Daily British Whig (1850), 3 May 1917, p. 7

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whi THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1917. PAGE E SEVEN 0 a R A N D THF THRIFT ISTABLISHED HABIT art: } mail or lage: 118 BRANCHES IN CANADY. BANK oF TORONTO George B. McKay, Manager. A LOTS FOR SALE Division St., 33 x 145 . Beverly St., 99 x 120 . Collingwood St., 44 x ye Cor. Centre and Edgehill, ~ . $450 . $1900 $700 80 x 125 . $1200 St. Lawrence Ave., 71 x 122, $15 per foot frontage. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 56 Brock St. ' You Can Count On It When we take care of your storage bat- tery there's no doubt of quality service. We have established ourselves as experts. Will you come in and be convinced? Phone 1 I. LESSES, 004 124-126 Clarence St. Free inspection of any battery at any time Spring Time is Growing Time Ve carry a well assorted stock of |] Ste Briggs, Ferrys, and Rennies| Vegetable and Flower and packages We make a specialty of choice Mix- ed Sweet Peas, Dwarf and Tall Nas- turtiyms in bulk. Our "Limestone Cit Seed will grow where per Ib 2be Branch Post Office. Kingston, Ont. A Aga TAXI SERVICE RING 960. Open and Closed Cars. Ringsiana Taxi Cab ; re Steam Vulcanizing The Auto Tire Repair & Exchange 220 MONTREAL ST. Needs your patronage. We have a ~d mt Give us a rent. Prices reasonable. Hest prices paid for used casings in| falr condition. W. A. McWilliam, Phone 2084. SPECIAL EASTER Meats and Groceries Swift Premium Hams and Bacon. Choice Western Beef, Veal and Pork, Fresh" Eggs, Lettuce, Celery and. Green Onions. J. M. GORDON Phone 88. Cor. Montreal & Bay St. Poultry x \ Al this week we will pay 2%) 28¢, 24c¢ and 23¢ per pound for Neo. 1 fat, live hens over 3 lbs. We want | 100 pair. Also we have in stock | a choice lot of fatted chickens. Golds | en West fatted fowl, ducks and tur | Res All sizes to suit purchasers. We vie all our customers to visit where you will find --rt thing you want at EE -- - AL 2.30 PA. 730 PM Dai ly Ber formance | 2--Vaudeville Acts--2 HB Five Reel Feature Film . Nance O'Neil, "The Love Question"' The Pathe News, Comedy Photoplays. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday POLITE VAUDEVILLE A Five Reel Metro Picture Harold Lockwood and May Allison, in "The Promise." Burke in "Glo s Romance.' (Fatty) Arbuckle Reel Comedy, "1 0c Butcher Boy." Evening A Remerved, 3 Ext Se Billie Roscoe 10¢; Extra Matinee Any ay Seat GRIFFIN'S! Thursday, Friday, Saturday Monster Double Bill Henry B. Walthall The world's greatem photoplay actor "Beulah. " Pallas-Pictures Presents Vivian Martin, in Phones: Office 68; Res, 874 "The Wax Model." MUTUAL WEEKLY Prices: Mat. 10¢; Eve. 13c. Coming Mrs. Vernon Castle In the Serial Supreme "Patria." a a A A 2 AA A A STRAND Thurs. Friday and Sat. Alice Brad, : in "A Gilded Cage" | Helen Holmes in 'A Lass Seeds in bulk Hi CARE be given FULL Complete and EXAMINATION of your eyes in required FOR Your eyes need special care and You should he particular te have them attended to properly. R. J. RODGER Jewelers and Obticians 132 Princess Street Where the clock in on the walk. Mast your eves Selentifie Hogs Wanted ! { Will ship on TUESDAY, MAY 8TH. | For 'further particulars; apply FF. Briceland, Wolfe Island. of the Lumberlands." COMEDY REELS Matinee 10¢; Evening 15 BONNER'S FINEST FANCY SEEDED "RAISINS are packed in RED CARTONS. Insist on the RED Carton. RUMMAGE SALE Biggest ly Rummage Sale, Held by Graduate Nurses WINDSOR HOTEL « Saturday, May Sth. At & am. FOR SALE Five passenger Ford Car. Overhauled and in good condi- tion. Has not been used as Jitney. Bargain. Clarence St. ical OPER. A HOUSE = CONTINUOUS " and Other' in a Two-! | THE | 1 B CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion, lc a word. Each con- secutive insertion thereafter, haif- cent a, word. Minimum charge for one lnsertion, 205¢; three ingertions, 1 six $1; ome month, $2. HELP WANTED STENOGRAPHER AT simmons Bras ONCE. APPIN 0 COOK-GENERAL ND MN IRS. HOU SE- maid. Telephone 153 