Famous Wash OUTLOOK IS FAVORABLE ® . Heals Skin FOR KINGSTON DOING WELL IN GREATER PRODUCTION. the greatest of skin rem- | will remove kin affl- that have made your life a burden That intolerable itching, | burning and discomfort will disap- pear under the magic of this remedy Poultry It has cured many cases prone unced | The appeal for incurable and w reach of foodstuffs Kingsion- is meet- We guarantee the fi; ottle t ing with great success vou relief Mahnod's This was evident in the feports as Kingston jpresented at a meeting of the Greater | Production Committee held on Fri- D. PLANTS! {day night in the Board of Trade We are mow booking orders D |rooms. Tae reports of the various for Cabbage, Tomato and ( elery | departments were of a most encour- aging nature, and the workers have plants, 'to he delivered when de- sired. Pansy plants, 12 (0 the every reason to be proud of the re- sults It is now a case of carrying {on the work. The committee has an {energetic band of men who are push- ing the matter, and when all has been box, now ready to plant, Leave sour order at the store or at our wagon on the market and you will receive our best at- tention, D. DD. , End Gar- One Hundred Acres in West Open For Applicants--The bage Committee Asked to Help the adic those ictions Association, greater production your case » bring Drug Store, said and done, Kingston's record in { this nation-wide movement will be a | most creditable one In the absence of Senator H. W. Richardson, chairman of the commit- | tee, the chair was occupied by Fran- Store, | cis King, and those present included - = » | Mayor Hughes, Robert Meek, E. O. 18 r, J. G. Elliott, Ald. N. C. Polson, Friendship S | ri i. C. Wright, Ald. Litton, Rob-, ° (ert Coffey, W. A. Patterson, R. J. I" . A ae | Rodger, Rev. J. D. Boyd, W. H. Mac- 210 Divivion St. Fnene' 543 | nee, Prof, Mitchell, J. A. Dalton, --_-- | William Cook and G. Kent Martin. A A A A Ar Act tata | Ald. Wright, who is chairman of | the Agricultural Committee, and who Any Headache | has been busy every minute since he | was appoilited to this responsible -Sick | position, submitted a report, which --~Nervous [w as a splendid one. He said Shed up ve : jto date 125 applications had been Dyspeptie received for garden plots, and that --Monthly they represented five hundred fam- | ilies. Two teams were at work with u y utoo a plow continuousiy Applications had been made for seed @otatoes to : "| the extent of one carload, and that ' they would be distributed as soon. as ure over they arrived. Ald. Wright pointed out that there were vet 100 acres of land in the . west end of the city and the commit- oney tee was very anxious te have it trans- A A A ees - 20c a Section | "anNvRIC! - THE NEWEST At Thompson's Grocery 2 4 Phone 387. This is a recent discovery of Doctor Pierce, who is head of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buffalo, : N.Y. Experiments at Doctor Pierce's > Hospital for several years proved that est S there is no other eliminator of uric acid that can be compared to it. Kor those easily recognized symptems of inflam- * mation -- as. backache, scalding urine rin and [requent urination, as well as sedi- ment in' the urine, or if uric acid in the blood has caused rheumatism, it is simply wonderful how surely " Anuric" ée S acts. The best of results are always obtained in cases of acute rheumatism in the joints, in gravel and gout, and Garden and Flower Seeds { invariably the pains and stiffness which Lawn Grass Seed | 50 [requently and persistently accom- Moth Bags and Moth Prevent. pany the disease rapidly disappear. atives, Go to your nearest drug store and 'Spring Blood Purifiers. and simply ask for a 50-cent package of Tonics. ®Anuric," manufactured by Dr. Pierce, Camera Supplies, Everything [or send 10 Sents to Dr Pierce for a : for the Amateur. | Iarge trial package. ou suspect ~ilmeDevelopsd, 40 cents » | flsSer of Baer ireobiv rund bin » roll. All makes of cameras and | %¥ ptoms. Doctor Pierce's chemist supplies. will examine it, then Dr. Pierce will - | report to you, without fee or charge. 