ws | The Daily British Whig [reer - YEAR %4. NO. 100 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY. MAY 5, 1917 THIRD SECTION << \ Ottawa Glimpses | | | PL ------------= BY H. F. GADSBY ----------------2¢___ . | bOI. ARKIN TE ARMY OF RE JOHN M. PATRICK We Have 8 Nice Amores of English Girl,. Flora Sandes, Wins a . . { po rion Cross in Bethan. * Over half a n n bright Columbias, Victrolas, | P 0 S | An English girl, Sergeant Flora Ju that ter Bat in re of Grafonolas | ure orn yrup Sandes, who has been serving for 3; In 2:Ib. tins, 3-1b. pails, and 10-Ib. many months with the Serbian army, Have foun ken STAN makes of talking machines re- { pails, which we are selling for one is now in a military hospital at Sa- ople next morni eof that) paired, adjusted, cleanéd, noises | week only at the old price. X g 3 . bi : ¥ va i elimi ed. ~ } lonica. A Jew aay ago, says a de- ¥ owgp cleans Moderate Charges; Prompt Service; E. H. BAKER Ottawa, May 5 Sir. Thomas de-1\W. Flavelle that the Tinperial Gov- spatch to The New York Times, a warm . her, removed al Expert Workmanship. | = Cor. Montreal and Charles St us waste from r lr { y * . Llivered am amazingly Minn budget I Een had Mas ed 3800 000,000 Yoyal aide Ye cap Fame 18 Yes Bed: ie xo oman. | fre \ | Phone 1263. speech, so short that the reel worth of war orders in this country.' side an 1 wha > e ce : normal sleep. with. g r nes ; ' gent of Serbia. pinned to her breast tions acting in healthy d. brigh 149 Sydenham Street | iamber could hardly believe it was If Canadavhad nationalized the bu p r NE IB heapny - : SER RR SR eres owt | oss of sinkind Mmunisons ot thy either Suid salt sliver frost of Bara, Mardy, sive isuen'srs Sontiint PUET{ vim N BEDS, SPRINGS, MATTRESSES west, as it werd, it would appear that) ginriing of the war, fully half of this| &edrge for ravery on the field of 4, IRO B DS, ' battle." Her whole right side, from Copper CLF, Ont 3 > . the shoulder to the knee, was lately Dr. Chas. A. Tyrrell, T > : a mass of torn flesh 'and shattered 3 bone, the work of a Bulgarian hand bomb that struck her as. she was ls SP ------------ \ tt retet tte Sir Thomas made it short not because immense sum Say £470,000.000 the soul of wit, but 'because could have been saved from the pro- there wasn't much to say for his|fiteers to go toward decreasing our fiscal nostrums national debt. A national debt of The more the Finance Minister's say, £750,000,000 is no slouch of a B ; » Serbs to ¢ FG a it is; debt, but it ic much to be preferred elping the i : lear put ned 1 will ke proposals are probed the clearer ! trench oh devised, ang | to one of a billion and a quarter | y that the addition to the business war one 1 : : "She Went," says the correspon: friends. as't ime Don t tax is as sounding brass and tink- Sir Thomas did the usual Juggling dent, "through the whole of.the ard. enthusiastical ling cymbals . It is a big noise, but | with the international trade figures uous and successful offensive cam- Y T th on hollow It is, even, doubtful whe- volume of trade) balance of trade, paizn that began September 12th our ee thgr it will yield enough more to]and all the old protection fetiches last. For ricre than three months 1 : make it worth the expense of collect | He had the good grace however -- Si she lived in an atmosphere of burst- V2 8 : : . od E " SE a tooth paste that ing. At all events it is nothing more! Thomas is a cleat thinker when in| ing -sh€lls and whistling bullets. i BIS Se xy Beds, $3.50; $4.50 ahd up. . U : : than a slight tap on the wrist for | private circulation--to apologize for Through many hand-to-hand encoun- factured by Charles T u Is X : RR $4 aN. y 3 Q cleans and polishes in a the profiieers, because, it the Fin: quoting swollen figures. due to the | ters she passed scatheress, clamber. Too, ein, shown' Ind Taya Springs, $§ 3.00, $4.50; Way Sagless $8.50. natural way--get Mennen's. ance Minister had been going for | inflated prices which will not come| ing up in the [atgrrals Saco of tasks Te obtained free ao Rr Mattresses, Felts, $10.50, $1 3.50. " : them real hded, he would have ap- again until another Armageddon) towering heights rom whie the M f To-day 1 Per ; J . . | E Meanen's 8/5td Yetia. grit and plied the new tax to the accounting bursts an a stricken world. Sir Tho- Serbs drove the Bulgaro-Germans, D has : Tw ret Kitche n ( abinets, $9.50 to $45.00. all injurioys substances. It thor- period of 1916. which was the year mas may strive in, public to make | steadily firing their way northward D7 (ha je oughly cleans the teeth and re- of greatest profit to the munition the worse appear the better rehson.