IT SIT gir PAGE TEN ~\ N\ OR ag WI RR TE CI OS § JACK'S WIFE Builders -- Attention | Trentow wants houses, Large in- flux of popuYation, due 10 construction of extensive manufacturing plants here. Communicate with Industrial Committee, Trenton, Ont. "RUMMAGE SALE WINDSOR HOTEL Saturday, May 5th. At 9 sum. A i it PUBLIC NOTICE Monday morning, April 30th, my price for bread will ba 8c per loaf wholesale and 9¢ per loaf retail. T. R. CARNOVSKY. "AUCTION SALE Furniture, Saint's Rest, Thursday, May drd Tapestry and avool tables, morris and easy extension table, chairs, fron beds, spring feat her beds, dressers robes, plethgres, 'thrée ers, FrankBn grates fnigeratlar, crockery, olen utensils ete ALLIEN, The Au Telephone Pressed CEMENT BRICK. With our new style press we can supply A-1 pressed brick and veneer blocks (equal to brick), They are a big improvement on the common products. Come and see them. We also sell cement, Burleigh's, Verona. A A. i Ready for Business. P. H. BAKER Is now in the grocery business, corner, of Princess and Fron- tenac streets. Everything new and fresh. Delivery to any part of the city. A trial order sol- cited. PHONE 1016 Cr md ee 'Ranks with the Strongest' HUDSON BAY Insurance Company . FIRE INSURANCE Head Ofies, Gavel Jrsrance Bidg. Manners SIN rene _W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. @ mee BUGGIES AND SPRING WAGGONS Large Stock at the Old Stand. Terms As Usual. : J. C. CONOLLY YARKER, ONT. BELONGING TO THE ORDER OF FAIR AND SQUARES r ADMITS You TO THE BEST CircLes!S Ie FAIR AND SQUARE Our store will be open Saturday, April 28th, a full line of choice gro- ceries, fruits and vegetables 'will be displayed. We will appreciate your patronage and give you excellent ser- vice, UNITED GROCERY 0, Riguey & Hickey's Old Stand Phone 267. ne Dr. John L. Davison, Toronto, who nt 16 Napanee to spend Easter . h his brother, has been taken cri- tically iN. . Charles Davis, Jellyby, has purchas- ed the farm of the late John Colborne. + week. [News From Eastem Ontario | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1917 sep -------------------- AEWS FROM THE DISTRI OLIPPED FROM "ram WHIG'S MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES, (n Brief Form the Events In The Oountry about Kingston Are Told ~--Full of Interest to Many, ' Finlayson, an aged died Monday, Mrs. Charles resident of Ramsay aged seventy-cight years Mrs. A. B. Ketchum, Cherry Val ley, and her daughter, Mrs, Jamieson, will leave for Ottawa on Saturday Don S. Clark, on the Rideau Re Smith's Falls, for the years, has accepted & position {the Brockville Recorder Miss Louise Young, Carleton Place, {has been spending a week at Kings- ton, with ker mece, Nursing sister M Klemn; in the Convalescing Hospital John 'Judge has moved his house- hold goods and family to their new | home at Colebrooke. Their =~ many cord, past five with ~~ | friends are sorry "to lose them from Y Camden East, | A. -D. Way, Bethel, has entered {Into partnership with W. H. Lake, Picton, in the fuel and feed business. | The firm will be known as W. H. | Lake & Company. Everett Rollins, Corbyville, son of Rollins, and Miss Beatrice Whiting, daughter 6f Joseph ing, Cannifton, were united in mar- 'riage on Wednesday Neighbors and friendg to the num- ber of sixty, gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wilford Connolly, Yarker, on April 19th, and presented them with many presents, On April 16th, friends met at the home of Mr. and Mrs, James Marlin, Lime Lake, to present them with a. beautiful writing desk on the oc- casion of their removal, | W. H. Davidson, a Hillier boy, has | been nominated by the Liberals as | candidate for the provincial riding of North Calgary Mr. Davidson is editor and proprietor of the Calgary | Albertan | Mr. and Mrs. W. B, | Napanee, were called to the [bed of Mr. Johnston's aunt, Mra. | James Sheehan, New York, last They returned Tuesday with body for interment, Tuesday John Weir, noticed what he thought to be a racoon | walking round. He got his shot gun and after bringing down the animal { found it to be a valuable fox. It is about two-thigds silver and nicely | marked. A | John Knill, Brockville, received a | telegram stating that the youngest Ison of the family, No. 1260589 Pte {Arthur William. Knill, had succumbed lon Wednesday, 11th inst, in No. 30 | Canadian Casualty clearing hospital {to gunshot wounds received in battle | Mrs. Florence May McCoy, wife of | George M. McCoy, Foxboro, died on | Monday after being ill for some time | Deceased, thirty-seven years of age, | was born at Eldorado, being a daugh | ter of the late Willlam Wright. For | the past six years she had resided in | Foxboro. | I'he 'Rideau Power Co, ville, has concluded an agreement | with Frost & Wood, Smith's Falls, {for several handred horse power to | operate their plant The Rideau | Power €o. of which Mr Henniger jand Mr. Gould, Smith's Falls, are the [controlling = spirits, have a splendid Ipower development at Merrickville of | from one thousand to fifteen hundred | horse power Tuomas Johnston, death «the | Last Merrick- Brockville Holstein Sale. Brockville, April 27.--The third annual sale of the Brockville Dis- trict Holstein Breeders, concluded Wednesday night, was the most suc- cessful yet. A large number of buyers from eastern Ontario, Quebac and northern New York were pre- sent. The offerings were fifty-eight animals; fifty-one were sold, bring- ing in a total of $7,655, or. a little better 'than $150 average for each. The highest price was obtained by A. C. Hatdy for Pietje Clothilde Pon- tiac Artin, two years old last De- cember. The purchaser was G. 'A. Gilroy, Glen Buell. R. J. Cimmons also purchased from Mr, Hardy Artis Tolkje Pontiac, four and a half years cld, for $300.. These were the high- est prices. The lowest price paid was $65 for one calf. Received Diplomas. Smith's Falls, April 28.--This | week the graduation of nurses took | place at the public hospital. The nurses who received diplomas were, Miss Enid Stewart, Miss Mildred Purcell, Miss Elva Atchie, Miss Irene Syme, Miss Cora McLean and Miss Pearl Swan. PE Ice Cream Bricks at Austin's. Special This Week at the Unique Grocery. Black, green and mixed Tea, 40c¢ Ib. Our Usual good Coffee ... 2. 40c¢ 1b. The best Sweet Pickles ..}. 40¢c qt. 5-1b. tin of Corn Syrup ... - Whit-{ | Gananoque {From Our Own Correspondent) April 28% Under the auspices of the Young People's Society of Grace Cnurch con- ference year their lec- ture hall last evening It was ad- vertised as a 'Penny Social." The function was quite liberally patron- ized An 'excellent programme was provided. The entertainment under the auspices of No. 1° Company Christ Church Troop of Girl Guides was repeated last evening at the Parish House and again drew a large attendance. [Latest reports show that Mrs. William. Davidson, Street, who has been very seriously fll with pneumonia, has taken « turn for the better. Bradley Acton, Pitts- burg, Pa., son of the late James Acton of this town, is spending some time here with relatives. Thomas Fer- Yis, invalided home from the front some time ago, has received the po- sition of light house keeper at Burnt Island, formerly held by the late James Acton. Backyard gard- ening is to be the order of the day here this season Lots that have never been known to be cultivated have, in, many instances, already been ploughed and quite an amount of vegetables have already been planted. April 28 The following item from a recent issue of the Insurance and Fire Review, dealing with the eleventh annual report of the Gene- ral Accident Assurance Co. of Can- adfa, is of some considerable interest to residents of both Gananoque and Kingston, the former of which is re- presented by Inspector William E Meggs, of the firm of Meggs Bros. and the Tatter by Stephen Roughton, Brock! street, Kingston. The report shows a year's bus ness of $361,- 266.31, made up of $342,469.66 pre- mium income and $18,796.65 inter- est on investments Assets were $459,373.82, of which $277,179.95 is invested in eitv, town and school de- bentures, $32,950 in 'loan com- pany debentures, $71,247.87 in high grade stocks, and the balance in cash and outstanding premiums The company's investments are all put in at cost, but the management has written off $12,550.56 for deprecia- ton This enviable position has been attained through the able and efficient work "of John J. Durance, manager and secretary of the com- pany. As a bolt from above comes the resignation of Mr. Durance from the position which he has so ably filled for a number of years to entex into partnership with his brother, R. J. Durance, former sales manager for Australasia of the Ford Motor Car Co. on May 1st, under the firm name of last social of the as held in Durance Brothers, Insurance Brokers, Queen Street, Toronto. Inspector Meggs of this tawn was in Toronto during the fore part of the week, when the company's staff presented their ret'ring manager with a beautiful wrist watch as a slight token of their esteem and ap- preciation. His Successor, who has not yet ben appointed, will take charge of the company under splen- did financial conditions and a game for fair dealing and prompt settle- meni of claims, wh ech has made it one of the very best im Canada to- day. COBOURG OUT TO PRODUCE Yards, Vacant Tots, Glebe Lands to be Cultivated, » Cobourg, April 28.