__THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1917. | PAGE ELEVEN 0 R Al N D OPER > » mn un N uN a In pial The Dodie s Forum | 2 Vaudeville Acts-- 2 I Nance O'Neil, in H ~ --_. "The Love Question" uEi tThe Pathe News, Comedy and Other CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES mm, TO THE THRIFT HABIT is at tie root of, business Photoplays. ' SFL 1 MODES : m A . ; First Insertion, 1c a word, Each con-| THESE EFFECTIVE AD¥TS. COST \ FURNISH , ig 1 2 Sti). by say OR A ee Al Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday secutive lusertion thereafter, half- little. Once, ; three times b0c; FOUND toria hu ibn sk FACING vie. t help you POLITE, VAUDEVILLE cent. a word. Minimum charge for one week, $1.00. _ CL REN] E STREET Se. 1€Cess is A Five Reel Metro Picture one insertion, 25¢; three lusertions,| -- Aj at hig O OFFICES IN ARENCE ST. CHAM Harold Lockwood and May Allison, in 80c; nix 31; one month, $2. FOR JOKES, PUZZLES AND NOVELTY Spins JOST bers." Apply to A. B. Cunning ham are ¥ May \ toys see Frank W. Cooke, 39 T and handkerchie wo 79 Clarence street mall or la wvited at f "The Promise "» Clarence street k Sr, Friday af padbor & oo . HELP WANTED . = . ; r may have same by call- COMFORTABLY FURNISHED ROOMS, Billie Burk DOUBLE DWELLING, 41 AND 43 DIV. ing a: Whig Office very convenience, at 160 King St ihe ur €, in COOK-GENER AL AND NURSE-HOUSE- Ision street, § rooms and W.C. in ¥ "H THE OTHER : -- ' maid. Telephone 1935 each; well rented. Apply 41 Divis- ght. Apply 52 Wellington ORTABLE FURNISHED "" 116 BRANCHES IN CANADA Gloria' Ss Romance.' fon strebt. | Street i a - » :; convenlence. Apply to MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS, AP- ® re THREE KRYS NEAR GR Aye tox No. 401, Wh Hg Office : ¢ ; . 2 y FENUINE V 'WELVE Hal wily Prinei : ce + Ios Oa GENUINE VICTROLA AND TWEL Hall. Apply Prineipal of Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle "1 850 2020 Ones LINE SICTROLA, AND TWELVE Hall Appl: Re Re Te In a Two-reel Comedy. SMART BOYS - WANTED. APPLY $10 cash and $1.00 per week. CW. Sm rooms for light hose hee " asc NY hd IN! - " 8 ¢ ping; BANK OF [OR N ( ) "The Butcher Boy. Frontenac Moulding aud Glass Co., Lindsay, Limited. FOUND_ARTIC LES ADVER- ooking with gas or coal. Apply Matinee Evening l0e: City. a - . 0D 8 LE 396 Princess street Any Seat 10c Reserved, Se __J% Reserved, Se Extra - LIF " AFTER DEATH-- HEAVEN 2x Anyone finding anything and » » FOR THE KINGSTON G Hell" Swedenborg's great wor wisr.ng to reach the owner may STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, BV] ¥ 4 " most convincing book Over a > 80 by reporting the facts to dry, airy roms; y ea 1onBAN: Georg e B. McKay, Mana ger. F NS! $2%) Hospital. MIF Tote ~ pages. Only 2ic postpaid. W. J Ane British Whig. The adver- key. Frost's City Storage. os Hon. 4 Law, 486 Buclid Ave, Toronto, O tisement will be printed in this Queen street. Phone 526; res. 959 AR G GRIFFIN'S I F I | wowsy wavten ween we goon | TAREE Sow ow ev cues [| ne te ot soiree ce seeps BER a ---- -- Apply Mrs. Hill, 33 'Broek cluding the famows Athlete, Over- clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, with or withc board; sitting TS FOR SALE h land ana Perfect Models. 410 tres Thursday, Friday Sgturday se t 0 etc. These, if lost. may be ad- y | and bicyele accessories George en wa Yt as Muller, 373° King St. Phone 1032 vertised for in the "Lost" column. Frag eh Thad & phone. Apply . Division St., 33 x 145 . ce ee o.. .. ..