9 | NOTE: -- French scientists affirm that |"Anuric" is thirty-seven times more S | active than lithia in eliminating uric | acid, ana is a has ioas bye_Teliable > | chemical compound that may be safely The Fopula Drug | given to children, but should be used Phone 59 pen Sundays. > {only by grown-ups who actually wish to one bY, Branch 2018 }| restore their kidneys to perfect health, A | by ientiously using one box-- or ~ | more in extreme cases--as ® Anuric" ( thanks to Doctor Pierce's Wioveinsh ====||i8 by far the most perfect kidney bladder corrector obtainable. | Dr, Pierce's Pellots are the original | little Liver Pills. One little Pellet for ® laxative--shree for » cathartic, SEE US WHEN YOU CANNOT SEE Maintain the Highest Standard of Quality in Sight Testing, 'Lens Making, and Eye Glass Fitting Our Charges Are Moderate Guaranteed. Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. 3 doors above the Opera House. 238 Princesa Street. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, Wortha G a Box The speediest remedy for sick headache, biliousness and indi- gestion is a dose or two of BEECHAM'S eg ge 4 Ape wet UMENTS We have opened a branch of our monument business with a large stock of marble and granite. Special attention given to lettering. FALLON BROS., 139 Clergy St. Phone 637. Warner's Safe Remedies. Wid not find THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ferred as soon as possible. did take the land, it might possible to have it cultivated as a civic farm. Mr. Meek suggested that not west end put in shape for cultivation, and that an advertisement be placed in the newspapers, asking for men to till it He felt that when the de mand for increased production was so great, that the city should see to it that every avattable piece of land was utilized. Ald. Wright had a very good plan, that of having the.land worked by a club, if sueh a club 'was formed, the general. committee could help financially, in the way of assisting in cultivation. The committee was advised that Major Eaton had offered manure from the battery stables to help the gardeners. Members of the battery have also agreed to cultivate a plot. The report was received with en- thusiasm, as the committee is anxious to secure all the help possible. The meeting entered into a gemer- al discussion on the work, and some interesting facts were brought out. On motion of Mr, Cook, seconded by Rev. J. D. Boyd, it was decided to advertise the land available in the west end of the city. . William Cook presented a fine re- port of the work carried on by the poultry committee. The poultry men are certainly on the job. The pres- ent outlook is for about 2,460 ad-, ditional chickens in the city, and they should count for something. Robert Coffey spoke for a deputa- tion present from the Kingston Poultry Association in regard to a scheme to have the hotels and mili- tary quarters save their "scraps" of bread and meat for the chickens, as outlined in Friday night's Whig. He said that if the "seraps" were not mixed with other garbage, it could be collected and used for feeding the chickens. He had visited the city's incinerator and he thought it was a shame to see so much meat and bread go to waste when it could be utilized for such a good' purpose. The Committee favored the idea and referred the matter to the civic committee on garbage and refuse. Prof. Mitchell had. an interesting story to tell about the doings of the Thrift Committee. This committee is sowing good seed, and much is ex- pected. An advertising campaign is being carried on, a feature of which is the showing of slides in the local theatres, appealing to the people to save money and to produce more foodstuffs. The matter has been tak- en up in the local factories and shops and the appeal is taking effect. Prof. Mitchell said he had the hearty co- operation of every theatre in his cam- paigp. He praised Miss Foster, sec- retary of the Y.W.C.A., wiio is taking up the question of thrift among fac- tory girls. Rev. J. D. Bowd, who has been doing good missionary work in the county, said that there were some farmers in the county who did not have any potatoes. There would not Yikely be