Daily British Whig (1850), 2 May 1917, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1917. PAGE SEVEN ------ ---- ---- EE ee | OPERA] AMER Ee A IG R A N D ) unm [111] u » HOU SE mm : 3 re ESTABLISHED 1833 Thi A ight § The People' s Forum CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES FOR SALE 7 ---- TO LET THE THRIFT HARIT is ar t] -- ---- - { ; ; SIArt DY , . First Insertion, 1c a word. Each con-| THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. COST FOUND OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM- -------------------------------- * 0 Ais Bir . : secutive insertion thereafter, haif- little. Once, 25c; three times 0c; bers Apply to A. B. Cunningham, . anxk 1 SAVINg Al u ' i cent a word. Minimum charge for one week, $1.00. . _ 9 Clarence street A onomy and nce and H An the Hilgrious Hit ony insertion, 25¢; three ertions, SILVER RE BUCKLE A FEW - 3 $73 000,000 1 50c; six $1; one month, $2. COOK. IMMEDIATELY, GOOD SAk- a ply Mr. Black, COMFORTABLY FURNISHED ROOMS, mm apy Apply YYW.C A Al ou every « nvenience at 0 King ha h \G BE MEAL TH - -- oe -- mp---------- a CORTES 3 wines BY on BLL HELP WANTED FOR JOKES, PUZZLES AND NOVELTY Ke » ew} \ HOUSE 452 BROCK ST.. $30 PER 1 Sar a toys see Frank W, Cooke, 39 "hinese Re rai month Apply H. W. Watts, $8 - * . x * SPRUNG BOY AT ROBERTSON LIM. Clarence street ! I ¢ 4 pl Frontenac St . " \ . y . 93 i" et eimai HE 116 BRANCHES IN CANADA, X 2 \ DELIVERY WAGGON, GOOD CONDI- 5 A .Y TO DRIVER, FURNISHED BED ROOMS; ALSO YOK-GENERAL AND NURSE-HOUSE- tion. Apply do Geo. Recve, 15 Rus- v's 3 rooms for light house Keeping; Telephone 1933 sell street, city NEAR THE COR cooking with gas or coal. Apply maid ' ner of glan 1 and Bago 396 Princess street ' MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS, AP-) DOUBLE DWELLING, 41 AND 43 DIV- wner may have same by ply Street Railway Office. ision street, 6 rooms and W.C. in ca g at 4 laglan Rd TWO DWELLINGS, CENTRALLY LO- F each; well rented. Apply 41 Divis- °F LADY'S Bl ACK KID « ated all modern, $25.00 4 month sy ART ROY FOR DELIVERY. APPLY fon street. x > street, ) Ma 1st Mullin & D. Bankier, Portsmouth. r t 0 sunday 0 mes 53% and 1456 VICTROLA AND TWELVE p ha ~ Georg e B. McKay, Manag er. 'rom the Criterion Theatre, London, | MAID FOR FAMILY OF TWO. APPLY ns, your own choice, $28.50, faite by Calling Rt Whig Office , thd | Mrs. Askwith, 193 J 'Gnson St £10 aon and $1.09 per week. C. W. -- STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN mi Eng. Lindsay, Limited. FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- BY airy rome: Sour on lek and bgt dui. Mk ig ot deal be A farce that will make you rock | Gant, WANTED FOR _HOLSE WORK . TISED FREE key Frost's City Storage, 299 with laughter. \ , in small family 172 Alfred street HORSE, GOOD LOOKER, GOOD DRIV- ao AN Queen street. Phone 526; res. 989 L 0 T S FO R S A L E wi ar rr a Rb Het, v can handle him Anyone finding anything and Prices--23, 30, 75, $1.00, $1.50 | BARBER WANTED, STEADY. JON. 5 ly 1. 8. Steen, || wist.ng to reach the owner may . SE ATS S NOW ON SALE. ON SALE. iy A. KE. Hunt, 258 Princess St 2 } in § do so by reporting the facts to LARGE FURNISHED BED-ROOMS, : British Whig The Adver-) with or without board; sitting room |f desired; hot and cold run- "es. S -- The Division St., 33 xX 145 . «3 1H Hw we ¥ $450 IRIENCED COOK. APPLY | PLAYER PIANO, ALMOST NEW: ALSO tisement will be printed in this o : at 107 Bagot street, after 7.30 p.m quantity of household funiture to column free of charge. ning water; use of phone. Apply Beverly St. 99 XxX 120 . | - S150 sell cheap. \ leaving city "Found articles," does not In- 103 Lower Union St . ' i | SMART BOYS WANTED. APPLY Apply 457 Division