PAGE TWO THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1917. HELD A RUSSIAN SESSION' WEDNESDAY WAS Was pay LIES IN THE POLICE FOR COUR ol FUR STORAGE Safe, Reliable. Telephone 489, our fur van will call. People Yards Must Have Premises p- Liquor and Keg of Beer Found. There i varief the King day Magistrate women's court ne weighed the scales court in which and. Dutch fang Magistrate Farrell ious languages very and wit} | little more experience it will nc | necessary for hi have an it {preter Moses Carfikel, a Russian, was on the carpet. for establishing a rag and 'bone yard at 105 York street, | out the approval of the Medical {Health officer Inspector Timmer- man was the complainant A. B. Cunningham d@ppeargd oh be- half of the accused, and stated that he was ignorant of the law and was ready to comply with the regulations. It is not generally known that &« person must take out a permut {or a rag and bone yard. This will be a timely tip for ary person who in- tends to enter this thriving business in the future" M. Dubemovsky, also a the name indicates, was In same boat as his friend Carfikel, {after hearing evidence as brought lout by Mr. Cunningham in English, a Russian interpreter and Timmerman, wio added a little Dutch, Magistrate Farrell decided to allow the Allie® out on suspended sentence. Mr. Cunningham promised that they would sin no more. Howard James und John Skelon Portable, Folding, 8% Ibs. Rib- room in a building at 218 Montreal bons and Carbon Papers. | street. Inspector McCammon and Filing Cabinets Constable Arneil, who visited their Office Furniture room, found a keg of beer and a case of whiskey. It is alleged that Skelon J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. and Jamies have been- enjoying 41 Clarence Street. ay morning bf justice at a 2 Russian, Englist were spoken speaks the var- --t---- JOHN MCKAY, Limited. * 149-157 Brock St. well, m to Underwood Typewriters New or Rebuilt Rented and the Corona | Hiqui d refreshments and thus a charge | of violating the Temperance Act was | laid. T. J. Rigney appeared on behalf of 5s men, and after évidence had | been taken, judgment was reserved. Achievement Through Glasses. Ex-President Roosevelt was awkward and stupid as a boy until he suddenly dis- covered that he could not see | as much as other boys. He tells us that changed his career. Yours may be such a case. Come in 'and get our spec- falist's advice. JS Asselstine D.0.S 842 King Street THE BUSY OPTICAL STORE. PARADIS TAXI STAND call = Always ready f day or night. 'GARAGE FOOT OF BROCK ST. Phone 323; House 611 Cars washed. Gasoline and Oil For Sale. « KE. PARADIS, Prop. Atthe 'Golden Lion Grocery FancyClover creases | HONEY den plot with extra building ||! In one pound sectiqns, 25 cents each lot; five shade trees. | Fresh California Prunes, nice and YOURS FOR $1600, Juicy ... ... 10¢, 1235¢c, 15¢c. Ib. Evaporated Peaches, 2 lbs for 25c. Evaporated Apricots ... ... McCann, Sweet Cider ... ...'... 40c gal nt me ae © | RMcRea & Co. Pha 320 aan Golden Lion Grocery A A A AA AAA AANA SNNNLALNG NANNING | RLS E This is an Urgent Call to Those Who Need Rugs and Linoleums Buy now TE odurs prices. The whole- sale prices of to-morrow. High Grade Wilton Rugs--30 different pat- terns and color combinations. Fine Seamless Velvet Rugs, $25.00, snes are : are famous for their dur- ability and appearance, priced from $3. to $12.00. "i New Drapery Poplins are here in shades of blue, brown, greet, rose, pink, for side cur- tains as well as portieres they are very ef- fective. ~ R McFAUL E [Kingston Carpet Warehouse. Frame dwelling, 8 rooms, all in first class condition; stone { Who Establish Rag and Bone proved by Medical Health Officer-- sided at a with-| Russian, | but | Inspector | i the! "I not bee¢h heavy owing to 15¢ 18. | | doing a splendid same was pr t was cons Burt 0 ¥ur Skeldn absence paid the Court $2.