PAGE 81x - Ime ---- ¥ _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1917 ; 1 INCIDENTS i THE DAY | eee | CHURCH SERVICES Friday & Saturday Music Specials POPULAR MUSIC, 2 for 25¢c.; STANDARD AND Proials 3 for '$1.00. POPULAR- Coal Black Rose, Hawaiian Sunshine, Honolulu, America Loves You; See Dixie First, Somewhere in Dixie, If 'You Had All the World and Its Gold, Ireland Must Be Heaven, Good Night, What Do You Want To Make Those Eyes At Me For, Dixie All the Time, Down in Honolulu Looking Them Over, Blighty. STANDARD AND OPERATIC, 3 for $1.00. Long, Long Trail; Broken Doll. Poor Butterfly, Cute Little Way of My Own; Calling Me Home to You; Smile, Smile, Smile; Mother Machree; When Irish Eyes Are Smiling, Teach Me to Smile, Ladder of Roses, Sunshine of Your Smile, Miracle of Love, Somewhere in France, When the Sun Goes Down in Romany. EVERYTHING IN MUSIC. The College Book Store, 160-162 Princess St. Open Nights. Phone 919 LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS oF! GENERAL INTEREST. ve reading FUR STORAGE ts-- All seats Safe, Reliable. at 3 3 Telephone 489, our fur invited Cem e re : > Lo are sen + van will call. Happenings In the City and Vicinity --What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. thermos bottles at Au sti Buy your Meat Mr. Swaine, pi ders:left at McAu Mrs Miss ronto Pianos tof rental; Lindsay" s, 121 Princess St 1 Lieut Crozier, Kingston, command of the Guard ai tion plant, Trenton. Good value in Teas at Pickering's D. G. Laidlaw has been invited to address the boys' meeting at the Y. M.C.A. Sunday morning, H. Cunixingpbam, piauo tuner, 21 King street, Leave orders at McAul- ve 0! oy's Book Store. ] Young| " j R. McCann w ednesday, Spm, residenc day, p.m., Neil I's cordially wel Union free the Toird Morn Sermon sul ® Interest ven ymmunion and the James' Church, corner Buy ring s tuning Or- s, or 'phone 564. To Paul"s--Holy Communion, Morning aver, 1 « ock 1.O.OF FitzGerald St. A m., F. JOHN MCKAY, » Limited. 149-157 Brock St. Special' servicd the Preacher, Rev M.A Sunday pm. E ing pra) 7 o'clock. Prea | Canon FitzGerhld, M.A First Baptist church--Rev Laing, -pastor, at Patriotic Economy inal Judgment | school and Rible classes at 2.45 Strangers, students and soldiers dially invited to all the services Canon school, itter ney has taken the Muni Cooke's Preshyterian -- Minister, Rev. I. R. Mactean, M.A, B.D, 372 Brock street Minister will preact ning and evening 11 a.m., sub- Spi ranches'; 11 4.m.,. imary school; d Bible class; Perspective 8 pm. Doug bot seryices T pm Bible jet p.m cor las 11 am The F : p.m, Ine 7 p.m, Life" People prayer Boys' C come subject, Monday, 's Society; 8 frame owned by W, son Films and film packs, Austin's. . The market rk seized three quarters of manwholesbme veal on the market on Saturday, sending it to} the incinerator : Take your films to Austin's Drug Store to be developed and printed. Excellent work at reasonable prices, Mrs. Philip Gilbert, daughter of Justice Britton, has been elected a| vice-president of the Toronto, Wom-| en's Liberal Association i l.awrence Perrin, who is at Witley Camp, Surrey, Eng., has ten_to | WwW. J rke, Wellington® street, tell-| ing of i conditions He is} with Stationary Hospital (Queen's). Try Pickering's Coffee, 40¢ a lb Ice ram Bricks at Austin's. W. Bradshaw, county clerk, received notification that a "Win-the | War" paign meeting will be held | in Montreal on May 23rd Lieut.- | Col. L. W. Mulloy is chairman of hes committee in charge of the move- ment. Prevost, Brock street, has sual) all his spring and summer goods for | his order clothing department, in Ready-made clothing he has in stock | a very fine line of Blue and Gray worsted suits for those not wishing | to leave their order. He has also re- | ceived some very nice lines of Gents' Furnishings. . B.S. A. Class.