Daily British Whig (1850), 12 May 1917, p. 13

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> THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 12 1917 A PAGE SEVENTEEN e - = a 7 ( ("In The World Of Easy Travel | ; at Hg Te ot --~ [You Can't Overworlic, Se + | tral stations starting their mechan- | its northeastern states to get water * ls : |in long dry seasons, which frequent- H ism, | NEWEST NOTES So_that an old oil lamp can be|ly occur. OF SCIENCE used 'for electric lighting an incan-| The bureau of standards has found descant lamp socket has been paten-) that better glass melting pots can be . J 1} that has a base which fits into| made of clays found in the United | 3y authority of the Brazilian gov- tbe tines that formerly held the States than of clays imported from! 2 : ie ha t 8 "hi : | Germany, heretofore" considered ne- "9 ernment the railways of that country lamp chimaey. | Uermany, N h t G D h ] " > ay will be connected, pro- Because some roads in-Argentina | cessary. 0 one as etl ur ed a ray-Lort to er, mit 0 one "hu Paraguay will he connects 2 have deeper dust in summer and; The production of fuel briquettes y g y * as for South America: "| deeper mud in winter than any in the United States last year ex yet found a hill to top her. No one has found mud or sand for South America. : | ' others in the world, the wagons used | ceeded 295,000 tons and was the New tiling for walls and ceilings on them bave. wheels from six to greatest on record, being an increase deep enough to make her balk. No one has dared to use all her has grooved edges that fit together h 1 8 & e fifteen feet in diameter. cf 33 per cent from the year before and ig attached by metal fasteners The handle of > s ri ~ 5 '6 8 rn } o ; that enter the back of "each tile, Tho handle of a fountain shaving | = Experiments in France have shown | speed on the level. Frankly, we do not know how much she will do. We have not yet found a test she will not overcome. saving 8 ome Rayne B06 N56 of SOmon}, it has 'or-| is hollow and can be filled w.th | with almost the speed of light and ef- | dered the creation on crown lands of liquid soap, which is supplied to the forts are being made to learn if the | reserve areas for the presez#ation of bristles through a valve operated by speed over the ovean is the same. | fur bearing animals and of birds, es-| 8 button. Five and a half tons of coal are| The government is encouraging burned annually in the United States | pecially of sables in Siberia , . y ¢ A patent. has been granted for a €Xperiments in France with 3 Sovice fo Balh Sueveloped horsepower | . ' . nucilage bottle with a pin valve in| lO protect against hail, essentially a | available in the streams of the ni-| H Wh Sh 11 3 og vo permis he Som large lighting 'rod of pure. copper ion | hay De verythig I ou Lou its top to permit its contents to be vhich is sal é ot ri > >» new laundry machines ured out in small quantities and | Which is said so to affect atmospheric One of the new y G A h Wh boured, yi . ad es mucilage. [2lectricity that hailstones cannot can be used in a bathroom, being | 0 nyw ere, en 3 "a ) lied with water through hose] - . Guns that the automatically load-/ form. supp | ed oe cio gas and ona ay Berlin scientists have found that from the wash stand and emptying | an ow ou ant % 0 y ar have been invented in Scotland for Yast, beside being useful in bread into the closet | . : and beer, can be made to produce On the face of new watches ap-| J MOR Crosba ! --Gray-Dort, 4 ie . IA ha woke Sn reed 500 rw. hoe Just as no one has yet overworked her, so, too, « fog signals, wireless waves from cen- i ) t oi poard an additional dial with a single ' - AA gt sim -- avoring extracts, a muscle builc ing DATS & aac ala / as P| type. bore 3 14x ke 5 4 ~ | tonic and a non-inflammable substl- | hand to 'indicate how tightly their | Power 2. haat fr romani basil Op horas: ; . : . 