Daily British Whig (1850), 1 May 1917, p. 7

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/ . 56 Brock St. Choice Western Beef, Veal and Pork, | MEATS! THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1917. OPERA HOUSE o-Ni ght Last Chance | RA N D FSITABLISHED g See Daily Matinee, 3 Superfeatures World's ing Lid., Greatest Play Pictures. The THE THRIFT HABIT Assets: $73,000,000 - The . BANK or TORO! George B. McKay, Manager. mw LOTS FOR SALE Division St., 33 x 145 . 116 BIRANCHES IN CANADA, 300 Scenes in this Mighty Thriller, Planned to Eclipse! AN Others. Evening, 25¢, , a Tew $1.00, SEATS NOW oN SALE. Wedn'y, May Ind = One Night Only. Beverly St., 99 x 120 . - ghise ALBE RT BROWN "Collingwood St., 44 x 103 $700 In the Hilarious Hit Cor. Centre and Edgehill, 80 x 125 $1200 St. Lawrence Ave., 71 x 122, $15 per foot frontage. | "Alittle Bit of Fluff" THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phones: Office 68; Res, 874 Criterion Theatre, Eng. that will make you rock with laughter. Tickets ordered and t called for be- | fore on Wednesd , may be plac-! cd sale again. Prices--23, 50, 73, $1.00, $1.50 SEATS NOW ON SALE. SALE. A a ss GRIFFIN'S ! Monday., Tues. & Wed. | fee L. Lasky Presents You Can Count On It When we take care of your storage bat- tery there's no doubt of quality service. We have established ourselves as experts. Will you come in and be convinced? L LESSES, Phone 1004 124-126 Clarence St. Free" inspection of any battery at any time pring Time is Growing Time We carry a well assorted stock of "The Secret Kingdom" Steeld Briggs, Ferrys, and Rennies { COMEDY | Vegetable and Flower Seeds in bulk VAUDE 3 | and packages N PPricest ening 13ec. i We make a specialty of choice Mix- ed Sweet Peas, Dwarf and Tall Nas- turtinums in bulk Our "Limestone ed will grow perv From the London, A farce | Jesse Lou Tellegen, in "The Black Wolf." Thursday, and Henry B. Walthall, in "Beulah" | Friday Saturday Must be given FULL Compicté and EXAMINATION of your eyes is required FOR Your eyes need special eare and YOR Id be particular to have them attended to properly. R. J. RODGER Jewelers and Opticians '132 Princess Street Where the clock is on the walk. City" Lawn Grass rour exes where all others fail ib ' > Hoag's Drug Store Branch Post Office. Kingston, Ont. 25¢ . Selentlific Monday, Tues. and Wed. VALDEVILLE FEATURE PHOTOPPLAYS--2 "Wilfrid Lucas i AA A to mn "A Love Sublime" Francis Ford and Grace Canfrd, 3 "Fhe Purple pid COME Matinee TAXI SERVICE RING 960. Open and Closed Seats, EARLY VEGE. TABLE PLANTS Kingston Taxi. Cab Fruit ip in Plants Co. 100 plants, your choice, delivered $1.00--Catalogue Free. PARADISE CONSERVATORIES, F. C. Jones, Beamsville, Ont. BONNER'S +~ FINEST FANCY SEEDED "RAISINS are packed in RED CARTONS. Insist on the RED Carton. ~---- Steam Valcanizing The Auto Tire Repair & FIRS . WwW atts, les. | 220 MONTREAL ST. 179 Wellington St. Lillies, Hyacinth, Daffodils, Par Azalea, Vielets, Valley Roses, : ct! « is ACCHON SAI - Easter Spiren, gs, stab Ig sofa and fair condition. W. A. McWilliam, Phone 2084. ag | Carpenter and Builder W. R. BILLENNESS Specializing Store Fronts and Fit- tings. Remodelling Buildings of all 2 kinds. ESTIMATES i EXPERIENCE Address 272 University Ave. ALLEN, The Auctioneer. Telephone 233. i i i | EAA --------" 1 CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First Insertion, 1c a word. Each econ- secutive insertion thereafter, hailf- cent a word Minima charge for ove Insertion, 23¢; three ingertions, S0c; six $1; one month, $2. HELP WANTED ROBERTSON'S LIM. STRONG BOY AT ed BOY WANTED, APPLY AT THE RED Cross Drug Store € BOE NER A AND NM 'RSE-HOUSE-~ MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS: ply Street Railway Office. n ARBRE R WANTED, BE. Hunt, JOR. A