- bicycle The expensive en William trip the man who is al- Kuro Murkogg, a ght eye, He was stable Arniel of not present when ed. Some person ut his leaving on was issued by the in his capture BROCK STRELT METHODIST cwed by the Quar- al Board. Neial board . of list church held for the current sday night. e elected: T. R ng Steward; W. J. Work of Year | terly Oth The q 1x | Broek strecy its closing meet church year on The steward Carnovsky, reeprd Lee, treasurer; J | velope stewar steward; James Arn pew steward; Dr Watts, T. R:. Car: Pound were appoil to district meet Reports showe educational and well in advance of but a deficit was al funds, and prov meeting this W. J. Lee, trea statement of the diture of the past good balance on t! spite of extra expendit A resolution passed, expressing tion of the labors of ing the year, and re [Terence to return ! year. A bonus a salary, was also voted dinnen as a mark the board and acknowledging this ¢ ty of the people ir takings,' which made pleasure. {iam Drury, strong, assistant i the missionary, t year's figures, nd in + onnexion-| n was made for vear, showing a right side, in ures. unanimously he pastor dur- sting thelcon- tional to the to Mr. Clen- esteem from | egation . In| ton, and loyal- cong his OVER TWENTY- TWO TONS OF CLOTHING SENT OUT BY WO- MEN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY. | Miss Adair Spoke on Work at For- mosa at Wednesday Morning Ses- " sion*--A Batch Reports Presented. Interesting reports w ed at the Wednesday | sion of the Ontario W7 sionary Society of the church, held in St. And The Brockville Presb) terial ducted the devotional exercises, ter waich provincial reports presented. | 'The report of tary showed that o tons of clothing had been sent out. | It was stated for the infor | the workers that goods 11d be sent +t half rate for two hundred pounds | it application is made ten days pre- | ivous to the date of shipping. | The supply secretary { the members to adhere | the directions given rega work, as it would do away less trouble. The life membership secretary re- ported that over $17,000 had been raised by members taking out life memberships. There were G43 sen- ior memberships at $25 eachN161 junior memberships at $10; and 8 "in memoriam' certificates The literature secretary ported, and mention was ~all the valuable literatu | to promote the work The strangers' secretary ! that the work along these of ore present- orning ses- men's Mis- w's church con- were the supply secre- strictly rding the with end- nade to be had stated ines had | Snetions | Immigration had been very light and there had been very few people | | moving from one place to another It was reported that there were 520 | mission bands in Ontario, w th five | | associate societies. ' showed a decrease, tributions amounted to | than last year. The literary department | good report to make about work in the lonely places. The de- partment keeps in touch with sol- diers, distributes copies of - the Bible, and also distributes hooks. The homeshelpers' department is work an litle folk and the aged people Sobg cement looks after te children ho have to he cared for while their | faronts are at work, and also 180ks | after the aged. There are 4,125 members in this department The | contributions . amounted 3.-1 085.19. | The exchange secretary told" of | the good work accomplished hy this department in sending out papers of interest. A special feature of the. session | was an address delivered by Miss Adair, of Formosa, which is now a | Japanese colony. It is just elevem years since the women cf nenced | their work there, and the speaker unfolded a story that was in- teresting. Schools have hen open- ed, and Miss Adair exhibne an ol] which she secured from a family she converted. Additional Presbyterial reports were given, and all were of a mgst encouraging nature, showinz {n- creased membership and givings ile the com- 2.000 more had a most | Ontario Synod Executive Committee. The executive committee of the Ontario Synod met on Tuesday and passed resolutions concerning the illness of Bishop Mills and Canon | Roberts and the death of the late | Canon Grout of Kingston and Rev. ! Dr. Cobb of Wellington. FEndorse- | ment of readjustments in grants to ' missions was made. The stipends of . the missionary clergy will be con- sidered at Synod meeting later in the j month, Visiting, in . Kingston, Dr. Harry Hunter, his wife and Jit- | tle- son, are in the city, visiting his parents, Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. George Hunter, Collingwood street. On Monday Dr. Hunter will leave New York with a draft of doctors, for the most part Americans, who are going bverseas for duty on medical staffs. Dr. Hunter is a graduate of Dy E of Queen's and n Crawford, en-| pew | I. EB Day; H. W.