more than a thousand bags in the entire county. He thought that each township eould use a carload of potatoes. The secretary, John Nicolle, told about Senator Richardson sending for five cars of seed potatoes. One car would likely reach ithe city by Mon- day and he figured that they would be sold at the rate of $4.50 a bag. It was decided, on motion of Mr, 'Meek, and Rev. J. D. Boyd, to ask the Department of Agriculture to tommunicate with the various town- ship councils to arrange with these bodies to-provide for the necessary supply of seed potatoes in each town- ship. The City Councll will be asked to purchase the first car of potatoes to larrive in the city. A vote of thanks was tendered to the - Agricultural Committee for the splendid work which has been ac- complished in.the way of getting the land cultivated, etc., on motion of Mr. Meek. Ald. Wright is the ehatr: man, and everyone present spoke of he good work done under his able leadership. A vote of thanks was also tendered to Mr. Nicolle, the honorary secret- ary, who has been , working hard 'every day since he was appointed to this position. R. J. Rodger reported, as the l}{ chairman of the retail committee. He said he had canvassed several of the stores .for help, for the farmers, but the clerks willing to spend their holidays in helping the farmers. However, quite a' number intended to do some home gardening. The seeretary reported that a call for financial assistance to carry on the campaign bad been sent out to 150 citizens and that of the $142 had been realized. The sum subscribed at the initial meeting of the commit- tee was $630, thus making a total of $772, Or this amount there was still left _ in the treasury $560. A &rant of $50 each has been made to the thrift, poultry and school com- mittees. J. G. Elliott reported, as chairman of the school children's committee, He told about the seeds purchased. About 600 applications had already been received, and there was a marked interest in .the work. All the school teachers were interested and doing good work. The commit- tee could have accomplished more it allowed a larger grant, but a fur- ther allowance would be looked for shortly. It had been considered wise 10 offer $50 in prizés to the school 'children, but tais could not be done 'with the allowance given the com- mittee. The mebers were pleased &{ the work Mr. Elliott and his com- nrittee had done. To Cut Down the Trains. 'Washington, May. 5. --Cyrtailment of passenger train service and ship- ment of the ceuntry's entire output were forecast today by Daniel Wil- lard in a speech before the natie: defence conference of governors representatives of state defence councils, : If citizens be the City Council have the land in the of rolling stock and rails to the Allies || and i Told Twilight Laaaaaal yy] » * * Rev. and Mrs. T. W, Savary enter- tained at a delightful evening this week at St. James' Rectory where their guests were the officers and teachers 6f the Sunday school. Ld . LJ The L.C. Reading Club will meet street, on Monday and will be the last meeting until 'the autumn. Miss Janet Richmond, Union street, will be hostess of the Reading Club next Thursday. - * - 'Many Kingstonians will be inter- ested to know that Mrs. W. St. Pierre Hughes hag been made President of the Canadian Women's Club which has been doing such splendid work in Folkestone, Mrs. J. C. Gwillim and little Miss Gwyneth, are eu pension at the "Avonmore." Mrs. Buxton Smith) is expected home from Ottawa early in the week. Miss Amy Horsey, who hag been | spending the week in town returned to Ottawa on Friday. > Misses Evans left yesterday for Ottawa after spending ths past week at the "Avonmore." - » » {Major and Mrs. Crocker returned from Ottawa on Thursday, Miss Agnes Johnston is in Ganan- oque for the week-end, Mrs. Gordon Dewar and her little daughter came up from Montreal on Friday. » Capt, and Mrs. Colin Hamilton are in town from Belleville for the week-end. Mrs. Harold Harrison, Coboirg, was the guest of Mrs. Oliver Chown, University avenue, this week. -. . . Mrs. Rabertson, Cornwall, is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. C. Elliott, Brock