BRIG T You x4 MAN Fon DELIV. y Wagon v Pelitt's Bakery COOK. after 7 "LY 0. pm = AFERIENC t 107 Bago eet WANTED. APPLY ilding and Glass Co, SM AR? Fronte ROYS pac Mo City. SERyY ANT FOR y Sydenham GOOD GENER My é family Nie HT = ATC nRAN. AP- FOR SALE THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. COST little. Once, 25c; three times 50c; one week, $1.00. FOR JOKES, PUBZLES AND NOVELTY toys sce Frank W. Cooke, 39 Clarence street A DEI IVERY WAGGON, G 00D CONDI- Apply IR ve, 16 Kus- sell stipe, to Ges cy, DOUBLE BWELL ING, 41 AND 43 DIV-! Blu sirecl, 9 oul au W.L, In wach: well rented. ari ly 41 Divis- lon street. ONE 1917 MODEL T car; five passenger, f{ never used; eas) ms. J 171 Union St FORD TOWN vy equipped; ter 8. Cook, REGISTERED both sexes; six weeks. oid. Eiginburg, ont GENUINE VICTROLA AND TWELVE selecuions, your own choice, 32560 5 $10 cash and $1.00 per week. C, W. Lindsay, Limited TAMWORTH PIGS, | ten dollars each when | W. W. Kiell & Son. | HORSE, GOOD LOOKER, GOOD DRIVE] r, quiet, any one can handle him.! ice $50.00 Appl KE. 8 vhnston St. Steen, | AL MOS or NEW; A PLAY ER qu id i tu le ria RO 1 CoA HMAN FOR MONTREAL FAM- The People's F orum REAEN A FOUND A WATCH. Steacy's APPLY TO DRIVER, Limited HAND- 3 NE AR THE COR- PAIR or nh ADY'S BLACK RID gloves « Wellington street, near Pe Office; on Sunday afiernoor Ow may have SRanie 1 at Wgig Omige } ng yv calling FOUND A RTICLES DVER- TISED FREE ~ Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the owner may 80 by reporting the facts "te "The British Whig. The adver- tisement-will be printed in this column free of-charge. "Foung articles)" does not In- clude $1 dogs, cattle, horses, etc. These, if lost, may be ad- TO LET OFFIC ES IN CLARENCE ST. CH AM. bers. Apply te A. B. Cunningham, 79 Clarence street ARGE ENFURNISHED ROOMS, ly 258 Queen street COMPUR' ABLY FURNISHED ROOMS, enience, at 160 King S HOU SE 452 BROCK ST. month Apply: HO WW, Frontenac St. Fu RNISHED woms for o cuok! x i $30 Watts, BED ligh ROOMS; house * or coal. AL Keeping; Appl Street. ry TW SVE LINCS, CYNTRALLY LO- cated, all modern, $25.00 per month. MAY © awk Muliln & and 1458 STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, dry, airv roms; key. Frost's CLEAN, your own lock and City Storage, 299 vertised for in the "Lost" column. Queen streat, Phone 526; res. 9859 . LARGE FURNISHED with or without room if desired: ning water; use of phone! 103 Lower Union St BED-ROOMS, board; sitting hot and cold run- Apply A SOLID HRRICK 135 BAG Walkem & Walkem, RE | HOY SEM AID, RE FERESC E Ww rd- Apply Mr Ri 150 King st iy ro. Ww at AGES 107 IENCED COOK, Apply 7.36 p.m HOUSE, furnace, bath, ¢ and vard, 20 Stuant street, hot wat nina roo Applyad stroat 1916 FORD RUNABOUT WITH SELF starter, speedo « tric Hghts wd clock, In condition pir be bought » for cash Ap- J. V. Grace Phone 1544. A GOOD WOOD-WORKING MACHINE 1 steady work: good wages tenac Moulding and Glass Co K FOR WEIGHM AN, her Fght w & Co. cor streets Bay and Wellington GOOD GE NERAL SERVANT, NO washi r x. highest wages 3 ONE WHO CAN| s required. W ages | *. F. Gilder- | A GE NERAL I | SALESMEN WANTED ) sell the most successful vacuum cleaner * iy carpet sweeper on the market-- Wi 'ERVAC » Stratford Agent Eviernience un Wiile at once for particulars DOMINION SALES CO.. 368 Youge St., Torente Ba Se ------ George Mills & Co. Want a salesman for men's hat dept. and a boy to take parcels, etc. Apply at once at store. 5.000 in use in Toronto aone sold 823 in year Necessary e train you. PEER ERE RT PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, RIRTHMARKS | and all growths and skin plem- ishes removed permanently, with- out scar; 30 years' Shperience Dr, Elmer J. Lake, E Jar, Nose, Throat and Skin rs ototiet, 258 Bagot street. PATEN BARCOCK & SONS, designs. 