%450! Monster Double Bill jronK-SRNIHLIY vundeno se. BUILDING LOTS ON ALFRED ST. 2 N= EEE [LARGE WEL Sin an | phone, 1 DUR ~ wn « 0 "oe woms - & ting-rooms, modern Beverly St., 99 x 120 . EE . $1900 Henry B. Walthall [YOUNG MAN WHO CAN OPERATE rooms "each "Atti. semen: collar: 1087, city par Apaly 2s Wellington Pp rate i For r v Je M J .- Apply : > | Collingwood St., 44 x 103 oy $700 The world's greatest photoplay. setor For Se Ar ig way Jor. Dutaide i me. 346 University ave, © A BUNCH OF KEYS, ON BROCK ST. in ------------------ eee ------------ tp ------ ---------- ----e. Reward offered for.return to Whig | xgw sEVEN ROOMED HOUSE, FUR- Cor. Centre and Edgehill, 80 X 125 . $1200 A GOOD WOOD-WORKING MACHINE | BRICK STORE AND STOREHOUSE, IN Office ace, 'gas and electricity, also hen 4 hand; steady work, goml wages smart country village; siore 2- eT seeactvus tet] wom use and large garden Rent $18 [ storey and large cellar all first{ \ SILVER W AT: HH WITH STRAP, ON Sma G preferred. "Apply 420% St. Lawrence Ave., 71 x 122, $15 per foot frontage. _ Pallas-Fictures Presents | Frovienac Moulding and Glass Co. | storey and large cellar! all" arat| Tomy wrt rrr, on | ' | AT oe an estate, quick. G. A. Bateman, Prine ree Finder Kindly re m 67, Clarence street, Kingston turn t¢ 1S Stree Reward THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY | Vivian Martin, in cme me vin meee. vs Bo Ter Ti | Tre is 56 Brock St. Phones: Office 68; Res, $4 "The Wax Model." *| 3h, iis Mer Seiton | S30, o ti tn STYRIA © GHLD. LrT, war, INTL MUTUAL W EEKLY i with mantle lig m- on Sun Finder ' = Prices: Mat. 10¢; Eve. 15c. cleapanLe se ny ANT, AT ONCE, FA-' :; good as new; als. hal light to Whig Office and receive reward | MODERN HOUSE, mn. AND CC. SEPFAR- | JE = » large sideboard with bevel -- wl ¢ i vodwork, with or C : by | t r no, J ase Klass mirror. For quick sale cheap Fodder dod dP Piped ddd ded dod ddd fthout 1a + garden: hot water oming ---- 26 + apne Apply 147 Division street * ath ' furnished house, Sereoop-- Small black purse containiug vse. 168 Princess Mrs. Vernon Castle I ) KARN. MORRIS AVD nies $6.50, between Whig Office and ot + + 3 : A res Fanos uu wis I + +] Fk -- i You Can Count On It In the Serial Supre ne JUNIOR CLERK FOR Ww © A tho 1 ye 1 wish to buy a hig i Fortamouth. Fiuder will he re & | NTT Sor Nice _ ; "Patria." Apply 8. Anglin & . el Se call ons Mr. 0. KF. Te Wi 21514 Vorded. Heirs 0 we (ffiee. } Edgehill" facing the lake. ten When we take care of your storage bat- } and Wel s Frontenac street, and see those on rooms, oak floors, hot water heat- mn exhibition at Ledson 4 FERRER dP ESAS ESTES SEER S SS Ing, electricity hee J lac beautifully wo tery there's no doubt of quality service. BRODY BUI S, CABINET MAKERS, terms to suit ihe puis bl din J & a We have established ourselves as pert | « ente ud handy men for var ER fine den, over thye. 8, § wil come d be a | asus departments Apply Chévrole SEE ME FORK NEW AND SEC FOR SALE OR TO LET. lous out-bulldings | Apply , ill you in an convinced? | ator Co., of Canada, Ltd, Oshawa, hand sideboards, dressers : ------ Cann Real Estate] 32 Brook St | parlor chairs, tables, Sing SUMMER PLACE, COLLINS BRA Phoite 326 or 621, . L LESSES, _ ---------- ing machines, crockery, pletures, large dwelling; about three ac p 4 x ba | Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdny stoves and ranges. Also buy new of land ro bes | R 5 S 8 ar wi r est Phone 1904 124-126 Clarence St. VAUDEVILLE f . . a bo and second-hand furniture. A SAshiny o Lawrence TO RENT Fi i i. of