Daily British Whig (1850), 1 May 1917, p. 12

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---- ¢ PAGE YWELVE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1917, In the World of Sport|/ Get Back of a Mil - os Start the New Year right by smoking Columbia Grafonolas | -- |RATING THE TEAMS Ie MILO Cigars. You will enjoy every one. TT BSHALBES | meson] SPRTNG MES | Made in Kingston. ------e {Race Between Red Sox, High=| & - G. A. McGOWAN, | | landers, White Sox and Cleveland; because of the death of Tris Speaker's gone to the front--| Cleveland Likely. {a pugilist there last week, may pro- Manufacturer, Kingston of the American [.-ague batting race : | hibit boxing. = 3 } hi k s ly under . . -- -- It is undersicod that the Brook-| While ibe Staton Js hardly Anain| Is bicycling dead? Hardly. Two | ---- lyns are tr io Wake'a geparale nis oor of a #2 on the different hundred ridérs took part in the Pel-| ¢f" peace with t Hants; . |ileams in the American League. The nam Bay race last week. } eae Vek | -- . ' . : | Chica 8 btedly are .. . A - Jake Daubert when the Cubs asked | FY Bs improved their infield security for his throne. Some of the them tb set a price. Someone should, Li Gandil at firstbase and Risberg | baseball magnates wouldn't - give shoot a poem on the high cost of first | at shortstop. Gangdil outclasses by a more than thirty cents just now for | lr S Ss 1 « a . 4 > - 7 » ve . ps i . sackers, - | wide margin both Fournier and Ness, all the monarchical = benches in _------- Af game Manager McGraw! who alternated at the bag in 191%, | Europe. After a game Me Mets | whi is 2 i ; ent groin . « while Risberg is a vast improvemen Harvard will save $50,000 by cut- Motor Boat and Automobile Supplies | seldom speaks to an umpire, and duf-| 'oo Terry, and has made it possible y : . | ing a game Heinie Zimmerman sel-| a . irdbase regular- | {ing our rowing and other sports this 2 4 | io keep Weaver at thirdbase regu summer. And will lose $100,600 by a Specialty Automobile Lamps, Spark | dom speaks to anybody else. lly. The pitching staff of.the White ( \ "\ bi way. He SRR ¥o | Sox is all-powerful, and if the hur- | dropping football and hockey. Plugs, Spark Plu} Testers, Hydrometers, | "pie! ay &f ! - 4 i by Man- -- o a. | tired. from profe nal baseball, and dew are properly angled, 3, fight- No fewer than sixty horse shows and Electric Vulcanizing Onitfit. is going to enter the steel business | bi for the leadership all the way. despite the war, are booked for the . | at Bethlehem. He jared too late to| "ni gate the Red Sox and rel United States this year.' t be a big-league pitcher, he says, i og co atel | ------ | be 1 | landers appear to be well masched GOING AT TOP SPEED y : NEWMAN EL TRIC 00 the pitching department, G f It ec 7 C 4 | = The Baltimore team went farther, p;,4 the bat. The Bostons have an « 1 i I > 4 = . 13 | od f '< i . | south on its training trip and stayed advanta sondbase, as Bi Jack Barry's World's Champions 9 P t . | . | ge at secondbase, $ arry Sr ah ty rin ess ' .. longer than any other International | jor ovperienced than Maisel. Playing in Midseason Form. rx . hone 441 . a el = ) | League outfit Bu 73 Snek o Ori-| Pipp, Peci(inpaugh and Baker seem Last year the Red Sox held first > . oles are in good 0 dition and reap-|,, ». stronger batsmen than -Hobit- position during the opeéning week ~ Pp) | ing the full benel zell, Scott and. Gardner, while 'the of the American League Ccampaign| . Samara : Erte (For one month) i . . _ | Boston outfielders haven't much of but they soon dropped back because | a - ¢ | A United Sian Foutaiing Haney an edge on Donovan's trio. The ; their Poh Ors toni Ro stand the| AL FE RA AN wo MQ has been established a Ebbet's | ¢uccess of