" should know of Zam-Buk.", Zam-Buk 1s equally good for old wounds, poisoning, salt rheum, boils, scalp sores, piles, burns, scalds, cuts and all skin injuries. All druggists and stores, or Zam-Buk Co, 60c. box, 3 for $1.25. 5 Pure Scotch 'Marmalade | Baker's Fresh Grated Cocoanut with Phone 76. 1 1 goon balm flanmation and soreness were soon drawn out, the Irritation was ended, I ha and before long the sorés showed signs Gf healing 1 persevered, be able to tell you that I am now completely cured to publisfpmy letter for the benefit other sufferers, sumer t eas I succe t of CITY TAXISTAND Boat, Train and All _City Calls Promptly modern five and seven passen- ger cars used, tried ofn without any went to but even this has disease continu "Then Zam-Buk, and ~ Ee DEAD CREEK. a hospit fo er A 1 2 I wing and der of the J 0 ot If you have tried ts vgthout am-Buk! 'Frontenac seeding is D. Vande Lena have gone re g nd daug r ed home from 1] e "Mrs. C oker allel on fr ls here last 2k Percy Gaybird arrived from Kingston with his auto J. A Newton is sawing at home this spring. i Newton Harlowe. a rvellous how of this The in- It was really fen the healing powers became apparent. has 1S saw 1g al Needless to say, BATTERSEA. and I am thankful to April 2 In the Methodist Church day morning, Mr. Reid of To- gave -a splendid address on temperance On Wednesday jmorn- ing when Wesley Hartley was driving a team on a load of hay, the' horses throwing yMr, Hartley off breaking his atm and leg. 1 Cross Socjety met at the ome of Mrs. FF. W.¥Balk on Thurs- afternoon. Miss Ethel Clark has I ned after spending the. winter in Kingston Miss Ethel Ormsby, who has been ill, much improved. Henry Campbell received a cable from France that his son Ernest had wounded 6 on Sun I should like you ronto, as everyone ran away I load ted ringworm, ulcers, blood- Toronto. retur is been seriously ELGINBURG April 28 Quarterly be held the first Sunday e Kepler appointment. Mr. and h L. Spooner, Kingston, visited friends here recently. On Wednes- | day evening Mr. and Mrs Albert "Stover entertained a number of their | friends Mrs. W. Tolles, Inverary, visited her daughter, Mrs. I. Porter, this week James Silver is able to be out again. Mrs. Christeneen has returned to Guelph after spending "a few weeks at her father's, David Smith's. John McBride has pur- chased a McLaughlin car. Nelson Silver is assisting George Porter in his cheese factory. H. Rickart's lit tle son had the misfortune to fall and his &rm quite badly. service will in May at 283 King Street. Opposite Custom House Phone 749 Attended" All to. and GLASCO'S - njure BARRIEFIELD April 26.---The school - has Te- opened with twenty-four in atten- dance and Mrs, Fredenburg as teach- ar, Mrs. Ramsay of Pembroke is the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. Dow- ler. Mr. and Mrs. Linton, city, spent Sunday at W. Stanton's. | Mrs. J. McCartney and little son are visiting in Toronto. Mr. Burnside and fam- ily, city, have removed over to Mr. Crozier's farm. Mrs. Bowman, who has been spending the winter in the city, has returned home, John Tis- AAA AAA $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will leaaead Ko learn that thers one dreaded disease that to cure | Hn and Jam. In glass and tins. the milk, 15¢ per tin, 4 | D. COUPER = 341-3 Princess St. Prompt Delivery. be been able that 4 infhue trea ken internally hod oun the \ 4 System there by destroaing 'the foundation of the dis- nse giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assis nature dn doing its work Tt proprietors have so nruch faith n the curative powers of Hall's « atarrh Cure that they offer One Hundred Dollars for nay case that i fails up cure Send r list of testimonials Address: FF. J. CHENEY & ledo, Ohio, Sold by all Druggists, I i qr fall and ing To- 750 CO., yy THE UNIVERSAL CAR 115,000 FORD CARS Have been manufactured in Canada by the Ford Motor Co., of Canada, the largest mo- tor factory in the British Empire. Ford Sales are based on F ord. Service and Ford Satisfaction This is.the simple reason why there are so many Ford Cars in Canada today and why the Ford Car is known everywhere as The Universal Car Pen Ford Dealers, Kingston, Ont. a THE DAILY BRITISH w = dale and famiily are removing to the city and Mr. Alexander and family are removing to the home of John Tisdale. G. Belwa and family have taken over the of Mr. Alex- ander, store ALLEN, WOLFE ISLAND. April 26.