Daily British Whig (1850), 4 May 1917, p. 2

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A et iv ,PAGE TWO FIRST Ok AUGUST A DEALER SAYy BY THE . FUR STORAGE Safe, Reliable. ButaNot on Account of the By-law Réqguiring Bottling--H gh © Price } of Cheese the Cause Telephone 489, our van will call. JOHN MCKAY, Limited. 149-157 Brock' St. ' 2 Underwood Typewriters New or Rebuilt nee Rented and Repaired. moutl More Costs Corona |: Service to Cape Vincent, Portable, Folding, 8 % lbs. Rib- Regular service between bons and Carbon Papers. nd and Cape Filing Cabinets fully with "new Office Furniture 150 TOnvVeyance 2 J. R. C, Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street. Vincent immigration rther inforn Horne, Wolfe Island Asparagus Time at Carnovsky's, Daily arrivals and price right spinach and cauliffowers also t ¢ Carnovsky's 5 A A PAPA SOWARDS KEEPS COAL AND COAL KEEPS SOWARDS. Achievement Through Glasses. Ex-President Roosevelt was awkward and stapid as a boy until he suddenly dis- covered that he could not see | as much as other boys. PARADIS TAXI STAND Always ready for your call -- day or night. GARAGE FOOT OF BROCK ST. Phone 822; House 611 Cars washed. Gasoline and Oil For Sale, E. PARADIS, Prop. He tells us that glasses changed his career. Yours may be such a case. Come in and get our spec- falist"s advice. Consultation free, Registered Optometrist. '842 King Street THE BUSY OPTICAL STORE. A ER DETACHED BRICK FOR SALE Alfred street near Brock | Street; 10 rooms; hot water heating; "$47 and nice lot. McCann, Real Estate Agency. 82 Brock St. Phone 326 or 621. At the Golden Lion Grocery FancyClover HONEY {In one pound sections, 25 ¢ents each. | Fresh California Prunes, nice and | Juicy ... . 10¢c, 12%¢, 15c. Ib. | Evaporated Peaches, 2 lbs for 235c. | Evaporated Apricots . .. 15¢ Ib, (Sweet Cider ... ... ... 40c gal W. RMcRea & Co. ) | Golden Lion Grocery SN For Saturday Only Bed Springs at $2.25 "These springs are ordinarily worth $3.50. ' There is only a limited quantity, so it would be advisable to come early, We are showing a great variety of brass and iron beds, over 100 styles to select ps | i SN m-------- Y Sam tion, * duction Committee BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1917. _THE DAILY MEN OBJECT TO DEPOSIT OR PARIJAMENT wi 1 +l Board kf Health to Call ror us tion of Fumigation Plants LABOR in aundries--President Cain Rept nded, Tr thers of the Trades cil are of the opin posit of $200, required o for parliamentary honors tbolished, gular 'meeting id on Thursd on was received yu Trades ing the local members to resolution they had ing that the deposit be nd the Kingston mem feeling that it and was but n, the president, occu- r, and there good members, ided to ask the Board have a regulation, call- the laundries in the city iigation plants, so that 1ight be fumigated be ished rs believe ne in 'the was a that fntere rion of : d the ceremonies h the opening of at Cataraqui Br s of the Counc that the bridge nfair conditions bility the labor men indidate in the next Believing that the II be fought on the ng ,and as labor men several reforms, they to get a representa Commission 3 to whether they will, whe n ng their éwn pur red tons or more ex- be sold to the peo- ent legislation pass- leg ture gives the Com- o do this, and the ew of the high cost ous that the people chase one tra, and that t ple at cost ed by the mission power labor men of living ar derive bene It was decide tation to Miss H Hugh i to extend an invi- 1ghes, niece of Sir ex-minister of Militia, to giv n address in King- ston Miss Hughes has been taking an active "interest in all social | form campa and her address would be a most interesting one for a Kingston audience, "SCRAPS" FOR CHICKENS POULTRY ASSOCIATION SCHEME TO HELP PRODUCTION Will Endeavor to "Have Foodstuff | Taken to /and Put in Shape for Feeding of Poul- Greater ro- Incinerator Died try--To Interview duction Committee, That there are "scraps" of food being dumped into the eity's incin- erator every day that might be util- ized for a good purpose, in these days when the demand is so keen for in- creased production, is the opinion of the members of the Kingston Poultry | Association. It is claimed that the wagons «oming to the incinerator! from hotels and military quarters, there is considerable foodstuff id | me could be used for the chickens, and the members of the Poultry Associa- tion are taking up the matter to sée if Some means can be provided to make good this wastage. The question was Es discussion at a meeting of the Poultry Associa- held