Cleveland. and Detroit strain. Jac arry, who has suc-| THE I l INSU NCE C0: OF C ADA You only buy 12 selections (6 records) / Field, Brooklyn. {others will pro- 137cly depends on their boxmen. it ceeded Bll Carrigan. apparently has) % | n : : | bably be opened at 1 AW a 3 through with | remedie is fault. e has con-| for $5.10 cash and we give you a $21.00 | leaguegparks Ag a haat, al | ditioned, his boxmen so carefully that | . ROUGHTON, Agent. Grafonola free for one month. You then [Ml yooicr sitciiit. of the Chicago] :52dY equipped with ibe) first-class | they are showing midseason 000 60 Brock St., Kingston. Phone 610. | Manager Mitchgid 2 Lie pitchers, including Stanley Coveles-| Wi e result that the Red Sox] pay $5.00 per month for four months and | Cubs, expects great things of Pitch-| kie, Coumbe, Bagby, Klepfer and again are leading the race with an| Sm b er Vaughn this summer. The Chi-i{ g,u14, will prove very dangerous, | excellent chance to remain in front " TT : Athen ---------------- ; in the | for some time. The world's cham-| } ESTABLISHED pions, under Barry's leadership, are| ess playing at top speed right now. They el | \ Pon' he will be the x ag 6A nan: box, mus: depend almost entirely on | : fed pitcher of the ational League. |p. q¢ nine ata re ine Who would be without a Grafonola? 1 - Frolic di aircight fielding) 20 iting well and fielding bril-| The Sunday games at Baltimore Fielder Jones' Browns excel the Mantly." But when they visit the 9 | are played at Gentlemen's Driving| eyer American League teams in western cities they will encounter] COLUMBIA RECORDS | Park, a small enclosure on the out-! eed on the bases. Jones had them | many obstacles thrown in their way | | skirts of the city. Hence the ground | winning form for a while last|by the White Sox, Tigers, Browns] . By the time the| Everybody now acknowledges that Col--- Hl oie in force yesterday. nw mnie Oren the pinch came and Olevelands {heir pitchers went stale. He is us- four western teams visit Boston, the] the machine 18 yours. ) | cago leader goes sO far as 10 8aV| g.+ Detroit, unusually weak | umbia Records Are the best in. the world, -- «Qliff'* Markle, former Leaf pit-1; a 2 is spring followers of the Red Sox will have] } AT ing the same line-up this spring, but Tolon er or ar Sos ui pave! SPECIAL ALE and we are sorry to say we have had to dis- | cher, has written to President J. J.[,}0 gpsence of Pitcher Davenport ; : t Sf h d McCafferty stating that he has "lost| oo he 4 big handicap. | chances to win another champion- | . appoin some oi our customers as the e- | his a 3," and not wishinggto be a. {f anything should happen to) ship. Barring the, Washingtons and | SPECIAL STOUT mand has been greater than the supply. The [J bl} of exacts 0 retired from base) walter Johnson the light-hitting | Arlette, it Souk iio ab open ra : . . | ball. ie recovers the us iS| Wwashingtons would have a hard time 'nthe erican League. ) Columbia factories have now doubled their arm, as will report to the Leafs if keeping out of the cellay Griff's PITCHER FOR THE LEAFS SPECIAL LAGER plants and we will soon be able to supply all { meede -- team needs Southpaw H#per. but So Under 21%, Proof Spirits of | i nobody seems to know when the lat- oo | S------------------" records . | President Tener 0f the National] wij join the "Old Fox." ~4David Keefe, Young Right-Hander : | League has ordered the game of! fo . "in " Comes From the Athletics. . It is a triple early to size the Carefully brewed and. hoki, Fine flavor and nutri- L : h enpons ' b f d | Soh 17th Between he Phillies and, Athletics up properly .but on whaty "larry" Lajoie's connection with tious. Hee ang Zoakling. Fon gale by «i andard et us have the s ; raves to be re-played. iladel™| iyo. have