Daily British Whig (1850), 3 May 1917, p. 5

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THE DAILY ti WHIG, THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1917. PAGE FIVE ™ -- PETITION FOR SUPPRESSION] OF THE LIQUOR _ TRAFFIC IN GREAT BRITAIN Presbyterian Women's Mission So- Passes Resolution--interest- at the A ciety ing Addresses Wednesday Meetings, On Wednesday afternoon at the annual meeting of the Ontario Wom en's Mission Society of the Presby an church a resolution was pass- ed, to be forwarded to British Pre- mier Lloyd George that wiil advocate the suppression of the liquor traffic @n Great Britain, The resolution was the result of a splendid address given by Mrs. McQueston of Hamil- ton on "Conditions in England." Mrs, J Honan, China, gave an inspiring address on the work in China, particularly among the young people Before Rebellion there was not one school for girls in China. The Government has since taken over the the attendance-is splendid. Goforth, "a motto, gelist." "Every Endeavor an Evan- At first the parents had been unwilling to allow their chil- dren to attend but this time has passed "ers there, Miss Ruth-Rascon an Am- Stomach Was Deranged By Chronic Constipation, Got So Bad That Hospital Treatment was Resorted Cure Finally Effected by Dr. Chase's | Kidney-Liver Pills. Eganville, .Ont., May 3 In this letter is well deseribed the important place taken by Dr. Chase's Kidney- Liver Pills in many thousands of homes where their value as a regu- lator of the vital organs is known and appreciated Constipation of the bowels is usu- ally accompanied by sluggish liver \ction, and sooner or later by de- rangements of the kidneys. The digestive system is entirely upset, and pains and aches result from the consequent poisoning of the system. On this account it may be said that constipation is the cause of the great majority of human ills; and by keep- ing the howels regular by the ure of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills these many ailmentg are avoided . Mr. D. J. Maney, Eganville, (R. R, No. 1), writes: "Allow me to tell you what Dr. Chase's Kidrey-Liver Pills have done for me and mine. For years 1 was - i i cn Ont, of Scriptu the Boxer schools and ! At a re-| cent conference the girls had adopted | There were two great teach- | sang beautifully. through' an inter- classes throughout Grey, C.I.M., reach and lower classes in a way. The verses uses are on cloth. A Mission Band Conference report was made by Miss Rennie, New Ham- burg; Miss Thompson and Mrs, H. H. Page of Toronto. The conference had brought that the Mission Band is a training school for women and was successful not by offerings but through striving towards per- fection. Mrs. Page spoke of the re- sponsibilities to the children's futute and the W.M.S. and mothers, "must co-operate with this object. At this session the Scripture read- ing-was by Mrs. P. H. Bryce, Roc k- cliffe, and Mrs. Milne -gave the prayer of intercession for the Mission Band and Y. M. Auxilaries. Mrs Macpherson rendered a solo in splendid voice, erican, ng preter," the country es the middl highly speak cone successful re 1e out The Evening Session A public missionary meeting inat) taxed the seating capacity of St Andrew's church was held on' Wed- nesday evening. Mrs, A. W. Rich- ardson opened the programme with an organ recital and, Rev, J. W. Stephen, pastor of the cHurch, pre- cided The choir was present and during the service J. Arthur Craig Toronto, sec- Rev. J. H. Edmison, troubled with constipation and stom- ach trouble--had tried dozens of remedies, and even went to the hos- pital -to get built up at different times; The - terrible constipation caused the stomach trouble. One day a friend asked me why I didn't try Dr, Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. I immediately purchased a 25c¢ box, «oC took it home, and it gave me such grand relief that I went back and | got six more I can truthfully say that after | had finished using them I was completely cured. If I ever | felt an ache coming on, one or two | would always fix me up all right, again. My boys never think of going away from home without having some of them in their suit case, in case of a sudden attack of sickness. 1¢ any person wishes to write me, 1 will gladly answer them." Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, 8ne pill a doze, 25¢ a box, 5 for $1.00, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & 0.. Limited, Toronto. PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM, City Dairy 5 Y ourself. -- Satisfaction Guaranteed. Visit This Dairy and Decide for 24 Johnson Street hone 2083 AA el a AA Aa A AN Ripe Tomatoes Cucumbers Asparagus . 