g THO SHOTS WERE FED FOR KIDNEYS WHAT THE KIDNEYS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR The function of the kidnays is to purify the blood. Every three minutes, the entire blood stream passes through the kidneys and is relieved of its impurities by these busy organs When the kidneys fail in their work, poison accumu- lates in the blood--pains are felt "in the back, the head aches, the urinary system is deranged Joints and ankles are apt to swell and there is grave danger of rheumatism, sciatica, and lumbago. Gin Pills restore the kidneys to their mormal activity, and should be taken as soom as any of the symptoms indicated above are felt Gin Pills sooth and heal the kidneys. Don't neglect kidney trouble-- you will only suffer need- less pain. All druggists sell Gin Pills. G0c. a-box, or € boxes for $2.50. A sample will be sent free upon request to NATIONAL DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, EIMITED Torouto, Ont. 62 U. S. Address -Na-Dru-Co. Ime. 202 Main St, Buffalo, N.Y, - » A - ~ La ~~ an. ------------ RECKLES Now is the Time to Get Rid of These | Ugly Spots. no longer the feeling ashamed of the prescription othine naranteed Spot There's need of freckles, as double strength is remove these homely Simply get an ounce strength from and apply a morning and othine double brug night SOON see have begun to disappear, lighter ones have. vanished entirely It is is seldom that more than ounce is needed to completely clear the skin and gain a beautiful complexion. » Be sure ask for the strength othine as this is sold under little of it you Store and while to guarantee of woney back if it fails to remove freckles Best's Spring Needs Garden and Flower Seeds Lawn Grads Seed Moth Bags and Moth Prevent. atives, Blood Purifiers Tonics. Camera Sfpplies, Evef§thing for the Amateur. Developed, 10 cents a roll. of cameras supplies. At Best's The Popular Drug Store. Open Sundays. Phone 59. Branch 2018 Spring and Films All makes and We Maintain the Highest Standard of Quality in Sight Testing, Lens Making, and Eye Glass Fitting Our Charges Are Moderate Our Work Is Guaranteed. Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0. 3 doors above the Opera House. 236 I'rincess Street. «+ slizhtest| your] to | Mahood's| (he United States with incomes-in ex- should | that even the worst freckles | the i for | | could obtain one ar| clear doubTé ORDNANCE BUILDING GUARD, . THY TO STOP MARAUPERS. Believed 10 Be Organized Attack on Men of the Special Services Com- pany } o'clock or Friday parts hear two sharp n the hands of the + Ordnance Building on capbarns. The Nand crowds many of tl hat run .the cause of mentioned n guard at Ordnance ound made by Iron door of the Halt' but two disobeying the He stop time the heard a behind He ca an led out, and ran along King street in an endeavor t they got away » offic to 1 ir a in ial » same trouble that has come er e occasions to the guard at the | gowd water tower. It will be ret a that- the l4th Regiment at first had this work. "Tue Special Service was organized and men of, have since been on duty Compar %that unit | While the tthere was | dently in work of | sie, an made to | Work {shown leral members of | out duthority, have | night with the intention of getting the marauders and wow the enthus- asm in this chase has become even more widespread I'he officials are determined that the interfering wit the guard must stop and now the most vigorous steps taken trouble but evi effort to belittle the men under Lieut. Mun- attempt "has been frighten them from their The falacy of this idea however, in tae fact that sev-4 » company, with- ent night after no such an the organized i will, be Rich Men Ask to Be Taxed. Washington, April 28 A delega- tion of wealthy New Yorkers aston- the Government by appearing { before the Ways and Means Commit tee with the request that the Gov- | ernment confiscate every man's in- come in excess of $100,000 per year They presented fig showing that lin 1915 there were 24 persons in | ished | cess of one hundred thousand dollars With the increase in profits and in- comes since 1915 the Government billion and a half from taxes on in- war purposes combs, | Conductor Goes to Jail. Hamilton, April 28. --Lewis Barry, G.T.R. conductor, was given two [ months n jail for allowing his train run into a car, injuring | eleven people, | SPRING MEDICINE | { [ | to street Hood's Sarsaparilla, the Great Bloed Purifier, is the Best. | Spring