--Meets for sible in A. Hall tover. Sar Montreal Street) "Earth's Night Mornin What fon, t Sunday 3 topic of Sin to Terminate Joy." . Symboeli g of Is ~ in a topi« Grand Gallery. of ible Methodist Church Tt d Montreal Streets the Pyramid Rev. George 8. Clendinnen, pastor, » students lcome. © will preach at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m 5A -- Sunday School and classes, p.m. E Chalmers, Barrie and Earl streets yr. Mor Bible i Epworth League annual meet- ng, nday, 8 p. m.; quarterly offi- Rev. M. Macgillivray, D.D., minis- (jal hoard, Tuesday, 8 p. m.; prayer New or Rebuilt ter. Services: 11 am. "Which Was gervice, Wednesday, 8 p.m.; Women's Rented and Repaired. Hl! it --Thunder, the Voice ©f An Angel. Missionary Society auxiliary annual Father' 7 Or The Voice Of The meeting Thursday, 3 p. m. in church m. Some Lessons And Surpri parlors Soldiers and visitors wel Spring And Their Relation To T ome at all servi Kingdom Of God." Sunday chool -- } pom. Strangers cord] Queen Street Methodist Church-- Portable, Folding, 81 Ibs. Rib- bons and Carbon Papers. Filing Cabinets Office Furniture Rev. J. D. Ellis, pastol Experience J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. meet ng, 10 a.m. ; publ} 41 Clarence Street. Brock Street the Corner Breck an All SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND OVAL CLUSTER *® . Ings o New, Popular and Attractive in Price. Our showing of this increasing- ly popular style of ring is now at its best. See our window display for comvincing proof. Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Oculists Prescriptions for Glasses Filled. es writ .. o-night 10 Dozen Ladies' Chamoisette Gloves, white, extra quality, 2 domes; sizes .6 to 7}. On sale tonight, 59c. services First Church of Christ, Scfentist, Johnson street, ween Bagot, and Wellington Sunday sch 9.45 a.m., service, 11 am, "Probation after Death." day evening testimonial meeting Public reading room same address, open every afternoon, except Sunday, 3 to 5 o'clock. All are cordially in- c wpTgAip, 11 am: and 7 pad; Sunday woh adult Bible and ¥ ung Men's\ Club, 2.45 p.m. The pastor will preach at svices. Morning topic, "Team in Soul Winning evening "Youthful Visions." Dean will address the Young ub on "The Things Men Live George Lightheart will Seats bet class | streets ool has | both se Work topic, Coleman Men's Cl By." Corpl sing at the mcrning serv.ce free. Everybody welcome. subject Wednes cany . . . . Ladies' Lisle Hose, white or black; all sizes. Sydenham Street Methodist Church Rev. Alfred Brown, pastor. Thé 35¢ up. \ pastor will preach at both services : 11 a. m., "The Man Who Missed the Meeting p. m., "Two Ways of Dealing With Sin." Music by solo- ists and full choir Class meeting 9-45 a. m.; Junior League, 10 a. m. Jible School and Wesleyn Club, 2 45 DOG MADE ATTACK p. m. Senior League in business and ON THREE PEOPLE social meeting Monday 8 p.m. Prayer! Magistrate Ordered It to Be and praise service, Wednesday 8 p.m Confined and Soldiers and students specially in- vited. A cordial welcome to all Muzzled. ' In Police Court. Saturday morning, | R. Hawkins, who lives on Macdonnell | Black Feather Ruffs, m Holy Communion. _.11 a.m Street, claimed that a dog owned by Morning prayer. 3 p.m., Sunday 2 Young man named Monerief, had £ < schootand Bible study class 4 p.| attacked his little boy. He and two Write or Grey Feather Ruffs, $2.95 up. m., Churching and Holy 7 members of his family had been at- Achievement =e Through Ladies' Silk Boot Hose, white or black: all sizes, 39c up. Ladies' Dark Brown Silk Boot Hose; sizes 9, 9}. Special 59c¢. Glasses. Ex-President Roosevelt was awkward and stupid as a boy until he suddenly dis- covered that he conld not see | as much as other boys. glasses m= Furs Stored At W. F.Gourdier 80 Brock Street Phone 700. Secession A "Home Sweet Home" at a Bargain A detached frame, on Corrigan St. with B. and CO, hot water heating, conservatory and hea house; fromt- age 66 feet. To go for $2400, new bungalow, all modern, $1850. £100 down; rent. EW. Mullin & Son Corner Johnson and Division Strects, Phones 539 and 1456. », St. Lmke's church--corner of Prin- cess and Nelsop streets--Rev. J. de Pencier Wright, M.A., B.D., rector, He tells us that 311 Alfred street Phone 871. 