| sky and/ George | od lay delegates | il service funds r, presented a| me and expen-| rdial apprecia-| for the coming | | their under-| work a} Encouraging reshyterian | af- | twenty-two | mation of | appealed to | to | also re- | of | embership | nission | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. two ie] Happenings In the City and Vicinity] --What the Merchants Offer to the| Readers of the Whig. Rian os for rental at Lindsay's, 121) circles it is stated u ne court will be one o essions -on record. Mr. Swaine, piano tuning ders left at McAuley's, or 'phone The President of the Board Trade has received $5 from W Gallagher for the Belgian Relief Fund. H. Cunningliam, piano tuner, 21 King street. Leave orders at McAul- ey's Book Store. i The Bishop of Ontario Very Rev. Mills, is critically ill and much] is manifested over his con-| a 564 D. anxiety dition. The weather of the past few days is not at all = favorable to itizens who are engaged in getting their] gardens ready. { A special session of the gounty | court is being held on Thursday afternoon to hear the McKendry vs Kingstc yn Construction Co. case. Anthony Managhan ran against | Open Nights. Sir John Macdonald in Kingston in 1840, Who knows about him and | where can the Whig get a photo- | graph. The cold rain and snow of Tuesday night will hinder seeding for a few days but it should cause no great harm to the Greater Pro- dugtion Campaign. W. B. Carroll, { was in the city on | ing panties in connection with Maxwell vs. Galway assault and bat- | tery case which is coming up at the | court { storm | K.C., Gananoque, | Tuesday examin- the | L June county There is quite a large area of land | | in the west end of the city which is | still I start a civie farm. Prevost, Brock street, has received | all his spring and summer goods for his order clothing department, in| Ready-made clothing he has in steck {a very fine line of Blue and Gray worsted suits for those not wishing] to leave their order. He has also re-| | Beauty, Style & \ still available through the Greater | Production Committee for cultiva- | | tion. There is a proposition on foot | . y ~ al Are the striking features of our big display of Wash Dress Goods. | ceived some very nice lines of Gents' | Furnishings. A PRIZE OF $10 Received by R. J. Bushell For : 'heese Exhibit at Fair. R. J. Bushell announces that he has received a ten-dollar gold piece from William Jackson to be given] as a special prize for the best pyra-| mid of cheese exhibited at the King-| ston fair next fall. Mr. Bushell] states that he would welcome a sim-| {ilar prize for the best collection of | vegetables from some enterprising] citizen. i Manager Bushell also states that] he welcomes the competition of the | backyard gardeners and hopes that | they will be able 'to beat him all| | hollow with their exhibits at the| fair. i. Purchased a Steamer. Captain Hinckley, of Cape Vincent, "has purchased from James Simpson | of Brockville the steamer Cecilia S. | Captain Hinckley purposes removing the engine and boiler to anothep craft | and using the hull of his latest pur- | chase for a house boat, The Cecilia |S. was purchased by Mr. Simpson two years ago. It was formerly the Orizaba and plied for years between j Wadzipsion, and Ogdensburg. | * June Magazines. On sale-at \The College Book| | Store, Motion Picture Magazine, | Photoplay Joutnal, Aviation, World's Work, Wireless Age,"Breezy, Paris- NOVELTY VOILES-- NEW CLOTH-- CAMEO VOILE FANCY MARQUISETTE-- CORDON VOILE-- FANCY P.K.