ba . | 3 -- Feature I" hotoplayw --_-- i gy er maid kept Shapiro, 35 Princess street good bath M Theo SE _ ree in : Stuart stree mone | 4 : gld. 247 King : Lngsto TONED spection any ttery at any time | Enid Bennett, in ; PPT Rtaars street Phone LARGE STOCK OF IRON BESS: cov. : Teor ae , ney Tr To [J ches, stoves, men's clothing: also ; » « The Little Brother." i INERAL MAN TO ACT AS new upholstered chairs; military . DENTAL mr - -- Un. - harness, shoes, leather straps! Na- ONE oR T™O ne DROOMS, ALSO roof Nicol Hall, Queen's Charlie Chaplin. i mn versity. Man should be familiar tonal Cash Register. We buy all E. KNAPP, B.A, L.D.S: D.D.S., la Ming room th + place, 1 kinds of new and second hand fur- A me, 258 Princess street. Phone « g ly Box W sr Phone | "© "»" withh machinery Steady position > > . et ~ un uitable Aph be niture. S. Shapiro, 45 Princess 9 13 $§ ring Time is The Co t. ian. suitabt an Apply Nie street. Phone 1237. 652. 3 I _ -- 5 HE LEN HOLMES, in "\ rh kd OF THE DR. 3. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, vl vo I~ Goon CONDITION © WEAP FOR LUMBERLANI LADIES WANTED TO DO PLAIN AND | SE AWOR THY LAUNCH, "forner Princess and Bagot streets rental to desirable party if taken ESTABLISHED 1833 room if desired: hot and cold run- . Matinee 10e, Events 13e. light sewing at home, whole orl oak car ngth 30 ft Phone 626. at o Apply any time after 3 bh Gl i | spare time, good pay; work sem | ! hy Se povsi P.M. 8 University" Ave. between MAY BRIDES any distance, charges paid. Send | Also double boathous half (DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- Princess and Garret Sts . stamp for particulars National | rents yearly) ell equ pped tists, 159 Wellington street, G. C. Manufacturing Co, Montreal ! ei Ti Foon Tr ren lr Dewar, D.D.S. L.D.S, assistant. | FOR sent PATION MAY IST, FUR. . . % ra LL. _-- . ' i cas Apply Jno R . r Phone 345. nished rouse Good residential i We carry a well 1 : sorted stock of STERLING SILV ERWARFE | OVER $2 DAILY EASILY RARNED AT | of Toronto district. Fur further particulars ap- Steele Briggs, Ferrys, and Rennies | Candle Sticks, Gravy Boats, { home on Auto-Knitters making | ply Nickle, Farre!l & Day, 194 On- Vegetable and Flower Seeds in bulk | Bread Racks, Muflineers, y War Socks, experience unnecessary, 2 PAPERHANGING tariv Street, Kingston, Ontario and packages { Spoon Trays, Sugar Baskets. distance immaterial. Enclose three | We make a specialty of choice Mix- : ! cent stamps today for contract i as ) mh form. Dey 't 24C, Auto-Knitter Co Le ed Sweet Peas, Dwarf and Tall Ni s-| ENGLISH SHEFFIELD RAISINS College p-4 lie Torontp, > AUTOMOBILES turtiums in bulk. J : Td -- Our "Limestone City" Lawn Grass om am are packed in THE PEOPLE aariTAL ur As Saxon Service for Saxon Seed will grow. where all others fail ' ' ' eral course in nursing. = Instruc- | Automobiles, with large stock 25¢ per 1b | tion consists of special lectures, [of repair parts and competent fit cur Grass CARTONS, ita ex And demon strurions. mechanics to make repairs Ice Cream Trays, . intendent, 270 W. Cedar St when necessary. J. H. Da- " i WE HAVE STILL A LARGE STOCK | PWELLING HOUSE ON LOWER UN- of wall paper on hand at old prices lon rireet, f occupation from and guarantee to do all work Mav 1st ne Rar further par. nromptly D. Fraser, 78 Willlam ulars appl » Nickle, Farrell & St Street, Kingston, a -- -- PAPER HANGING, PAINTING, GRAIN. ing and kalsomining lames pap ered $4 per room, in BOARD AND ROOMS. [8 Ass HOARD AND RoOM enience central lag 43 Brod Ck stree oboe b bbb pe FURNITURE FINISHING in 1! - oy ! Candle Sticks, | Insist on the RED 'vis, Saxon Distributor. 