sickness comes in some de- gree to every man, woman and child {in our climate : ! It is that run-down condition of | the system that results from impure, | impoverished', devitalized blood | It is marked by loss of appetite and that tired feeling, and in many | cases by some form of eruption. The best way to treat spring sick- {ness is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. L. This old reliable family medicine purifies, enriches and revitalizes the blood It is an all-the-year-round alterative and tonic, and is abso- [utely the hest Spring medicine, Get your blgod in good condition iat once - -now Ask your druggist for Hood's Sarsaparilla, and insist on having it, for nothing else can take tits place. a FEATHERS, | The Cleaning and Dyeing , of Feathers is a most im- | portant branch of our | business, and one to which we devote a great deal of attention. Feathers can _be cleaned or dyed very Successfully. We carry at alltimesan extensive stock of feathers md mangfactured in our own workrooms, which are | 6n sale at very moderate prices. PARKER'S DYE WORKS LIMITED 3 Princess Street, King- 169 ston, Ontario. Apples! Apples! A very choice stock v TALMAN SWEETS NORTHERN SPIES BEN DAVIS BALDWINS STARKS Friendshi 'el ps! 210 Division St | Phone 543 Having vacated my former location, all orders for monuments will be taken and receive best at- tention at my residence and yard. : : Lettering and renovating in cemeteries a spec- ialty. « frces) 14th Regiment was there, | for consideration ARE BATHS NECESSARY? ef no ify to pro re-| which | lways this an | | my | was! out] 1 in ral believe in. tt f a bowe! washing J. Hoag, Kingst ous demand » past few years, xplain it eresting book or n 'Wihy Man of Tod it Efficient the asking. If, Chas, A. Tyrreil Torunto, fos same | ee | | THEATRICAL NEWS | a} and ¢ and **The Whip." When Wm. A. Brady presented "The Whip" on the speaking stage | in New. York after it had run for| two years in London, he made a pro- duction that was an historical event The play was also translated and | presented in European countries and when shown in Australia, ran there for a long time. Now that it.is being presented in motion pictures, even more startling realism has been se- cured The monster train wreck, produced at a cost of $25.000, the wonderful scenes and the many other | sensational incidents combined with the splendid story, make this a most | memorable screen drama "The Whip" will be the attraction at the | Grand on Monday and Tuesday, | April 30th and May 1st with a daily matinee, It is a real treat that in store for everyone who can "The Whip". It will be a treat to see the tremendous scenic effects, the gor- geous gowns and the wonderful In- terior views. is see , Albert Brown's New Comedy. "A Little Bit of Fluff" is a farce! of the same type as "Pink Dominoes" "The Private Secretary," and "'Char- ley's Aunt" and in London has ex- ceeded those noted plays in popular- ity, though this seems incredible The audience laughs all the time fit is going on, laughs between the acts in discussing its situations, laughs on the way home and at breakfast the next morning in thiljking of it. Above all, it provides a méw role for Albert Brown, of a type that he has never before presented in this coun- try. Can the reader fancy this de- lightful comedian as an '"'uplifter." That is the kind of young man he has to play in this piece. His ad- ventures when he is compelled to personate a friend of less rigid prin- ciples, and which even involve him in the necessity of donning women's clothes, constitute the richest series of situations that have emanated from the brain of a playright for many a year. At the. Grand on Wed- nesdqy evening May 2nd. - {Continued on page 12.) "Greater Liberty Now Due." A. I. Ritchie, New Liskeard, gave! a lecture Friday evening in the 1.B, S.A. hall to an interested audience on "Greater Liberty Now Due'. He was of the opinion that the kingdom | of Christ would be in power by 19285, | according to Bible chronology. This| creemed possible in view of the gen-| eral demand for political equality. Mr. Ritchie instanced the rapid rise of socialism, equal rights, trades; unionism, women's rights and man¥ political parties, and the increasing friction between the classes and the | masses which the Bible showed would end In the overthrow of the! present order of things and the set- ting up of the Messiah's kingdom. Will Not Replace It: The Grand Trunk railway officials