--Farmers seeding and. planting. The se factory in this vicinity will open on May 1st. E. Seguin, telephone instructor, was here last week repairing the different lines. Peter O'Shea has moved to his farm at "The Ridge." Mrs. Walter Scott, former resi- dent of this section, died" on Tues- day at her home in Kingston. The funeral took place on Thursday from Kingston to Wolfe Island, where her remains were placed in St. Mary's vault. CLARENDON. April 30 Harry - McDonell had the misfortune of breaking his leg on Monday last. Mr. Deer, Massey- Harris Co., Toronto, spent a couple of days in Clarendon on business. Miss Nidholson, our teacher, is ill with measles. S. Moss is in Maber- ley on business. John Allan, Maber- ley, was in Clarendon on Friday. A party gived by Mrs. James Campbell on Wednesday evening was much enjoyed. Rev. Mr. Pringle held ser- vice in the Church of St. Barnabas here-on Sunday morning. There was a good attendance, ECHO LAKE April --The farmere expect to start seedingy right away. Allen Wagar has drawn two loads of tele- phone poles for the new line through fthe neighborhood. John Cronk is building a barn for E. Péters, Mar- kus Switzer is home to help with the spring's work, "Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Samp Vanderwaters also Miss Hattie Cox, at D. McCleod's; Mrs. Charles Cox at Mrs. John Crapk"s; Miss Ethel McCleod at H. Hick's; Mrs. John Cronk at Jacgb Babcock's. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cox of Moscow at J. Babcock's; Miss Ethel Draffin at C. Cox's; Markus Switzer at W. Wagar's; Mary Cox at Harvey HABeoeR'e* William Wagar and son, of Wadgarville at Allen Wagar's; Mrs. H. Hicks, Miss Ella McCleod and Miss Orphia Wagar at Mrs. David Ruttan's, 09 KEELERVILLE April 25.--Farmers have com- menced seeding, The land works up in good shape and if the fine weath- er continueg there will be a large acreage sown. Judging from the number of autos on road these days there has beg¢n a hig sale of cars this season. | Tie daily rural mail service is very -much appreciated. James Bodl, Ross Clark and J E. Anglin have been on the sick list. Rev. A. W. Stewart of Battersea made pastoral calls through here vestérday. Mrs. R. J. Boal of Cedar Lake is at James Boal's® Mr. and Mrs. Edward Andrews visiting at Lyndhurst. Miss Margaret Arthur of Inverary spent the week-end with Miss Mildred Anglin. Mrs. Donald Sleeth of Cedar lake at Edward Sleeth's. HIGH FALLS April 27.- The roads are in very good condition\ The birthday party given in honor of Miss Edna Wagar at her home on Wednesday evening was much enjoyed. son, who has been ill, is improving. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. G. Bauder are spending a few days in Kingston. Leala Deyo has returned from Ports- mouth, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morey and daughter, Alma spent Sunday at Evern Morey's. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wagar at S. Deyo's. Mr, and Mrs. O. Bauder and Mr. and Mrs. T. Bau- der at John Deyo's: Theresa and Thelma Collins at Edna Wagar's. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Card at S. Deyo's. Carrie Deyo spent a few days at Burridge. Edna Wagar and E. Page attended the party at G. Timmer- man's on Friday evening, Mrs, O. Bauder visited, at G. Freeman's. Mrs. J. Deyo at S. Deyo"s. R. Wagar made a (rip to the city today. WILMUR April 26.--The Helping Hapd cle nreet at the home of Mrs. R Crimmons, May 9th. Rev. Mr. Brown, Toronto, preached in the church last Sunday. Miss Arlene Powell, Kingston, spent a week with her aunt, Mrs. R. McCrimmon. Mrs. S. Sears spent a few days with friends at Murvale and Kingston. All are sorry to hear of H. Smith's illness. Mr. Smith is now in Roches- ter, Minnesota, for treatment. A wee girl hds come to brighten the home of S. Orser. Mrs. Townsend, Kings- ton spent two weeks with her broth- er, J. W. Henry. Mrs. C. Smith and Mrs. J. W. Henry spent a day last week with their sister, Mrs. 8S. Orser, Maple Leaf. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Simpkins at W. McFadden's; Mrs. N. Aniey and Miss S. Graham at R. Smith's; Mrs. Ackroyd at R. McCrimmon"s; Mrs. W. Guthrie at R. Thompsgn's; Mr. and Mrs. Al- port, Sydenham, at H. Stoness'; Mrs. A. Ameyy Kingston, at N. Amey's, Cfr- . Mec- VERONA April 26.