0d S I] ore Water Sets, 1 Carton. $30 WEEKLY EASILY WADE SE Electric Lamps, ing Automatic & Beaters. Some . | thing every housewife wants, Cus- . AAA AAA Ate ener tomers A guaranteed; sales guarans PP. DRISCOLL FURNITURE FINISH. Branch Post Oflice. teed ead today for sample, only | gy GEO. A. BATEMANS ESTATE er. Call "or drop a cards 23 John Kingston, Ont, ! | postpatil and get wholesale Agency - . Pr A A a a. | | FOR SALE i 8 full particulars of real | Agena) ron = oe ------ send a Dominlon Express Money : | i Five passenger Ford Car. Ney Rung br 3 Wai griek. $3300, BRICK HOUSE, NEARLY NEW, Orde reer . wn. § * rOVeUen 16 Ooms. dou. y : a rr ---- i ° ° Overhauled and in good condi- . " ept. 5, oster, late $d improvements, 8 rooms, dou FOR SALE FRONTES N AND Ih VERT FINANCIAL WHEN ORDERING GOODS BY MAIL, * ble ku ------ rN -- A -------------------- | { tion. Has not been used as mmr | -- ment Socle incorporated 1863; TAXI SERVICE 132 Princess St. Jitney, Bargain. $3000. BRICK, 7 ROOMS, ALL - iw. | TEVES AWNINGS, VERANDAH CUR- Dresident, Soon H, Where the cloek is on the walk. { POSITION WANTED. | brovements, gas amd electric light plies. Fishing tackle, etc. Frank SAO re.president, RING 960. . Clarence St. Garage | -- [dou 33 x 133 side laa W. Coke. 39 Clarence St. King- | ang tarm properties made Sit > -- | TRUSTWORTHY YOUTH, EXPE N-] s3s00 DOUBLE STONE ALL IMPROVE. | ston. Phone 891. country debentures: mortgages pur- Np ~~ ced dn Office work, desir. ments: stable , --~ chased; Investment bonds for 5 Lr permansat position : AUTOMORIL TOPS --- YOU ROD sale; deposits received anda in- Open and Closed | A Delicious Dessert erences. Understands stenography | $4300, BRICK. 11 ROOMS ALL IM- ows rhavered and top made like terest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, and book -Kees . new at half the price of a new top p - N and Boo 3 € eving. Ingagement provements; rear entrance We -have everything for tops manager, 87 Clarence 8t., Kingston. ¥ i 1 0 op - Cars. ! Py x SH Wik ua BRICK. ALL IMPROVEMENTS; cushions, slip covers etc. Jas LIVERPO CAS Hy ~~" |GET Your AWNINGS A sn, tet, swemovievess | SU we DUI . . . | nt $1400, FRAME CT six | CHOICE vu nn which the' policyholders have wor - 3 IMENTS, A , $0 Ww = Ct p i Kingston Taxi Cab || MADE in KINGSTON \ marks. demgng. "Pach. Trine. trade" rioms ond hand farniture yNeare also! Spewity the uniimited' nabiiity of ) ) . : rl vac . RICE open to buy everything in the ssible rates. Before renewin - Patronize home industry; mo better ! mer. Master VACANT LOTS, ALL PRICES. above lines. J. Thompson, 337 Tid or Eng new basinen ng made in Canada than tection" free. 99 St. James St. Mont. | MONEY TO LOAN, 67 CLARENCE S arnsels Mitest Phone 190 rates from Strange & Strange, . ¥ rea Branches: Ottawa, Washingt: AN NS Wakinaten, | Ringston. CC eo i al Agents. Phone 225 Capt. Joseph Dix, - 1 BUSINESS CHANCES Pasay Steam Vulcanizing SAIL MAKER, 211 NELSON ST. || --_-- FAY VOIR OUT OF TOWN socot vrs : LEGAL makes. If you want one, drop him Se and 10¢ Packages by Dominion Xpress oney Or- i Vive Dollars costs three | Ae. B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER The Auto Tire Repair & ow PEE Sal Grasers rin, Tvs Dollars cnnts "Wrce | Avogli, CUVIINGEILN, DARKISSEN cents, ence street. Ki ngston. Exchange > Distributars. INVESTORS WARNING DON'T vey) N SAL ST. one cent .until you re ucoessfu " n 2230 MONTREAL ST. 