on Thursday night, and a deputation composed of W. A. Pat- terson and Robert Coffey were ap- pointed to. wait on the Greater Pro- at its meeting to the Board of | be held to-night ir Trade rooms The plan propose s that arrange- ments be made tg ve the food dried and put in good condition, and a large oven or stove will be or could be secured for this purpose. The Canadian Poultry Association is at the present tim: taking up the same matter the local association now has on its hands, and at a meet-| ing to be held in January, it will be | discussed by the members, The | Kingston Association has been asked | to send delegates to this meeting. The local association added two | members to their rcll at Thursday night's meeting W. J. M'KENDRY WINS. His Sand Case ainst the Kings ton Construction Ce. Judgment in ful for the plaintiff was given by Judge Lavell on Thurs-| day afternoon in the of W. J. McKendry vs, the Kingston Con- struction Company The plaintiff } was represented by A. 'B. Cunning- ham and the defendant hy A. E. Day. The plaintiff's claim was for fifty-five loads of sand at $2 a load. Mr. Me Kendry in his evidence stated that the defendant had taken ten toads of his sand from the Taylor quarry without permission, but the plaintiff had later agreed to charge $2 a load for that and any other sand deliver- ed later from 'the Brick and Tile Co. R. J. Fair was called and swore that G. C. Wright of the defendant firm had paid him $2.40 a load for about forty loads delivered about the same time, Mr, Wright testified that his ar- rangement was to pay $1 a load for the sand. Judge Lavell, however, gave judgment in full for the plain- tiff. 0 YA SN---------------- Cape Vincent Service, Quick Service to and from Cape Vincent. All information call Card's Livery, Wolfe Island. case i i i A 'Queen street resident has been ' suirmoned by his wife, charged with using threatening language. The case will be staged in police court Saturday morning. on, Princess St. { his order | stated. | | ed woman in | supreme MILK PRICE 10. INCREASE Shoup ¥ ABOLISHED INCIDENTS GF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF] GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity --What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Strawberries ) Carnovsky's Pianos for rental a: Lindsay's, Payment js now *s issued by the rivileges H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 King street: Leave orders at McAul- ey's Book Store City Clerk Sands 1S oughbtoro in the inte Production scheme Magistrate Farrell had an o jav Police Court Fr day. There Vere no cases on.the docket Mr. Swaine, piano tuning Or ders left at MeAuley's, or 'phoné 564 Inspector McQammon has been in- standard Albion Greater -at the ted fo issue a hotel license to the hotel of this city, enineston temperance workers greeted the new Hull, Que. about, that eity going "dry" with 160-162 Princess St. much rejoicing ~ The ladies Juee I it Me st ehurch hel ! ige sale] No » market r When the ALL THE LATEST POPULAR HITS; 15¢ EACH, OR 7 For $1 POPULAR Love a Piano, Blighty, Down in Honolulu Them Over; Iteland Must Be Heaven: Wh Make Those Eyes At Me For; Dixie; How's Every Little, Thing in Dixie; The Honolulu Hicki- Boola-Boo; My Little China Doll'; Ete. " STANDARD So Lone Letty; It's Looking at Do You Want To Sun Goes Dowh, In a Cute | elle Way of My Own; Yaaka Hula Hickey Dula; A Broken Doll: You; Pack Up Your Troubles, Etc. The College Book Store, Open Nights. It was eady buyers ceeded in Se rticles offered f A Kingston 1 curing a few a farmer liv $2.71 per ba get them at the same formed by the fg ply had run out Prevost, Brock street, has received all his spring and summer goods for| clothing department, in| An Su Y of See Our Window teady-made clothing he in stock | ; fine line of Blue and Gray guits for those -not wishin to leave their order. He ha ceived some very nice line Furnishings, ' of Gents' PRIZE WINNERS ANNOUNCED In Essay Competiticn Held by Cen- tral Resources Committee, On Friday, the prizewinners were | announced at the Collegiate Institute n the essay compet conducted by the Central Resources Commjriee Three prizes of $5, $3. and $2 were offered: .The prize winners follows: 1st. Alexander Givens, 2nd, Rose Robinson, 2 3rd, Bertha Smeeton, C.A. room Honorable mention--Ruth Mec- Clement, I B. room; Edward Conroy, I B. room; Chrissie Goodwin, 3 D.