1 |_#Maple Sugar . . Fresh Fruit & Vegetables Today Celery and lon Strawberries. Crawford's Grocery, "GOOD THINGS TO EAT." 25c¢ per Ib. . 10c and 15¢ each .. 10c per bunch Pineapples and . 10c per cake Phot 26. . Results | @y:v > "Why are 99% of our patrons satisfied with our glasses? service to them is backed with years of experience and a full knowledge If you wish satisfactory results, consult of our profession. J. J. STEWART, Cor. Wellington and Clarence Sts. Opp. Post Office. ------ ~~ Because our Optician and Optometrist, Phone 699 Opt.D. Spring Overcoats GOOD VALUES. Crawford & Walsh SPECIAL AGENTS TAILORS, Princess and Bagot Streets. ! weak and the nerves shaky, and the retary of the Presbyterian Board o Home Missions gave a splendid -- dress on his-- experiences with the work, choosing as his subject, "Som Branches of the Work in the Home| Land." - In his introductory remarks | the speaker mentioned that it was | just sixteen years since he had wor- shipped in St, Andrew's, Rev. Mr. Edmison divided his sub | ject into five parts: The first was "Augmentation." He spoke of the | advantage of a settled minister and that this was the objective being aimed at. The frontier missions are not be-| ing neglected as there are now 714 workers in this field. Of this num- -ber 220 are ordained as missionaries, | 64 are lay preachers and the balance | are students. "You can not ask the| returned soldier to go back to pion-| eer life with the gospel", said Mr. Edmison. Due to some 229 workers | enlisted young men were being] brought this year from United States | colleges. .He eulogized the student) workers referring at some length to their success in the Alberta prohi- bition battle." "The Board intends to improve their salaries," was a sentence that brought a round of ap- plause. The debt was down, now to $30,000 and he was hoping for a gen- eral improvement in the conditions. The department of strangers is working on a business like system, and in 1913 over 25,000 names pass- ed through the office. Each was Yol- lowed up, if not by a Preshyterian then by a Methodist or by some other denomination. Hospital work and that of a returned soldiers was also Jdecupying a great amount of atten- tion. | SOME MILITARY FIGURES | That Appear in the Report of the Auditor-General. The following ~are the amounts paid to leading officers and teachers in the military service at Kingston, as rocorded in the report of the audi- tor-general for the year ending 31st (March, 1916: Royal Military College--Col. Perreau, commandant, $4,000: Cron. W. R. Butler, $3,300; Lieut.-Col. H. J. Dawson, six montus and allowan- ges, $1,174.63 Prof. F. H. Da $3. 100; Lieut, E. J. Harvey, $1,229.56; late Major R. K. Kilborn, "$1, vet: Rev. A. Laird, $2.500; Prof. J. M. Lanos, $2.500; Prof. O. T. Mack- lem, $2,154.03; Prof. I. E. Martin, £3,300; Prof. L. W. Mulloy, $2,000; Capt. M. V. Plummer with allowances $3,427.73; Prof. R. 0. Sweezey, £2.6500; Major S. A, Thomson, $3,- 291.59. 3rd Division Headquarters--T. D. R. Hemming, officer commanding, $3,280.76; Col. G. H. Ogilvie $3, 284.16; Major-H. R. Wilson $2,266. 18; Major 'W. J..Brown $2,488.68; Lieut.-¢6l. A. W. Richardson $366. R.C.H.A.--Major J. Hamilton $2.- 287.51; Sergt.-Major S. Jordan $1.- 243.03; Sergt.-Major J. Pearson $1,- 286.43; Lieut. A. Light $1,970.19; Capt. W. E. Steacy $1,210.83 for sev- en months, etc.; Sergt.-Major T. Worth $1,169.83; Royal Canadian Engineers--Ma jor C. J. Burritt $2,573.86.. C.P.A.V.C.--Lieut.-Col. W. J. Mog gan $2,679.61. P.A.M.C.--Major $2,609.19; Capt. J. F. 761.28. Ordnance Corps--Major P. deaux $2,394.08. Corps military staff clerks--Sergt.- Major W. C. Bailey $1,306.80. Instructional cadre--Major D. Bar- ragar $1,812.72; Major D. E. Mun- dell $474.66. Cadet services--Major G. H. Gilles- pie $2,483.28. Build Up The Blood It is a hopeles task to try to re- store your health while your blood is deficient in quantity or quality. The blood circulates through every por- tion of the body. It takes nourish- ment from the food and distributes it to the various organs and muscles; it takes also any medication that is administered through the. mouth. The blood is the only means by which medicine can reach the nerves. Hence if the blood is poor, the body becomes N. R. J. Gardiner Sparks $1,- E. Pri- victim may be subject to headaches and dizziness, poor appetite, indiges- tion, a constantly tired feeling or per- haps to rheumatism, sciatica or neu- ralgia. Poor blood