Daily British Whig (1850), 4 May 1917, p. 7

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wm THE THRIFT 1a ' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1917. I | ESTABLISHED il N53 HABIT BRANCHES IN CANADA BANK ERENT rge B. McK a LOTS FOR SALE Division St., 33 x 145 . Beverly St., 99x 120 . Collingwood St., 44 x 103 Cor. Centre and Edgehill, . $450 $1900 $700 80 x 125 $1200 St. Lawrence Ave., 71 x 122, $15 per foot frontage. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 56 Brock St. AA A AAA AA Phones: Office 68; Res, 874 You Can Count On It When we take care of your storage bat- tery there' s no doubt of quality service. We have established ourselves as experts. Will you come in and be convinced? Phone 1004 Syig Tn is Growing Time We carry a well assorted stock of Steele Briggs, Ferry and Rennies Vegetable and Flower Seeds in bulk and packages. We make a specialty of choice Mix- | ed Sweet Peas, Dwarf and Tall Nas- {| turtiums in bulk. Our "Limestone City" Lawn Grass Seed will grow where all others fail. per 1b. abe Hoag's Drug Store Branch Post Office, Kingston, Ont. AA AAA AA NN TAXI SERVICE RING 960. Open and Closed Cars. Kingston, Taxi Cab Steam Valeanizing | The Auto Tire Repair & Exchange 220 MONTREAL ST. Need your patronage. We have n thorough up-to-duie plant and use all high grade materials and guarantee oir work. Your Ioé~ukiy replaced on re- Prices reasonable. gs In| falr "eo adition. | | | | W. A. McWilliam, Phone 2084. a -- A SPECIAL EASTER Meats and Groceries ¥ Street. Swift Premium Hams and Bacon. Choice Western Beef, Veal and Pork, | Fresh Eggs, Lettuce, ( 'elery and ¥ Green Onions. w | J. M. GORDON Phone 88. Cor. Montreal & Bay st. | AA AA NAAN "SEASON IN FULL BLAST Choice Texas Onions Florida Cucumbers, Florida Tomatoes Fancy, hard and ripe. | California Asparagus, | Cauliflowers, Rhubarb, | Lettuce, Green Onions, Fruits; Oranges, Lemons, Bananas and Grape Fruit: Anderson Bros. Princess and Division Streets " Phones 458 - 1816 : -- Watts, For Easter Spirea, Azalea, mip in. _ F.J. JOHNSON I. LESSES, 124-126 Clarence St. battery at any time CARE Must he given FULL Complete and EXAMINATION of your eyes In required FOR Your eyes need special care and YOu should be particular to have them attended to properly. R. J. RODGER Jewelers and Opticians 132 Princess Street Where the clock is gn the walk. your eves Selentifie a a _ at Hogs Wanted ! Will § For Briceland, MAY STH. | { apply F.| hip. on TUESDAY, further particulars, Wolfe Island. People's Florist 179 Wellington St. Lillies, Hyacinth, Daffodils, Violets, Valley Roses, Carnations. | Carpenter and Builder W. R. BILLENNESS Specializing Store Fronts aud Fit- tings. Remodelling Buildings of all kinds. ESTIMATES 1 EXPERIENCE Address 272 University Ave. The Leading Florist Floral Designs, Wedding Bouquets au Cut Flowers our specialty. Ordefs lled promptly. Phone 239. 11% Hrok FOR SALE G-Cylinder, 7-Passenger 1916 Model Studebaker Auto- mobile. Full standard equipment, new- | or A a Al . 'GRAND i rx Daily efoma 8 2-- Vaudeville fey Five Reel Feature I fim Nance O'Neil, in "The Love Question" Ihe Pathe News, Comedy and Other Photoplays. Monddy, Tuesday and Wednesday POLITE VAUDEVILLE A Five Reel Metro Picture Harold Lockwood and May Allison, "The Promise." Billie Burke, in "Gloria's Romance." Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle In a Two-reel Comedy. "10c Butcher Boy.' Evening Reserved, Se Ext ne LH © xtra Matinee Any Seat GRIFFIN'S! saturday Thursday) Friday, | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion, secutive insertion cent a word. one insertion, FOR SALE EFFECTIVE Once, one week, $1 ADVTS. COST 25¢; three times B80¢; 00. le a word. Each con- thereafter, half- Minimum charge for 25¢; three Insertions, 50¢; six $1; one month, $2. FOR JOKES, PUZZL toys see Fran Clarence street $8 AND NOV ELTY W. Cooke, 3 HELP WANTED meee DOUBLE DWELLING, 41 AND 43 DIV- COOR-GENERAL ision street, ¢ rooms and W.C. in each; well rented. Apply 41 Divis- fon street. AND NURSE-HOUSE- madd. Telephone '1935, MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS. AP. ply Street Railway Office. { GENUINE VICTROLA AND IR selections, your own ch SMART ROY J $10 cash and §1 2% per wee FOR DELIVE Lindsay, Limited Bankier, 1 APPLY Ir MAID FOR FP A MIL ¥ Bi TWO. w J APPLY ARGE NUMBER. OF BIC) CLES, IN- Askw cluding the famous / lete Mrs nson St SMART Monster Double Bill Henry B. Walthall world's greatest photoplay actor in "Beulah." Pallas-Pictares The Presents Vivian Martin, in "The Wax Model." MUTUAL WEEKLY Prices: Mat. 10c¢; Eve. 135c¢. Coming Mrs. Vernon Castle' In the Se rial Salem MAILS wo CAPABLE SERVANT, nly of re € | |v JUNIOR CLERK tim a Thurs. Friday and Sat.|" VAL DEVILE 2 -- FEATURE OTOL. AVS -- 2 Alice Brady, in "A Gilded Cage" of the Lumberlands." COMEDY REELS Matinee 10; Evening 15e. ~------ BONNER'S FINEST FANCY SEEDED RAISINS are packed in RED CARTONS. Insist on the RED Carton. Pps Pe ------------------ FOR SALE Five passenger Ford Gar. Overhauled and in good condi- tion. Has not been used. as Jitney. Bargain 1 Clarence St. Garage --_-- "AUCTION SALE May Sth, at 11 o'clock, Mar- Ket Square. "Wel Pony." Kind, brok- and in od condition single pony harness WM. MURRAY, A Saturday. well Ome Auctioneer. A Delicious Dessert Se and 10¢ Packages For Sale at all Grocers FEXWICK, ENDRY & CO. Distributers. - Two Visitors to M. Cambon, Some months ago an old man call- ed at the French Embassy and asked to see the ambassador. M. Cambon saw him, and the man produced a little square of old red silk. He ex- plained that this was part of a tri- color flag captured at Waterloo by a party of soldiers which included his grandfather. They had cut up the flag, and this piece had been treas- ured in the fatily ever since. The old man felt that he could no longer keep it, and wished to band it back to our friends, the French.® Another gift at the embassy was no less cur- fous. A visitor called carrying a' heavy flat case. He opened it in the presence of the ambassador and showed a fine picture by Greuze, which he asked the ambassador to receive as a gift to France. ' The ly painted and overhauled. Phone 759, 169 Raglan Rd. Removal Sale TENDERS will be received up unti' MONDAY. May 14th, 1987, for Four Frame Dwellings on King Street East, 427-433. Goou opportunity for first class lumber. Full particulars at the office of 'the Wogks, Queen street. Public USilities Commis- LC. FOLGER! Gen. Manager. * | geaidime thed donor said that it had been in his family for some time, and he wanted now to present it to Fmgace for French museum, or to be sold f the French hospital funds, or any- thing they wished. He refused to give his name, and left no clew to his identity but the picture. Both of these donors mentioned Verdun as to give back these things to France. = - ' General Joffre and other members of, the French mission to Washington aré expected in Montresl during the week of May 21st-26th, when the land and Perfect w AY redvon » n smi JHoL SE WORK Alfred sireet WANTED. APPLY Moulding and Glass Co. BOYS Frontenac FOR THE al H 3 BUILDING houses, Queen' roo moc ter, SEE choice v's olle ge vay wants, west BE Gl as each: iui. " + Ho B gern fmprovements 3 p.m, 346 University SECOND couches, AND dresser ME FOR NEW hand sideboards, parior