Daily British Whig (1850), 2 May 1917, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1917. PAGE E FIVE -- "Out of the High Rent District." O'Connor's LADIES' Exclusive New Dresses Attractive spring models in serges, silks, 'crepe de chenes, satins, etc, now ready, at our usual low prices. Children's Dresses A big shipment from New York just receiv- ed; new styles, all sizes; priced from49c up. ° CUT PRICES on suits and coats, all this week. Bargains in millinery. T3.0 Connor 260 Princess St. Telephone 800 "Higher up street, but lowér in price." MONUMENTS We have ope ned a branch of our monument business with a large stock of marble anite, Special attention given to cemetery lettering. FALLEN BROS., 139 Clergy St. Phone 637. me mn Watch This Space 20th Century Spring Overcoats GOOD VALUES. Crawford & Walsh SPECIAL AGENTS TAILORS, Princess and Bagot Streets. NNN NAAN Ne AA Al Pt AAA a a A a Women's Walking Shoes - . . 4 with perforated wing "lip and low heel In Grey Nu-Buck, Tan, Russia Calf, To- bacco Brown Calf and Gun Metal. Smart and attractive models gram Ameri- can makers. Allan M. Reid, 111 Princess Street. ' applied - for citizenship.' Peterson was born in Adelphustown, Canada, |= and is thirty-gix years of age. Mad- den, gave his age as twenty-four, ane his birthplace at Newburgh, Took Out Papers. . Frederick W, Peterson, a laborer of 171] Huntington street, and Wil- liam F. Madden, a tool maker, of 904 Boyd street, Watertown, N.Y. FIRES THAT INTEREST} WHAT GOVE RNMEN' T OFFICIALS | HERE RECEIVED A YEAR AGO Figures Taken from the Auditor-Gen- | eral's Report for the Year Ending | March 31st, 1916. The following salaries to jals vonnected with ment institutions here, according to the Auditor-General's report for the year, ending March 31st, 1916 o were paid offi Customs Salaries. collector, ;$1.800; T $1,750; T. Gaskin, A. W. Cathcart, ~ A Strachan, Driver, appraiser, chief clerk, $1,450; $1100 Preventive officers Comer $1,000; H 1st to Sept. 30th $56.10; W. D, Graves $950, time $205 H. J. Guy $900, time $160.80; J. Hanley $950, time $207; T. Healey $800; H. C. IHquham from Oct. 4th, $393.51; Mallen, less 26 days, $741.16; J Newman $900; J. Stansbury $700 Wolfe Island -- W. D. Horne, $350; T Fawcett $500; R. McReady $200 Portsmonth--J. Graham $100 GW Crefghton, 375, overtime over- over- 20: J J. Kingston Post Office. Acsistant C. G. Shannon $1800; J. B Cochrane $1400; R. J. Darcy $1400; J. Daley $1125; R. E. Genge |W. T. Harkness $1299.99; E. C. His-| leock $1200; J. F. Kane $962.50; W. C. McCullagh $1000; G. C. McGowan | $775: V. M. Milo $693.56; S. A ris $962.50; J. Morrison $1200; H Nicholson $770.70; G. B. Scott ($1025; W. J. Wells $1400; W. J White $1100; J. Morrisey $942 Letter Carriers J. H. Allmark A. Blomeley $948; A. Buck $900.76; G. J. Compton, $942; F. £914.75; I. Doherty $864 , Donnelly $939; R. J. Elliott {S912 B. J. Hanlon $942; J. M. In- lglis $942; G. Lawes, F. Little, M | Murphy, T. M. Parkin, D. J. Patter | Son each $9427 F. Phillips $782.75; Pickering $777; J. J. Purcell 17 Wood $661 Porters --F. Hebe:t Murray $712.25 i Temporary Clerk $600. I; Temporary Kee $248: H | Seaton $626: Post Office Merrick, Inspector, | Strange, assistant, | Bennett $775; C. A. Egan $962.50; M. Ford $1200; A E. Funnell ($775; G. S. Gordon $878.25; 1. Hamiltod $1200; McGrail $1700; LL. B. W.]Power $775; A ! =| 802; | Connors NM A a 3: 5 S. Saunders J Me F Helpers-- W Hunter $424; H. Twigg '$7%. Enspector's| Office $3500; J $2141.08; T. Bunt $1500; M. -H C. E. E. Seale §72¢ The Penitentiary. Warden R. R. Creighton $2800; Deputy Warden O'Leary $1800; Dr. D. Phelan, nine