will net replace at present the morn- ing local train from Belleville toh Brockville. The matter will be up for the summer changes,in the last week of June. Fe vis worthily bestowed { the guest oo | nursing in England, | yesterday for a i | street, eute: | tea hour | honor of her BarYie formally at the a'ternoon in Miss AVismer, . "Mrs. Bernard Hepburn, Picton, | wife of Col. Bernard Hepburn, M.P. received a gratifying mark of roval favor on 21st April. * On that day Princess Victoria visited the camp of the Forestry Corps near Windsor, " to open the Y.M.C.A Lady y¥, Mrs. Hazen, Mrs. White and Hepburn were present and presented - Mrs, were The ladies of the Red Cross So- ciety of Kingston, gratified at the self-denying work of Mrs, W. L. Ggodwin, purpose on Wednesday { next presenting her with a life mem- | » @an honor that | bership in the society . . Norman Scott and his mother, Mrs C. Scott, Adolphustown, spent a couple of weeks in Kingston, visit- ing friends. . Miss Lillie Ferguson, Picton, was in Kingston attending Queen's Con- vocation on the occasion of the grad- uation of her sister Miss Evalena Ferguson. * * * . | 120 dainty lace e + = 240 pair one in.o today at 30c a pa Miss Edigh Walton, who has been | Miss Eva Coon, left to-| day for her home in Brockville | Mrs. Russell Hale and Miss Helen Hale have returned from England, and are with Dr. and Mrs. Monti- zambert, Ottawa Belleville, | Miss Audrey, Wilmot, Ww Livingston, | | is the guest of Mrs. Toronto Mrs. Rynders, Sydenham, is the | guest of Mrs. F. Folger, Sydenham Street. 1 Miss Marjorie Uglow is spending | the week end in Brockville the guest | of Miss Alice Reynolds. | + «= { Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hughes have moved from William street to Gore | street. | Miss Marion Hague, who has been | has leit for] France to join Queen's refnforce- nents. Charles Livingston spent days this week in Toronto. | Mrs. KE. J. Adams, Ottawa, will ar-| rive om Monday to be the guest of her sister, Mrs. James Craig, Ear street > \Irs. Georges McKay returned on Friday from Mt. ('le ens, Mich Mrs. Merritt, Montreal, guest of Mrs. Dewa) at the Belyid« *. . . a few| = the re.d i Miss Lottie Whitton, who has been ! attending Queen's University, re turned on Friday to her home in| Renfrew Capt. and Mrs. McMaster, Univer- sity avenue, have moved to 78 Gore | street. | Mrs. W. J. Robinson is en pension | at Mrs. Brooks', Edrl street. | Mrs. D. G, McGregor, Hamilton, arrived in towm to-day to be the | guest of Mrs. W. A. Bellhouse, Earl | street. | Keith Robinson left yesterday for | Hawkesbury. | * . * | Capt. and Mrs. Jones, who have been at the Belvidere, have taken a house on Victoria street Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Nickle have re- | turned froma motor trip to Ottaws, | Miss Aileen Folger, who accompaniea them, is remaining for a few days with Mrs. W. F. Nickle. ! Miss Edna and Miss Marion Bootn | and Miss Flora Stewart have taken rooms at Mrs. Smith's, 195 Johnston street, Mrs. Jack Sutherland, Gore street, and Miss Holland are Jeaving to- morrow lo spend a few days in To- ronto. . Charles Robertson, Ottawa, arriv- | ed in town early in the week to join Qreen's Engineers. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Slater, Barrie street, returned on Wednesday atfer | spending a few days in Ottawa. | Mr. and Mrs. George Mahood ana | the Misses Anna and Gertrude lei: | motor trip to New | | | *- * York and while there will visit Mrs Eade Mrs. A. E. Lewis and her grand! daughter, Miss Bernice Henderson. Odessa, called on friends in Kingston | en Saturday: i "« o Miss Mary Nesbitt, Johnston street, is spending a few days with her brother, Dr. Nesbitt, Lindsay. wiMiss Alice M. Bennington, Have- lock, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. George Woodman, John street. Miss Irene Crowe. Ernestown, 1s | Almost Total Collapse -~ Of the Nervous System Could Not Lift Cup of Tea to Lips--Rest or Sleep Was tof Toa to Li Cure to Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Kingston, Ont., Apr. 28, 1917. -- We have to report to-day an extreme case of nervous exhaustion. This is not the day of miracles, and @o miracles are claimed for Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, but to Mr. Moore is seems almost like a miracle the way his worn-out nerves have been fed back to health and 'strength. W. E. Moore, No, 4 Lower Que- bec St, Kingston, Ont, writes: "About five years ago I was suffering from nervous trouble, pains in my back and general! run-down condi- tion, and was mext dvor to dying a couple of times. 