| {rom Gornitchevo and Raymiikobs- Taranto, Omt : moves stains and tartar. makers but he has no delusions when he lan to the mountain that is known ~~~ os, AVE Ta ne : : ! as Hill 1212. It was in the decisive row You have to say is not ° ® 9 . And then there is the fresh cool If as Chairman Flavelle of the Jatke to hime. | To point 5 trade assault on the highest crest of that Worth saying sing it and win ap . after-taste that is so agreeable Impertal Munitions Bes thins ow a ag like AR hl position that Miss Sandes' active Dlause Leading Undertaker ve Phone 577 o ed with the * druggy" hoy lieve HOW goi'the profi. of thei peri EL © oa a fine | Career was temporarily cut 'short.! . SAA Gr oo -- } Aro o Compas 8EY munition makers down to a normal!a man, with the dropsy as a fine How this happened let her relate in sickly taste of so many dentifrices. basis---and there is no justification | specimen of health. As an antidote her wis app Mennen's with its 2ip and tang is for the Imperial Mynitions Board and to all his fine talk about export trade, "We had been crouching and shiv-' the man's favorite. the War Purchasing Commission is|Sir Thomas fnvariably winds up. with ering in our little shallow pits for they haven't-- then ten per cent. this good advice that people who hours, waiting impatiently for the 7 ought te be as much as any profiteer | are making money now should Save! ,rder-to break. It was snowing, and | is dragging down right now If that | it, because, God knows, they will snow lay on the ground. 1 was out is the case, the new tax will not net need it after the war fof my pit in half a second and run : og much more than the old tax was On closer dnspection it looks as ning as fast as my legs could carry | . CREAM DENTIFRICE bringing in. because profits of fifteen | if free wheat might be a blessing | me. [ was always first to leave 3 ° \ and twenty per cent. will be com-| with a string to it. It was introdue- cover: it was my duty as petty offi-/ X ert estimon paratively rare. Indeed there is rea-| ed. as you rememher, by order-in-| cer. I bad nearly reached the brink °® ue atin 1 jon to believe that the situation was | cquneil, as "a was measure," instead | of the Bulgarian trench when a well will send you a Demonstrator tube thoroughly canvassed before Sir of by statute as a tarid amendment. | aimed grenade dropped near, and I toniaining enough to enable you Thomas got busy and contrived a tax| On the face of it the thing looks: as | fell . wounded. A young office: k h | ! m . « ge . a Weta Deiifrice a ¢ as that would have a specious aspect|if it were intenged to be valid only|crawled up toward me over the snow, To speak distinctly and directly ARE: 5 re > cern-| i -- the ry » | and seizing my hand, pulled me over . . Selling Agents for Canada of sternness and vet do the govern-! until the end of the war, and s0 the : my ual, -- HAROLD F. RITCHIE & CO. LIMITRD ment's profiteering friends no harm | Opposition views it. 'In 'reply tol its smooth surface into the shelter of into the mouthpiece 'McCaul Street, Toronte whatever. It is what you might call | which the Finance Minister produces|a rock. The tonule of being drag-| Canadian Factory: Mootreal 28 2 toothles tax, the fangs having been |a legal opinion from the Deputy Min- | 8ed by the Bau) of my Jrakty am , : drawn before it was set to work, but | ister of Jugtice to the effect that this sn Ton vei) mur N eminent telephone man of 30 vears' experi- it is very clever and highly useful | partic ular order-in-council is 2 Co > a : Lo. nd . for advertising "purposes. anteed not to rip, tear or fra suffering. It was soon lying on a ence says that this is the great need In edges, and is as good as a tariff am- Stretcher on my way to the nearest telephoning. Over half the service difficulties 3 i ) A Thies 3 field hospital." : CD re . . look the fact either that a wat tax)endment any day. These tactics itn |» Her wounds will take some time to would disappear if distinct and direct speaking | on__excess--profits "in the third vear ply "thot the government runs with fy .., completely. She has about actised of the was is a tacft admi n by | the hare and Buns with the Bounas, twenty-five, and one or two splinters were practised. pe government that abnormal pro-| Bivgs the Northwest farmer Tee! have yet to be extracted. | T % fits were in existence and that the whéat hand, and offers the eee * § To speak towards your telephone from a yard government did not have the brains | Sheena hope tas it in be he A Railway Dog. or so away, or to speak across it means bad 5 or the courage to prevent such a|ed bac with the other--in short, At a station on a railway some- . 