street clude lost dogs; cattle, horses, Frontenac Moulding and Glass Co. 4 te. These, if lost. may be ad- Collingwood St, 44 x 103 City, ae Hing A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN vostized Tor i the 'Laery corumiE [FURNISHED HOUSE, Armin 1sT, Cor. Centre and Edgehill, 80 x '125 $1200 Monday., Tues. & Wed. \ GOOD GENERAL SERVANT FOR Sos I tires \S | Sini¥ershy Avenie, "pr Jesse Lo Lasky Presents small family.. Apply 27 Sydenham and bicycle accessori George | - E - oz OFFICE WITH VAULT, GEO. A. BATE- St. Lawrence Ave., 71 x 122, $15 per foot frontage. | Muller, 373 King St Phone 1032. Lvl Hk Mid A . IST. » Lou Tellegen, mn T WATCHMAN, STEADY EM-| BIG hy INDIAN MOTORCYCL ¥ Hoy | ment The Wormwith Piano and "side ear, i 'ter oi " . ow | FURNISHED, 303 KING. ST. WEST, THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY | "The.- Black Wolf » Limited mie elect ighits an palldn first BUNCH OF KEYS, ON BROCK N "Edgehill" facing the lake, tern 5 . : : i class © Apity between 8 Reward offered for n to Whig rooms, oak floors. hot water heat- 6 Brock St. Phones: Office 68; Res, 874] ., ingdom?? | £THTHIHHHHIERR RRR | am wn § pm ad 1 Kine : | mais inte when re: es, auti oded grounds, | The Secret King om : Salesiady wanted; smart am- +, BUILDING LOTS ON ALFRED ST. SUNDAY MORNING, JONSON Piaoe) pute iB obibgiin Mg van COMED | % "bitlous girl; preference given to houses, choice locality, near stree betwe rt and Fror VAUDEVILLE 4 experienced. Apply between 9 Queen's Oollege and Collegiate, 8 tenac, a n Prices: Mat. loc: ening 15¢. | nnd 1 o'clock tomorrow. rooms each; attic, cement cellar; glass off head 1 . COMING | 4 Steaey's Ltd. * modern improvemen s Apply af- lv return to 212 Thursday, Friday "and Saturday * ter 3 pm, 346 University Ave "+ BE er Te ea care 'SINESS CHAN TO RENT 2 . . You Can Count On It ! Henry B. Walthall, m | -- SEMAID, REFERENCE RE- hand'sideboards. dressers, couches, | ooo PIANO IN GOOD CONDITION; CHEAP "B 1 h"' | quired. Apply Mrs, H. W. Richard- *Parior chairs tables. Singer sew-| VEGET : re d rental to desirable party If taken When we take care of your storage bat- eula | son. 450 King sireet west. ing machines, crockery, pictures, of ¢ about 60 x 60 i- At once Apply any time after 3 © stoves and ranges. Also buy new vated and rendy for planting p.m, 3168 Unive ty ».. between tery there's no doubt of quality service. NN HANNAN SP Se ND RNs Eri 1 and second-hand furniture. A anyone who will ent » lawns Princess and G INCE » iE 3 m) 88 We have established ourselves as experts. | AY $25.00 RY ¥en t ok ise i Shapiro, 3 Princess street Apply Letter, "K" Whig Office : Will you come in and be convin Bagot street. after 7.30 p.m -- - = ' r ced? > --- | LARGE STOCK OF TRON BEDS, COU- . FOR OCCUPATION MAY IST, FUR. I LESSES, ¢ | ches, stoves, men's clothing; also | INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INVEST nished house youl residential . A ; A GOOD WOOD-WORKING MACHINE pow upholstered Shaire) miary the cent unl Sou read Suscessru] istrict. For furt articulars ap- 004 -. Claren M Wed.. hand; steady work: good wages. , arness, shoes, jeather straps a- nance, an earn how fortunes piv N Farr Davy, 194 On- Phone 1 134-120 os Be, onday, Tues. and N Frontenac Moulding and Glass Co, tional Cash Register. We buy all are made and lost by Investors tario Street, Kingston, Ontario Igmited kinds of new and second hand ¢ Tree trial] su ion x P Free inspection of any battery at any time 2 iho AVS--2 niture. S. Shapiro, 45 Princess| . ful Finance, 608 S. Dearborn ious "out-buildings. «pply Cann 1 te, 2 FEATURE i % ¢ . street. Phone 1227 Chicago. DWELLING HOUSE ON LOWER UN. Wilfrid Lucas 3 mn | A JUNIOR © RK FOR WEIGHMAN, | z jon