- with teng of thousands is a scene that "THE WHIP" AT THE GRAND AN EXC EPTIONALLY FINE MO- TION PICTURE IS SHOWN, It Was Too Vast For a Stage Play and Motion Picture Art Was Used to Show the Thrilling Scenes. "I'he Whip," which was shown | before a large audience at the Grand night, and is to be wHnessed again to-night, is one of the most interesting of. the large photo dramas and holds the close attention of the spectator from start to finish The play begins on an_ ocean liner and ends on the Saratoga race track it has snap, dagh, - fire, romance, youth, thrills, &citement and bg scenes It is staged on a lavish scale, and"™- is superbly directed 'Everyone who witnéssed it agreed that it was a wonderful production The big scenes that thrill are the automobile wreck, the train wreck and the exciting horse race at Sara< toga The story deals with the intrigue which is wound around a famous racehorse bearing the name of "The Whip." A love affair and the for tune of several hang upon the re sult of the Saratoga stake race W.ien several of the people who are hetting against the horse winning find that "The Whip" is cértain to carry off the honors, they go to great lengths to prevent "The Whip' from appearing on the track But their efforts fail. "The horse makes the race, with the owner's daugliter as the joekey, in place of the jockey selected to pilot the amimal to vic tory, and all ends well with the ligro and heroine. The train" wreck doubt the best ever tion picture;cand was secured cost of $25,000 An automobile races with the flyer, beats it to the | uncoupled car containing "The | Whip," whieh is safely taken out be fore the crash comes, and the loco- motive and cars go tuntbling down an-embankment, take 7 of spectators present, also thrills "The Whip" was originally pro- duced as a stage play, but the stage could not do justice to the produc- tion, and it took the metion picture art to show "The Whip" in proper perspective Those who | really good mov- ing picture should not miss see ng "The Whip' to-night. ike a last Employees' Benefit' Fund. The Bell Telephone Company has established an employées' benefit fund effective on July 1st, to pro- vide pensions, accident and sickness disability benefits, and benefits to de- pendents of deceased employes. There are nine thousand employes, none of whom will be called upon to contribute. The company will béar the whole, cost of 'the fund, which will be administered- by a committee of five officials of the company. Male employes may be retired on pension at the age of sixty years, and female employes at the age of fifty-five; if their term of employment has been twenty years BUILDING IN KINGSTON Valued at $32,443 Taken Out During April. The City Engineér reports that! during ,the month of April building permits to the value of $32,443 were taken out at his office. For the four months of 1917 the building permits total $47,823, which is a little bet- ter than for the same period last vear Permits for three brick, one veneer and one frame dwell- were taken qut during April Permits brick is without | 'RES in a mo at a scene seen Hartington Man Wounded. Stanley Robert Wattam, son Mr. and Mrs. Thonias Wattam, Hartington, is officially reported admitted to No. 13 at Boullonge, with gun shot wounds in the face and right shoulder. He y The Saratoga track, went overseas last October -80me of the world's Bre atest ey 146th Baualign. MON UMENTS We have opened a branch of our monument business with a large stock | of marble and arantfe Special attention given to ceinetery lettering. FALLON BROS. 139 Clergy St. Phone 637. nn on me Br ee aig of where ents rare 4 Watch This Space Results | @y. Why are 999% of our patrons satisfied with our glasses" Because our service to them is backed with years of experience and a full knowledge of our profession. If you wish satisfactory results, consult Optician and J. J. STEWART, Opt.D. Optometrist. Cor. Wellington and Clarence Sts. pp. Post Office. Phone 699 BUY FRESH SEEDS Rennie's, Simmers' and Steele Briggs' At Sargent's Drug Store Telephone 41 Don't Forget to Put Your Furs Away Be- ~ fore Moths Come. Cornér Princess and Montreal Streets LIS ring Overcoats GOOD VALUES. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1917. LIEUT-COL. W. Y. MILAS IS ABLE TO OFFER GOOD OPPORTUNITY Schools Will Soon Be Free of C.E.F.| Men, And C.D.F. Soldiers May Qualify at Them. With the despatch overseas of] practically exery available Canadian Expeditionary Force man, the var- ious schools which have been in op-| eration for the training of these men will now be given an 'bpportun- | ity to train men who enlist in the! 14th Regiment, Canadian Defence! Foree | "The Government has decided that | men who enlist in the 14th Regi-| ment; C.D.F.,; will be trained as well as those who go overseas so that! should they care to cross the pond later no time will have to be spent in making them ready. The fact that they have enlisted to protect his country, should an emergency arise here is also a reason for mak-| ing all recruits as efficient as pos-| sible | This decision on the part of head- quarters makes an additional reason | ! i in St | Monday morniffg April of pr as| Martin H clearing station, | attended by her sister, with ™ | | with { After happy | for men to enlist in Lieut-Col. W. Y Mill's unit Because of the fact that the schools will be almost entirely free from overseas men.training and away from the crowding which has "been constant, C.F. soldiers have a splendid opportunity of training not only as N.C.O's but as " and Col. Mills is now able to use this offer to young men who should be in uniform. - ns v} McCann-Grant Wedding. A pretty wedding was solemnized | Edward's church, Westport, on | 23rd by Rev.| Miss Loretta marriage to The bride was| Rose while the groom was supported by his brother, Edward. The youthful! bride looked charming in a white serge suit and wore a small white sa-| tin hat. The bridesmaid's suit was black velvet with neat white hat; with jet trimming. The groom's gift to the bride was a gold lavaliere set | pearls; to the bridesmaid to the groomsman cuff links. the marriage ceremony the | couple left for Toronto. On their return they will reside near Perth where the groom has pur-| chaged a farm. 0 Grant Rourke, when was united in McCann. brooch; RUSSIAN WAS ASSAULTED Police Station With His "Head Bandaged. With his head bandaged, a Russian was a caller at- police headquarters on Tuesday morning. He is employ- ed at the locomotive works, and claims that another workman as- saulted him. He certainly looked-as if he had been assaulted. He could not see out of his left eye, whilé his face fas badly swollen. He charged § certdin man with tue offence, and the accused will be summoned to ap- pear in the Police Court. The case has been set for hearing on Wednesd- day morning. Come to At Last We Have Free Wheat. rday Night (Independent) The. mills of the gods grind slow- ly," and as Bill Nye pnce said, "they grind middlings fine." Six years ago the Conservative party bounced into power on an anti-reciprocity cry-- no truck and trade with the Yan- kees--and last week the same party pulled down the tariff wall on wheat, flour and all wheat products between this country and the United States Both Canadians and Americans are now free to ship their wheat or flour over the line, both north and south, without let or hindrance. In other' words, there will be no further tax of ten cents a bushel on whest and forty-five cents a barrel on flour, just because it is grown on- one side of the 49th parallel and eaten on the other. The Ottawa Government, in its proclamation freeing wheat and flour from dutiés by the adoption of a reciprocal agreement with the Uni- ted States, which in" 1911 it tarew down, states that the price of wheat in Canada if less than in the United States, and that in spite of the duty it has been largely "exported to the latter country. The move is unques- tionably a wise one. We have lots of wheat for sale, but under existing war conditions our general market is restricted. What this continent wants just now is free and unréstrict- ed trade in foodstuffs. In fact, it al- ways did want it, the politicians to the contrary notwithstanding. Fresh Vegetables Arured, Help win the war by production. The kitchen