oh n= WORKING MACHINE A % machi wages Shapiro, 35 AT ONCE, Bas] d wage Appl LARGE _STOC K OF IRON BEDS, €COU- ch stoves, men clothing: also new uphols tered military 2 straps! Na- We buy all nd hand fur- FOR wea HUAN, er light i Princess i a Kinds of new d niture St SEAWoOR Py FAMILY LAUNCH, wn 1 1 gth 0 ft Wit ranvassing Whig offic Cheap for rig Ht, Bank CEFF EEE EE PE EFFI ELIE AUTOMOBILES 1 demonsty male 1 Cedar St Saxon Service for Saxon Automobiles, with large stock WANTED GENERAL SECOND-H PURCHASE THREE SECOND! hand pool tables, in good condi- tion. Apply S. Brien, Camden East. of repair parts and competent mechanics to make repairs when necessary. J. H. Da- vis, Saxon Distribator. AND. UPRIGHT PIANOS {2 for cash or in part payment of new { pianos and Victrolas. C. W: Lind- | Sersssressressiiisiisses say, 121 Princess street. odode bpd bd Limited, KINGSTON WINDOW CLEANING co. | handle a few gy and would be | re on your windows , Prop., 768 Princess 91 will be Aue more customers pleased to "fig Geo. L. Hille Street Phone GEO, ESTATE Agency \. BATEMANS NEARLY NEW, s, 8 rooms, dou- 5500, BRICK HOUSE, latest improvemen ble kit | RENT A HOUSE, MODERN CON- venienc xcept a furnace, Will A308, BRM we irom June 15 or between $15 and | Apply Box | ggaee pot ments; sti M- light 7 ROOMS, amd elec haa ALL mer ric IOV ¢ 13 x n ALL TONE IMPROVE- POWER & SON, 11 ROOMS, ALL rear entrance | $4300, BRICK, - provements; $3000, BRICK, ALL eteltric ght IARCHITECTS, MER. chants . Bank Build'ng, corner IMPROVEMENTS; Brock and Wellington streets. T = $1400, FRAME, IMPROVEMENTS, SIN J rooms PERSONAL { 'vacant LOTS, ALL PRICES, HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS | MONEY TO LOAN, INV 47 CLARENCE ST. ingsto mn. and all growths and skin blem- ishes removed permanently, with- out scar) 30 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat: and Skin Specialist, 258 Bagot | street. | " -- PATENTS BABCOCK & SONS, Patents, marks, designs. Estab. 1877. erly Patent Office Examiner. of Patent Laws. Book tection" free. 99 St. James St, | real. Branches: Ottawa, Washi trade Master as BU SINESS CHANCES ESTORS WARNING DON'T INVEST one cent until you read Successful Finance, and learn how fortunes are made and lost by. ihvestors. | Free trial subscription. Success- ful Finance, 608 8S. Dearborn St. Chicago. FURNITURE FINISHING FURNITURE FINISH. 23 John P. DRISCOLL, er. Call or drop a card. street. Girls Wanted For clean, light works highest wages while learning. wishing steady employ- ment, apply at KINGSTON HOSIERY, LIMITED. King Street West national unity convention, or as it is . better known, the convention, is to be held. A resident of Playfair was fined for trapping rats without a license. It is said that there are several other cases pending of a similar nature. > - "Win-the-War" | I Shipbuilding ce I > PAGE SEVEN OFFICE ES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. " Apply to A. B. Cu A WRIST WATCH THE OTHER 79 C SaiiRly 2% B. Cunningham, , ! \pply 82 Welling ) COMPORTABLY FURNISHEL THREE KEYS ivenience, Hall \ pp t a Sch NEAR GRANT I He al ft \ - VERY COMFORTABLE GOIN; every gofaver i, W A FEW ' Apply to Black Box Cl SILVER BERT BIUKLE days Apply M \ PACKAGE OF MEAL TIC- FURNISHED BED ROOMS; ALSO ew kngland r or li STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, dry, alrv roms; Key Frost's Queen street. CLEAN, your own lock "and C ity Storage, 299 Pho res. 98% FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- 3 { £9 TISED FREE ud ne finding anything and to reso h th owner may ¢ facts to : ros Anyo [eaner FURNISHED with ut BE D-ROOMS, be sitting t and cold run- t phone. Apply