvel = front, AU druggists, or es Russia Takes Over Coal Mines, Co., Toronto; 50c. box, 3 for $1.25. | Petrograd, April 27.--At a confer- -& | ence to discuss the question of a | Government coal monopoly, . it. was decided to place all mineral com- Sec. "Treas General Hospital Notes, The -nurses-in-training are over- joyed. this week, as the Governors have had a telephone installed in their residence. (If you don't believe it call 2113.57 Iwurpies their f{vals throughout the city. 4 The nurses' examinatiogs just com- 'pleted were very difficult Some of the doctors set papers that wounld {have peeved a medical student. | Che Daily British Whig | re HOW THE GERMANS HINDER THE ADVANCE OF THE ALLIES" | The hospital tulip beds promise to" SECOND SECTION tN 4 \N No TV Aart Heri > i A T1920, 1921517 a 511019) Ao As the Years Pass By sing of time that a Road case All 1 look good » day they are But what a diffe hem as the years Itiso with the pa properly judged completed. go by! The oldest Concrete Road in Wavne Co v, Michi®an, 13 new in its eighth year of service. It has carried an estimated total t { 000,000 vehicles of all Its « the importance of having all thro NCE INL of over wo-day er Canada just such Permanent Highways . of Concrete The Roadway Engineers of Wayne County have dis- covered that the road referred face-wear so slight that it is-difficult to me: . il estimate } t it will take dred years for the road vear : it at wall wear out at that rate kinds ndit to shows s al 1 new, rete constantly t "set." Concrete 111 1t cost } heap Other fac Road Bool CANADA CEMENT COMPANY, Limitad G1 Herald Building, Montreal "CONCRETE FOR PERMANENCE ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CHARM TEA IN PACKAGES. Black, Green and Mixed. Packed in King- ston, by ~ GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. sa INT PAIN Ale ~--for interior or exterior paintin® on wooden surfaces Ramsay's is unsurpassed The quality of the ingredients and the well-balanced por- portions give Ramsay's Paints unusual spreading and covering capacity as well as dyrability and protective properties. Local Ramsay Dealer will éigve you with any information you may desire --or write tis direct, A. RAMSAY & SON COMPANY Makers of Fine Paints and Vafnishes A 5 £5raprrowED 1842 MONTREAL : TORONTO : VANCOUVER \ \ J For Sale By McKELVEY & SON, Limited. mr YOU SHOULD USE |, M.S.C. ® E | SHAMPOO. = It maintains healthy hair, corrects unnatijral scalp conditions, and assists nature in restoring mormal, healthy conditions, by Ml stimulating and renewing the bair-growing processes. Hl eo HEALTHY HAIR NEEDS ATTENTION, and any disorder of the scalp or falling hair will grow worse by neglect. M. S. C. SHAMPOO contains pure Cocoanut Oil and other hair health ingredients, which by constant use will keep the scalp and hair in perfect condition. ' Being in LIQUID form, it is easy to apply: You simply wet the head thoroughly in Hot water, then apply about two tablespoonsful, which will instantly work up oceans of lather that WII thorou thly cleanse the scalp, and after thorough rinsing will leave the hair beautifully soft. Buy a bottle from your dealer and follow direc. tions carefully, and you, like thousands of others, will be convinced of our claims. Price 50 Cents AR Druggiste, Everywhere, or if your decier rann-! wn ply you wilh the genuine writs us MUTUAL SALES CO." ernment and regularize their distei- fr at the disposal of the Gov- bution, 32 Front Street West . Toronte, Ontario A at a ee