's Wo Finance, and learn how fortunes ARCHITECT Needs your patrons We have a WANTED GENERAL are made and lost by Investors. | = -- all | a Free trial subscription. Succe POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. antes our | 9 Florist \ COOK, APPLY R. S. Ww ALDRON, ful Finance, 608 8. Dearborn St. | chants Bank = Bulld'ng, norner Your non-skid replaced on re- | 'or. King and Emily stree Chicago. Brock And Wellington streeis, walied section. oo YO | 179 Wellington St. - : ™ 5 go = Give us a test. Pri asonable. | . YOUNG MAN WANTS IVATE Bent Belcer paid for used ennings "| Canter Lilles, Hyacluth, Daffodils, board and room. Apply Box 405 or clean, light work; highest wages while / falr condition. . Spires, Azalea, Violets, Valley Whig Office. W. A. McWilliam, | Somtte wo ponies awe secon (ff learning. Those wishing Steady employ- WANTED -- 084 tion, Ry S. Brien, Caden Bane. men ap I - i . . -------------- . Phone 2 = ---- F OHNSON Eacunnon > Se FHT ry ' P y the, pl er d ring mill 9 rators, Je | for casn or'in part payment of new pattern-makers, handy men and laborers; - | say, Limited, 121 Princess street. . also operators for shell department. SPECIAL EASTER | , The Leading Florist i incur bi KINGSTON HOSIERY. + LIMITED" Apply, J. Farrar, Supt. pply, Meats and Grocerjes - lied Sram batty Siders ica Ee ; wy CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE CO., LTD. = orn : J Kingston st Ontario Swift Premium Hams and Bacon, K { INGS Nw G Choice Western Beef, Veal and Pork, || (i Will be able 16 penis a fo Fresh Eggs, Lettuce, Celery and more customers, and would be Green Onions, FOR SALE plese ure on your windows. Geo. IL. , Prop, 768 Princess 6-Cylinder, 7-Passenger | | ~~ ~------ ; Street. Phone $91. J. M. GORDON 1918 Model Phone 88, : Cor. Montreal & Bay St. ' Nhe. > Hoy i ODER Y wi - Studebaker Auto- possession {rom June 15 or . 13 in Bent between $16 and ct i mobile Ee enna reation: App IX . ABC, Whig. "SEASON IN FULL Full standard equi : pment, new BLAST ly painted and overhauled. PERSONAL ' . Choice Texas Onions _ Bert Stansbury SEND A DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY . Order. Pive dollars sts. three] Star tir Ng Ma 1st all coal sales will be for cash. Florida Cucumbers, Phone 750. 160 Raglan Rd. bi We propose to bo with our customers the bene- Florida Tomatoes | wa. MoLEs, wants, mmvHMAnKs ae =a fits to be derived from a cash system. growths and skin blem- Fancy, hard and ripe. a romoved nerminen ny. Blem- California Asparagus, Removal Sale Elmer" AE abi ™ ors oa : a sid Cauliflowers, Rhubarb, TENDERS wil be received up until Bagot ot | : Jas. Swi 0. y. . | Lettuce, Green Onions, nox May; 14th, ASF, tor MARRY: FOR SUCCESS AD waka] = Fruits; Oranges, Lemons, Four Frame Dwellings both. sex, x IT aay re nibetst . . ; : DAE " 1d ' TO ONTAIN THE Bananas and Grape Fruit 25, king Sint Kus. 427-433. Good Sime realy, Sontlsentil de | Ra Honeskald Fasitars | Highest Price upportumity Jo first class lumber. The Reliable © Jub. a Cai g rubel, | . Fall ulars at the office of adieon, Oak lan all | : a : and Will buy pay fair prices, Rags Rubbers, Iron, part » the Warks, Queen street, WARRY IF LOVELY: 4 | but must be clean and sanitary C : Anderson Bros. Public Usilities Commis- fess eich 'wien mariaa¥ son | : STeRL jovdu : Bram, Camp To F Princes: sed Division = Fe, pata path: | J. Turk, Phone 705 A SPEIZMAN Phones 436 1816 : C. C. FOLGER, Gen. Manager urdie, Box 536, Oakland, Calif 1" ga EE -- oe FR 338 Division Sireet. v g X " -