street, Lieut. A. H. Gordon of the 72nd Battery, 'left today for Charlotte- town, P.E.I. 7 Mrs. Agnew and Mrs. Begg, who were guests at The Residence this week returned to Ottawa on Friday. Mrs. Beattie and Miss Bell left yesterday for Pembroke after a short visit with Mrs. John Fairlie, Brock! street. . Ld . Mr), Robert O'Hara, who has been in Toronto for several weeks was | expected home today. | Miss Jean Wismer, Barrie, who is | the guest of her sister, Mrs. Horace | Lawson, was the guest of honour at a Dutch luncheon at the Country | Club today. { Mrs. Neil C. Polson Jr., who has | been spending some time in the | south is expected home next week. » - * Judge O'Reilly and Mrs. O'Reilly arived in Cornwall on Tuesday, after spending the past three months in California. Mrs. Amos Rawlinson children, Albert and Rosetta, Sills- ville, are visiting her parents in Kingston, also her sister, Mrs. Pratt. Mrs. Dr. Wilkins and children, Deseronto, are spending ten days with 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil ton Knapp, Sydenham. Mrs. Geofge Fulford, Brockville, ! is the guest of Lady Laurier at Ot-] tawa. and two * Ld - Mrs. J, McFadden and Master Earl, Union street, left today for Sudbury. After a three years stay in the city while her sons attended Queen's University. ~~ ' Mrs. A. E. Shangrow and Miss Mc- Gratbe are in Toronto visiting Mrs. Jack Fitzgerald, Campbell avenue. Mrs. 8. A. Aykroyd and daughter, Mrs. M, J. Aykroyd, Frontenac street, left on Thursday for Montreal where the latter intends to reside, » » - Mrs. W. H. Sleeman, Frontenac street, has returned to the city after spending the winter with her daugh- ter, Mrs. William Russell, Buffalo. Mrs. Russell accompanied her moth- er home. ' Mrs. W. R. Mather, of Stirling, Ont., has been the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Anthony Rankin, at Collins Bay, and also visited with relatives and friends in this city, 5 Mrs, MeGhie,«Belleyille, who has been the guest of Mrs. H. W. Snell- ing, Division street, has returned home, - * - The engagement ig ammounced of AA A pi A, Suffered With Heart For Ten Years Would Nearly Smother. There is nothing that brings with ft such fear of impending death as to wake up in the night with that awful sense of smothering. The uncertain and irregular heart action causes the greatest distress of both mind and y. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills [are the only remedy that can give prompt relief and effect a complete cure in cases of such severity. "They strengthen and invigorate the heart, so that it beats strong and regular, and tone up the nervous system so that the cause of so much anxiety becomes a thing of the past. Mrs. M. O. MeCr : .» Writes: "I aay believer in medicines, at the home of Miss Strange, King] , SATURDAY, MAY 5. 1917. < a, | month out of 15 cases. I April, 1916. PAGE SEVEN Probs: Fair on Sunday; a little warmer. To-Nigh t! HER Store Open Until 9.45. STEACY'S SPECIAL CORSETS 120 pair French coutil corsets, made with alum. inum steels; re-enforced front and four strong garters. which we medium figures -- the sizes run 19 to 30). Our regular special $1.50 quality-- can highly recommend to slight and Tonight 98c¢. ; ~L WHITE LINGERIE WAISTS. 180 dainty New York waists, made of fine white voile broidery and lace effects: formerly $1.75. Tonight .". HOUSE-DRESSES 120 print and percale American house-dresses, of colors and sizes. night .. .. .. in em- priced at $1.25, $1.50 and . I |. 7. in'a good range The prices we quote are absolutely less than today's wholesale cost. In two lots for this special selling. To- ...."..98cand $1.48 NAB mA AA ree ee. All "White Sale" specials advertised for today will be on sale tonight. Freckle F acej Sun and Win Bring Out Ugly Spots, How to Remove Easily. Here's a chance, Miss Freckle-face, to try a remedy for freckles with a guarantee of a reliable dealer that it will not cost you a penny unless it | removes the freckles; while if it does give you a clear complexion, the expense is trifling. Simply get an ounce of othine double strength -- from Mahood's Drug Store and a few applications ' should show you how easy it is to rid yourself of the homely freckles | and get a beautiful complexion. Rare- ly is more than one ounce needed for the worst case. ~25 Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strength othine as this is the prescription seld under guarantee of mohey back if it fails to remove frec- | 'say GRAY HAIR | Dr. 