months, $2025; Dr. R. Hanley, three months, $215; Dr W. T. Connell, 'three months, $125; Rev., Father McDonald $1200; Rev, 0. G. Dobbs $1200; Thomas D. Min- "nes $1709. . "Thomas D. Bowie $1200; Forster $1200; C. F. Smith H. 8. Begg $1200; T. A. Keenan $1200; R. A. Caughey $1200; C. Bostridge $1200; J. B. Driscoll $900; P. Madden $900; H. W. Wilson $1800; G. McC ayley $1000; Rose A. Fahey $700; William Derry $1300; Charles Baylie $1000; F. Horni- brook $1000; C. H. Fenning $1000. W. Tollerst $800; Thomas Wood $897.58; Charles McClelland $800; R. Godkin $874.97; R. McDonald $583.32; R. Corby and A. W. Mar- shall, organists, each $100; R. J. Burns $1200; P. M. Beaupre $1000; J. Bennett $1000; J. McCaugherty $1000; J. Lawlor $1000; W. J. Cal- vert $1000; D. J. McCarthy $1000; James T. Weddell $1000; R. Corby $997.22; Thomas Davidson $989.06 H. L. Walker $992.60; A. Atkins $1200; William Holland $1196.67. Watchmen: A. Barr $225; T. N. Clark $892.74; S. Close $856.02; B. F. Duffy $898; S. H. Gordon $895.16; H. K. Filson $619.35; R. J. Hen- derson: $671.70; W. &. Chamber- lain $358.54; George B. Heaslop $238.71% R. C. Morris $420; WwW. Sears $225; T. Tobin $895.50; H. C Pipe $897.08; W. Metcalfe $450. Guards at $800 --G. O. Aiken, Blacklock, J. Berrigan, Bird, R Bryant, R. Clark, W- W. "Cook, J. Brown, 8S. Don- aldson, J. 8S. Fagg, T. Fowler, A. Garland, F. Doyle, J. V. Donoghue, J. Givens, H. C. Grant, C. H. Gray, John Hughes, F. Ingledew, John Kennedy, M. J. Ketnedy, A. McCon- Had Awful Attacks * of Heart Trouble FOR 5 OR 6 YEARS Diseases and disorders of the heart and nervous system have become rightfully prevalent of late years. One can scarcely pick up a paper but he will find recorded instances of sudden deaths through heart fail- uré, or of prominent men and wo- men unable to,prosecute their ord- inary business profession on ac- count of a bredking down of the nervous system. We go not desire to unnecessarily alarm anyone, but to sound a word of warning. " When the Neart begins to beat ir- regularly, palpitates and throbs, has shooting paihs through it, it is time to stop and think. To all sufferers from heart and nerve troubles Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills can give prompt and permanent relief. Mrs. Frank Arseneau, Newcastle, N.B., writes: "I had awful-attacks of heart trouble for the past five or six years, and as I had tried many kinds of medicine without' getting any better, I decided to give Mil- burns Heart and Nerve Pills a trial, to to my, surprise I found ease from them: in 1 had a in wg aaing tf as well as'can be. i. AL the present time my sister fis using them for nervousness and finds rt by their use" J. R. $1200; Ww. D. P. Govern-| H.| May | over- | Me-| Postmaster James Stewart $2400; | $14007) Mor-| 4 service, He graduated McPherson, W. H 'Mat McWaters, G. P. Nolan, T H. J. Powell,'J. A. Pot- G. Sullivan, A. Silver, W. L I \Waish, M. J. Walsh, B. R. Watson, 1J. Weir, C. 8. Wheeler. Guards atv $800, less deductions R. Aiken $779.50; D. Germain. |18799.50; T. E erson $797.85; | M Davis $7 ; J. J. Lawless] | $799; C. Mills $799: S. MacCormack, | $799.50; °R. J. Mooney $797.85; E.