is the fore-run- ner of nearly every ailment to which mankind is subject, and you can only enjoy robust health by keeping the blood, rich, red and pure. To keep the blood in this condition no medicine yet discovered can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Every dose helps to make new, rich red blood which carries new health and new strength to every part of the body. When one becomes weak and pale Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will restore the blood, bring the glow of health to the cheek, and make weak, ailing people' energetic and strong. You can get these Pills through any dealer in medicine: or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Willlams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. FARMERS WILL GET HELP. Are Assured of Men for Gathering the Harvest, "The farmers of Canada may make m» their minds to this, that if they will do the seeding now there will be all the help forthcoming that they need for the gathering of the harvest." This remark was made at Ot- tawa by WM. J. Haney, of Toromto, chairman of the executive of the or- ganization of Resources Committee, in addressing a meeting of the Greater Production: Committee. Important. All "those taking part n "Jack's Wife" also members of Amandale 'Chapter, L.LO.D.E. and conveners of committees are requested to be at ) the, rehearsal at City Hall to-night lat 7 o'clock. Important business to transact.--Management. Coming to Grifiin's. Mrs. Vernon Castle, the best dress- a ed woman in America, in the seriall. "Patria." supreme Little lady oranges, sweet and two dozen for a quarter, at | from 'NO CHANGE IN SIGN BY-LAW THE BOARD "oF OF WORKS WILL NOT EXTEND PROJECTION LIMIT | James Richardson' &'Sond Hold City Liable For Blocking an Old Stone Drain by Build ng of Retaining Wall at Foot of William Street. The Board of Works last evening | decided to take no action as a request | that the sign by-law be amended so || as to permit signs to project six feet the .face of buildings instead |of three feet six inches, The fire chief reported he had no gbjection to permitting signs to project six | feet on streets where there are no | poles and wires other than street railway poles and guy wires. The Board 'decided however, to allow the present by-law to stand and to deal with applications on their merits. A number of ° objections were 185ed to changing the by-law. Jam@és Richardson & Sons Wrote that they would hold the city liable for causing a blockade in the sewer by the construction of a retaining wall at the foot of William street. The sewer referred to was a private stone one built many years ago and! not recorded in the city's plans. It] was suggested giving the complain- ants a connection into the city's new sewer. The old private sewer it was agreed should have been condemned $10.00 Ladies' high top tan calf laced boots. $9.00 Ladies' black kid high top laced boots. We also show the best $6.00, $7.00 and $8.00 values in the city. Abernethy' Shoe Store as unsanitary when the city con- fructed a new one and it would not Rave been under any liability, The Richardson complaint was referred to the City Solicitor for report. | The City Engineer was instructed 20 ypLopare a list of all private rs emptying into the harbor. On recommendation of the City Solicitor, the Board decided to pay] the account of $14.50 from Dr. G. W. Mylks for damage done to his automobile at the corner King and Queen streets on March 11th, The City Engineer recommended increases in wages for city laborers. He will prepare a schedule for adop- tion by the Board at its next meet-, ing, the increases tp date from May 1st. | In attendance were Alds. O'Connor (chairman), Polson. Wright and Nickle. $200 AND COSTS PAID INTO COURT Heavy Penalty Was Imposed For Infraction of the Temperance Act. Pleading guilty in Police Court on Thursday morning, to having liquor in a place other than his private dwelling, John Skelton was fined $200 and costs. The fine was paid. The $200 goes to the pravincial gov- ernment while the costs, amounting to $2.50, go to the city; The charge was laid by the license inspector, William McCammon, and this is the reason for the money going to the Government, The option was three months in jail. ras WEATHER 1S GALEARING. But Vessels Have Had Rough Time! on Lake This Week. It was stated in marine circles on}; Thursday morning that the weather was clearing, but the vessels have | had a very rough time of it all week, The steamer Simla is due to arrive | to-night from Port Colborne and will | transaip her grain cargo into