7 _- \ | tute for celluloid. } | main eprings are wound and prevent tineon helical. Lute C whueror, Thermosyphon no other car, at any price, offers motoring essen- . A large railroad which has elec-|overwinding, | . qa i » Aut bile O } pump and splash lubrication, Westinghouse two unit . utomobiie wners, tritied its New York terminus has| Work has been begun in Australia| starting and Lighting i = Suneeticiit battery igni- tials she does not possess. She will take you 3 ! put into service an electrically driven on a system of locks and weirs that | * Thice 5] sane elute wit compensating springs. ) . o Attention » wrecking outfit whic htakes current (will make the Murray river navig- | double Tre New Bore Ce Saysinpion sith anywhere, as fast as you please, in comfort, | from the third rail that supplies it, able far indand and supply irrigation Gasoline tang under cout. 3 beam heavy duty front . Ww to locomotives. to about 1,500,000 acres of land. Hyatt High Duty bearings, "10 inch po economically. hat more could you ask ? The place where all auto troubles are made right. Auto | Specialists of the department of and external contracting brakes. Pressed steel frame. Springs--tront 37 in. elliptic, rear 50 in. ful! cantilever. supplies of all kinds; cars 1 . '| agriculture, searching for new plants ¢ | Left-hand drive. 16 in irreversible worm and nut type She 1s beautiful In appearance with smooth ' washed and stored. Repair Sea in South America, have learned that steering wheel. Centre gear shift lever. Emergency work a specialty; prices rea- | » gtéer sonable. Call and give us a the navel orange, now so largely H Ipf | H " bra he, right pedal Survies brake, clutch pedal. Accel- . . ) trial. Always open. grown In the United States, origin- e u ints erator. Spark and throttle control on steering wheel. lines and permanently handsome finish the same | | | ftillory ore wood whesle, go demountable rime ata ' . ' ay g x 3g Dominion t ho ol read rear ng- : . ated nearly a century ago near | house lect lighting Lisicur: covered running wari. Deauty that has made Gray buggies famous. DALY'S GARAGE | bahia. er | frock. tome ek: ricum covered ransing board 3353 King Street The government of Brazil has be- seers hel " ol Sy: o> dS het as] Tosi. Senvision windshield, one-man top, tools, Ri h . @ - z gun work on an extensive system of 8 8! ale as > mig agine. < complete, . SS -- J rm------ $50 ork to enable pr oR of [Tae SYindes ould be ging and 18! t through her THRs Gray quality, too. - - = ------ -- ---- et A rarer. | 3 nside examine ( make sur . ; ie in n » 0 e 5 passenger touring model, $910 Reliable in every part and accessory -- body, 7 oe Crm EN {that there is no leak into the cylin. | Ser io TS 18, isi nbss ha tepaive) 3 passenger roadster model, $910 frame and motor, from Westinghouse starting | ed also. If not, the leak in the wat- and lighting to tires and toas. er jacket can be welded and the cast- ing made