'atent Office "Patent Laws. tection" free. 99% Si es real. Rraaches: Ottawa, Patents, trade cluding land and and b Mulle also tires George a rei LOTS ON ALFRED ST, 2 choice * locality, near College Collegiate! 8 each; att cellar; improveme af- 346 Uni BUILDING houses, 2 Queen's © rooms modern ter 3 pm, and cement Apply ve rsity Ave Freebird bbb db br bib bbb bbb dd AUTOMOBILES Saxon Service for Saxon Automobiles, with large stock of repair parts and competent mechanics to make repairs when mecessary. J. H. Da- vis, Saxén Distributor, IEEE EAR i il WANTED GENERAL REQ IRFS LARGE try] locati on g Office AN Rai MLEMAN WISHES TABLE BOARD. ite terms and hours for meals Box 51, Whig Office. UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or in part payment of new pianos and Vic 'trolas. C. . Lind- say, Limited, 121 Princess street. SECOND-HAND " CLEANING CO. handle a' few and. would be on your windows Prop. 768 Princess 91 KINGSTON W will be a more cust pleased to figure Geo. Lo. Hille street. Phone FURNITURE FINISHING ON APRIL the premi a black apd wh t Anyuine harbor ng same tify Thomas Johnst m, Ont ON BROCK ST A BRUNCH OF REYS, or return tt» Whig Reward offeged f Office . JOHNSON Pr Y an SUNDAY MORNING, street, betweer 1k tenac, a nickel-pla glass off head Light on BUSINESS CHANCES VEGEPVR f vy: ab and anyone 'whe Apply Letter, INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INVEST one cent until you read Successful Finance, and learn how fortunes are made and investors . Free trial sub * Success- " ful Finance, 608 S. Dearborn St. Chicago. FOR SALE OR TO LET. BRICK HOUSE WITH BATH, CLOSET, ote, barn, poult house and near- ly Two ac of . garden fall ploughed, situat on lake shore near Ontario Ps about ten min- tric cars Pos- immediate 8S Anglin & Bay rton Sts sess Qo., Cor and Welling LEGAL B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and solicitor Law office, 79 Clar- ence street. Kingston A. : FOR SALE TENTS, AWNINGS, VERANDAH CUR- tains, canoes, and camping sup Fishing tackle, etc. Frank 3% Clarence St, King- Phone §91. ston. PS -- YOUR OLD top made like of & new top for tops, Jas. W AUTOMOBILE b Ww slip covers Brockville. cufhions, Judson, ete. FURNITURE FINISH. 23 John, P. DRISCOLL, er. Call or drop a card. 'street. AR "HITECT row ER « "So, ARCHITECTS MER- chants Bank Build'ng, = corner Brock and Wellington streets. 7 Girls Wanted For clean, light work; ~ learning, Those wishing steady employ- ment, apply at KINGSTON HOSIERY, LIMITED. King Street West highest wages while A Delicious Dessert F.J. JOHNSON | The Leadirig Florist { Floral Designs, Wedding Bouguets | and Cut Flowers r specialty. Orders) filled promptly, e 239. 113 Breck | Street. SPECIAL EASTER Meats and Groceries Swift Premium #itams and Bacon. Fresh Eggs, Lettuce, Celery and Green Onions. . w J. M. GORDON Phone 88. Cor. Montreal & Bay St. P ~ : ressed 5¢ and 10¢ Packages For Sale at all Grocers FENWICK, HENDRY & CO. Distributors. - CEMENT BRICK. : With our new style Ss we can poly es =n FOR SALE | supply A-1 pressed brick and veneer 6-Cylinder, 7-Passenger High Class Meats at Low "loss (cual to brick). 1916 Model They are a big improvement on Prices. Studebaker Auto- the common products. Come and see them. A choice selection for Saturday b If possible come and' : . ' N a Burleigh's, Verona. > mobile. A A A Full standard , ew We also sell cement. for Ssourself. | We Rave ly painted and overhauled. the Tanadian militia authorities by Florida Celery, choice Lettuce, Rad- ish, Green Onions, Parsley, Bananas, | . | the French Government for recruit- Bert Stansbary ; ing purposes in Quebec. Both men : Phone 758, 169 Raglan. a. Ofanges, and many others too num- Ands on Bro | belong to ihe French tayalry, both