barges for Montreal. The-tug Bronson cleared for Mont- real with two coal barges; the tug Emerson cleared with Condor for Charlotte; the steamer Advance passed down yesterday with | grain from Port Colborne, for Mont- real. Build Wooden Boats. A citizen has suggested that King- | ston should try and hive firms start the building of wooden boats here. | This old trade which at ope time was one of Kingston's greatest assets, has dropped off almost entirely. The war, however, has re-opened the need for wooden vessels since steel build- ing can not be carried on under ex- | | isting circumstances. At Garden Island, the Calvin Com- pany built many wooden boats which included the Simla, Jeska and others. The industry could very easily be | revived not only at Garden Island but in other places along the harbor. A short time ago representations were made to local marine men and a survey made of the water-front to determine the city's possibilities in this regard. MADE LIFE MEMBER Mrs. W. L. Goodwin Receives High Honor From Red Cross yy. In the Red Cross room on Wédnes: day afternoon, Mrs. W. L. Goodwin was presented by Mrs. W. T. Me- Clement: with a certificate of life membership, being a practical token of the appreciation of Mrs. Good- win's interest in the Red Cross So- ciety and her untiring devotion to the work. The presentation was very informal. Rev. Father Mea is visiting in Rochester, N.Y AVOID SPRING ILLS Purity and Build Up | Up the Blood with Hood's Sarsaparilla, In the spring your blood needs cleansing and enriching. You feel poorly, and there is more or less eruption on your face and body. Your appetite is ppt good. your sleep is broken, and you are tired all the time. You need Hood's Sarsaparilla. "It makes the pure red blood that will make you feel better, look {6 better. eat and sleep better. It is the old standard tried and true all-|- the barge, 8 | The little moth will || soon get in its des- ||| tructive work. Now ||| 'is the time to send [|i . your furs to us and have them stored and insured until you want them again in the fall. ] Charges moderate. Phone 79 and our delivery will call. Campbell Bros. 84 Princess St. Saal Remedy , CURES i DANDRUFF AND STOPS FALLING HAIR | 50c Bottle { Prouse's Drug Store Phone 82. Opposite St. Andrew's Church. J » NEW GOODS ARRIVING "SFE OUR SPECIAL SUIT AT $22 In browns, check, grey or blue, hand made, latest designs. These suits are very popular with young men who wish to be well dressed. Call and inspect them, Others at $10, $12 and $15. Also hats, caps, underwear; sox, boots and shoes, etc. 271 Princess St. = --_-------------- Now a Lieutenant. A letter received from Harry Sutherland, son of Mr. and Mrs, Rob- ert Sutherland, Princess street, states that he has qualified for a lieuten- ant's commission, at Bexkill, Sussex, England. He went to the front with the 2nd Batalion a few months after the war started and was in various engagements as a signaller. In all that time he escaped wounds and ill: ness. At the battle of the Somme he] won the military medal, and was af- rds sent to England to qualify ~ a commission. - Cont ng to Griffin's. v _ Mrs; Vernon Castle, the best dress- ed woman in Amerfea, in the serial 156 Frontenac Street. supreme "Patria." 4 Capt. Edward Ryan his returned to Toronto to take command of No. 3 Convalescent Hospital. Home-Made Candy Fresh Made ey Day. Sakell's | Next Grand Opera House Telephone 640 ee] UA § 'SAVE YOUR FURS AND WINTER APPAREL By placing them in a genuine Tennessee Cedar Chest, 'nicely copper bound, with lock and key. Linen utility boxes, covered in cretonnes and Japanese mattings, suitable for bedroom boxes. James Reid The Leading Undertaker. Phone 147 For Motor Ambulance. ------------------------------------------------------ OREO ORRE ARERR ---- -- Notice Having vacated my former location, all orders for monuments will be taken and receive best at- tention at my residence and yard. Lettering and renovating in cemeteries a spec- ialty. JAS. E. MULLEN, Phone 1417. BUY FRESH SEEDS Rennie's, Simmers' and Steele Briggs' At Sargent's Drug Store Corner Princess and Montreal Strbets Telephone 41 Don't Forget to Put Your Furs Away Be- fore Moths Come. "MONUMENTS We have gpened a brasich of our monument business with a large stock of marble and Sraniie. Special attention given to cemetery lettering. FALLON BROS., 139 Clergy St. Phone 637. ama {athieu's Svrup oF TAR & Cop Liver Oil StoPs COUGH: S3ld in génerous size bottles by cll dealers. THE J. L. MATHIZU CO, Props, SHERBROOKE, P.Q.

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