| I. McCue $797.85; J. A. Purcell | 1 8799.50; A. Rutherford $7 85; J. Brown $796.85; J. A. Non. $797.85. Guards for Broken Barr $5498.05; P. Dowsley R. I. Dowsley $96.76; C. H {$131.10; W. Ryan $133.32; $597.22; W. Metcalfe $309.17; | Freeman $464.76; F. Butler $2 B. D. Snyder $318.62 T. W. Nicholson, teamster, 1S. Seager, caretaker $480. Gratuities--R. W. Dowsley, service 19 years, nine days, $1 C. H. Redden, guard, service 5 years, two months, $177.77; W. Ryan, | guard, service twenty-five years, | $1500; T. Wood, night fireman, ser | vic e two years, 11 months, $109.37; iJ. R. Forster, clerical assistant, ser- | vice twelity-one years, nine months, | $1925 . ville, J. 8 fhevs. . Nicholson, J. Al Periods $68 i Red. fen | W. Sears H. H 0.70; $ $700; | guard, §1: THE NURSES ALUMNAE | Mrs, George Nicol Elected President | | --Delegates to Montreal ( 'onvention. | The annual meeting of the Nurses] | Alumnae Association of the General | | Hospital was held on Tuesday after-| noon. These officers were elected Honorary president, Miss Claudia | Boskill; president, Mrs. George | Nicol; first-vice-president;, Mrs. 8. F. | Campbell; second vice-president, | Miss E. Baker; recording secretary, | Miss Florence Hiscock; assistant, | | Nursing Sister Olive O'Neill; corres. | Mrs. G. H. Wil- Mrs, H. Mar- | ponding secretary, liamson; treasurer, shall. Miss Jean MacCallum gave an in- | teresting report of Ontario Graduate | Nurses Association convention in Hamilton, which she attended. At the convention of the Canadian National Association of Graduate Nurses to be held in Montreal in| June , Miss Boskill will represent the | Alumnae Association and Miss Pearl | Marin he Kingston Chapter "ot | aor A. ay THE SCHOONER KITTY WELLS WAS SUNK IN THE HARBOR ) --t-- Tug Emerson With Two Barges Had # Rough Trip Coming Over From Charlotte During Night in Stiff Southwesterly Gale, Tuesday night was a wild night on the lake. It has been blowing a southwesterly gale for the past twenty-four hours, and marine men, who happened to be out during the | Il | ROUGH NIGHT ON T ON THE LAKE $10.00 Ladies' high top tan calf laced boots. - $9.00 Ladies' black kid high top laced boots. We also show the best $6.00, $7.00 and $8.00 values in the city. Abernethy's Shoe Store night, stated that it was one of the worst they ever experienced qn the lake. ce The schooner Kitfy, Wells, which was dismasfed in the harbor during Tuesday's gale, while on her way to Portsmouth, with a load of sand, was towed to Crawford's slip, during the afternoon, but during the night she commenced to take water ,and on Wednesday morning was in pretty bad shape. The tug Emerson arrived with the' barges Augustus and Valencia, load- ed with coal, from Charlotte, and had a very rough trip, the waves washing over the decks. The tug Emerson cleared with the barge Condor, to load coal at Charlotte, for the C.P.R. wharf, in Kingston, The tug Mary cleared with two coal barges for Montreal. i A large number of Kingston ves- sels are tied up at Oswego, and Charlotte, owing to the storm. Quite a number of vessels also left this port on their way to Niagara, but on account of the rough weather were, compelled to return. A TWO PART SKETCH Presented to, Large Audience Bethel Conzregational Church. Under the auspices of the Young People's Society of Bethel Congre-| gational church a splendid concert was given in that church on Tues- | day evening, which drew a eapacity | audience, and the programe justi- | fied the large attendance. Rev. J. | de C. Raynor presided. The pro- | gramipe cons sted of a duet by | Masters Peter and Howard! Fair; | solo by Miss Winwifred Woglgar; re- | citation by Miss Posselwhite, Son solo by Mastér Pelham: Richardson; monologues by Miss Shirley Parrott, | . Drug Store || Home-Made - Candy Fresh Made Every Day. Sakell's Next Grand Opera House Cv "The little moth will soon get in its des- tructive work. Now is 'the time to send your furs to us and have them stored and insured until your want them again in" the fall. Charges moderate. Phone 79 and our | delivery will call. Campbell Bros, 84 Princess St. Telephone 640 ke 7 4 sf I EE -- LEER AE AARRRRRRRRTRR ORE SAVE YOUR FURS AND WINTER APPAREIL. 