erons to mention. | were wounded and invalided. The order of the British fooc Princess and 'Division St Phones 458 - i ~ Capt. Gerard and Capt, Chevgnac have been:placed at the disposal of EP England may observe May 30th as a special occasion for étrewing with flcavers the graves of the sol- dlers of Il the All 'ountries who have falletl in the war. | controller prohibiting consumption meat one day each week way be | restinded Gecsude Mt Involved a] slrain on the consumption, of bread. With the union bakers on strixe for better wases, Ohcaro has only 1 per cent. of Us bread supply to- day. | cals at Ottawa. Col. H D. Johnson, C.AMT., Charlottetown, PEL, las heen ap- pointed ASSIStARL direstsr 67 wed | STOCK OF HEATERS, RAN. ges, and all kinds of new and sec- ond hand furniture. We are also open to buy everything in the above lines J. Thompson, 237 Princess street. , Phone 1600. CHOICE BRICK STORE smart oountry storey and large class condition, an estate, quick 67 Clarence street, SEE ME FOR NEW AND SECOND hand sideboards, dressers, ¢ hes, parlor chairs, tables, Singer sew. ng machines, crockery, pictures, stoves and ranges. Also' buy new and second-hand furniture. Shapiro, 35 Princess street. store 2- all first $1,000 t wind up G. A. Bateman, Kingston village; cellar: LARGE STOCK OF IRON BEDS, cov- ches, stoves, men's clothing: also new upholstered chairs: military harness, shoes, er straps! Na- tional Cash Register We buy all kinds of new and second hand fur- niture, S. Shapira, 45 Princess street. Phone 1237. = FURNISHED AND STOREHOUSE, IN ) A - HOU _ University Avenue, AFRIL IST, OFFICE WITH VAULT, GRO, man, 67 Clarence A. BATE- FU rRylsHED: 305 KING ST, WEST, Edgehill," faci the lake. ten rooms waler heat- ing, e open fire- places, 1 grounds, fine ge ep 'acres, spac- fous Apply to Mc- Cann 82 Brock St Phone -1 PIANO AN GOOD CoN) rental to desirable t once Apply any me 6 University Ave, ss and Garret Sts Tong CHEAP v If taken after 3 between FOR OCCUPATION hoyse 1: For furth Nickle, F tarih Street, yo IST, ood re LOWER UN- upation from further par- *kle, Farrell & Kingston, i HOUSE ON at, for occ BOARD AND ROOMS. FIRST CLASS HOARD every on. AND ROOMS, central loca- FINANCIAL LOAN AND pty: Incorporated i R Ww, F. on INVEST. 1863; Smith, Nie- city 4 FRONTENAC ment Socle coumry de chased; r bonds sale; deposits received . and terest allowed, R. C. Cartwright, manager, 87 ( larency St. Kingston. LIVERPOOL, LONDON "AND GLOBE Insurance Company. Available 15 In addition to poliey holders have for antimited Hability of insured at lowest Before renewing busincss. get & olirange, the security the city propefty, possible rates, old or giving new rates from Strange Agénts, Phone 325 PAPERHANGING WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK ap 1 hand at old prices do al! work 78 William to Fraser, PAINTING, (CRAIN. r and Kdsomining Ra pap- ered $4 per room, inoludi paper Young & Rowe 282 Qu. en St, (near Barrie) 2 DENTAL A. E. KNAY Office, VES 652. no. 8. Princess street J. LEONARD WALSH, D° corner Rrineess and Bagot Phone 626 NTIST, treet. reg DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, tists, 159 Wellington stree', Déwar, DDS, LDS, a Phone 345 nEN. C. hy i Moulders, Core-Makers, Lathe, Planer-an:1 Boring Mill: Operators, Pattern-Makers, Handy Men and Laborers. Apply, J. Farrar, Supt. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE CO., i Ontario LTD. } cement Starting May 1st all coal sales will be for cash. 'We propose to share with our customers the bene- Sh Jas. Swift & Co. Limited Will buy and pay fair prices, but must be clean and sanitary goods. Household Fugtitiire I HIGHEST PRICES SCRAP PA PERS Of All Kinds. Drop = Card To A. SPEIZMAN

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