shown since April 11th Connie Mack, of the Philadelphia | : C t numbers ol any recor | phia protested the came on thel yii@ "an bears to have a téam that is | Athletics, has resulted in thé secur- Brewery. For price list and further information you would like and we will deliver same Erouny vat Wonniee Bransfield called 5) per cent, sironger than the one ing by the Leafs of Pitcher David write to » . . | Lavender out when the latter walked | },4¢ finished last in 1915 and 1916. Keefe,-of the Mackmen . Keefe is a .upon the arrival of our large shipments that away from second hice under the (png conclusion to be reached, there | 1ight-hander and has a splendid re-) J H 3 are coming. { impression that he was out, and then | gore "io that the Highlanders and|cord.- He is a second edition of the | > }pade third before the ball reached| pos'Sox will be the ones to fight it | famous "Three-fingered" Brown of | LIMITED | that base. J rh 2 eve. | the great Chicago Cubs of 1905 | out with the White Sox and Cleve he g { i. - ~ {land for the championship. Keefe is a big youngster witit only | LONDON.. ONT, | remrmeappsarioe three fingers on his flinging hand C lian Boxers In England. - -- : : ; Apa Txers In phe INDIANS MUST PAY the index digit having been severed. or Jas. McParland, 76 The finals of a boxing tournament in an accident when he was a mere] romoted by the Canadians at Shore- ' rigor iol Brock St., Kingston. Be were decided on April 5th |The Capitals Demand $100 to Go to [lad . He bats left-handed by prefer-| 2 Toronto, ence, but turns around against left-| & Sm Major Stacey was President of the | CL handed pitel by 3 | committee. A special six-round con- | The directors of the National La-| hande pitc ling. For two years he| . test was between Driver Jimmy| crosse Union decided to admit the| Was a star at Goddard Seminary, and | » S rti G C Clark, thé well-known Canadian | Tecumsehs of Toronto to the union, asp Winise Sno) at Tne College | 0 n « ightweight, 2 Private ¢( provided that the Tecumsehs will|ln the eng neering school. Several] { P ' g 00 S 0. Tie! A I Th DE winition | pay the Ottawa club $100 for each clubs made offers to him, but Connie} CHEMICALLY SELF-EXTINGUISHING . boxing by Private Henley, CAS.C.| game played by Ottawa in Toronto. Mack had been given first call, | : . * and Sergt. Edmunds, boxing instruc-| They also decided not to release , . | What do these words mean to you? 88 Princess St., Kingston. Telephone 529 tor to the Canadians, was much en-| Lalonde from the Nationals, so Corn- Title Not In Danger er oti] Rupcrs, Fesex beat | wall will have to forego Lalonde's C : h ~ nger. is They mean greater safety in the Home -- Surely something Sergt. Harrowing, Canadians, the-lat-| Services this season, notwithstanding! IAD eat Ju Bes % pugilism, that interests you keenly! erg own heavily In the| the Factory Town's plans to secure | [Un Tor' Ne tas tn Tae! thi 1 D hesvily | the star player. The directors will bouts of 'recent months in which} hird round. . Fred Fulton, Jim Coffey, Carl Mor- | meet here again Tuesday night, when ris and Frank Moran have participat ihe Tecumsehs' answ peg Ea : ° e -| the umsehs' answer as to tNe pay ed, appear to be a unit in the opinion boxes have been impregnatéd or soaked in a chemical solution 1 " ' . : Eras box lng nA) Jeblip Suse jos games Diajed Ia that Champion Willard's title is not | § which renders them dead wood once they have been lighted and T R Y od for a 12-round bout for the wel-| cision Ro L ng oy 8 in danger. None of the quartet has! blown out, and the danger of FIRE from glowing natches is terweight boxing championship of | drafting of the season's schedule, show) boxing ei anus) ofa pos- | 4 ereby reduced to the greatest