8 a changed his career. Yours may be such a case. Come in and get our spec- ialist"s advice. Consultation free. JS Asselstine D.0.S Registered 342 King Street THE BUSY OPTICAL STORE. PARADIS 1.95 up. TAXI STAND Always ready for your call -- day or might. GARAGE FOOT Baptism. 7 p.m., Evening prayer; and interces- tacked by the dog. sion on behalf of war. On the other hand, Moncrief | Music, Duet, : { "Son ,of My Soul," Miss Spencer and claimed that the canine was not at all} vicious, but that members of the Mrs. Pierson. The rector will preach at both services. Seats free. Strang. | HaWKins family had annoyed the dog | ers and visitors cordially invited to and caused him to be unruly. He de- attend, ' clared that he could bring witnesses to prove this The magistrate ordered that the! dog be confined and muzzled" | See Our Marquisette Blouses at $1.00. Real _ beauties in any size, 34 to 44. Phone 823; House 611 Cars washed. Oil For Sale. -B. PARADIS, Prop. Gasoline and Calvary Congregational Church-- 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sunday school, 3 p.m. "If man is not made for God why is he happy only in God? If | man is made for Ge why is he sc s made for God why is he so spectacular musical drama under the | cal. contrary to God"? Come and hear these questions dealt with in above | direction of Theodore H. Bird, under | = ---- rey church on Sunday 20 the auspices of the Daughters of the Se mee i} T pam.. Christian Monday, 7. Empire, for the benefit of patriotic {2.30 p.m., Endeavor; Tuesday, | 4 Red Cross work, are well under | THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. Women's Missionary meet- ' way There w.1l be over one hun- ---- er ---- ing; Tuesday, 8 p.m., Mission Circle, F K in era : _ ) study of Livingstone; Wednesday, 8 | 4'ed of Kingston's most popular tal- | p.m.. prayer meeting and monthly ent in the production. The pe rm- | business meeting. Rev. J. Lyall, | Nces will take place at the and - ' three nights, Thursday, Friday, Sat In order to reduce the costs of col lecting, of bookkeeping and interest charges, and to improve.sconditions generally in the Coal trade, we have pastor, 266 Rideau street 2 vs oS Sen pasto 7 Hu § urday, May 10th, 11th and 12th i finally decided to placg our Coal Business on a CASH b Jack's Wife. The rehearsals for this big four-act es Realty At the Golden Lion Grocery Snap FancyClover wi aesssmn | HONEY foundation, cellar, nice gars | den piot with extra building | OF BROCK ST. | George's Cathedral _The Very Dean Starr, M.A. D.D., rector S. In one pound sections, 25 cents each. Rev. lot; five shade trees. | Fresh California Prunes, nice and (overseas); Rev. Cecil Whalley, M YOURS FOR $1600. Juicy «+ 10e, 12%e¢c, 15¢c. Ib. A, B.D/, Priest-Vicar 138 Bagot {Evaporated Peaches, 2 lbs for 5c. street, phone 1444, Rev. V. O. Bovle, Evaporated Apricots +++ 18¢ Ib. M.A, assistant, 120 Wellington, | Sweet Cider +++ 40c gal. 'phone 1904. Third Sunday after Real ' Estate Agency. 82 Brock St. Easter § a.m., Holy Communion; Phone 826 or 621. Mck gd i Go. 11 a.m., Matins. Preacher, Rev, Cecil Whalley. 3 p.m. Sunday SE school, Bible classes and confirma- "This is an Urgent Call to Those Who Need tion class; 4 p.m., Holy baptism: 7 p.m. Evensong. Preacher, Rev. V gs N( no g ms O. Boyle, After Evensong soldiers'! social hour in 8. George's hall, - Buy now at to-day's prices. The whole- sale prices of to-morrow. SONI WALOH class at 8. George's Mission . 8 p.m. Wednesday. "*" High Grade Wilton Rugs--30 different pat- terns and color combinations. Fine Seamless Velvet Rugs, $25. 00, Relief Fund. | Treasurer Armenian acknowledges the fol Armenian G. EK. Hague, Relief Fund, lowing subscrigtions: $300--Que War Relief Fund, being subscriptions from students j and members of the staff. $10--Women's Canadian Club. $5 each--Rev. E. R. McLean, A. Newman, W. H. Gallagher, $2--Miss M. C. Gamsby, CLOSING OF MAILS British mall closes irregularly. Informauion posted at P.O. Lobby from time to time. United States, Jaty am. and 11.30 p.m. Grand Trunk. going east, 11.30 a.m. and 11.30 p.m. Grand Trunk, Toronto and west, Including Western States .. . 