COOK, ITMMEIIATELY, GOOD SAL. ar) Y Apply W.C.A ve. COOK GE NERAL, LADY Carvtwri gr MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS. ply Street Railway Dffice. Wome AP- SMART BOY FOR DELIVERY. J. Ir Bankler, Portsmouth TWO. son AF [warp FOR FAMILY OF Mrs. Askwith, 193 R'h St WORK street GIRL WANT in small DD ron ho SE | | fam Alfred i | STEADY 288 JOB. st WAN A. E BARBE ER nD, unt, 'rincess [SMART BOYS WANTED. APPLY | Frontenac Moulding and Glass Co. City, KM- | NIGHT | Piano WATCHMAN, STEAD) € The Wormwith Ia GOOD WOOD-WORKING MAC MINE steady work; good wage J Moulding and Glass © 0 {a Jn NIOR © L.ERK FOR WE JEHMAY, | » i wo FEW CANVASSERS FOR (ITY DIR- * ectory work Must be good pen- man and accurafe wuikers with exper n hase canvassing preferred Whig Office to-h Apply ie REFINE for a position; woman of g ity intery I Whig OUS WOMAN making fg S HOSPITAL OF _\he in nursing. Instruc- tion f special lectures classes, rics and demonst Applications to be made intendent, 270 W. Cedar ES ------ SALESMEN WANTED 10 sell the most successful vacuum cleaner and carpet sweeper on the market-- EEPERVAC 5.000 in use in Toronto. alone sold 823 in year. recessary, we train you. for particulars 2 ION SALES CO.. 368 Yoage St. Toreate A Miu imo iC ' Stratford Agent Experience u Wiite at ouce 'WANTED GENERAL GENTLEM AN REQUIRES LARGE unfurnished room; central location. Apply Hox 15, Whig Office. GENTLEMAN WISHES TABLE BOARD. State terms amd hours for meals to Box 51, Whig Office. A TO PURCHASE THREE SECOND hand pool tables, in good condi- tion. Apply 8. Brien, Camden East. SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or in part payment of new planos and Victrolas. C, W. Lind- say, Limited, 121 Princess street. KINGSTON WINDOWSCLEANING CO, will be able to handle a few more customers, and would be pleised to figure on your windows Geo. I. Hillier, Prop, 768 Princess street. Phone 91 RENT Nentene Like July $17 A.BC A HOUSE, es, except a furnace possession irom June 1st. Rent between $15 Central Jocation Apply , Whig wr and Box . FOR SALE THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. COST little. One Th three times 800: one week | FOR JOKES, PUZZLES AND NOV --p toys see Frank W., Cooke, Clarence street DOUBLE DWELLING, 41 AND 43 DIV. ision street, § rooms and W.C. in each; well rented. Apply 41 Divis- lon street. GENUINE VICTROLA AND TWELVE selections, your own choice, $28.59, $10 cash and $1.00 per Hy Ww. Lindsay, Limiged. Cc. HORSE, Goon LOOKER, «oon 292 Johnse mo St. A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN- cluding the famous Athlete, Overs land and Perfect Mode also tires and bicycle accessor Geurge Muller, 373 King St Phone 1032. ary side ae class co a.m. and 5 p BIG INDIAN, NOTORC Ye 7 + FOUND NEAR Pring ipa) THRER REYS Hall Apply a S« hol SIL VER BELT GRANT of Vie- A FEW Black ator THC gland r of Apply MEAL New ok streets street FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE Anyone finding anything and wisk.ng to reach the owner may do so by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adver- tisement will be printed in this column free of charge. "Found articles," does' not In- clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, etc. These, If lost, may be ad- vertised fog in the "Lost" column. J LOST. choice College and rooms each; attic, modern' improvements ter 8 p.m. 346 Unive ME FOR NEW AND SECOND Noval Queen's Apply sity Ave SEE ig rs a three-year genst FEEESEREI PEEP ETII ERIN a MODERN CON- | 11 | marks, designs. | real. hand sideboards, dressers, couches, rarlor chairs, tables, Singer sew- ng machines, crockery pictures, stoves and ranges, Also biiy new and second-hand furniture. A Shapiro, 35 Princess street STOCK OF IRON BEDS, COU- stoves, men's clothing; also new upholstered chairs: military harness, shoes, leather straps! sional Cash Register. We buy all kinds of new and second hand fur- niture. S. Shapiro, 45 Princess street. Phone 1237 LARGE ches, SEAWORTHY Ww. th cak bean 6 ft Also de rents y and in wash uf Te FAM w ol equ. ppe d wi "heap Apply rane AU TOMOBILES Saxon Service for Saxon Automobiles, with large stock of repair parts and competent mechanics to make irs when necessary. J. H. "Da- vis, Saxon Distributor, Serer Seer ere od it GEO, BATEMANS ESTATE Agency A. . NEARLY NEW, 3 rooms, dou- #3000. BRI Kx 7 ROOMS ALL provemer z KL $2300 DOUBLE STONE ALL IMPROVE- ments; stable $4300, BRICK, provements 11 ™- ROOMS, ALL entrance. £3000, BRICK, \LL IMPROVEMENTS: electpic Mght I $1400, FRAME, IMPROVEMENTS, SIX rooms VACANT LOTS, ALL PRICES, MONEY TO LOAN, 67 CLARENCE ST. Kgpestc n PATENTS BABCOCK & SONS, Patents, Estab. 