Daily British Whig (1850), 5 May 1917, p. 6

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1917. PAGE TEN ---- THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 giver ew Ww wood flo of all kinds receive npt atientk Queen street --- Yook's Cotton Koot A safe, reliable regulating medicine. Bold in three de grees 'of strength--No. 1, $1 Nou 2, 83; No. 3. 35 per box, Bold by all druggists, or sent prepaid on eceipt of pricy, ¢ pamphlet. Address; THE COOK MEDICINE CG TORONTO. ON". (Farmar Windses! CITY TAXISTAND / 285 Rifig Street. Opposite Custom House Phone 749 Boat, Train and All City Calls Promptly Attended to. All modern five and seven passen- ger cars used; Special This Week at the _ Unique Grocery. Black, green and mixed Tea, 40¢ 1b. Our Usual good Coffee . . 10c¢ Ib. The best Sweet Pickles .... 40c¢ qt. 5-1b. tin of Corn Syrup .. C. H. PICKERING 490-492 Princess Street. tn, Phone 530. BUSINESS CHANGES NAME The confectionery business of Baker & Co., 302 King street, will from now on be known as Crothers' King St. Bakery Charles Barnum, who been doing the baking in stand for twenty-five years continue to di after the store Quality the best, will be our motto, has this will so and also look nagement of the | { L Pn ion i | | Fruit - Buying | Problem : | Upon the event of your first visit to our store. Our entirely néw stock of choice groceries and fresh vege- tables is now ready for your inspec- | tion, UNITED GROCERY CO. (Rigney & Hickey Bldg.) Phone 267. 10c | chine == ' | 7 ews From Eastern Ontario J EWS FROM THE MSTA {"OLIPPED FROM THR WHIG'S MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES. In Brief Form the Events In The Country about Kingston Are Told --Full of Interest to Many. ke council has £169 to the band.- made a rl Abell,. Toronto, is vis-| mother, Mrs. John Coates, vho is quite ill. 7 hburn residence, Deseron- z used as 'a residence for ho will train at the new therland 'has purchased lious brick house on street east, Perth, from walty. hand daughter, Welling- king up preparing to ttawa, where they will re- re, : ches, Perth, seriously ill estion of the lungs, was Smith's Falls General 1 Tuesday. Hamm, Ernesttown Sta- lerdraining a large por- farm, and is alse contem-| erection of two silos. .. Chapter, 'Daughters upire, Napanee, presented I Harshaw with a life $hem- an honor worthily bes- 74 Division 10 am, Furniture, May Tth, Household St, Monday, A m w e la tion, | tion plating t of | Furniture, 251 Princess Street, Tuesday. L rented by Willi renovatic cupy it Metinllough, Deseronto, has he =tore formerly occupied Stoddart_and after due 1as been made will oc- + drug store. \lore, North Burgess, pur- » Windsor Hotel at West- + P. J. McParland, ang in- it over in a week or as po 224 Ring Street, Oth, 10 a.m. Pian | Household Furniture, } Wednesday, May Antique gurnit wah tends tak two James Per farm in Ba and will he season 1 Hogan, Imperial Hotel, purchased the Taulty rst from P. J. Quinn, | a crop put in for the] as oom hes ok- tor Ww ve A. Parnham, Deseronto, bakery changable price of flour. has only two bakeries. At St. Patrick's Church, Napanee, Monday Bernard J. McWilliams, | 'Richmond Township, was. united in marriage to Miss Sarah Murphy, daughter of the late Thomas Murphy, Napanee At the ar ton Motor cers were George owing to Deseronto ALLEN, The Auctioneer. has closed Telephone 4 Carpenter and Builder | ,, W. R. BILLENNESS Specializing Store Frow and Fit. tings, BemodeMing Hulldings of all kinds. ESTIMATES : EXPERIENCE Address 272 Univ eralty Ave. ! meeting of the Pic- tue following offi- oted: President, G. M. Farring\n Ist vice-president, Dr. Philp; nd vice, E. A. Pearce: seeretary, CC. Clapp Spencer. On April 25th a happy wedding took place at t Methodist parson- age, Brighton, when Miss Silby W MeGillis, daughter of Mr. and "Mrs. H. W. B.. McG . was united in marri with Thomas Orra Mikel, ! Ameliashurg The home of Dodge, Milford pretty wedd n: their only daughter was united in mot Oscar Mr. and Mrs street, \ ne Pressed CEMENT BRICK. With our new style press we can supply A<1 pressed brick and veneer blocks (equal to brick). They are a big improvement the common products. Come and see them. We also sell cement. re-ele Mr. and Mrs. F. L. was the scene of a April 25th, when on itrimony 'with Wil- voungest son of er Striker, Royal | Stri Burleigh's, Verona. ee \ Wa ~---- The oldest resident of Allisonville n the person (Gideon Pine passed away on April 26th after a brief ill- ness at the age of eighty-eight years. Ha was a'son of the late Benjamin Pine and Abagail Gardiner, and was | born in the township of Hillier on the 5th March, 1829, « The wedding took place recently in Edmonton at the home of 'the bride's father, H. Richards, ex-May- | or of Strathewen, of Miss Ada Helen! Richards, Bellevillé, Ont., and Le | Roy J. Leitch, | Rev. R. H. Leitch Samuel Palmer, postmaster at Des | boro, was fined $50 for writing 'a- f IMPERIAL LiFe ) eee The Fmperial Life since its srr. meucement has paid in woliie to ity policy-holdery w ire n five times ns large an & nount as the total paid hy an existing me panies incorporated in Canada during the last twenty years, and 1a_Sddition hay accumulated. a policy-holders' pet sur of $1,048. 