F 4 RN et BP RRS { PAGE FOURTEEN # FAR yc aga THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 28 1917 Realm ' Of Woman--Som ee Tn (THE CONFESSIONS OF ROXANE | (By Frances Walter) Xx I TRY TO CHEER SYLVIA Run-down HE lure rn Mf icat ) ound , Frane eye 18 \ "Jo Wincarnis Offers a New Health « New Life or 0 he GET a bottle of Winear y ad 1 me and see hdw quickly help you to i [ 3 health and vitali Vines § Ix ken was resses a four-fold power ingereating welfare and to Edwa the health you Winearnis is a tonie, a restor; a bicod-maker, and f all in Ther appearance down even undertake ton obedie neces need. . . Edward has not given thi ter proper consideration," I t He the first news 3 been scared by i and over 10,600 doctors re ezrnis, And it is a why you can take Win the certain knowledge th give you new health. If you are weak, Wincarnis will gife you new strength. If you are anaemic, Winearnis will give you new rich red blood. If you are ners vous, Wincarnis will give you new nerve force. If you are run-down, -| Wincarnis will give you new vie tality. Winearnls has heen famous In Europe for a third of a century. Thousands have testified that it has +, restored them to health and th, Doh't confuse it with the inferjor preparations of ap- parently similar nature: buy Win "etrnis itself, the tonie that has been unsuccessfully Jmitated for 33 years. time For as should s give him an opportunity his manhood tells him honorable | 'Ha I » what is] you honorable if Y | not via, still blindly in\lo with him. 4 But even I do) not wish tol the seem o do some- | I lova hall always love has done or would come he | 'What do vo | sor for-beaving me am sure hie woul 1e ( sted Syl now to.-try to fore im thing he does not want to do only 'him; Roxane, and | « him, matter what he what he ay do. If he to me willingly and tell me that wanted to marry me, I should bd the happiest parson in the world But 1 do not want to compel him to do it If he, for some reason or other, does not to marry me, then I want him to go his way, as he has done." "But he does want to marry you." "How do you know?" "T know ause oned it all out, Sylvia," know that Edward Blake and that nothing would make him %o happy as to be able to take your hand in his dnd lead you to the al tar." 'Do you really think so?" eagerly "1 am positive that I am right. Sylvia, Edward Blake loves you, and if-it for him to have «married you he would have done It long ago." ¥he bent forward, staring at with wide-open frightened eyes, "What ¢ you mean, Roxane "Just what say, Sylvia S not hapr ract you dc did leave always no 18 t_prove_ that he A inerring woman's is not ASK YOUR DOCTOR out CIT IT AT YOUR DRUGGISTS wan! Imported ia two sizes: $1.00 and (extra large bottle) $1.65 Coleman & Co., Ltd., Sug. Canvadien Office nk S. Ball, Resident Sales Agents for Canade arsons & Co., Toronto. have said 1 loves reas "I yon bed I oprictar believe that he at that Id enter hear But tr pos mo Here's Proof That ZUTOO - Cures Headache Aly. E. F. Tomkins, Ex-Mayor of Coati- cook, Que. proves it, "Your Tablets are a safe and effective remedy for headache" Mr. Geo. Legge, Editor of the "Granby were possible doubt too decpl Hence there restaurant mel wearily that of ed at waifl 114 hope Some- er -------------------- FETE RRP R RPE Dl SPER Told In Twilight Sb Er rrertrevrvedy | - (Continued from Page Freda, Barr * i.-MeCammon w days int Miss May a rooms 'n Rogers, Rogers have taken Robinson's Miss B ton 'today to vis Earl Street, R Rose Ithouse \ lcuse, regurned from k * * Moore, Union Sire been visiting her son Dr. York, for months turned to town on Friday Rey. W. T. Wilkins left 3 Trenton after a and 'Mrs. James Street Mr. and Mrs. J turned from Atlanti day. Mrs ot several OW short Craig, N. Inglis » City ep A hurs- Wellingt Norman Kes ting her parents in n Stre vi ronto Mrs Byrne Oldriey Mrs. J spending MacMahon, G 5 » and are Mrs. Street the with A * * . M and Mi Nupanee, spent Wednesday in ston Miss Netw, Simmons, siting her dnt-Mrs olebreok J Ham, N: spending sister,' Mrs, Saul Ss King- Kingston, Vv son, Mrs een "Blanayr," , has returned home, . ¢ | Torant of the Zenana Medi 10w in Kingston, leave the mon ssion, y it the end of ver later India. Mrs. Jack Meredith, the guest-of Mr. and Mrs. W Ottawa, for a couple of weeks | Mrs. C .H. E. Askwith, Ottawa, i Kingston with her husband, vith pleurisy Mrs. (Dr.) Malone, Frankford, short time with Capt at Renfrew before } front 12 a Malone leaves. for thr.) e the Leader-Mail" proves it. "Your Zutoo Tablets deserve to be wide ly kivown as a care that will cure." A.C. Hanson, B. A., K. C., Colonel of the Hussars, proves it. "I use Zutoo Tablets and find them a very satisfactory cure for Headache." 