EE -- - -- - . - H -- PAGE FOURTEEN o> OSTERMOOR «0» OSTERMOOR «| ¢ Rt] il 1 STERMOOR WHJLSO «o>» HOOWHILSO ONLY $18 FOR 50 YEARS OF RESTFUL SLEEP That's only 36c. a year; who can't afford that? No other mattress compares with the OSTER MOOR for rest, comfort, healthfulness and true economy. When you pay less, you get infinitely less--every time, Moreover, the first cost is the only cost of THE FAMOUS TERMOOR MATTRESS Look for the name woven in the Binding as on this advertise- ment. It's there for your protection. Ask your dealer for the Ostermoor or write to us for the name of nearest agent. The PARKHILL MANUFACTURING CO. Saccessors to Limited The Alaska Feather and Down Co. Limited Makers of Bedsteads and Bedding #1 Winnipeg MONTREAL Vancouver = ALASKA oa an article meaps High Grade Every Particle." » OSTERMOOR &#» OSTERMOOR &é» O v «eo» 400 > H00IWH ALSO I » H( ® ®» OSTERMOOR «0» OSTERMOOR «@. THE T. F. HARRISON CO., LTD. Sole Selling Agents for Kingstén: A a A A A Nt -- ~ -SyYruUP OF TAR Cop Liver Oil Stops CoucH Sold ih generous size bot:les by cll dealers. THE J. L. MATHIZU CO., Props., SHERBROCKE, P.Q. Makers also of Mathieu's Nervine Powders the best remedy for Headsches, Neura!~ia, and feverish colds, 215 CHEMICALLY SELF-EXTINGUISHING What do these words mean to you? __ They mean greater safety in the Home -- Surely something that interests you keenly! - f "Perhaps you have noticed these words and the notation Ro fire left when blown out" on our new "Silent Parlor" match boxes. The Splits or sticks of all matches contained in these boxes have been impregnated or soaked in a chemical solution which renders them dead wood once they have been lighted and blown out, and the danger of FIRE from glowing matches is hereby reduced to the greatest minimum. SAFETY FIRST AND ALWAYS -- USE EDDY"S SILENT 500s Kni tto 6 9" Nature's 'Last Ordinary hosiery is stretched into shape over a form while the hosiery is damp. It loses this shape when washed. . Mercury Hosiery retains its shape, because it is knitted to '""Nature's Last" on new machines. These machines knit the full fashioned calf --the narrow ankle, fashioned at the sides--perfectly turned toe--wider, more comfort- able, fashioned top. The finish of this new Mercury Hosiery is even superior to the high-class foreign lines formerly : imported. The wear is better, Try a pair and you'll be con- vinced that Mercury is unequalled for style, fit and wear. Made in Black Cashmere, Black . Lisle, and White Lisle, Mercury Mills, Limited, 3 'HAMILTON, CANADA, "* 3 Makers of Ladies' and Men's Hosiery § ATV NTN 0 NN NT sbarthenware Vessels a very wide berth he earth that had been ploughed up \| huts. Presently the storm came near- er. The lightning clove the heavens, | the thunder muttered. still in the dis- | tance, but ever louder and louder "It's going to be a bad 'up.' said Pager. "He shivered 'Good Lord, | how cold it strikes!' f "Yes, I'm afraid we're going to get it," replied 'Napier . | They sat. on a little while longer The storm became furious. The forks of the lightning flashes were blinding, | the peals of thunder crashed through | the air as if the whole of the forest trees were coming tumbling 'to the earth, stricken down by the storm' flend, bare of their branches, strip ped to their bark i "1 say," said Peter, as a sudden ter -rible flash revealed a violet world, "this is awful for Lorion. It may go on all might Hke this. We mustn't leave him in that tent." "He can have my hut," said Napier. | "Mine is the more sheltered," put in Peter. "We must think of that." | ou are the maassa who came "Then you Jausg have miue. : | Maassa Boone?" persisted No, I couldn't. I suppose it's rot, .fter a few more montents'| but I couldn't sleep where that poor! with the Men of Onga. chap died. Tl be all right in Lorion's irse 1 am, you fool," said | tent. I'm perfectly fit now, and I; impatiently. "Didn't you don't mind storms in the least. But | with me yourself?" he's jolly seedy, and, besides, his tent | nasssa--yes. Only the men fs a good way off, if he should want | know. They have followed anything. | shouldn't feel a bit easy | Te in my mind, really, if he is not moved | at have they followed us for?" into my hut." rion a "All right," said Napier, but his ¢ vant to know all about you. | voice was a little doubtful. "Are you want to know whether you are | sure you won't have mine?" : on here." "No, thanks, really. I