1 was so nervous at times that I could not get a cup of tea to my lips." Some times I would never close my eves during the whole night, and if 1'did get to would waken with a jump. seeing the efféet of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food on a friend of mine I was in- duced to try it. After taking = treat- -use some Nerve Food. good health at present. At times if I am not feeling up to the mark I I wish to re- commend the use of Dr. 'Chase's Nerve Food to persons suffering from nervousness, sleeplessness and run-down condition." ~ This is Nature's way of effecting eure, and this is why Dr. Chase's! Nerve Food has made such a reputa- tion for itself as a cure for diseases of the merves, It is gentle in action, but wonderfully potent in restoring to the run-down system the vigor and energy which makes life worth living, Nervous headaches, indigestion; 'sleeplessness, irritability soon leave once the nervous emergy is restored Sad tha Prather IML Cor ad: the A 50 cents a box, & full op 6 boxes for $2.50, at all dealers, or E Co. Ltd.; Toron- '| accompanied her. HOUSE DRESSES o-night ! LADIES' NECKWEAR at 35¢, 50c, 75¢, $1.00 and $1.50. Tonight -. .. .. | BOYS' FINE RIBBED STOCKINGS. From 7 to 9.45. EET 4 y formerly priced .. 19¢ mbroidered and novelty collars, ne ribbed black cotton hose; a splendid value ir; in two sizes only, 9 and 9}. Tonight. . . . 18¢ Or 2 pairs for 35c. CHILDREN'S ROMPERS 108 Jersey Knit Rompers; a fine quality that wear splendidly, in blue and white and white and blue. Reg. 75¢. Tonight . . .. 39¢ / {- 180 print and American percale "Billie Buike" house dresses: just arrived from New York. Reg. $2.00 values. Tonight . . $1.48 |STEACY'S : Limited tH. PO tat et 0 For Dainty Chiffons-- LUX For things you wouldn't think of washing in the ordinary way you can safely use LUX. The purity of these shimmering little flakes of essence of soap is beyond question, and they cannot harm anything at all that clean water may touch. Make your garments last as long as possible--use LUX. At all grocers 10c. ~--British made Lever Brothers Limited Terente { | visiting Mrs. ¥. J. Holleran, Jackson, | Mich | 'Miss Davidson, who has been visit- ing Miss Minnie Davis, Napanee, has returned to Kingston, Miss. Davis { Mrs. Howard R. Cowangand. little | son, Rex, Luseland, Sask; arrived { today to visit her parents, Dr. and {| Mra. E. 7. Lake, Alfred street | Mrs. William Craig, 396 Alfred st. {is leaving today for Britannia to | spend the summer, after which] she will reside in Ottawa, (Continued on Page 14.) KILLED IN ACTION. Private Frank Leveeque, aged thir-: ty-one years, of the 50th Battalion, Calgary, brother of Miss Mary Levee- que, and Mrs. E. F. Wilson, Earl street," and Patrick Leveeque, Enter- prise, was killed in action on the 16th of April. He was a son of Thomas Léveeque,, of Enterprise. Private Leveedue ieft here six years ago and enlisted in 1814 in Calgary. Much sympathy is felt with his father and sisters. He was .a Kind and loving son and brother. . Mrs. Calvin Jackson; 108 Mont real street, received word on Satur- day morning that her son, Pte. Rufus Irwin Jackson, of the Mounted Rifles had been killed in action April 13th. Pte. Jackson left Kingston with the 146th Battalion but later was trans- ferred to the 4th C.M.R. he Canada Shipping Co. Lid, > Ca RUGS OF EVERY TION; FURNITURE FOR EVERY ROOM We were never so well prepared before to moet your de mands. We have excreised great care in selecting our patterns, with the result that we are able to offer you values unobtain- able anywhere in Canada. Our immense selection of new rugs in all the rich tones of genuine Oriental designs at a fraction of the cost. Our list of customers is constantly growing. 1 . it i (THERE'S A REASON.) I..F. HARRISON COM Phone 90. AT DAVIES UI IAI. Extra ChoiceVeal A roast of choice veal is equal to chic- . ken, and costs less. Try one for your Sun- day dinner. 22¢ to 25¢ Per Lb. Lettuce, parsley, rhubarb, radishes, green onions. . Goodyear Welt Boots for Men _ OUR $5.00 LINES ARE LEADERS. Jack. Johnston's Shoe Store ~~ 70 Brock Street. 4 - spent $75,000 in outfitting boats (meat I found a great Improvement; y that wintered at Trenton. Phone 1417, could sleep well, and am enjoying JAS. E. MUL 155 Frontenac a a sb a substitute, as Sectyting LIE Bl SE TE ES