25 cents per box--at all dealers. cn The Crown of | Womanhood "Uncared for hair cannot be beau- tiful. There is po part of the human makeup So revengeful as the hair. It cries out: Look at me, care for me, or I will disgrace you! - Treat mg with consideration and I will be a glory to you." - 2 tablespoon spoon tour Menu for Sunday BREAKFAST Oranges Cereal of Cholee Creamy Eg on rast Hominy Griddle Cakes Jelly aor Syrup Coffee or Cocoa bakedish table Utensils easurin g *poon Saucepan, easpoon Wipe the meat witl cheese th, boil unti nd add seasoning flour thickening meat rominy in bakedish ane cover with half-inch erust; pour hal lettuce and Cucumber Salad cup of the warin meat stock over tof Frozen Custard of erust and put in over Coffee. and bake 25 to 30 minutes. Serve ir dish in ich it is baked. Crust i made as follow: Put 1% cupsflour, teaspoor Salt, 2 teaspoons baking powder inte bowk: Pui I tablespoons beef sue through Si chopper and add our; mix well; then add enough, cok rice stock to make that car he patted at, just enough t« cover top of hakedish be chopped very fine Dire m piece tender hominy of damp Ie remove DINMER and Roast Lamh, Mint Sance New Potatoes New String Heans and moderate SUPPER » Vegetable Salad Garnished with Cold Lamb Sliced Hananas Coconnut Sponge Cake Ten A ices { Baked Beef Pie with Hominy Materials--One pound lean stew- ing meat, 1 teaspoon salt, a little kpaprika, 4 cups cold boiled hominy, 1 a dough larg © PPB BPO Bet P THE ACTIVITIES OF WOMEN * aeons aa SR : - , With the above words, Lillian 'Russell, an unquestioned authority on feminine attractiveness, places no uncertain value on nice hair as a beauty asset. Unkempt, uncared for hair not only cannot be attractive but is actually a disgrace. But why have ill-kept, untidy hair? By devoting a few moments regular- ly to brushing and intelligent appli- cation of NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE, the hair may be made to yield won- derful returns in increased personal charm. Dandruff is the direct cause of more hair trouble than anything else. The hair becomes thin, h un- even and falls out in quantities. It Jooks dead and lifeless; there is no luster. ' The scalp itches, London pays its policewomen 36 per week | Twenty-five American women are 1cting as ambulance drivers in Salon- ika. For the first time in the history 'of | Sana woman--Fraulein Lue- | ders-- wil advise the Reichstag | | committee that deals with race sui-; | cide. The uniforms of the women in the | navy will be skirt of dark navy blue | material, full at the bottom and | belted, accordion plaited front end | back. i Miss Marion W, Cottle, & former | student of Wellesley college and the HERPICIDE will remove the dan- | Boston Law school, has offered to druff which is causing all the trouble, form a cavalry regiment of. women. clean the scalp, give the hair life, | The telephone switchiward at the snap and luxuriance. The hair stops | Boston navy yard is now operated coming out, the itching ceases al- | by girls in the place of the marines, mobt at once and withal there is 8 | who have been assigned (to other most gratifying sense of cleanliness. | g,¢y. who wishes to New York bankers and brokers are | seeking women who can take up the | work of their mele employees if the | United States issues a call for volun- | teers. { Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, wifa of thé | President, bas been made honofary | chidirman of the women's Volunteer | ald commi of the District of Col- | umbia Red Cross. . { Mrs. Betsy Todd Lee, aged 71, of | Anin Arbor, Mich., has just taken out | her first naturalization papers. When { she receives her final papers ghe will | become a lawyer, - { Miss Jeanetfe Rankin, congress- | woman from Montana, recently ad- | dressed ths 'Minnesota legislature from the President's ir, being the classes Brat womsg ever the priv. a B ja) i 5 i Many mothers are worried F dbout the changing of el 3 } food from time to time What suits at six weeks of age will not suffice at six months, The 'Allenburys' Foods pro- vide for Baby's needs step by step --a progressive dietary suited to his growing digestive powers from birth onwards, ' 'With these Foods may be given the 'juice of grapes, oranges or meat. <0 beneficial to the hands fed Daby, and instructions are given on each 0 : \ nfant tt" to Write for Bookl®, *I1 Feeding and A eins Saint Louis Women have organ- ized Red Cross units and already \ have started civilian girl 3, making bandages and Kite. The Whig's Daily Menu | to| The suet must} 8 " a = Mi Nichalls, Montreal, lier daughter, Mrs." J. D. Ellis, Col 1e Street, for the past week, will leave for her home on Monday accom | panied by her niece, Miss Marjorie | Ellis. Mrs. W. T. Herridge anid Mrs Sanford Evans will represent St. An- {drew's Church W. M. S., Ottawa, at .