serviceable again If you] GRAY-DORT MOTORS, LTD. ® wish to experiment before having the 1 e above repair made, try rusting the "Th . G Cl Th 2» X edges together Make a strorg solu Dort Meter Co. Flint, Wich. c ua ily 0€S ear rough tion of sal-ammonia fn water and In the United Stutes: pour into water-jacket. As it works) {out through the leak it fills it with rust and so gradually closes it up. {A ® @ - | | Never neglect a leak of gasoline, | even if it is slight. The colorless | Jvapor accumulates and damaging | . fire may result. If tightening the] = x === joint doesn't stop the leak, rub soap | in. the threads. If the carburetor] n re viv Vg ic. ALL MAKES AND SIZES Saat oll coe emi Vos to ee start the motor if possible. A self- starter is useful here, but one should l DUNLOP, . spin it by hand ir necessary. This DOMINION NOBBY TREAD, re ee ran nat | GOODRICH, ) from the radiator may be thrown on b i voodwork, but never throw SILVER TOWN CORD, water on a Pool of burning gasoline] on the floer, as it only spreads the GOODYEAR, Fone PRICES RANGING FROM $13.00 UP The sites of the rate wear wy | bending action of the fabric, which | will usually develop breaks inside. It] is just a matter of time until the rubber cover loosens underneath and | . ii, S .! ' v the fabric weakens from moisture | \ . - 8 \, N - and decay. 4 , J Se 3 a Be careful when driving on wet | ; [ i =f ) BS Sa V a. by . " . rails; quick twisting of the front] N -- hE : od 9 wheels may result in accident from OM J 3 [ i Naa [the rear of the car skidding sideways X NU : AY ¥ . } when leaving the rails. | b X 4 " Kingston Yr No \ Phone 201. 129 Brock Street. | -- '" :. | Punctures through the thread and Free Air. [fabric of the casing should receive promt attention at all times of the {year, and more particularly in wint- |er. [ $14.50; strong bakers, $14.10. | No. 1 northern, $2.94 to $3.00; No. [Port Hope, 25¢;, St. Thomas, 25¢ to] Filletts, -1bs. . . ie 20 Western, hinds 1b) Ongario flour----Winter, according | 2 northern, $2.82 to $3.00. Corn-- 30c; Stratford, 24c to 26¢; Wood- Finnan Haddie, 1b. .. 16- |Hogs, live, ewt. 16.00 : 22.00 ' | Lo! : to sample, $12.05 to $12.15, track, |No. 3 yellow, $1.64% to $1.66. stock, 33c¢. | § 9234 | ASSO ot The Latest Market Reports Toronto, prompt shipments. Oats--No. 3 white, 69% to 70%c. | . erm 2 Ls ati Ib. .. 1253 [Dien Arenson sae Mill feed--Car lots, delivered | Flour--Fancy patents, $15.00: first | Wheat. { Halibut, fresh, 1b. 2 25 | carcase .. .. .. . 10.00 4 | Montreal, shorts, $45; bran, $42; | clears, 12.80; otaer grades un-! Belleville, 2.40; Brantford, | Kippers, doz... a yy 60 | Vealg carcase, 1b 11 15 LIVE STOCK MARKETS. | $14.75; yearlings, -$9 to. $12.25: i feed flour, per bag, $3; middlings, me Bran, $34.6¢ to $35.50. $2.60; Cobourg, $2.505 Chatham, Perch, Ib... .. .. wn | -- | wethers, $11.25 to $11.50; ewes, §5..| > 15: Z| [$1.90 to $250; Kitchener, $2.75; | Pike, Ib... .. ... 2% | Poultry. {50 to $11; mixed shee: $11 . . Hay--Baled track, Toronto, car Duluth, . London, $2.40; Owen Sound, $3 | Rock-fish, 1b... Chickens, dressed, } PROM $1110 311+ rots, No. 2, $12 te $13; mixed, 39 | DRININ May 11.--Wheat--No' 1! to $2.75: Poterl 5 $2.40: Port | Salmon, Ib, ; § Ib Montreal, May 11---Butcher steers! 25 ' Choice $12.25 to $12.50; good $11.-| J Ge ; straw, $7 10 $7.50. i No. 1 Northern, $2.