--The Cobourg Board of Trade, backed up by Mayor Greer, and members of the Town Council, and by prominent citizens, has taken up the matter of produc- tion and the cultivation of all garden plots and waste ground. The town has been divided into three wards, with a strong committee in charge of each, while a special committee is in charge of the competition between boys from fourteen years to sixteen years old, for a prize of $100 offered by J. E. Stone, formerly of Toronto, for the best garden plots. The crop to be grown are potatoes, white beans, cabbage and sweet corn, and $25 in prizes will be awarded for each, MIGHT'S BODY IN LAKE. Mystery of Peterboro Merchant's Dis- appearance Cleared. Peterboro, Ont., April 28.--The mystery surrounding the disappear- ance of F. J. Might, manager of the J. C. Turnbull Co., was cleared up when his body was found floating in the Little Lake. His watch, ring, and a number of private papers were found in the clothing. Coroner Greer decided that an inquest was not necessary. Mr. Might disappear- ed on Feb. 4th, and since then a search had been going on all over the country, © Back to the Old Home. Adolphustown, April 28.--On April 20th, a reception was held in honor of Corpl. James Dorland, who arrived from the firing line, The Church Hall was crowded. The speeches given by J. B. Allison, Rev. Mr. Dickenson, and Rev. Mr. Phelps, were interesting. The solos by Miss Bogart and Miss Haight and Overton Roblin were appreciated, as was land gave a interesting account of his* travels from the time he left home till he arrived on the firing line, and from that till he arrived home again. 'Miss Geneva Roblin presented Mr. Dorland with a purse of gold, while H. M. Johnston read the address Corpl. Dorland, we are glad to say, looks fine, after his twenty-three months on the firing line, and has come home lucky, with- out a scratch. 4 Ice Cream Bricks at Austin's. Mrs. J. R. Brown, has purchased the regjdence on Barker street, Pic- ton, formerly owned by Mr. Pitman. Miss May Bell Marks, Perth, is now in New York engaging plays and players for ext season. Brock card: "Cut tN. S.A» | sold asigura, Den Boston, U.S.A." | ~~~ Gook's Cotton Root Compound, |: J wanting anything done in. the carpen- tery line. Estimates given o6n'all kinds of fepairs and new work; also hard- wood floors of all kinds. All orders will receive prompt attention. Queen street, pe NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC On and After May 1st - All Our Sales Will Be For CASH. Ou tard NON EE Clear Your Complexion | ies oie system We will more While You Sleep | ioe On retiring gently smear the face t cal f with Cuticura Ointment. Wash off in | to the public thei five minutes with Cuticura Soap and 4o¢ || at a reasonable ce water, using plenty of Soap and con- i tinue bathish a few minutes with Soap. The James 'Sowards Coal Co. Rinse with tepid water. The cleansing," ill be soothing influence of this treatment on the pores extends throught the night. It may be repeated on- rising. : Sample Each Free by Mail. Address post- ut the worl THIS BEAUTIFUL Victrola AND 24 RECORDS OF YOUR OWN SELECTION. FOR $123.60 Easy Terms Arranged If Necessary. C.W. Lindsay, Limited 4 e, reliabie ve wis Sold in_three THOMAS COPLEY | Telephone 987 rees of strength--No. 1, $1 Ker 2,83; No.3. $5 per box, a Sold all Srugraes, or send rel on eceil Free pamphlet. Fallon THE COOK MEDICINE CL Shop 60 TORONTO. ON". (Formerly Winder ' shown by loud applause. James Dor-| HOME PORTRAITS A SPECIALTY £33 per dozen. 