shall be quite | um; for a few days, at,any | all right. Let's get him changed bec . ! fore the rain comes." ~~ They went outside and across the Aoaring, and every moment they had 0 hide thelr faces from a blinding flash. The thunder was like all the artillery of the world at practice. The sky, between the electrical discharges, was so black that they couldn't see heir hands before their faces. The obliged afr was hot and quivering, like sqme Sandy spoke to the ten men, who {iving creature in mortal pain - immediately executed anothér pirou- "We're in for 'it, no doubt about ette accompanied - by fearful cries that," said Peter. "There's the wind vy be so pleased, maassa," sald | .oming up; the rain 'will be down in Ihey want to know which |, moment. Let's hurry." fs your hut- where you sleep; you They woke Lorion rather abruptly. {Savvy ) He was only half-conscious, and made | Lorion pointed out his tent, which | 30 resistance to their suggestion that had been erected at a little distance | a ghould change his quarters for the from the Lust of Napier and Peter, | jjght' His head and hands were burn- [oud away from the kitchen and the ng; he was shivering violently; there | re huts 'was every sign that he was in for a . Men of Onga gave vent to an-|';harp attack of fever. |othier extraordinary cry when it was "They got him into Peter's hut just wut to them as the first huge raindrops fell that lad to know," said Sandy neralded the deluge of & tropical n. "They give greeting| jtorm. They administered the usual : man. Theyw-pray tl 2 ~emedies to him, settled him comfort- » watch over his hut" ,ply, and Napier went to call their please," said Lorion. | ywn boy. Bobby, and gave him in- | cm how they knew that!structions to 'watch all night. in case ! ) ..|Maassa Lorion needed him, or the news from Onga."|storm did any damage to the hut. "They find that white| The last thing before they turned way.' n they had a look at Lorion To is true enough," sald liheir surprise, he seemed to be sleep- ing peaceful.y enough The storm 1ent the tén men sud-| was still raging violently about a foot into the Peter persisted in sleeping in Ler wn on their toes, turned | on's tent, although Napier tried again vithout the least warning. | io dissuade him. It was about eleven | 1d away into the forest. | oc lock when they bade each other l.orion shook their heads | good-night. Peter said he was feur- ck to their respéctive | rully sleepy, and Le was sure that no gfore very long they were | storm could keep him awake that called out Again by a repetition of | night the insane noise of a little while ago . * . » . They found the Men of Onga ranged | Lorion heard extraordinary sounds jup in front of Lorion's tent, and on the | jn his dreams They sounded like ! earth they had placed some flat] ygices, very fierce, but muffled, and learthenware pans containing a Kind | (hen there was a great shuffiing of {of corn, some water, some mud, and 'feet, andthen a cry. Then all was {some dry earth. They were sitting on sgfll. Star -- BY e-- Conall Staton AND (ERNE ECRREERIUEMAUREECEDRRRRERRAUACOCCRRRRRRDUEMIOVA A OARRR | to-night, maassa?"' Certainly for to-night What is the mat with these men? What do they want? 'They want to greet you, maassa-- only to greet you." +] gee. Tell them | am very much their haunches, chanting their weird Y He was in a half-waking, halfiream- jkind of dirgelige melody. On per-|ing state. He turned over Trestlessly, ceiving Lorion they rose to their feet {ynd dozed off again. The tliunder was | land exccuted a few steps of a wild | till growling in the distance, as the |dance storm rolled away Lorion, who was feeling very iil, He awoKe ugain, conscious of a glanced indifferently at the curious fearful chill. The air was icy. He sighty and would have gone back into |perame vaguely comseious that the his tent. Dut Peter called to him.' |jgor of the hut was open, and.a. faint "I say, they have evidently hs grey iight was stealing in. gifts. They think you're a ver¥ big! Ap first he did not know where he gun, indeed This is Moriarty"s in-; was: then he sat up, peering vaguely fluence. You'd better say something |around him, and remembered that to them. It's right in front of your someone had come and hauled him out tent; there's no mistake a®out it." |of his tént and taken him somewhere Lorion forced himself to make some | gjge. sign of recognition. As he could not He felt dreadfully weak, and was converse with the strange, forbidding: jug ut to fall back on his pillows looking men, he smiled and bowed and Just who was seized with an indescrib- spread out his arms. . able feeling that something had hap- The Men of Onga forthwith gave | pened. vent to their weird, mad cries. And |" The sound that he had heard in his from the forest they were echoed in|gjream came back to him vividly--the an uncanny manner by the rest of|yojces, the shuffiing of feet, the cry-- the natives the silence. "I say, how queer that sounds."