street, for occupation from May 1st next Far further par timekeeper and other Hght wor 4 "A Love Sublime" Apply S. Anglin & Co. cor. B 'FOR SALE OR TO LET. Hen lars anny to Nickie, eral & and Wellington streets, 4 - Dav, 194 Ontario Street, Kingston, . . ef { 1 -------------------------------- 1 3 | Francis Ford and Grace iT ---- SUMMER PLACE, COLLINS BAY: Ont pring f ime 5 The Purple Mask. OVER $2 DAILY EASILY EARNED AT i Pohdd dd bd bP AUTOMOBILES large dwellir about three acres | mm rrr re-- COMEDY REELS home on Auto-Knitters making of Fark --walc best bass - TT ishing on the Rive "t. Lawrence BOARD AND ROOMS. aod bathing Apple J. M. Theu- bail, 297 Kine\Si.. Kingston Saxon Service for Saxon Automobiles, with large stock of repair parts and competent mechanics to make repairs when necessary.' J. H. Da- vis, Saxon Distributor. Matinee 10¢; Evening 13 War Socks, experience unnecessary, A et + A t dfstance immaterial. Enclose three t| 3 i cent stamps today for contrac " form. Dept. 24C. Auto-Knitter Co., | | College Street, Toronto (PA ¥ as i Wea carry a well assorted stock ot| - Steele Briggs, Ferrys, and Rennies | ? Y Off soem. hear Ontario Park, about den min. -- Vegetable and Flower Seeds in bulk | , SEEDED SALESMEN WANTED sete ddd dedi ded deb dodded ddd utes walk from electric cars and packages | # to sell the most successful vacuwm cleaner session immediate Angliv & r 2 . V - We make « sporiaity of cholce Mix LE RAISINS wd care AG Cor.Finy and" Wellingim Sta" | FRONTENAC, LOAN AND | (NVEST. ed Sweet Peas, Dwarf and Tall Nas- SWEEPERVAC president 'olonel HH. R. Smith, | a ~ 5,000 in use in Toronto. Stratford Agent ' E - \ . yp y » : turtiums in bulk CARE are packed in sold 823 in year. Experience un: WANTED GENERAL LEGAL ) {0 ' je Bry = Nee Our "Limestone City" Lawn Grass Must he given your exes Jiecessary. We {rain you. Wile a once " TE | farm pre ies, municipal and : : cular GENTLE 3 TIRES LARGE rr wroperties, municipal an Seed will grow where all others fail. FULL RED INI GENTLEMAN REQ = DOMINION SALES Co. 368 Yonge St., Torent unfurnished roc central location. | Ae R. CUNNINGHAM, RARRISTER Counts 'bentures; mortgages pur- 26¢ per 1b : ARR v etc cases cto wa atv x 15 hig y and solicitog, Law office, 79 Clar chased; investment bonds for Selentific CARTONS. ~~ Apply Hox 15, Whig Office ance street. Kingston ! sale; depositg received 'and ' Lo ; 3 : 8 yp WISHES TABLE BOARD. | ---- a ------ terest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, EXAMINATION Insist on the RED PERSONAL HERE dorms and hours for meals FOR SALE manager, 87 Clarence St, Kingston. SALE 9 of your eyes Is required Carton. o Box b1, Whig Office £ : 0d S 1] ore Yor HAIR. MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS . rT ote FRPOOL. LONDON AND GLOBE | Your eyes need special cage nnd and all growths and skin blem-| TO PURCHASE THREE SECOND ee F rance Company. Available YOU NN NANA A Aa Ishes removed permanently, 'with- hand pool tal in food condi- AE Nas YrRINDAN CUR. eta' $81, 15. In addidon to Branch Post Office. should he particular to have them inarari 3 Lore Sxperience, Dr. ohio hy er a, blies Fishing tackle. eic. Frank his Mh the b alicnoldeck 'ave' or < i : . Oo h , h s W. Cooke, 3% Clarence St, King- security the uni 3 _ Kingston, Ont. } Attended to properly. Ihros: a Skin Specialist, 258 | SERCOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, Hon. rane $01. * city property, insured at lowest Be ee agot s eet. for cash or in part payment of new possible rates. Before renewing . a Rect. Mittrind 81, | == pianos and Victrolas. 