1s810r5 oy \ | i : a n len ' - state of affairs developing. If it had | plays both ends for the middle. . | where in Australia the stationmaster tr nSmissio cfte: wrong numbers misunderstand tthe brains and the courage, then it | Even at that the government's owns a little dog, known as an Aus- ing and annoyance. lacked the. will to regulate the pri-| friends complain that the matter has | tralian terrier. This little dog is very | y , . . " {vilesed class who had put them in| been bungled. it would have been | intelligent and most businesslike. He § You can help the service, avoid wrong numbers, Sale of Condemned Military Clothing. | power in 1911. Indeed it might well | much better, so tjéy sdy. not to bring | constitutes himself joint, or per- | misunderstanding and annoyance, by speaking dem i ee chase etn be that they welcomed the war as a' down the Deputy Minister's opinion | haps chief, guardian of the place. It| at 5 . tly int h h ceived unit noon of Monday, May Tih, chance to maKe their rich friends; at all, but to let the order-in-coun-|is the habit of this dog to spend | distinctly, and direc y in o the mout - 14 All tenders should be enclosed richer and more quickly. It is worth | cil run loose, as it were, so that it | nearly all the hours of the day look- | * piece, with the lips about half an inch from its rim. Paice Thoth, mar thing aw] noting thit nothing was done to curb | could be explained any way to suit. [ing after failway matters, He runs | mirersed to the iMrector of Contracts | their greed for the first two years | H. F. GADSBY along the platform and meets incom- | / 3 Militia Thar meant, Mana . of the war. And even at that, if was - - ing trains, barking uproariously at | The clothing offered for sale is clas- or g ; . ols Ry h i d the the train | «gf : follows England that had to take the first the engine, an n as ain | 1 ha Consisting of step by sending two commissioners BANISH PIMPLES leaves the station be barks just as Bertie jackets, over here who warned Canada that AND ERUPTIONS Doisily at the guard's van, running y " Y f Greatcoats and cloaks, if the old Shell Committee pulled : . alons the platform to see i sally | The Bell Telephone Co.o Canada Cloth breeches, much harder the British Lion's tailiyn (he Spi M People Need off the premises. -Sometimes both tigre « » would come out by the roots " RE Spins Now cable: Need a stationmaster and dog begin the 3 ' Tonic Medic : "day's work as early as § o'clock in Knitted 'goods -fonsisting ' 42 ? t The fact that Sir Thomas' budget the ; d in that the " makes another pass at the profiteers | One of the surest signs that the boron. DS « = a! aR hontar and avolds any tariff changes that | blood is out of order is the pimples |stationmaster ine uch with | net Uhh might heap more taxes on already, unsightly eruptions and eczema that |3im to refresh himself atAibout half- | Knuted cag g I ady | ; past nine. The dog comes in for his No. G--Culon--consisting of overburdened people, would seem to | come frequently with the change share, but it sometimes happens that fon pans, indicate a general eléction .in the [from winter to spring. _ These prove the owner forgets OF Seek oon to take | Or = - . b When v id bh that the long indeor life of winter + = Pg le Top shits, near future. When you add to that ! his meal, when the dog reminds him Towels. "fres wheat" and a Highways Bill-- | had had its effect ypon the blood, of the fact by a certain | way known to man and dog. No 4--d eather § . " 1 and that a tonie medicine is needed Ankle Boots Repairable--consist- | really a slush fund for tén million ra | to put it right. Indeed there a few p s ng Bre It happens occasionally that the dog, perbaps remembering a bone ing of Boots condemned as untit| dollars---which is expected ; fo go | > : for military wear swimmingly through the Senate on a | PeePle who do not need a tonic at waiting for him at home, jumps into | a train on his own account--one that No. b--Leather, Scrap, consisting | this season. Bad blood does not is passing by where he lives--and so Opposition criticism does not over "Good service * * * our true intent. No. é---~Rubber--oonsisting of | attacks of rheumatism and lumbago; Overshoes, Scrap not later than September. Nobody | at any of the following places: + tbe by- the middie of May, the wheel | gative medicines -- you need