t the . The adver- » printed In this 1 free of charge m if « ning w 103 Lower "Found articles," does not In- clude los: dogs, cattle horses, ete These, if lost. may be ad- vertised for in the "Lost" column. : , NEW SEVEN ROOMIED HOUSE { Cw ' tr ty, = HOUSE, AND OC, SEPAR- LOST. or A BUNCH OF KEYS, ON BROCK ST, ¥ rd offered for return W FURNISHED, 305 Kiva Rdgehill" facing tl STOWITH INITEALS, 1 J 0 York M 1 TO RENT PLANO IN GOOD CONDITION rental to de party If taken at cence A v time after: 3 pm, 346 Univer . between Princess and Garret Sts CHEAP aN THURSDAY, AY THRNnoY, ON AL- x a Map! leaf et FOR IST, FUR. residential rticulars ap- Dayv.#194 On- ontario occ BATION n WN nished 8 . district ply Nickie€, tain Street 'bathing 297 King DENTAL BOARD AND ROOMS. F. KNAPP, B.A, LDS, Office, 258 Princess street. 652 D.D.S,, Phone ha CLASS BOARD AND central Broce k st FIRST ROOMS, loca- DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot streets Phone 626. FINANCIAL LOAN AND INVEST. incorporated 1863; aonel i It. Smith, CA :-president, W. F. Nic- kle. K.C "Mo ney issued on _ city and farm properties, municipal and coumtry debentures; mortgages pur- chased; Investment bonds for sale; deposits received and in- terest allowed R. C. Cartwright, manager, §7 Clarence St, Kingston. FRONTEN AC DEN- G. C assistant DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, tists, 159 Wellington street, Dewar, D.DS8, Phone Me L.D.8., FOR SALE Awwivas, YERANDAN CUR- s, canoes, afid camping sup- les. Fishing tackle, Frank W. Cooke, 3% Clarence King- ston. Phone 891. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLORR Fire Insurance Company. Avallable assets $61,187,215 In addition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited Mability of city property, insured at lowest possible rates Before renewing ya or giving new business get tes from Strange & Strange, yp nts Phone 326. AUTOMOBILE TOPS -- YOUR OLD bows recovered and top made like new at half the price of a new top We have ervthing for tons cushions, ip covers etc. Ww Judson, Brockville, PAPERHANGING CHOICE STOCK OF HEATERS, RAN- ges, and all kinds of new and sec- ond hand furniture. thing in the of wall paper en to buy oy Fhompson, 337 and guarantee ove lines. Princess ey Phone 1600. nromptly D. A LARGE n hand at « to do al Fraser, 78 STOCK id prices work William We are &lso| WE HAVE STILL 0! PRICK STORE AND STORE HOUSE, IN smart country village; store 2- APER ITANGING storey and large cellar: all first ing an @ class condition, $1,000 to wind up ered $4 an estate, quick G. A. Bateman, Young & Rowl 67 Clarence street, Kingston. (near Barrie) TC AINTING, GRAIN ning Ro mg pap- including paper 282 Qfen Bt, . m LEGAL 10 Economy, with all pipes an a Loh ers; three good two-light gas fixtures with mantle lights, all com- plete; good as new; als hall light One large sideboard glass mirroy For quick sale ¢ Apply 147 Division street, OXE GOOD HOT AIR FURNACE, NUM- B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and solicitor. Law office, 79 Clar- ence street, Kingston. > J -- MC -- WANTED -- Lathe, planer and boring mill operators, pattern-makers, handy men and laborers; also operators for shell department. Apply, J. Farrar, Supt. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. LTD. Kingston Ontario Starting May 1st all Jl coal sales will be for cash. to share with our customers the bene- Limited To ont uN THE . Highes t Rags, Rubbers, Iron, Brass 1 DROP A CARD TO f Fomeid Furniture Will buy and pay fair prices, but must be clean and sanitary goods, J. Turk; Phone 705 2322 Division Street.

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