'C. W. Lind- old or giving new ~Rusinens « get Ra " - + say, Limited, 121 Princess street. AUTOMORILE TOPS -- Yorn OLD rates from Strange Rirange, iy winx. May Sird. 10 am PATENTS RO oe a a Pry Agents. Phone 325. TAXI SERVICE abies moti NY CARE, Joantre : néw at half the price of a new top Ble. wait BABCOCK & SONS, Patents, trade | KINGSTON WINDOW CLEANING CO, We have every for tops J RING 960 Jewelers and Opticians ! te urd dining | marks, designs. Estab. 77. Form wil be able to handle a few coshions. N te. Jas. W PAPERHANGING . 132 Princess Street ~hé r > i mattresses, | erly Patent Office nll | » customers, and would be Judson, Brockvil TH i of Patent Laws. | ed to figure on your windows. . a a NOC ies Where the clock is on the walk. robes. pictures, three Fire ; Heai- | tection" free. | o 3 L. HilMer, Prop. 768 Princess k. Foy: k LARGE Toe ers, Franklin grates, ug es, re- | real. : y le } ftreet Phone 91 CHOICE STOCK OF HEATERS, RAN. n ds a ha do all KS k crockery, glas a pe, ft- ges, and al] kinds of new and sec- | Ede. T 78 Willa - eer rear wr wet | frigoradn 3 orar . Open and Closed | | Sen ns ' B85 And i] kinda Vr mew and ren] aroma Famer, h ALLEN, The a open to buy everything in the } ss Cars. } | Telephone (r above lines. J. Thompson, 337 re ------------------ Princess street. Phone 1600 PAPER HANGING, PAINTING, GRAIN. eet ---------------------------- 9 Florist! 3 Delietous D : s . ------ -- ing and kalsomining. Roym s pap | : . i b . ' . 'red $4 per room, including paper 3 3 : BRICK STORE AND STOREHOUSE, IN ore et pen) Jal 3s Sd Kingston Taxi Cab 179 Wellington St. | smart country village: store' 2. | ~~ Voung & Rowley. INI Quen St. } | ' storey and large cellar; all first Ready Larrie Co. Easter Liligs, Hyacinth, Daffodils, class condition, $1,000 to wind up Spirca, Azalea, Vi s. Valley Roses, | an estate, quick G. A. Bateman, DENTAL ---- Cormatioue, " 67 Clarence street, Kingston. NA - . BE. KNAF . LDS, 0D.D.S, [ i | ! ARCHITECT : Office, 8 Princess street, Phone Steam Vulcanizing CAPE ol Soil dex | For clean, light workphighest wages while POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- chants Rank Bullding. =ocorner|,. ; ;poNARD WALSH. DENTIST, The Auto Tire Repair & Nheciatizing Store Fronts and Fit- | learning. Those. wishing steady employ- Brock and Wellington streets --nir Perris and Bagot streets' Ex h ngs. Remogelitag Buildings of, ail t 1 t TTT eee Phone 6326 Inds. en - rp -- Cl \ang ge ESTIMATES i EXPERIENCE m y app y a FURNITURE FINISHING . ~ 220 MONTREAL ST, Addreas 272 University Ave. Se and 10¢ Packages DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, -------- EE ---------- For Sale at all Grocers tists, 159 Wellington street Needs your patronage. We have » RIA A eran a 2 P. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. ist, 159 ir 3. thorough up-to-date plant and use all - chi TIEN DRY 4 co, +H ox or drop a card. 23 Joba Dewar, DS. L.DB. ass stant. r one 345. Sse IJ JOHNSON win meer || KINGSTON HOSIERY, LIMITED. re] Ll Hest prices pald for used casings in rr 1 . Not Assessable. W. A. McWilliam, | The Leading Florist _ Florist Londoh, May 2 Privy Council Moulders, Core-Makers, Lathe, Planer-and fale condition. | Railway Bridge Over Over St. Lawrence | Floral Designs, Wedding Bouquets | and C Fl talty. judgment was given yesterday in the Phone 2084. | filled Aros Shr apecia hs Oriers | Municipal Corporation of Cornwall v. Boring Mill Operators, Pattern-Makers, -- erry) Street, the Ottawa & New York Railway, the Handv M d | Attorney-General of Ontario inter- . : anay en and Laborers. Apply, J. Farrar, Supt. FOR SA vening., The question left open for 1 E llants to raise was whether a SPECIAL EASTER ere] bridge, described as an in- Meats and Groceries crimes, T-Pumengor © | torsationsi rides vorween Comutn ann | CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE CO., LTD. 1 g by .the municipality so far as it is en dal y Kingston : Ontario FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, ver onvenience entral Joeca- BRICK HOUSE WITH BATH, CLOSET, ry Apis 4 "Brock t J barn, poultry house an -- - rita s two acres of ground, garden ; ploughed, situafed on lake shore FIN ANC IAL adh ded abd Complete and a ~~ LX = } 2 3 i i w 2 Swift Premium Hams and Bacon. Studebaker Auto- SU Fare Din he Sxuatisn boy mobile. | Lordships agreed with the view of J Justices Anglin and Davies that the | bridge is a structure on railway lands and held that it does not make any Choice Western Beef, Veal and Pork, | Fresh Eggs, Lettuce, Celery and | Green Onions, { J. M. GORDON \ ' ; . ' | difference for rating purposes by : Phone 88. Cor. Montreal & Bay St. | Bert Stansbury what title the lands are held, so long | Phone 759. 169 wit d Ra. J as in actual use by the company : assessed, , i oy. | i i : i i i Full standard equipment, new- Iy, painted and overhauled. POLICE SAVED J. P. MORGAN. 3 GET Your AWNINGS Two Germans About to Blow Up : s y - { P oultry if MADE i a rs Cag. i ingston fs May 1st all coal sales will be for ok. m KINGSTON was mde' in court by wall Rise, | 'We propose to share with our customers the bene- oi Patronize home industry: mo better || ATTE yesterday with George Mey- | made in Canada than ringer, both Germans, that the pair! hd 3 . . 3 fits to be derived from a cash system. All this week we will pay 22 . . were on their way to blow up the bi 3 vz 23c, de and 25¢ per pound for No. | Capt. Joseph Dix, . || offices of J. P. Morgan & Co. *P with | P u ng 0. : | 4 - 4 . 1 fat, live hens over 5 Ibs. We want | , 'a bomb, when interrupted by the | . i : ps. <4 » 100 pair. Also we have in-stock [| SAL MAKER, 211 NELSON ST. || poiice™ i s { " ] Co a choice lot of fatted chickens, Gold-|| makes. If you w it one, drop him i i . ; 1 ® on West fatted fowl, ducks and tur. | - . , "The world 'will be astonished by | } 3 keys. All sizes to suit. purchasers. | -- --~------n ~~ | the moderation of the German peace > -- r We 'invite all our customers to visit | Cambridge University w will confer| terms," said the General Anzeiger v rs our promises where you will find | [he 8 aorary degree of Doctor of} of Dusseldorf, Germany, quoting in | . The steamer: Case, of Windsor,! Only a man whose foolishness ex- | ousehold Furniture | HIGHEST PRICES every thing you want at | Laws on Sir Robert Borden, Premier | a recent despatch from Berlin a | Paid Far y 8 . fof Camada, and Lieut.-General Jan | statement given out to foreign ecor- {bousd for Detroit frome Cleveland, | cpods is bravery would attempt to , Smuts, the famous South African | respondents in Berlin. [with 2,000 tons of coal, was burned sto; the runaway tongue of a wo-| Will buy.and pay fair prices, 4 SCRAP PAPERS | commander, in Lake Erie, off East Sister Island. | man. i}: 'ht must be ef wad i It is probable that all the troops| N. W. Rowell, K.C., M.P.P., it Mc-| "It requires a lot of will power for| Tell a woman about a year after | goods Of All Kinds. Drop a Card Te i the Toronto Military District and | Master University, Toronto, pointed | ® girl of 25 to act as if she didn't | marriage that she might have done' . the headquarters staff will be moved | to love of crown as the common Hak | C8r® to set married. [better and she will not deny it i J. Turk Phone 705 Pri is aivd Divi a St. to Camp Borden by the twenty-fourth | of empire, but issued grave warning| Don't tiy fo get the last word when | Kicking ceases to help When it be-| . » rincess vision of May. ; about conditions in Russia. talking to a woman. {comes a Babit, 5 |

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