--Rev. C. V. Fairburn had. his foot cut quite badly, but is able to be around with the aid of a cane. Charles Yorke, after spending Easter at home here, has retprned to his school duties at Rodney. Miss Edith Yorke has been visiting Miss Sadie Edwards at Cataraqui. Sergt. W. Connolly and famiily, Kingston, have been visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Tallen. Mrs. Joseph Wilkins has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. D. Sigsworth, - Pleasant Valley. Ww. Watson, Kingston, spent over Sunday at Joseph Percy's. John N. Bauder, Clarendon, is visiting relatives here. Mrs. Harry Walroth, Sharbot Lake, visited at W. Burlgigh's last week The remains of the late B. Seales were wemoved fram the vault here, Tuesday and Intérred at Piccadilly. Mrs. Joseph "Bogart is home again after spending the winter in the United States. Miss Ethel McMullen, Clement, of Pittsburgh, is Mrs. A, Albert-. = after nearly .a months absence visit- ing relatives at Westport, has turned home. Much sympathy expressed for Mrs. M. Williams whose husband and son are both wounded at the front; also for Mr. and Mrs. E. James, Belrock, whose son _ paid the suprbme sacrifice on toh field of homor_ in Flanders. Mrs. Harriet Vanderwaters has sold out to Elisha' Martin. The latter took possession vesterday. Frederick Snider. is quite ill at his home near here is POOLE'S RESORT. April 27.-----School has opened with ya large attendance: Born, to Mr. {and Mrs Edward Andress, April 21st, a daughter. Thompson, Weeks | and family have arrived from Escott. ! Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Salter have re- turned home after spending the win- ter on Butler Island. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Poole spent Tuesday in Athens. B. E. Poole, Caintown, made a busi- ness trip here Thursday. Miss Dora Lambert has rented William Poole's cottage. Sugar making is over and farmers report a fairly good season. SAND BAY. April 24. ~--Yernie Running has purchased a new Ford car. Mr. and Mrs. H. Woods are rejoicing over the arrival of a wee boy. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonald and Mas- ter Donald at J. Fodey's, Outlet; Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald at Charles O'Connor's, Long Point; Lindsay Slack at George Slack's; Claude Goff at J. Helsey's, Long Point; Miss Aggie Marshall, 'Warburton, and Prosper Marshall, Wilstead, at J. Lappan's; Mrs. Vandeburg, Outlet, at Mrs. Lola Johnston's; Percy Flood, Delta, at Charles: McDonald's; Mrs. Lola Johnston and Miss Katie, who have been' ill, are convalescent; Archibald Johnston _ at J. Grier's, Lyn Miss Holmes gave an interest- ing talk on "China" on Sunday even- ing Mrs. Josiah Running spent a few days in Brockville. Mr. and Mrs. Goff spent Monday in Kingston. Mrs. Plantz, Syracuse, N. Y., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Josiah Running. DELTA. The sugar farmers are their crops. Rev. Mr. Cumerford, Frankville, preached in the Metho- dist church on Sunday evening last. Rev. C. H. Barker is holding a VO- weeks' series of meetings in Cul tist 'church. T. Hazelton and wife, Kemptville, spent the week-end here, being called home on account of the serious illness of his mother, Friends regret to learn of the deatli of Pte. Roy Eaton, son of John Eaton, who died in a hosuital in England. Miss Estella Russell left for the North- West to-day, where she has secured a school. Miss Mary Bolton is spend- ing a few days in Toronto. S. W. Seaman and daughter, Kathleen, are visiting friends here. Born, to Dr. and Mrs. C. L, Davison, Melville, Sask., a son, on April 16th. N. A. Brown, Brockville, is spending a few days at his home here. ° April 25 over, and season is putting in NEWBORO. April 26.--Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Jewzeroff, Brockville, have taken up residence in the late Henry Bolton house, Main Street. What came near being a serious fire at the residence of Edward Landon on Monday, from an overheated stove, was discovered and prevented in the pick of time by Mr, Landon. Some damage was done before being extinguished. George Foster was called to, Montreal the first of the week through the death of Mr. Hanson, head of the firm by whom Mr. Foster was employed on the road for several years. G. S. Wrathall and K. E. Lindsay motored to Brockville on Sunday. J. P. Tett has been confined to the house for a few days from rheumatism. Pota- toes are retailing for three dollars per bushel. Bread is nine cents a loaf from one bakery and seven by another. K. E. Lindsay has secured the services of Miss Ethel Palmer for his store, CHAFFEY'S LOCK. April 27.