11 in. x 14 in. line prints. For engagement apply hy letter to 7 G. BLAKEMORE, KINGSTON. Copies of all my photos in Whig's illustrated supplement may be secur ed from me. One Quart of Milk Is equal in food value to three-fourths of a pound of Beef Steak, eight eggs, fifteen pounds of oysters, two pounds of fish, six pounds of tomatoes. And the milk Is more easily digested and far more economical than any of the otfiér foods. Phone 845 ~ Price's GIVE YOUR POUL. | TRY | our special feed and get results in| the egg basket and in thriving | chicks. This feed is ome of our spec- | ialties and those who use it are its | enthusiastic admirers. Try some and | now the improvement in laying hens | and growing chicks. J | | McBROOM| 42-44 Princess St. "Phone 18806, ~ Saturday Clean-up \ We move Monday and offer extra bargains ° for Saturday. : House Dresses . . .. .. . = $1.25 Kimonas .. .. . = .... $1.25 Children's Dresses . . 30c and up Hat Shapes . . .. 98¢ and up SilkHose . . .. .. .. .. . . . 42 Grey Tweed Sport Coats, extra value $9.98 EXTRA SPECIAL -- All last year's sum- mer dresses, $1.00 to clear. Opp. Grand Opera House, 217 Princess St. WeHave Canvassed the Entire Motor Truck Industry to Help You Solve Your Hauling and Delivery Problem--and Now We Have Found the Solution vehicle that is applicable to every line of industry. Our search has carried us through W- have sought economy of operation, big records of results, and a motor the largest motor truck plants in the country. We have investigated records of operation in the hands 'Form-a-Trucks in actual service, covering every line of owners. And we have found over 30,000 Smith' of industry in the country and backed by such remarkable records of economy, owner satisfaction, year-around service and adaptability to every line of work that we have brought this wonderful hauling and We Have Found Prompt Deliveries At the Smith Form-a-Truck factory we have found tremendous productior --one Smith Form-a-Truck every two minutes. We have found materials bought so far in advance that immediate delivery is guaranteed on all orders, large or small. We have found in the Smith Form-a-Truck Corporation one of the best financed manufacturers in the industry. These all guarantee your satisfaction and our ability to take care of your order, and make deliveries when you want your trucks - v We Have 'Found Wonderful Construction With Smith Form-a-Truck combined with any Ford, Maxwell, Dodge Bros., Buick, Chevrolet or Overland power plant, we have found an economical. construction which duplicates in sturdi- ness, in dependability, in freedom from repair costs, the highest priced trucks you can buy. We have found real motor truck construction; not converted easure cars designed to carry moderate loads, The Smith a tilizes proved : jf he od Fay u power ts to col e e design. Any one of these power plants is wonderfully ad truck service, every equipment of operation, ient fotor ruch percent delivery unit to you. We Have Found These Low Costs 8c a ton mile is the average hauling cost, exclusive of driver's wages, which is being charged up by Smith Form-a-Truck users. 6,000 to 8,000 miles per set of tires. 12 to 18 miles per gallon of gasoline, and a delivery speed of from 12 to 15 miles per hour are the average records. And these features of operation and service will be yours as soon as you install your Smith Form-a-Truck equipment. We Have Found Every Body Used on Smith Form-a-Truck Used on Smith Form-a-Truck, we have found every body, including a re- markable Eight-in-One Convertible Farm Body, which gives farm owners every type of farm wagon that could possibly be used, any one of which can be obtained in a minute simply by the manipulation of a few levers. And we have found Smith Form-a-Truck not only equipped with every type of body ever designed fcr a motor truck, but we have found them doing emergency work hauling heavily loaded trailers. "~ . There is no work you could require that Smith Form-a-Truck cannot de for you. We Have Installed Big Service Facilities | 'To take care of the t dous demand which must come from every user of hauling or deliverbpmervice, we have installed a big service station, big facilities tomeet every demand Smith Form-a- Truck ownerscan make upon us. This service station--these big facilities are at your disposal. \ dy to place your hauling and delivery on an entirely néw basis of oe Xe bring -- 8 to you through uced hauling. and delivery charges--to increase the amount of business you can do by opening up a radius gf del from two to three times greater than that you could possibly cOver with Yotees Bring your hauling and delivery problems to us: we will solve them for you. plant with a vise-like grip. .F.KELLY OIL CO.,