| the Preshyterial meeting of that or | ganization to be held during the first | week of May in Kingston, : Mrs. Harcourt Smith, of Quebec, 1s 1| the guest of Mrs. Philip. Gilbert | ron Street, Toronto. | Their Excellencies the Duke and 1|{ Duchess of Devonshire entertained f| Lady Borden, Mrs A. y! Miss Parker at | Mrs. F. M. P 1 are expgeted in Aylmer, week from California. | been there since last fall. Hu lunchegn. Ont, They this have RE CORN; | REDUCE HIGH COST 'Many Very Palatable Disheg May Be Prepared for thé Table at Little Cost. One way to reduce the cost of food ' USE MO o It, | f om Ham- | Bell Waldron and Miss Ethel | New York | re- | To- H week-end | Wellington Sanderson, | William Juek-| Interesting Features Fresh, pure, clean Tea 1 You can always be sure of getting fresh tea-- pure tea-- clean tea-- fragrant tea-- full strength tea-- rich, natural flavored tea-- in the sealed Red Rose package. 4 ¢ * 3 od ye # This package is sealed tight against odors-- dust-- and air-- the "enemies" of tea. LE * It is a package worthy of the choice tea inside-- ! for Vancou- | én route to Japan and China, and | Kingston, is| is ill visiting | in its Sixty Years of use no one barrel, bag or carton of poor Redpath sugar. It is A choice blend of the select hillgrown teas of Assam, in northern India; and Ceylon-- A tea | of Vdistinctive flavor and economy-- A tea that goes fully one-third farther than ordinary tea. * A cage A big company stands behind and ' guarantees everypackage of Red Rose Tea. You get the full net weight of tea marked on package. Guaranteed The price" is" marked on the package and is the same price in every grocery store-- A price that allows the grocer only a fair and just profit. * * * Try a package of this delightful tea. Red Rose Quality wins thousands of new users every year. No one ever doubts REDPATH quality, because has ever bought a made in one grade only--the highest. 2 and 5 Ib. Cartons-- 10, 20, 50 and 100 ib. Bags. G. Parker and | Watts and children | | | | | | or the family, says a specialist from | | the United States Department of Ag- | riculture, is to use more corn meal | Corn meal at present prices bought | {at retail stores costs about half as | | much per pound es white flour, one- | | third as much as rolled oats and {about one-half as much as broken | | rice. That, is, it costs much less per | | pound than any of the other popular i cereal foods | { Even the bolted corn ment, usually | | sold, from which the germ of the | { rain has been removed to make the | j meal keep longer, has a food value | | which compares favorably with that | | of wheat flour. It does not supply | quite as much nortein or mineral | | matter for the building of the tis-' | Sues of the body, but on the other | Band it gives more fat and starch, | { pound for pound, and its value as | fuel for the body is fully as high. | The old-fashioned unbolted corn | meal made from whole grain, which | | can often be obtained by the farmer | {and can also be purchased in the | markets, contains more of the tissue- building material and has what many | consider evena better flavor than the | bolted meal and is much liked for | making sothe forms of corn bread. { Any family in the country ean! | have the best of corn meal by grind-| { lg it at home in a hand grist mill. { The city man can buy corn by the { bushel at the grain store. He can grind it coarse or fine to suit the Tatfily and in quantities to last a) week-or more at a 'time or longer. _ Prices of hang mills of suhsgan- ! tial make run from $2650 to $5. A | Small hand mill can be had as low as | $1.50, though this sort would be probably too tedio small quantities . |" With the ordinary corn meal can {be made many articles of food that | will please the palate of amy one. On the cold wintry morning is there anything nicer than the old-fash ioned johnnyeake? sip us to use except for | i } i ~qolfeied its sorvices to the Nalonad | "Let Redpath Sweeten it.' 'Canada Sugar Refining Co., Limited, Montreal. > . f BUTTER 12 % CORN FLAKES are within the reach of all. "Made from white corn and by our secret process converted into appetizing and highly nutritious food. Made in Canada by an entirely Canadian company. Get the original in the red, white and 'green package, and refuse all substitutes. The Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Co. Limited. _ Head Office and Faetery: London, Ont. hr nn nin, Tho Needlowerk guild of Peanssi- vanis, which numbers 75,000, has | { Red Cross. i To meet the increased cost of Hv: ri er 1,000,000 female munition y #8 in England have asked for un igdreabs in pay Texas pow pays pensicns to de- { pendent mothers with children. Nearly afi of Englemd's farming { will- be done by women This year,