'By placing them in a genuine 'Tennessee Cedar | Chest, nicely copper bound, with lock and key. | Linen utility boxes, covered in cretonnes and =e | A LUBIN'S Scalp Remedy | CURES | DANDRUFF AND STOPS FALLING HAIR 50c Bottle Prouse"s Phone 82. Opposite St. Andrew's Church. and plano solo by Miss Ena Barnes. | A humorous sketch in two parts en- | titled, "Our Church Fair," which portrayed the tr.al!s of the ladies in arranging for the big event, was! played by Misses Florence Clyde, | Edna Treneer, Jennie Wilson, Mae | Porter, Lucy 'Wilson, Isobel Veale, Laura Wilson, Elsie MacKenzie, Ethel Huggins, Mamie Veale, Myrtle Clyde and Bessie Beswick. R. M. C. GRADUATE KILLED the Reyal Flying Jorps. He Was With ( Major Eric O. McMurtry of the | Royal Flying Corps, was instantly killéd while flying. . He was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. McMurtry, Montreal, and {wo other brothers have enlisted for overseas from the Royal Military College in June, 1914, and, although only twenty years of age, went overseas with one of the battalions recruited-early in the war, His wife is in London, England. An RM.C, Graduate, Lieut.-General Sir Charles Mac- pherson Dobell, who commanded the British troops in the battle near Palestine, is a Canadian, and a graduate of the Royal Military Col- lege. Gen, Dobell is a son of the late RR, Dobell, Beauvoir Manor, near City, one of the original members of the Laurier (1896) cab- Miiburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are for $1.25, at al} receipt of inet. Gen. Dobell entered the army in 1890. He was In command in be Cameroons in 1915. His mt Ohe of the two which under Gen. sir ed woman jin America, in supreme "Pa FREE! DEMONSTRATION All This Week OF McLAREN'S INVINCIBLE PURE FOOD PRODUCTS Don't miss the opportunity of test. ing these goods HENDERSON'S GROCERY 59.81 Brock Street. The Home of Quality. Archibald Murray ig sweepi int Palestine, i A route from Egypt; Deobell took shore the Contng to Griffin's, Mrs. Vernon Castle, the best dress- the serial tria." | | | | | | Japanese mattings, suitable for bedroom boxes. James Reid The Leading Undertaker. Phone 147 For Motor Ambulance. v Notice Having vacated my former location, all orders tor monuments will be taken and receive best at- tention at my residence and yard. Lettering and renovating in cemeteries a spec- Lal "JAS. E. MULLEN, 155 Frontenac Street. Phone 1417. r---- SE | BUY ESH SEEDS | il Don't Forget to Put Your Furs Away Be- | fore Moths Come. Rennie's, Simmers' and Steele Briggs' Results ! Why are 99%, of our patrons satisfied with our' glasses? Because our service to them is backed with years of experience and a full knowledge of our profession. If you wish satisfactory results, consult Optician and = J.J. STEWART, Opt.D, Orician an Cor. Wellington and Clarence Sts. Opp. Post Office, Phoné 609 | { | | { | | t At Sargent's Drug Store "Corner Princess and Moutreal Streets Telephone 41 - mma FO IMPERIAL LIFE The Imperial Life since its com. mencement hos paid in profits to its policy -holders more than five times as Inrge an amount as the total paid by all existing com- panies incorporated - in Canada during the lant twenty yeurs, and in addition hag neeumuinted = policy bolders' net purplus fond of FLOWN ICN. J. B. Cooke, Dis.Mgr. 382 King St, 503; Residence S42 We Have a Nice Assortment of Pure Com Syrup In 2-Ib. tins, 3-Ib. pails, and 10-Ib. pails, which we are selling for one week only at the old price. E. H. BAKER Cor. Montreal and Charles St, 4 Phone 1363.

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