--The maple syrup sea- son is gver and the report is a good yield of syrup. The farmers are at work on their land getting it ready for seeding. J. E. O'Brien, Mont- real, was a recent visitor. Mrs. L. Kerr and Miss C. Dier have return- ed from Redwood, New York. Mrs. T. J. MeGarry, Elmira, New York, is visiting 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Simmons. J. K. Régan and daughter, Frances, have returned from Kingston. T. H. Fleming, stud- ent of Queen's, Kingston, arrived home on the 18th inst. Miss Ann Richardson, Kingston, with quite a staff, arrived on Monday last to Fet- tercairn Island to make ready for the invalided and wounded soldiers, The Island Home Hospital will be opened on May 1st. The flour and feed mill- here is doing a rushing business notwithstanding the high prices of feed. The school is pro- gressing favorably, and with a good attendance under the tuition of A. Dillon, Morton. Miss I. M. Flem- ing has returned from. Montreal. WILLOWBANK. April 28.--Ada Jackson was tak- en to Kingston General Hospital last Saturday night and operated on for appendicitis. Mrs. . Thomas Little is home again and able to re- e her duties. The farmers are tting their seeding done. The fand works up welll The farmers' wives are busy in Bigir gardens get- ting in their vegetable seeds'. The meadows are taking on greém but slowly, as it still continues cold. Robert Grice, caretaker at the céme- tery, #8 again at work. Walter Me- Ninch is getting the telephone put in his residence. Mr. Helen Rees is in- disposed. The farmers gre greatly pleased at the price of cheese. J B. Wilson, salesnian, got 25 cents a #b, for it last week. Mrs. David Me- HIG, TUESDA re- "jaldson and family, Y, MAY 1, 1917. i i | i her daughter, Mrs Robert MeNinc h, at "The Pines.' a valuable cow her dead in the stable. David H " McClement, of Pittsburgh, paid a visit to his cousin Stanley McNineh, | on Friday week, finding | FRANKVILLE. | | April 28.--Mrs. Walford Hewitt is| | very low with rheumatic fever. Miss! | Lena Garrett has returned home af-| ter spending the winter at Crosby. | Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Dutton have re-| turned from their# wedding tour and | «'| are residing near Kilborn's Corners Mr. dnd Mrs. Charles Avland sold} their village home to--Charles Don-| aldson, Sr., and moved .to Smith's Falls. Mrs. M. Kilborn has gone to spend a week with her son, Roy, of | Kingston. Pte. Wilfrid Dillabough, | who was wounded, in France, return-| ed home yesterday. A reception will| be tendered. him next week. On] April 25th the annual meeting of the | Ladies Aid was held in the Methodist Church. The following members Were elected: President, Mrs. Dixon; 1st Vice., Mrs. Looly; Sec., Mrs. P. Richards; Treas, Mrs. George Loucks, Last Saturday and Sunday respectively Olga Hanton and Doris Dixon celebrated their birthdays by entertaining a number of their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Don- who spent the winter here returned to Olivers' Ferry for the summer to engage in the cheese industry. Wesley Soper went to' Ottawa last week to con- sult a specialist in regard to his hear- ing. : WASHBURN'S OORNERS April 27.--Mr. and Mrs. David Kavanah of Fllie were Sunday vis- itors at Wallace Berney's. Miss Vera Chapman of Seeley's Bay, who was one of the successful students at the recent provincial examina- tions, was chosen by the board to fill one of the two vacancies on the city staff at Peterboro. Lawrence] Webster of Athens has accepted a position at Brockville, A few of our young people attended the harvesters ball at Delta Friday pight. Farmers here shipped this morning 1,000 gal- lons of maple syrup to the Canadian west. The death occurred in Athens on Sunday April 22nd of John Earl. Deceased was born at Washburn's| Corners eighty years ago.- Deceased | lived- all-his life in this district with | the exception of a few years in" Da- | kota, He wag a carpenter by trade | and a Baptist ih religion. Ira Judd is still confined to his bed with little | hopes of his recovery. Farmers are | receiving 261% cents a pound this | week for cheese. J. A. Jones of Hamilton was in Athens on Tuesday | attending the funeral of the late] John Earl. "The W. A. of St. Paul's | met at the home of the President | Mrs Sherdan of Soperton on Wed- | nesday last. The secretary reported receipts from the Sugar Social as| twenty dollars, Mr. and Mrs. W.| Grey spent Sunday with friends at | Forfar. | Lanark | 3 FERGUSON'S FALLS 26.--A horse belonging to | Hollinger W¥ropped dead | Hollinger was driving from Ferguson's Falls to Lana Thomas 'Rockwell has purchased a| McLaughlin car. The roads of this| vicinity ace again in perfect condi-| tion for traffic. James Closs is erect- | ing a barn. J Badour, who spent the | winter working in Calabogie, has re- | turned home. Miss Mary Bullow, of | Lanark is visiting friends here. D.