a tonic | The stationmaster says that Mr. Ter- Conservative majority of one --when | : : iat) i ied home, about a mile away; N 2 the sharp, stabbing pains of sciatica |S CAIT » ' Rubbers, 80 > AX DOC » ovis | » The above may be Son and examine expect this sc Ssion of Parliament to trey V = er o r | -- Toronto of fate will begin to turn rapidly. and a tonic only, and ambéng all | Fier is very often a traveler by train 0 prone ® fin ASB Edrine ergo. Ankle boots, Canvas shoes, con-lyou add all these signs together, 1{Jetaly hoy itgelt in Sisazaring s Fup domed hs unserviceable repeat, it spells a general election | A . , : " | and neuralgia, poor appetite and o|20d When he feels like it, he gets | prospective tenderers, wn applica- | 1ast longer than two months. W hen | ogire to avoid exertion. You cannot |idte another train and is carried back ro er urdnance Officers| Premier Borden gets back which Will{ eyre these troubles by tis iise of pur- | 10 the scene of his doggy activities. | Regina Kingston, Besides there was that in Sir Tho- medicines there is none can equal in this manner. Calgary Winnipeg mas' manner which said that this| pr. Williams' Pink Pills for their ! Omtawa St. Johu : Halifax Vietorin might be the last budget he would | tonic, life-giving. nerve-restoring A Peculiar Region. Sa make for some time to come. He | powers, Every dose of this medi- It is a truism to say that the 3 sale shoul be accom. | laid down, as it were, the rules for | cine makes new, rich blood which Isthmus of Panama is the strategic pa wa cendfied cheque for his suceessor--not rules, perhaps, | drives out impurities, stimulatés ev- key to the zoological relations of | $1.000.00, payable -to the Minister of but pious wishes. Sir Thomas did | ery organ and brings a feeling of new | North and South America, and yet it Mitria and defence; ami tenders for not point out any more things that | health and energy to weak, tired, ail- | is nat necessarily so, as other lice ess than two lots for. $500.00. Thes : yitl be returned to the unsuccessful might be taxed after the war, but ing men, women and children. If of communication might conceiva terlorars 'when the contacts wre ide he did say that such taxes must be|you are out of sorts give this medi- | have been established. So far as our ° - ' . ° ha egues of uy antil the | 8voided as would frighten immigra-! cine a trial and see how quickly it|knowledge extends, however, the oiee loth £ the contract. as a guar-| tion or capital away from this bd. will restore the appetite; revive geographical eveuts in the history of ive easons or uying a 2 Bo a herent, loved country of ours. Sir Thomas) drooping spirits, fill your veins with [the isthmus dominated tbe biological he. coTirINtoTS Gefauh . rather dwelt on the tremers_ of -that | 2éW, health-giving blood. interrelations of the, continents * "The contract shail run until March | timid thing--Capital. , { You can get these pills from any|which it now unites.' .When' the | S Whit d 31s, 1918, subject however, can- icine . de , at 5 S - L 1s, 191 ubject however, Lo can One supposes that it-was: for-Can..| Medicine dealer or by mail at 50]isthmus was submerged South Am-, S ° ea \ cellation at any time if the contractor cent a box or-six boxes for $2.50 erica w. : t I 1 COME solvent or fails ty eo I¥ ada's s oe Mn ps Xes Tor $.. as in a state of nearly or quite Na. Jui 4 SomoDy ada's wake that he warned: all Fin {from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,| isolation and developed a highly Tenderers should state clearly for | ance Ministers to-shun income taxes | grockville, Ont. peculiar fauna, few elements of : : at particular bot or lots of clothing. | which might get at the big: fellows. | mm -- which were shared with any other - 1. Itisabsolutely pure, ensuring ws classiffed-above, they wish to ten- i Qip Thomas prefers; 'ay his budget tinent, and which w i i b illi f - : *: and also whethér their tender is Sp Ey He W ; K continent, as as unique the bri lancy ol any paint in ccamulation at one or more of SHOWS, to get the little fellows, at! e ants to Know. in its way, though on a higher plane, ' hi i 3 " mentioned places, specifying | the common people. He gets at At the breakfast table little as is the Australian. 'It was, so to | | which it is used. 3 ah them through a forty-five per cent.