1877. Ferm- erly Patent Office Examiner. Master of Patent Laws Book "Pateat Pro- tection" free. 99 St. James St. Mont- Branches: Ottawa, Washington. v trade ARCHITECT FURNITURE FINISHING 179 Wellington \St. adter Lilies, Hyacinth, irea, Allen, Yicloim, Vi ter and Builder ILLENNESS Fronts asd Fit. Ning Sutidinge of all i ESTIMATES; 1 * EXPERIENCE Address 272 University Ave. ley Roses, rr C W. R. Specializing Spore tings, Rem F.J. JOHNSON - - The Leading Florist Floral Designs, Wedding Bouquets and Cut Flowers our ity. Orders | Sled promptly. Phone 2339. 113 Breck Street. . FOR SALE G6-Cylinder, 7-Passenger 1916 Model Studebaker Auto- mobile. ull standard ly painted a Bert S Phone 739, t, new. overhauled. 169 Raglan Rd. With our new style press we car pressed os | Watts, Hei, et Daffodils, "F | Furaiture, | | | AUCTION SALE Squeure. Kind Hh well brok- Ome s ngle Auctioneer. " -------------------- Ao 164 King Street, Friday, May 4th, 10 am. Brussels and Tapestry Rugs, siair carpets, Crex rugs, walnut sofa an chairs. re tables, oak dining suite, chairs, cak hall rack, an- "Erumif wine: s clock, book= nd _ bedroom suite, mani le mat- resses, oak 5 | tins, bliss sas rhrigerator and he a mn CEOus other ALLEN, The Austiogeer. Telenhune CARD OF THANKS Hw wh to ackpow bedice reofipt, with thanks, OY cheqgife for we thousand "i Job $2000.00) dn Toll of my wm .n John Easson 'endowment: certificate in h Independent Order of Foresters, » cheque for refund of all overpaid prem ape paid. since the date -of his wing killed mn action in France. Margery Basson. Kingston, MAy 3rd, 1817 a A A A AeA A Delicious Dessert "EARLY VEGE- | TABLE PLANTS PIV ardeeien 100 plants, your choice, delivered $1.00 Free. PARADISE CONSERVATORIES, POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants Bank Bulld"ng., corner Brock and Wellington streets FURNITURE FINISH. DRISCOLL, 23 John er. "Call or drop a oard. street = 7 Girls Wanted learning. For clean, ght w work; highest wages while Those wishing steady employ- ~ment, apply at KINGSTON HOSIERY, LIMITED. King Street West Jas. Swift & Co, Household Furniture | Will buy ind pay fair prices, but must be clean and sanitary goods. J. Turk, Phone 705 . J BROCK S . . OF KEYS, ON 1 ¥ offered return to W? \ A BL 3 ¥ Re Ofce BUSINESS CHANCES INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INVEST one cent until you read Successful Finance, and learn how fortunes are made and lost by Investors Free trial subscription. Success ful Finance, 608 S. Dearborn St. Chicago. FOR SALE OR TO LET. = BAY: Pl \CE, COLLINS ling. about three front; bes liver 8&t poly J t., Kingston st NUE Rn bal \EARGE ARREARS RA RNAE AAR RRRA AAA SRAR ERR RRRRARERE . The People's Forum = A u mn [1 F--------m| a 0 LET OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. bers. Apply to A. B. Cunningham, 79 Clarence street COMFORTABLY Fl BNISHED ROOMS, every conve King = HOU SE asz BROCK ST month Apply H Frontenac St $30 PER Watts, 98 VERY COMFORTABLE TOON; every Bo 101, FURNISHED Yenience Apply so ® Office Wh FURNISHED BED rooms for light cooking with gas 396 Prinopss Sireet ROOMS; ALso house keeping: coal. Apply STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy roms; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 299 Queen street. Phone 526; res. 989 RED-ROOMS, board; sitting and cold run- phone. Apply FURNISHED with or witho ut room if Quay ning wat 103 Lower: Uni E N ROOME D HOUSE, FUR