garden not only helps production but assures the family of fresh vegetables. Early vege- tables, economy and convenience may be had by securing plants from the Paradise Conservatories, whose - Baby's Dr. If. every 'mother could Chase's Ointment for the 'try Dr. ite which tortures se many babies, what a blessing it would be for the little ones. This letter will give you. an idea of what a wonderful work this Oint- ment is doing in the way of bringing comfort to children who are so un- fortunate as 0. Soutract eczema. It is so easy for trouble to develop tronf chafing or irritation caused by the clothing, and so difficult to get it cured, that Dr. Chase's Ointment | tive works, | packed so hard | that there is no hope of it breaking | until the wind shifts, val advertisement appears in this paper. A ---------------- rr ---------- Comfort and Cure for Chase's Ointment "Cured When 'Baby's Body Was Covered with Distressing Eczema. THE SCHOOLS TO BE USEDHER MAST WAS BLOWN OUT] SCHOONER KITTY WELIS HAD A o« MISHAP IN THE HARBOR While Making Her Way to Peniten- tiary With Cargo of Sand on Tues- day Moraing--The Steamer Hecla Taken ON Jackass Shoal. The schooner Kitty Wells met with a mishap in a lively gale on Tuesday morning. The schooner had on a cargo of sand from Howe Island, apd while endeavoring to make the penitentiary, was caught in a severe blow when off the locomo- and as a result of the encounter her mast was blown out. The tug Pyke went to her assistance and towed her into pert. On Monday night the Donnelly Wrecking Company succeeded in re- léasing the steamer Hecla, which went aground on Jackass Shoal. The steamer is being brought to Morris- burg and later' will be taken to Og- densburg. She was lightered of six hundred tons of coal, The steamer Natrionco arrived from Erie, with coal for the locomo- tive works. The steambarge Jeska arrived from Oswego, with a cargo of coal for Sowards. M. T. Co's Bulletin: The tug Emerson arrived from Charlotte, with two coal barges, and will clear with the barge Hamilton, to load grain at Port Colborne. There is no open water in sight the Soo. The ice is soft, but by the west wind at Letters To The Editor | Treatment In Hospital. Kingston, May 1.--(To the Edi- tor) A letter appeared in the Whig a few days ago relative to the Can- adian Hospital, which 'may not be all its claimants pretend, and I for yne take exception, because my son wiio was wounded in France six months ago, and writing from this Canadian Hospital, said that while In a French Hospital his wound was dressed daily and with care as it was also in Royal Alexandra Hospital in England. Yet now that he has been removed to a Canadian Hospital, he can only get proper treatment when the doctor arrives, or once in six days. Now my son is Canadian born, and has been taught, to hate little | England by the minions of trusts of Canada, because 'Englishmen are unpopular" where tyrants rule; but he, like many aifother, has learned to love the land which hates tyranny | in any form, against which many brave men have thrown the gauntlet | of defiance, even tough their par-] ents were left to the tender mercies of monopolistié greed, the most devilish of all tyrants which has ever, degraded the sacred:mame of "man. When-England dethrones one tyrant the rest soon follow] for like devils infused into swine, "their name is legion" and drown béfore the eye of | truth. The letter referred to can be, seen by any who wish as. evidence of its truth. WILLIAM TOWNSEND. A Kingston: Case. Tor nto Globe In a recent case Justice Clute gave an interesting interpretation of the provisions of the criminal code of Canada to prevent agreements in re- | straint of trade. A manufacturer of} nails undertook to supply hi: goods | to a Kingstonian, who contracted | with him not to resell at prices lower | than fhose agreed upon. The man-| ufacturer, when he learned that the | dealer was cutting prices, refused to| complete the delivery of the nails, | and.