| Tommy was not behaving himse{l. Rk highly int $< : -- H : : ces for lots 1, 2,3 5 and 6 should | 3 : J | 3 speak, a ghly interesting exper: 7 | ound: and for lot Ne. 4 shoul | tariff which is supposed to hurt less | His father reproved him mere than | ment in evolution: a great continent | Zi 2 Rt has great covering capacity tne "hears delivery to UE taken bY | becavce it takes it out of them in-| Shce for playing with the cruet, but | with varied climate and a great di- and long life. places 1 witeh tris contract apnine | directly, One" of Sir Thomas .max-| Tomany still went on doing it. versity of co itions, mountains, and | : - or places 1 hich tris; contract applies > | : » Ah » Q 3 Fach ten des hu _Euarantce iat ims is that if you want a big rev- | At fant he ups and all the iy forests, and open plains, left 3. I is of unequalled, unikelun In. the evn. of his tender hefng ac- 'enwe you've got to-get it fromthe | Pepper was seattere over the cloth. f{hrough long ages entirely to its own : " ness' --is v "Yepted, all Yuiform Slothing delivdred) oor. They are usedito being goug-T, "Now, Tommy," sdid his father | resources, was the closed arema of li x. Dever crysta 0 vil . 3 8 - A in n "Sham av i kg re Reknizaie ne uniforms = | ed and don't complain, whereas ey a Ave heen Sisuhedient rapid development argent fiom | ne. 'hen & supply of ehthing has ae-| fe i . . $4 fie rest of world. © resa Y > Dds cumulated, the Sentor Ordnance OM. Our Tih man, and his money are serve you right if I punished you by a Sore BOW. Though hh 8 4. It works easily under the aah ToMfy the an rere tare al rated ni ts Loaiidg i ee pepper ny SUE mouth! elevation of Central Ameriea and the | p brush, ud the later shall immediately de- | oulg you punish me in isthmus into land ine¢ Naotogae: > Res a at he amount called for to the lan iere Sid_Siilas reasons Si same way if I upset the sugar- th the northern Joined} and 38% d 5. It need not be scraped or dit of the Receiver General and at @ | h be 1?" retorted Tomm uie 3 . onl RT El et, lr Poel fn Bl tment budget SEE SO TI way of, migration, thus opened, led hh ah sraeverd With Tull routing instructions. ni = Maclean made a Stok paint $100 Reward, $1 10.1 Sxeneve runes of Sthern | years, the building requires of ae tee re ght to; When he. insisted that the war had | iy WELICE FLOWEE paper will be|South America still remains, after | < another paint, v joo o ders, reject any or all of the tenders. | been badly financed. He wanted pleased to Jearn that there is at least Australia.- the most peculiar region | hod BUGENE PFISET. ' \ : . : Surgeon General, |IBOre pay-as-you-go, even if it meant {one dreaded disease that science has a. at : : : : . (Deputy Mindater. Mile ana eral Indditional taxation, and less borrow | heen able to rein anit Sages, and ut he earth, Proféssur W. B. Scott its high reputation has been gained by nearly 200 years continuous manufacture. te bari "hill mit be pag!IBE Mr. Maclean showed" that with |LMatls cata: hE Te tly I r V experienced architects, builders, painters, owners. the advertisement if they {nsert it 18 national debt of- 1,300,000,000 at tyeRrment Divorce in Japan, . requires € ' OTE i : . o A - | Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally es CWIMOUE AMhoriY froth The Depart i the ent of the present year the an and 'aos through the Blod on the Half of the population of Japan is | SOLD BY LEAD G HARDWARE AND (HL.Q. 54-21-15-38) nual interest and pension charges | Mucous Surfaces of the System there- jo. "a, 10 65 years of age. and one | ] : 4 sis would amount to $90,000,000, and |by destroving the foundation of Rie fis. third of thé entire i. a 12 mar : GENERAL STOR THROUGHOUT CANADA = ase, ng the patient sgreng y - ' x "| that before we spent a cent on public |[Ai1;, EINE the patient siren assisi- iried. The ratio of divagees' for avery . A man who is blind to his own | Works and. the ordinary services of ing nature in doing ite ork. The: 1.000 populaiion has décreased . in | interest finds many persons who are|the government. Of this-tremend-|Proprietors have so much faith in the] > a from i i curative powers of Hall's Catarrh Cure ithe last gen ration from nearly 3 to | anxious to lead him in the other dir- ous national debt $1,000,000,000 | pad they offer Ome Hundred Dollars' 1%; bul even at present it is a ection, will be directly due to the war. In for any case that i fails to cure. Send source of dep anxiety on the t So le ntitled h- connection with this ip is interesting} for Mst of testimonials. . i) a part, Some people are entitled to noth- i$ is in g Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO, To- of unwarvied statisticians, ing, gpd get it. to remember a statement by Mr. J.| jedo. Ohio, Sold by ali Druggis: 156. ' A tnt