462.08, Wivaizuad J. B. Cooke, Dis.Mgr. 332 King St. Fione 503; Residentd 842, --_-- letter for a farmer named Schwartz, | ordering a case of whiskey! from | Hull, P.Q. Schwartz cannot write, | and the postmaster wrote the letter | ) | for him, and thus, innocently enough | our special feed and get results in | became the agent for the booze dis- the egg basket and in thriving | pensary. chicks. This feed is one of our spec- falties and those who use it are its | enthusiastic admirers. Try some and | note the improvement in laying hens | and growing chicks. | GIVE YOUR POUL.- TRY ', CONVICTS TO HELP RAISE FOODSTUFFS |Effort Being Made to Have M C B R O O M | Them Look After Twenty- five Acres For City. 42-44. Princess St. "Phone #688. An effort is being made to have JON M. PATRICK Columbias, Victrolas, Grafonolas All makes of talking machines re- paired, adjusted, cleaned, noises eliminated, i Moderate Charges; Prompt Service; Expert' Workmanship. 149 Sydenham Street i convicts at the penitentiary assist in | the increased production campaign. Mayor Hughes is taking the mat- ter up with Warden Creighton and i § i We Have a Nico Assortment of | 1.0 Cin the Department of Justice men in the "pen™ to till®some of, the soil which is available in the In 2-1b. tins, 5-1b. pails, and 10-Ib. | no applications have been made. It pails, which we are selling for one| is thought that perhaps the peniten- { acres E. H. BAKER Cor. Montreal and Charles St. p $ | at Ottawa, with a view of 'getting ure Com yup | west end of the city, and for whieh week only at the old price. | tary could look after. twenty-five Phone 1263. "} Helping. the a ' Capt. Frederick Reid, of the On- | tario street fire hall is making a | shipment of goods to the Belgians. Kingston RA skilled machinists ney GA motor cycle in the shortest possible time. Give us a call and be convinced. SELBY & YOULDEN, LIMITED, C. H. Powell, Manager. Phone, night, 1 { Among those who have recently con- tributed clothing are the following: | Mrs. C. Fadden, Inverary: Mrs. G. M. | Elliott, Fromtenac street; Mrs, Hen- i stridge, Pembroke street: Mrs. Ful- |Jer, Markland street; Mrs. W. Maec- | nee, Ladies' Aid of Perth Road; Mr. { Tait, Collins Bay; Mrs. J. Lewis, On- it rio street; Mrs. Peter Thompson. {Noble Armstrong, Mrs, McCullough of the Armouries, Montreal street. i ---- To Fihance Home Defenses. { Albany, N.Y.. May §5.--The Mar- | shal bill to authorize county boards jot supervisors to appropriate for {home defence committees such amounts as may be deemed proper to defray expenses passed the Assem- bly today. It now goes to the Gov- erzor, Foundr y. i your automobile or ---- Prof. George Johnston of 'Varsity. Toronto is dead from meningitis. Neilson's ice cream bricks 793; day 1440. at . Helen 'Bernice, | youngest son of the | | he May will on June 6th be paid a Gananoque | i. (From Our Own Corresy t) i May The steamer Belleville was in port for her first call yester- { day morning and had considerable | freizht on board for eastern points. Miss Maud Barnes, trained nurse | of New York City, is spending a few weeks" holidays in town with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barnes, Princess stipet. Michael Pickett, an aged and es® teemed resident of Howe Island, passed away on Thursday after an illness of some duration. The fune- ral was held this morning from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Driscoil to St. Philemon's Church, where mass was sung, and the remains were laid to rest in the Howe Island. burying ground. Mrs. Edward McMaster, of Fitts- burg Township, passed away at the family home on Wednesday after a short illness. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon to Willowbank cemetery. Mrs. J. Arthur Jackson, Garden street, was sunimoned to Perth re- cently by the serious illness of her father, Dr. Kennedy, of that town. William 'Glover, Kingston, was in town for a short time this week. Mrs. John A. Bulloch gave a household science lecture and de- monstration to Grace Church Troop of Girl Guides on Wednesday" after- noon. Three Years For Burglary. Renfrew, May A young man giving his name as Georgie Martin and his home as Montreal, was sen- tence by Police Magistrate Devine to three years in penitentiary, after | pleading guilty to the charge of bur- glarizing H. Coolican's store, and en- | tering Dean & Son's store for the pur- pose of committing burglary. He was interrupted while at work in the lat- ter store, and get out through a win Bow. An hour later he was caught on the C.P.R. premises. VHe had se- cured only a few dollars' worth of 5.