| He struggled up. He did not know The Men of Onga at t moment | 5 that bed. ex&cuted another extrao! ary man- He had to cling to the bedpost, and cuvre. They jumped again into ihe then to a piece of furniture, and then air; then defiled past the earthenware |i, the wall. His knees trembled un- i vessels, touched each with a forefin- ger him; Mis head swam; there was a I ger, and then, with extraordinary sud-| yague blar before his eyes. | denness dashed back into the forest It seemed hours beforé he reached again. the door of the hut. It was open. "Well, . I'm hanged," exclaimed | At first Lovion conld see nothing Peter. They are u weird crowd. gice He had to grasp the side of the They evidently look . upon you 8&8 pyt door with the frenzied grip of a drowning maw. And the strange and intangible feeling--the feeling of hor- | should certainly call that cook of ror of calamity--grew upon him with | yours and find out what {t all means." overy moment. Sandy was summoned accordifgly.; He reeled out into the clearing. came very slowly, and gave the gurely there was something black on Findeed. '» . 'into deep ruts and furrows by the "He doesn't think he's fit to g0 NEAT rain of the night. Surely there was them, evidently," suggested Peter. something lying there. If he could [ TAsk him what they wanted." | only reach it! He went forward, "Men of Onga show maassa that guaying from side to side, with his masssa great man," explained Sandy. yrms outstretched to balance himself. "1 say, were they supposed to show |i seemed as if he walked for hours us the way to Patala? asked Lorfon. pefore he reached the object he had "Yes, yés, maassa; Men of Onga geen. " show maassd anywhere." ° | It was a man--one of the natives. "And where have they gone now?" K, i "Gone awky. Massa Bootie had In-' grms He lay sitgichad oa his Bac with bis of Onga go away." was cold "I see. Oh; sil right. 1 don't par- He gus ticularly want to see them again," | gtilled into Lorion' said Lorion carelesily. some 1 agency. The sense A little while afterwards Napier re-! of grew to panic. He turned tarmed from the excavations. 'The g3d ran, stumbling blindly at every others told him what had happened. giep, to the tent that had been pitched He sald that he had met nO MeN for him, and where he now remember answering to' the description in the of Peter Monk had said he would forest; in fact, he had met nobody at gleep that night. alt. They must have gone away BY, He dashed the flap open and went another track. He thought the whole in.» The bed ; the clothes occurrence queer, but, them, had been term away. There were could never understand a thousandth | signe of a desperate struggle on the part of what went on among the ¥a- | mud floor. tives. - Their lives were as different| [orion stumbled out and rushed from the' lives of the white men &3'geross to Napiers hut. The door of were those of the strange birds that. that wag open, too. Just inside, Na- flew about in the forests and the mON-| pier jay across the threshold in his keys that swung themselves in the pyjamas At first Lorfon thought he trees. : ! was dead, too. There was blood 'on rae evening Lorion grew rapid- | nis face. \ : worse. His temperature rose; he be-| ' the 'other two put » (Continued on Page 16.) As they ate their evening meal they| An ounce of seeing it yourself is Doticed that a storm was brewing. petter than a pound of hearing others said Peter. "Not a bit nice, does it? why, but ke had to. For no earthly [ What an extracgidinary lot they 'are!" | consideration would he have stayed | ; opened wide. -- ay structions. Maassa Boone dead. Men| [orion stooped and touched him. They Sat for a while outside their ep it. 5 g * THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1917. ECL EETL LT UH C WE [=e For the invalid as well as those in perfect health Bakers Cocoa 1s an ideal food bev TIT erage, pure, delicious and wholesome. p- Walter Baker & Co. Limited = WN ESTABLISHED 1780 = MONTREAL CANADA + DORCHESTER.MASS. HI |< PTT CLL LD ALLL TE EEE LL araTens Teast MARS -- UU NT Te ------ - A -------- A] $A AA NAA NNN NNN comes to you in bags and cartons filled at the Refinery by automatic machinery. .It is never touched or , sO you get it pure--and you get the genuine Redpath, for the name appears on every package. wr > «Let Redpath Sweeten it." X 14 . . 