-- VOILE ILLUSION -- MERCERIZED MATTING- MERCERIZED VOILE MERCERIZED DUCK-- MERCERIZED CREPE -- MERCERIZED REPP-- PALM BEACH CRASH, Etc. Etc. Prices Start at 25¢ a yard. Newman & Shaw, THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE | Furs Stored ALL THE LATEST POPULAR HITS, 15¢ EACH, OR 7 For $1 2 POPULAR--1 Love a Piano, Blighty, Down in Honolulu Looking rth Them Over; Ireland Must Be Heaven; What Do You Want To Make Those Eyes At Me For; When the: Sun Goes Down In Dixie; How's Every Little Thing in Dixie; The Honolulu Hicki- Boola- Boo; My Little China Doll; Etc. STANDARD--So Long Letty; It's a Cute Little Way of My Own; Yaaka Hula Hickey Dula; A Broken Doll; Calling Me Home To You; Pack Up Your Troubles, Etc. "The "College Book Store, 160-162 Princess St. ' Phone 919 Wedding Suggestions Our windows are replete with suggestions for weddings: Tea Setts, Roast Platters, Entree dishes, Soup Tureens, Bread Frays, Casseroles. Cut_ Glass in variety, and the very best of workmanship. Personal gifts for the Bride and Bridesmaids are here to suit all desires. In Platinum or Gold. Smith Bros., Jewelers and Opticians, Issuers uf Marriage Licenses, rE------------ At: W. F.Gourdier 80 Brock Street Phone 700. ienne, Clever Stories (400 pages), | Top Notch, Open. Nights. ' Coming to Griffin's. Mrs. Vernon Castle, the best dress- ed woman in America, in the serial | supreme "Patria." | CLOSING OF MAILS British mail closes irregularly. Information posted at P.O. Lobby from time to time. Strawberry Time at Carmovsky's. | United States, dally "ay 3 2 Oh . 5 am Vand 11.30 p.m. i Small boxes, 2 we; big boxes, 35¢ Grand iy zolng ast, New stock every morning. 11.30 a.m. and 11:30 p.m. PA AA A AAA Grand Trunk, Toronto and west, Including Westerh States ... . 1.00 p. Grand Trunk and all west of City, 2.30 pm. and 11.30 p.m. C.P-R. 10.15 am. and 5.00 p.m. C.NR. ... 4 "The Hat Store" AA A A AA AAA AA A AAA aA Aaa | HE SHOWED NO DEVOTION, | And Benjamin Robinson is Cut Off by His Wife. The New York 'World contains the following paragraph which has re- ference to a former Kingstonian: By the will of Mrs. Margaret L. Robinson, who died at New Rochelle March 31st, leaving an estate valu- ed at more than $500,000, her hus- band, Benjamin Robinson, is cut off without a cept. The clause reads: "I have ma\ie no provision in this will for my husbafid, Benjamin Rob- | inson, for the reason that for a con- i siderable time he has not displayed | the kindness or devotion which I | should expect of him, nor has he manifested any genuine or friendly | interest in my welfare or happiness. My conscience does not permit me to { bequeath to him any part of my es- tate." "Apd] Showers" May. Although the Ap- ril showers are late this season we are al- ways sure to get them. They have only = begun now. Have you begun to prepare for them? "We show a big va- riety of UMBRELLAS for men, ladies and children, priced from | $1 up. Come in and 'get one. Gearge Mill & Co 126 & 128 Princess St. Seed Potatc Coming. «Five cars of or 1 | farmed in Frontenac - county are {pow on the way from Winnipeg to | this city. Senator H. W_ Richardson, who has been instrumental in secur- {ing the much needed seeds stated on | Wednesday that one car left Winni- {| peg on Thursday last, and would be ! here in the course of a few days. The others will follow soon after- wards, Snow Fall in May. Some time ago, the weather min | said to cheer up, that the worst was yet to come. It came Wednesday morning in the form of a snow fall, and it was quite lively while rit lasted. Citizens are wondering just when the weather man Is going to settle down and bring on the warm weather, potatoes for the pees BUILDERS Also Kingston, aces. Ont. SUPPLIES <eeeg Baled Shavings Splendid bedding for horses and cows. useful spreading over floors and damp pl All clean shavings, price 50¢ a bale. for S ANGLIN & CO. Bay and Wellington Streets, Phones: Oflice 66, Factory 1413 Sees Lumber, Coal and Wood ator N Fresh Garden Seeds In Package and Bulk, from all the best seed houses. Choose Early. Special Varieties Sweet Peas in mixed and single colors. DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE 185 Princess St. Phone 343. Te ERP Stores A = AVORITE eT RUG STORE Now is the time to pack eggs. are doing it. Get a can of our Water Glass 15¢ Enough to pack twelve dozen. Jaga = (al: RE