minimum. : te world between Jack Briton or) vl be dealt wh. * [posible exception of Morris, Wierd ,| SAFETY FIRST AND ALW C. oe 1gar C his weight, and Ted Lewis of Eng- BALL SCORES FOR SOLDIERS ks gn Sibester Pp Sisical grength) L AYS oo USE 4 . NA h v Rls § ' SOLDIERS. and has demonstrat bility > - land," who is the most persistent TT stand a oh or i EDDY'S SILENT 500s ook ak claimant for the championship. The | Toronto and Montreal Scores in the : 1 7 Le for Silk Thread on Tip of Each Cigar. bout will be staged at Toronto, by a RY ni Sones n ne fort 254 copfusicy on) Purpose, than " . y oO e four leading contenders the Canadian military authorities i Through the efforts of President|for a chance" at the heavyweight S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston. 304 ke SO aowtriatie as McCaffery, of the Toronto Ball Club, | honors. the baseball scores of the Toronto -- " 2 soldier bouts. nd Montreal Ball Clubs will be pub The articles aud 2 5 w e pub- "a RA Be ® cles of agreement call for lished in the Daily Mail of Lon- Snodgrass Released. - wa wy . Bon, of twelve 'rounds at 1424, "preland, and also in the other Fred C. Snodgrass, outfielder of . daity publications or Lord Northcliffe the Boston National League Club, o ) i -------- for the benefit of tue Canadian sol-| has been given his unconditional re- n a t MONUMEN S No Race Track Excursion Trains. |djers in the trenches. lease. Snodgrass went to the Bos- 1 C C h V erc( )Aa S I ; The Dominion Railway Commis- President Ban Johnson, of the Am- | ton Braves from the New York Nat- Importers of Scotch and American Granites, Vermont Marble. Sop will not permit the railways to ferican League, is arranging to send |lonal Jiague eam in 1915 Jie con. $14.00 io $18.00 i , give holiday of excursion rates or run | the major league scores for publica-) tract, which called Yor $6,000 a year, Plain Grey Chesterfield Overcoats $12.00 to $20.00 The McCallum Gr ite Com y Ltd special passenger trains except for [tion in England. it is said, expired this year, and rath- New Raincoats and Spring Overcoat Combined, $15.00. LPR Se ani pan; ' . military purposes, ) cern pes teases er than sign at a lower figure he Large Stock of Indigo Blue and Pattern Worsted Suitings at cess . elephone 1931 R This will have a serious effect on Directum, 1, 1.56%, will race| decided to &9 into business in Los moderate prices. POA ~ y the Hamilton and Fort Erie and [again this year, béing staked in the| Angeles. :: /indsor jockey clubs, which have | free-for-all. He locks horns with ------ ¢ TW SE reat) C. Mg Ie NeT Bile, 2.081, the property jiware had a large patronage from | Napoleon Direct, 1.59%, at Detroit. Three of the get of Peter the JOHN /EDDELL | y, d g purchase at the | o illanddale Farm, is the mother oronto.. At least one special train The Horse Review Futurity for| Great, 2.071, are nominatec "in the vi MH le 1 Chicago sale when he secured Boy | of a bay colt by Peter the Great, | has run from Toronto direct to the | foals of 1917, received 1134 nomina- | M. and M., od no less i five in Civil and Military Tailor 131 Princess St. Voyage, b. s., 2.08%, at $475. 207%. 'Hamilton and Fort Erie tracks. tions. the B. of C. ~ ---- od J mo as A A Aa mA BRINGING UP FATHER ET : 3 Ty 3 3 . : By GEORGE McMANUS 4 i Perhaps yon have noticed these words and the notation "No fire left when blown out" on our new "Silent Parlor' match boxes. The Splits or sticks of all matches contained in these MR JIKGS-ARE You | | YEP-BUT iD BY JOVE- You [ 1 NEVER DRINK THAT'S A MEDAL WHO DOES IT IN FAVOR OF CLUBS BE AFRAID TO MUST LIKE: | TEA- WHATS | 4 FOR WOMEN ? ge. : REPARTEE | THAT BAGE ; FOR BRAVERY BELONG, TO? : E! FOR? . NY N NORIO AN

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