4 10.205 Core. Made in one grade only--the highest ! 97 Piece JF Dinner Set and lovely Silverware GivenTo You OU can secure without a penny of cost this magnis cent complete 97-piece 5 ea (SS English Dinner Service and a whi ---- lovely set of half-dozen Wm. A, Rogers teaspoons. Each dinner service is guaranteed full size for family use, {ts 97 pieces comprising 12 cups and 12 saucers, 12 tea plates, 12 dinner plates, 12 bread and butter plates, 12 soup plates, 12 sauce dishes, 2 platters, 2 oval covered vegetable dishes, a cream jug, covered sugar bowl. a ravy boat, pickle dish, and a salad bowl. It is handsomely*de¢dtated in rich floral design and will surely delight the most fastidious housekeeper. he beautiful set of Teaspoons are in the famous Wm. A. Rogers French Carnation design with French grey handles and brightly polished bowls. . Read our Wonderful Offer et I Will you sell just 12 boxes among your friends ined to establish a national reputation for Dr. Edson's Famous Life Building Blood Tonic and Nerve Pills and are sparing no expense to secure rep at only 25c. per box? resentatives in all parts Of Canada who will help us by introducing this famous rem You can easily do this because every one ou know will be glad to learn of this edy to their friends and neighbors. That is why we offer to give Away these magnifi. | rand remedy. It is one of the world's best known prescriptions, & tried and proven centPremiums, ' remedy for weak and impure blood, nervousness, indigestion, constipation and anaemia. In all run down conditions of the system it will be found a grand blood builder and revitalizer, and as a general tonic for blood and nerves it has no equal. Carnation French | Send No Money Just send your name and address to-day and we will send" Canadi the 12 boxes posta; id. You will be able to sell them quickly and easily because iap Teaspopns rary ponchaser of a box can obtain a beautiful gift of fine silverware from ws free. Genuine Wm. A. Rogers make | | Thea return our money, only $3.0, and we will promptly send you, all delivery the most beautiful: patte: | charges paid, thesbeautiful set of spoons, and the handsome dinner set you can alsa . yl pattern receive without selling any more goods by simply showing your fine reward among ever scen. These magnifi- || your friends and getting only six of them to sell our goods and arm our fine prem. cent spoons will delight any | ums as you did. We pay all delivery charges right to your door. Douschesper and HH . REMEMBER YOU TAKE NO RISK. You do not spend a cent of your own depclaeper ¥ are || money" We trust you with our goods until sold and if for any reason you cannot guarantead to give cvery sat | setl them we will take them back and give you beautiful premiums or pay you a big isfaction in wear. | cash commission on the quantity you do sell Writé to day if you wish to take ad. { vantage of this libera) offer. It gives you the opportunity of 3 life tise. Address X26 | The International Mfg. Co., Dept. D 43 Toronte, Ont. AAA AAA Al Al "Wood-lac™ Stains for Furniture and Floors No home need be ""shahby" when it is so inexpen- sive to "do over" that Woodwork and the*Furniture with "WOOD-LAC" Stains. "WOOD-LAC" is a beautiful, durable finish for floors, furniture and woodwork of all kinds--giving to ~ common or soft wood surfaces the rich, elegant appear- ance of Mahogany, Rosewood Walnut, Oak, Cherry, etc. ~"WOOD-LAC" penetrates the pores of the wood, bringing out the grain to resemble expensive hard wood. It comes in 12 colors. : "MARBLE-ITE" floor finish is the perfect finish for Floors of all kinds. Money back guarantee that it can't be marred by boot heels or chairs and won't turn dull or white when washed with soap and water. A finish that beautifies and lasts. : "Floors, Spic and Span" and *'Tows end Country Homes" are two books on hbme beautifying that you will enjoy reading. We bave copies for you--ask for them. : SIMMONS BROS.