-when the dealer sued him for! damages Justice Clute pronounced] the contract a violation of the '"'crim-| inal code," and dismissed the suit, each party to pay his own. costs. | But, for a private dispute and srosecition the facts would have re- mained under cover. Some years! ago the then -crown attorney of To-| ronto, acting on a mass of documen- tary evidence, took proceedings; against a number of corporations! accused of combining in restraint of | trade. The cases had reached a highly "interesting stage, when the] prosecutions were dropped by orders! of the Government. The cfown has| been nudged by Justice Clute, but] will it wake up? i Real Estate Tranfer. i The property No. 62, Montreal] street, wt the Outer Station, owned | by Byron Derbyshire, has been sold | to H. R. Stewart by EE, W. Mullin | & Son. kin Troubles it covered the entire body. When t the itching became bad he would scratch himself and was Sometimes found in his cradle covered with blood, Hear- ing about Dr. Chase's Ointment, I bought two boxes and before this was WAS a year ago, and there has been no trace of eczema since. 1 recom- mend Dr. Chase's Ointment to all who suffer from eczema as being the best treatment in he world for itch- ing skin diseases." Dr. Chase's Ointment is for sale hy all dealers at 60 cents a box. SS --------------------_---- PAGE, FIVE _-- Gl Boots Low heels, fancy perforated vamps, sizes 23 1 to 6. $8. 00. Abernethy' s Shoe Store The little moth will soon get in its des- tructive work. Now i¢ the time to send your furs to us and have them stored and insured until you want them: again_ in the fall. Charges moderate. Phone 79 and our delivery will call. | Place Methodist Church, has Campbell Bros, 84 Princess St. ||| e-------- LUBIN'S "sch Remedy CURES DANDRUFF ~ AND STOPS FALLING HAIR 50c Bottle Prouse's Drug Store Phone 82. - Opposite St. Andrew's Church. Minister Killed. Smith's Falls, May 1.--Ljeut. | (Rev.) John Herbert Halliday Chris- | tie, formerly pastor of Carleton been killed in action while serving with an Irish unit. While in Canada Lieut. Chrsiie endeavored to enlist, but he was rejected, He returned to Ireland and was accepted ag a private. A few weeks ago his friends here were informed that _in recognition of gal- lantry he had &een granted a com- mission. Ireland to Canada six years ago and was engaged in missionary work for the Methodist church, firgt in the Province of Quebec and later in Ren- frew. He was a native of Belfast. Memorial For Senator. Belleville, May 1.---A memorial service for the late Hon. H Corby was held Sunday evening In St Thomas' Anglican church, and was atended by aM classes of citizens. An appropriate sermon was delivered 'by Venerable Archdeacon Beamish, rector of the church. The remains of the late Senator are to arrive here from Honolulu about May 10th. --n "The Prime Minister and mem- bers of the Government of Canada | send their deepest sympathy in the bereavement 'which you have sus- tained," is the inscription on a card ten [ialty. Lieut. Christie came from}. of condol a to those who have sulfered by H . ence which is now bein, I Home-Made Candy | Fresh Made Every Day. Sakell's ' Next Grand Opera House Telephone 640 SAVE YOUR FURS AND WINTER APPAREL By placing them in a genuine Tennessee 'Cedar Chest, nicely copper bound, with lock and key. Linen utility boxes, covered in cretonnes and | Japanese mattings, suitable for bedroom boxes. James Reid The Leading Undertaker. Phone 147 For Motor Ambulance. A ® Notice Having vacated my former location, all orders for monuments will be taken and receive best at- ~ tion at my residence and yard. Lettering and renovating in cemeteries a spec- JAS. E. MULLEN, | 155 Frontenac Street. Ar A A, Phone 1417. Se He ASK YOUR-GROCER FOR CHARM TEA IN PACKAGES. Black, Green and Mixed. Packed i in King- ston, by GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. Pure Clover Honey 20c 2 Section At Thompson's Srouory 294 Princess Street, Phone 387. ~ We Have a Nice Assortment of Pure Com Syrup Jin 2b. tins, 5-1b. pails, and 10-1h. 'which we are selling for one week only at the old price. ; E. H. BAKER You Can Buy ~ Strawberries, ineapples, Asparagus, Boston Lettuce, Cucumbers, Radishes," Rhubarb, At The #2 Phone 1844 Caverly & Bradshaw. x USED CARS F SALE Ford .. .. 1916 Maxwell . 1916 att 1916