'Tremain's Natural Hair Restorative, used 4s directed, is guaranteed to re- store gray hair to its natural color or money refunded. Positively not a dye and ngn-injurious. Price $1.00 posi-paid. | Writd Tremain Supply Co., Toronto. On 'sake in-Jdingston- at Pp: CRargentsy Drug Store; Princess and Montreal Sta. -- m---- nm, - Miss Grace Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Evans Steacy, Lansdowne, Ont., to Alfred Kinch, second son of Mr, and 'Mrs. John Kinch, of this city. The marriage will take place in May. * + 0» Major and Mrs. G. W. Worth, Ot- RUGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION; FURNITURE FOR EVERY ROOM We were never so well prepared before to meet your de- mands. We have exercised great care in selecting our patterns, with the result that we are able to offer you values unobtain- able anywhere in Canada. Our immense sclection of new rugs in all the rich tones of gbnuine Oriental designs at a fraction of the cost. Our Hst of customers is constantly growing. (THERE'S A REASON.) T. F. HARRISON COMPANY Phone 90. tawa, announce the engagement of their eldest daughfer, Harriet May, to Charles * Edward Long, son of Lieut.-Col. C. E. Long, R.C.A. The' marriage will take place' the latter | part of this month, 1 . - » | Henny Agassiz Spencer, St. Lucia, | B.W.I.,, announces the engagement of his daughter, Marie Louise, to 'Capt. Paul Goforth, of the 17th Bat- talion, Nova Scotia Highlanders, and late adjutant of the Canadian Base Depot, Havre, France, son of the Rev. Jonathan Goforth, D.D., Can- adian Presbyterian Mission, China. The marriage will take pjace quietly this month in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Toronto. (Continued on Page 18.) HEALTH STATISTICS Deaths in Ontario From Diphtheria and Tuberculosis Health statistics for Ontario dur- ing April show that 20 deaths re- sulted from diphtheria, as against 17 cases in theé\corresponding month. last year. The number of cases re- ported was 223, as against 197 a year ago. Ninety-six deaths last' month were due to tuberculosis, out' of 165 cases reported, as compared with 124 deaths and 178 cases re-; ported a year ago. Cerebro spinal meningitis. caused 9 deaths last A big decrease occurred in the | number of cases of measles, only sl deaths resulting from measles last | month, as compared with 44 in April last year. The number of cases last AT DAVIES EE ---- Extra Choice Veal ken, and costs less. Try one for your Sun- day dinner. month was 842, as against 3,206 in ed by Shells, Goodyeer Welt Boots for Men OUR $5.00 LINES ARE LEADERS. 's Shoe Store © Destroy New York, May 5.--Lord North- cliffe's country home on. the Isle of Thanet was damaged by sbell fire when German destroyers made a raid on Margate and Broadstairs on Feb- ruary 26th. Lord Northcliffe was in his Tome Suras the attack. The w daughter of hig gardener i were killed and their cottage was practically des: These. facts: were made known by steamship passengers arriving from A CONSTANT BOON TO INVALIDS SINCE 1877. Warner's Safe Kiduey and Liver Cure. Warner's Safe Diabetes Cure. % 3 ! 's Safe Rheumatic Cure. © Warner's Safe Asthma Cure. Warner's Safe Nervine. : Warner's Safe Pills, (Constipation and Biliousness ) THE RELIABLE FAMILY MEDMINES' : For salé by leading druggists everywhere. - Pree sample sent "on nest. . ) WARNER'S SAFE REMEDIES + Dept 203, TORONTO, ONT. iY Improving Nicely. Joseph Tait, Camden East, has undergone a serious operation for obstruction in the stomach in the Kingston General Hospital, and is improving nicely. Nr» Tait is a pros- perous farmer living a few miles 'north of Camden Bast. Coming to Griffin's. "8 Mrs. Vernon Castle, the Den} dros 3 ed woman in America, in thé serial preme "Patria." abroad today.