-- A CIVIC WELCOME TO GOVERNOR-GENERAL To Be Given By Mayor Hughes In City Hall Monday Morning. There will be a civic welcome giv- en to His Excellency the Duke of Devonshire, Governor-General of Canada, when he arrives in Kingston | on Monday morning. His Excellency will arrive at the C.P.R. station at 10 o'clock and make an inspection of the Veterans At 10.15 a civic] address will given by Mayor] Hughes in the City Hall and citizens are invited to attend. From 1030] till 11.30 His Excellency will be| driven about the city. At 11.30! there will be an inspection of the | cadets at the RM.C. Luncheon will] be served at the college at 1' o'clock, | and at 2 o'clock His Excellency will | address the Kingston Canadian Club! members in the R.M.C. gymnasium: | be MAJOR J. S. STEWART WRITES That a Shell Burst and Cut His Face | and Hands. , \ Postmaster James Stewart receiv- | ed a letter Saturday morning from his son, Major J. C. Stewart, of the 27th Battery of the Tth Brigade. The letter is dated 15th of April, the day after he was wounded, and it states that a shell burst near him and frag- ments hit him in the face and hands, cutting them severely. His eyes are | all right. Major Stewart went over- seas with the late Lieut.-Col. Russell Britton as captain "in the fall of 1914. . | Late Saturday morning, Mr, Stew-| art received a cable from his son's] wife saying: "Jim well, back with | battery." Back Again. | A. E. Pay of the Patterson Mfg. | Company, Montreal, is back again| assisting in the laying of several Bar- «et Specification Twenty-yvear guar- antee roofs for Simmons Bros. This| class of'roof is now about two-thirds the cost of metal. We find that many| of the metal rooks we examine only| require a.coat of our special carbon | 'paint. We give estimates on paint-| ing free of charge. . Police Court Breveties. ; A citizen charged with using threatening language to his wife, in booty in the Collican store. Two More Cornwall Recruits Cornwall, May 5.--\W. O. Relyea, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. G., Relyea, has enlisted with the 75th Battery for overseas dry n of ser- geant. This males t fourth son of Mr. and Mrs. Relyea now in ser- vice, the others being Percy J. Rel- yea, B.A.Sc., with the Ministry of Munitions, London, England, and Gunners Roswell E. and Robert C Relyea, with the 51st Battery over- seas. | Change in Superintendency. M. J. Sheehy, for the past year and a half superintendent of Perth Shoe Co., leaves this week for Que- bee, where he will be superintend- ent of the John Ritchie Co., makers of men's shoes. Charles Albee, Bev- erley, Mass., is the new superintend- ent of Perth Shoe Co., and has had | fifteen vears' experience in the | manufacturing of ladies' fine shoes. { Elected Officers. Brockville, May The cheese 5. board elected these officers: Presi- "dent, John Fretwell, Augusta: first 'vice-president, G. F. Johnston, Lans- downe; second vice-president, David Green, Lyndhurst; secretary-treas- urer, J. B. Wilson, Lansdowne; au- ditors, James J. Sanderson, Oxford, and Mr. McDonald, Bastons Corners; auctioneer, Andrew Henderson. -------------- Bonus to Workers, Port Hope, May 5.---Al employ- ees of the Nicholson Tile Works here who have worked continuously for the company for the four weeks end- | ten per cent. bonus on al] e#rned during that time. Archie McLean, 4th con. Bath- urst, lost a valuable five-year-old horse last week, valued at $200. G. W. Park, Napanee, sold a pure- bred Holstein bull calf last week to E. J. Sexsmith, Empey Hill. GERMANS WANTED TO TILL THE SOIL But Owner of Land Would Not Allow Them to Work On It. Two nnaturalized German citizens were very anxious to get a plot of land fromr the Greater Production Commitfpe to help out in the appeal for more foodStuff's. They were giv- en a nice plot, but when the man who owned the land found that Ger- many were going to 'work the land they refused to allow them to til} the soil, and now the Germans are sad- ly disappointed. The men had been given two and a half acres of land, and were very eager to work it. Louise and Central schools met in 'the public school baseball league, at the cricket field, Friday night, but the game resulted in a football score of 27 to 6, with Louise at the big end. However, Central school has been unable to get a place to prac- tice, and therefore was not in con- dition, but will be heard from later on. With the approach of warmer weather this league will make