ILLUSTRATED SECTION. ee THE DAILY. RRITTSH. WET tam an makimst sani t PAGE TWO THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1917. NEAR BY PICTURES OF WORLD FAMOUS PEOPLE The Captor of Bagdad. Major-General Sir F. 8. Maude, who was in command of the forces Miss F.6L. Stevenson, private secretary to David ,Lloyd George, and said to be the) only X which captured Bagdad. Major Maude is well known in Canada, many years ago having been woman in the world to hold such a position to the most important man in the land." Miss Stevenson's salary Is about $5,000 a year. Her only brother was killed at Givenchy. \ attached to the staff of the Governor eneral. a Nl 8 A new portrait of Gen. J. Franklin Bell, U.S., who succeeds Gen. Leonard Wood, as commander of the Department of the East, with headquarters at Governor's Island. General Bell is 2 native of Kentucky. Rear Admiral Sims, of the United States navy, who has gone to England to advise with the British Navy Department on the conduct of the war in so far as it relates to the new allies. The King holds another investiture at Buckingham Palace, and Canada is well represented. Photo shows Lieut: Edward Hart and Lieut. Wilbért Ham- ilton, Canadian Infantry, after receiving the Mili- tary Cross. El. An incident on the Somme Front--Not ll the heroines of France have been decorated. Witness this 84 TN w= devoted woman, who, aftr a recent Somme engageient, made many trip into range of-German guns, to" ae i - b Liéut-Col. J. Thord Grey, who tly arrived in New bring hack wounded sudiers-walking cwss---to the military Hospital in ber village. r Fork: trom. France; where he. coomantet the. Hloverd, Northumberland Fusilers, which formed part of the British 1. Expeditionary force in 1915. ° ad tba