| room. The essay was on the subject, "By Working On The Farm During The Summer, How Can I Best Kelp My- self, The Farmer And The Country?" The prize essays will he placed in competition with the other prize es says in the province. on Saturday tion were as on Saturday {1 B room; D. room. value. Pte. J. W. Crawford Wounded. The casualties list shows tiiat Pte. | W..Crawford, a Kingstonian who! Sie overseas with the 146th Bat- taiton and was later transferred to! the Mounted Rifles, has been wound ed. The extent of the wounds is not. Coming to Griffin's. Mrs. Vernon Castle, the best dress- America, in the serial "Patria." Mr Halliday, C. E.,, who "has been! Town Engineer of Trenton for sever- al years, and lately with the eve { Chemical Co., is going to reside in| Toronto. \ Lace Curtains priced up to $3.50. FOR SNAPS IN BROKEN LINES OF LACE CURTAINS Two Lots at a Price to Clear. Lace Curtains priced up to $2.00, to clear Every pair a bargain. 150 Yards of Cream Colored Madras Mus- lin, 45 inches wide; dainty patterns. 50c Saturday' snap Navy and Black Serge, 58 inches guaranteed pure wool and fast dy day's wholesale price is $2.00. bought many months ago and this price is the result. Saturday White Silk Blouses .". White and Colored Crepe beChens Blouses . $2.95 up. A. = $ Newnan & Shaw, THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE To C lear 95¢ $1.95 25¢ \ wide, e. To~ We $1.50 1.25 up Calling Me Home To Phone 91 3 Wedding Suggestions Our windows are replete with suggestiGis for we "ddings: Roast Soup Casseroles, Setts, dishes, Feays, Platters, Tareens, Bread Cut Glass in variety, and the very best of workmanship, fis for the Bridesmaids are all desires. Bride here to Personal g and suit In Platinum or Gold. Smith Bros, Jewelers and Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. CLOSING OF MAILS British mail closes 1rregularly. Headquarters for Headwear These Are the Days For New Spring Hats Information posted at P.O. Lobby . A A from time to time. . . ) United Staten, dally pL A 30 a.m. Vand 11.30 p.m. Grand Trunk, going east, .30 a.m. and 11.30 p.m. Grand Trunk, Toronto and . including Western 1 Grand Trunk and all west of City, 2.30 pm. and 11.30 p. C.P.R. . 10.15 a.m. and 3.00 P. Pp. .m. m. m. CNR. cov vee 2.0 m. AeA mn Canadian Casualties, Killed im Action--A. HH. Snider, 0 Vv) Trenton; O. Walter, Brinston; P. J. ds Morris, - Wales, J. 'E. Hockengull, tCarleton Place; F. Collett, Peter- boro; W. H. Franklyn, Roseneath; M. B. Byers, Bethany; C. M. Hicks, Magnetawan; S. N. Fisher, Almonte; wW. Landey, Bancroft; J. Casey, Campbellford. Died of Wounds 'ornwall; R. B field. Migsing--E. T lock. |. Presumed to Have Read, Peterboro Wounded --T. W. housie Mills; R. Spooner, H. McDonald, Vankleek Hill; C. H. Mcinmis; Loonevitle; --W. Plumpton, L. Wheeler, Peterboro; F. H. Green, Newcastle; J. A. Lindsay, Northport; 8. Mahood, Lakefield; H. .K. Roblin, e hat everybody Brighton; J. W. Crawford, Kings- ton; R. K. Dobson, Pembroke; B. ----men, ladies, boys A. St. Pierre, Clarendon; V. Doolit- and girls, and we tle, Belleville; 8. A. Shook, Peter- boro; A, Gi Watson, Cornwall; T. G. save you .something J] L. Healey, Copours. on every hat you buy. On the afternoon. of April 24, there Come to headquar- ters for your hats. was solemnized at Grace Church par- sonage, Trenton, the marriige of William John Quinn, Trenton, to George Mills & Co. Sidney Cotterell} mporters Direct. {lot back of Mr. Gerald Murdoff's 126 tuiport 128 Princess St. nose, on Bryon street, Trenton) J. A. Ferguson, When most people Raymond, Bloom- wish td select a new hat they usually come direct -to "the hat where_ varie- ties and values are al- ways the best. Mulligan, Hayve- Died--D. G. Batharst, Dal- Pembroke; Y.M.C.A. bujlding with bath houses, ete. has bought the Miss: Annie F. Friend, $ The British Chemical Co., Trenton, is erecting a $3,000 Club' House and F. A. McDonald. returned soldier, | has suceeded to the business of M. {| C. Sprague, Trenton, reese BUILDERS Canada work. Kingston, I ber, Coal PORTLAND CEMENT Cement for concrete S ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards. Bay and Wellington Streets, Phones: Oflice 66, Factory 1415 SUPPLIES weey Portland Amma, \ Ont, Stored At W. F.Gourdier | 80 Brock Street | Phone 700. ~~ e-- J) Bn INA A Beng Furs: Fresh Garden Seeds In Package and Bulk, from all the best seed houses. Choose Early. Special Varieties Sweet Peas in mixed ~and single colors. DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE 185 Princess St. and Wood vo 7 NEL 14d Yor ADAS FAVORITE Now is the time to pack eggs. Get a can of our are doing it. DRUG STORES The cold storage plants ~ Water Glass 15¢ Enough to pack twelve dozen.

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