things hum. wages > re pins A Pleasaut Evening. - The public are heartily invited tn the graduation exercises of the 1917 cinss of nurses of the Kingston Gene- ral Hospital Training School. to be held in Sydenham Street Methodist Chur 'Tuesday next, May 8th, at] eight o'tlock. A splendid programme as usu it today. Police Court Saturday pleaded 'not guilty," but an agreement was made for the couple to live apart, James Pelow, in khaki, was charg- ed with being in intoxicated. He.is a sergeant in charge of guards doing duty around the city, and was re- manded until Monday. Warwick Bros. Give Prize. R, J. Bushell" announces that | Warwick Bros. have donated a prize of $10 for the Exhibiticn exhibitor who is awarded the largest prize money in the vege- table class. Mr. Bushell is sure that this will stimulate back vard garden- ers to greater activity There are twp more classes whexe similar prizes would have the same effect: Miss Watt, chief operator of the Bell Telephone Co., Picton, has heen transferred to the Trenton branch, and 'Miss Dayton, also of the Picton staff is supplying at the Trenton of- fice, . "ITCHY SALT RHEUM Sometimes Called Eczema -- Remov- ed by Hood's Sarsaparilla. unfortunately one of the most com- mon of all diseases. How it reddens the skin, itches, oozes, dries and scales, and then does this all over again! Sometimes it covers the whole body with inflamed, burning patches causes intense suffering, which is commonly worse at night. Local applications may do some god, but 'they cannot permanently relieve. The disease will continue to annoy, pain and perhaps agonize, until the blood has been purified ahd the general health improved. o Ask your druggist for Hood's Sar- saparilla, the good old reliable fam- ily remedy. It has given perfect satis- faction in thousands of cases. In- sist 6n having Hood's Sarsaparilla, for no substitute acts like it. Get nn Ready for Business. P. H. BAKER Is mow in the grocery business, corner of Princess and Fron- tenac streets. Everything new and fresh. Delivery to any part of the city. A trial order sol- icited. PHONE 1016 Coming to Griffin's. Mrs. Vernon Castle, the best dress- ed woman fh America, in the serial supreme "Patria." A woman concen ia what she does Austin's. not know. Kingston Industrial |. Salt rheum is one of the worst and" " 2 my New Serial Story. On Saturday. May 121 12th. the Whig will ecommenee the publication of a new seria Gold," by Stew art Edward White, the renowned novelist, explorer-and hunter. This story 'was reviewed in the Whig's book re view page whenit fiest appeared in book form a couple-of years ago. and it was then noted as one of the finest anid most interesting stories of the day. The Whig, therefore. counts itself very lucky inileed to have been able to secure this splendid serial for ifs readers. The scenes are laid in California during the days of the gold fever of "49, a most thrilling period in the history of the west. Law and order were unknown then. but the fel- low who transgressed the rules of the majority received short shift at the hands of the vigilantees. Mr. White has made that feverish time live forever in history. It is a very wonderful piece of work. He has recreated the past, and we go with bated breath through the scenes he pietures with so much vividness: Part of the story is laid in Pan- ama, which was the route taken by the gold seekers.® If your heart has ever beaten a little faster at the thought of those adventurous days, vou will follow the fortunes of this little party of four with real delight. ' Remember the first instalment of this vivid story will begin on Saturday, May 12th. Be sure and read the open- ing chapters. ; : tory entitled vi A= J A HOME PORTRAITS A SPECIALTY $33 per dozen, 11 in. x 14 in. line prints. For engagement. apply letter to G. BLAKEMORE, KINGSTON. all my«photos in Whig's illustrated supplement may be secar- ed from mee by Copies of \ J BE SURE YOUR MILK IS DELIVERED IN SEALED BOTTLES. All our milk is thoroughly pasteurized and bottled at once. It is safe. It is pure. It is good. Phone 845 - Price's J We always carry a large stock of Grand Opera Records and we cordially invite you to visit our warerooms at any time to hear your favorite pieces. C. W. Lindsay, Limited 121 Princess Street. Remsen ee Grand Opening! Mendel's New Store A Offering special opening bargains for Saturday, May 5th and following days. Slashing bargains in all spring apparel, and extra values in all garments for oncom- ing summer, for women and children. Let us make your shopping worth while. Corhe in and see us at our new home. & Hickey's Old Stand 136 Princess Street. High Class Exclusive Ready-to- Wear & Millinery for Ladies and Children. i

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