100 p. Grand Trunk and atl west of City, 2.30 pm. and 11.30 C.P.R. ,. 10.15 am. and 5.00 CNR. ... +0t tod see +. 3.00 "The Hat Store" -- | -- mr tl First Congregational Church, cor-| - - pe 3 ) GERMANS GOING { ner Wellington and Johnson stkeets| | --Pastor: Rev. T. De Courcy Rayner; | BORSALINO FURTHER NORTH residence, 220 Johnson street. Phone will Be Transferred Early Mext Week to Kapuskasing Camp 2116. Services 11 am. and 7 p.m.| 3 HATS Sunday school and Bible classes, 3! #Made in Italy) ; in New Ontario. ipm.; 11 am. Rev. C. H. Ballard,| | newly ordained minister of the Pres-| The Geriiawm: and Austrian prison- ers of war at-Fort Henry will be { byterian charch, will preach. 7 p.m. | The Pastor will preach, topic, "An Intpodaction:to Oneself." Have you evel «introduced to yourself? moved to Kapuskasing early next Is it'an acquaintance worth king?! week and the final arrangements are Lome and hear about it. Union being made for their transfer to the praise and prayer service in Bethel, {northern camp. | Wednesday, 8 p.m. First church-- i To move over 300 men from Fort the church with a wéleome. All the | Henry to New Ontario is a big un- | dertaking but Lieut-Col. H. E. Date - SN BFL F {and his staff are confident that évery ; precauiion will be made and that seals are free. i there will be no escapes. It is un- "ee n's vee eee J m. pm. p.m. pm. We trust the public in general and our customers in particular will co operate with us. : Ist. | A tor strictly cash +» The new terms date from May when all sales will be Easy terms, balance in = rene S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory; Lumber Yards Het and Wellington Streets, Kingston, Ont. Offer Phone $6. Factory 1415, Pr a | a [71¢€ NL Zev wp AW 0 rey rr GG STORE -- Bethel Church, $30.00, $35.00. Congoleum Rugs are anon for their dur- ability and appearance, priced from $3.25 to $12.00. New Drapery Poplins are here in shades of blue, brown, green, rose, pink, for side cur- tains as well as portieres they are very ef- fective. : ¢ ae dbs R. McFAUL, | oom; Friday, "ongregational | onmson and Barrie streéts--pastor, | Rev. T. De Courcy Rayner; resi- | dence, 220 Johnson street. Phone 2116. Services, 11 am. anid 7 p.m., Sunday school and Bible classes 3 p. | m. 11 pm. The pastor will preach, | subject, "The Song of the Ark," with | its needed message to modern men and women. You should hear this. | 7 p-m., Rev, C. H. Ballard, newly or- | dained ministéy of the Presbyterian! { church, will preach on ("The Burning | Bush." Wednesday, 8 p.m. hjon, | praise and prayer service in ool- 3 pm, Y.PSC.E. | You are welcome to all services. ; Come! Last Opportunity. - To secure Toconto Giobe one year $3.00, six months $1.50. After May i 1st price-evill be advanced to $4.00 per annum. Phone or leave sub- scriptions at the College Book Store. Phone 919. v 'Buy kodak films at Austin's. | derstood that a special train for:the We have just re- ceived another ship- |! ment of the famous Borsalino soft felt hats. Price $4.50. 'hey are beauties. See them tonight. Tra , the committee ; aH to take them, | ! plies at Austin's drag store. Buy "ings. i will go directly to the new camp. transfer. § "were selling at $4.25 per bag. work will be used add as quietly as possible tae band will come, to the entraining point to be loaded in and then without any unnecessary stops Ben Isely, Swiss consul-general, is the' Canadian representative of the 'prisoners and he was in the eity on [Saturday making an inspection and attending to official details of the Seed Potatoes Dear. The, Greater Production Commit- tee on Saturday endeavored to secure seed potatoes, but did not make any deal, when it was found that they And fas they were Rte potatoes at that, Was not anxious. at -- Kodaks, films, film packs and sup-| 'your groceries at Piegey. TOILET PREPARATIONS Melba Talctm (flesh or white)