r also hen Reng $1» Apply 42% nall family prefess vivision St MODERN HOUSE, HW. nite iN Ce SRPAR- 16s Princess FURNISHED, 305 KING 'Edgehill," facing the Tonal Asin t water heat- ing, electricity, three open fire- places, beautifully wooded grounds, fine garden, over 1 acres, spac- ious. out-buildings Cann Real Estate Phone 326 or 621 TO RENT ST, WEST, lake," ten p a Hrock St BRICK HOUSE WITH BATH, CLOSET, ete, barry sultry hQuse and near- ly ¢wo acres of ground, garden fall ploughed, situated on lake shore near Ontario | x, about ten utes walk from electric cars session "immediate Anghn Oo, Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts Pos- & PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS «+ and all growths and skin blem- ishes removed permanently, with- out scar: 30 years' FXperience, Dr Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throa: and Skin Specialist, . 258 Bagot street. DENTAL F. KNAPP, RA, LDS, DDS, A. Office, 258 Princess street.. Phone 652 DR, J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot streets. \ Phone 626. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- tists. 159 wstinghon street, G. C Dewar. N.D. LDS, assistant. Phone 345. FOR SALE VERANDAH CUR- camping sup- ete. Frank St, King- TENTS, AWN . tains, canges,- and lies. Fyhing tackle, V. Cooke, 39% CO larenc e ston. Phone 891. AUTOMOBILE TOPS -- YOUR OLD bows recovered and top made. like new at half the price of a new top We have everything for tops cushions, slip covers ete. Jas. W. Judson, Brockviile CHOICE STOCK OF HEATERS, RAN. ges, and all kinds of new and sec- ond hand furniture. We are also n to buy everyining in the above lines. hompsin, 337 Princess street. Phone 1600. PRICK STORE AND STOREHOUSE, IN smart oountry village; tore 2- storey and large cellar; an first class condition, $1,000 to wind up an estate, quick. G. A. Bateman, §7 Clarence street, Kingston. ONE GOOD HOT AIR FURNACE, NUM- 10 Economy h all pipes and wao-light gas hts, all com- haH Lght with bevel le cheap ber good &s ne plete; sideboard PIANO IN GOOD COND rental desirable | at ond Apply any time after 3 pm, 346 University Ave, between Princess and Garret Sts IN; CHEAP If taken FOR IST, nished district. ply N OCCUPATION *» AY FUR- house a | residential Fw fiFthe r partic ulurs ap- . Farrell & Day, 194 On- Kingston, Ontario ON LOWER UN. occupa fon from 3 For further par- v to Nickle, Farrell & 194 Ontario Street, Kingston, FIRST every tion. BOARD AND ROOMS, wenience, central loca- Apply 243 Brock street FINANCIAL -- FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment clety; Incorporated Colonel H. R. Smith, lce-president, . F. Nle- Money issued on eity roperties, municipal and entures; mortga, bon de investment sale; deposits received And in- terest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarence St, Kingston. ERPOOL, LONDON _ AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. A\allable assets $61,187,215. In addition to which the policyipolders have for security the unlimited Mabiiity of city property, insured St lowest pussible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. Phone 325. FAPERHANGING HAVE STILL A LARGE STOCK of wall paper on hand at old prices and guarantee to do all work promptly D. Fraser, 78 Willlam St VAINTING, GRAIN. ® Ropans pap- noluding paper 282 Queen St, PAPER HANGING, ing and kals ered $4 per Young .& Re (near Barme). mini y. LEGAL, ARRISTER ' B. CUNNINGHAM, ce, 19 Clar- and solicitor. Law of ence street, Kingston. __ WANTED -- Lathe, planer and boring mill operators, pattern-makers, handy: men and laborers; also operators for shell department. Apply, J. Farrar, Supt. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE CO., LTD. Kingston Ontario wt) Starting May 1st all coal sales will be for cash. 'We to share with our customers the bene- propose fits to be derived from a cash Tem. _ Limited HIGHEST PRICES SCRAP PAPERS of An Kinds. Drop a Card Te A. SPEIZMAN 322 Division Stréet. |

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