| Horricks is erect, ¢ a garage for J. | Horricks. The trappers of this viein-| ity secured a good supply of musk- rats. Charles Holling has purchased | a Ford car. .Seeding in this district | is in full progress now. | em teens | | April Charles while Mr. Lennox and Addington] TAMWORTH. . April 25.--Mlss Mabel Hanna has sold her home to Mr. Piper of Croy- | don. Edwand Harrison his sold his | farm to Patrick Whalen. Mr. Harri- son_has bought Whit. Asselstine's farm. Mrs, House is improving. A. | B. Carsallen has bought the ola woollen mills. The 1.0.0.F. Lodge visited Enterprise on Tuesday night | last. | i ENTERPRISE EAST. | April 27.--Sugar making season is/| at an end. It was a long and plenti- ful one. The farmers have commen- | ced to work on the land. Word was received here of thé death of Frank | Lavecque, who was killed in action] on April 10th. The dance in Centte-| ville on Friday evening was largely attended. Miss Nelife N. Finn is vis- | iting friends in Kingston. All are pleased to see Beranard Finn home again after undergoing a serious op-| eration in Hotel Dieu, Kingston.| Farm help is very scarce and farmers | are planning to do their work with as little assistance as' possible. Miss| Anna G. Finn spent a few days with friends in Tamworth and Newburgh. Miss Annie B. Finn was at Leo Flynn's on Sunday last. . .YARKER i April 25.--Mrs. ~ Williamson and her sister, Miss Babcock, are spend-! ing two weeks visiting friends in Port 'Hope and Reterborough. foundary has opehed up again with Mr. Bell as foreman moulder. Mrs. Burpee of Montreal is at the home of her mother. Rev. Mr. Wilson of | church here Sunday last. Mr. and| in the village recently. Gan there shortly. « Harold Deare spent) visiting the week-end at home. Mr, and Hn. Babcock spent over Sunday with William Little lost | The g. brook friends. | of Kingston spent the past week with C. Belleville preached in the Methodist! recently vacated by Mr. Orser Mrs B. Gilbert of Gunanogue were! tended the fuperal in Napanep of James their cousin; the late Dr. Davison of Stevenson has acrepted a position in| Toronto, - Misses Peters 7noque and. will move his family; bam was in the village recently cali- -- PAGE ELEVEN It's like. walking on a cushion when your shoes, . are fitted with "Cit's Paw" Heels. A PAIR PUTON. Pr " rn ~ my "RAMSAY'S ie rick [IBA BNT ro rar rier For interior decoration or exterior renovation Ram- say's Paints, "The Right Paint to Paint Right," will serve your purpose to the best possible advantage in every particular. : Ramsay Paints ard honest goods, Ramsay's will always be' found easy to work--hard to wear out--having amazing covering capacity. Only Paints, like Ramsays, of Highest Quality can offer you these qualifications. There's a local Ramsay Dealer in your town; consult him or write us direct. «AB A. RAMSAY & SON COMPANY. Makers of Fine Paints and Varnishes MONTREAL :: TORONTO YANCOYVZR 6 ESTABLISHED 1362 => For Sale By MCKELVEY & SON, Limited. mm ing pt \\ i . The Kind You Have Always Boaght, and which has been in use for over 30 ycais, has bornn the signature of and-has been made under his pers oT 7 sonal supervision since its infancy. b Aliow no one to deceive youinth All Counterfeits, Imitations and *¢ Just-as-good " are bat Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children--Experience against Experiwmcnt, What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paree garie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. [ts ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. - For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipatio Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles a Diarrhea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the xd giving healthy and natural sleep, The Children's Panacca--The Mother's Yriend. GeNUINE CASTORIA awwavs Bears the Signature of , In Use For Over 30 Years 'The Kind You Have Always Bought THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY, ne friends In Napanee, Ptes. H. and A. Walker of Toronto spent their final leave of absence under the parental roof. . They intend going overseas shortly. Afrs, M. Martin bas return- ed home again from the west, after dpending eral monthg there with her son. _ Cambridge has re turned home after visiting at Lak view with her daughter. » On April 24th at the home of her father, Murray township, Annie My Deare spent Sunday with Cole- Mr. and Mrs. Wood their cousin, Mrs. J. Y. Main.. Mr. Buck has meved into the house on Water (street, J. B. Sanderson at- of Syden- ing on friends. Mr, and Mrs S.