-| Hope, $2.50; St. Thomas, $2.50 to | Tilefish, 1b. .e 2% | Chickens, live, It 50 to $11.75; medium $10.50 to $11 Torotto vom we sive: NN. 2 Northern, $2.88% to! $2.60; Stiatford. $2.75: and Wood | Trout, salmon, Ib. .. Hens, dressed, Ib ewt. Bulls and cows, $10.75 to $11. | .. oronto. Chicago Y ay, $2.90% asked; July, stock, $2.25 | White fish, Ib... . Hens, live, Ib 00 for choice; good $10.00 to $10.- |g, 0'0uto, May 11.--Heavy steers,| Chicago, May 11.--Wheat--No, 2| A + Linseed, $3.41; .May meee | (fresh) .. .. . 6 ' Tarkeys, Ib 50; poor to medium; $8.50 to $9.75 34 00 Lo $12.25; choice steers, $11." rod, $3.11; No. 3 red, $3.05; No. ¥. $3.35; September, $3.- Barley | Whiting, 1b 1 gk oo ' 1h, Vilas: ue 800d, $10.50 to hard, $3.09; No. 3 hard, nominal, | 28; October, $3.07. Belleville, $1.10; Brantford, $1.05 | NT o Sheep $9.00 to $12 and spring! do common hry lum, $9.60 to $9.75; | Corn--No, 2 yellow, $1.59 tg $1.61: : "bes | to $1.10; Cobourg, $1.30; Chathgm, | Vegetablon, lambs $20 to $28 ewt, {io 0 imon, $7.90 to $9.50; Heifers, No. 3 yellow, $1.58 to $1.60: No. 4! . _ New York, . $1.10 to $1.20; Kitchener, $1: 0; | } Apples, bbl. .. ., 3.00 Hogs, selects $17.75 to $17.90 for |g med] : ry $10.00 to $10.50; {yellow, $1.58." Oats--No. 3 white, |, NeW York, May 11--Flour strong; | wen Sound, $1.25; Peterboro, | Apples, peck .... . 6 Carrots, bush ,y long runs and $17.25 to $17.65 fortcdws. chote $7.00 to $7.50; buteher| 79, to 71%; standard, 701 to JPriNE patents, $13.90 to $14.15: | 1 15. port Hope, $1.15; St Thomas, | Bananas, doz. Celery, bunch ....-- 10 short runs; sows $15 to $1560 and To) ai . ree to. $10.50; .do{ 733.0 Rye--No. 2, nominal; No. 3, | Winter Patonts, $14.05 to $14.30: $150: Stratrord $1 to $1.10; and | Celery .. .... .. 5 |Lettuce, bunch .. 3 Stags $14 10 $14.25 cwt., all weighed | balls, cholce, $8.55 © oo t1oE eRe. $504 "Barley $1.25 to $1.65 Winter straights, $13.65 to $13.90. Woodstock, 90c. Cocoanuts, each .. Parsnips, bus. 2 " wlls, choice, $8.25 to $10.50; do] Timothy --$5.00 to $7.50. Clover-. | Kansas straights, '$14.25 to $14.65. | ! > Cucumber, box f | Potatoes, pk a7 =z | Rye flour firm; fair to- good, $11.00 Oats. Cranberries, gt... . . | Onions, dried, bus, off cars, good, $7.00 to $7.25 do medi \ ; 0 , bhi $i.a um, 9 bd 2, : Calves $8 to $10 for milk fed and [$6.00 to $6.50; Feeders, 900 to | $12.00 to $17.00. Pork bs. 10 $11.50. Hay firms No. 1, $1.15; Belleville, 75¢; Brantford, 60 Dates, 1b Onions, green, bun 5 ve, Le; Mantford, ae; y ew .e { 18, E ' . $6 to $8 for feeders. 000 Ibs, $8.50 50: of Lard--$22.25 to £22,365. Ribs-- (no "a \5 110: No. 3. 9&e iy ---- : 125 %0 $6.50; aris: do bulls, $5 $20.10 to $20.30. VW [Fo FLAG to $100; No. 3, Bie lof Cobourg, 76¢ to 80e¢; Chatham, Goc | Grape-Fruit, each. | Turnips, bush. Chicago. [1bs., $8.00 to $8.50; do med., 650 to { quiet; state, medium to choice, 1918 | 12 $0¢; Kitchener, 75¢; London, 78¢ | Lemons, doz .. .. .e . Chicago, May - 11.--Cattle--re-| 750 Ibs., $7.25 to $7.50; do light Montreal 132¢ to 37¢; 1915. Ge 10 Se: 'Pacific to 80c; Owen Sound, 88¢c; Peterboro, | Lettuce, head .... f i Hides and Skins--John McKay, ceipts, 2,600; Market steady: native 600 to 650 Ibs., $7.00 to $7.25: Can.| Montreal, May 11---Corn, American coast, 1916. 9 to/11e; 1915, 7 to Se. T5ey Tory Hope, 75c; St. Thomas, | Oranges, doz... . f Limited. beef cattle, $8.90 to $13.30; stock-| ners, $5.00 to $5.25; Cutters, $6.50] NO- 2 yellow, $1.60 to $1.65. Oats, | Hides steady: FI gota, 43%¢c: Cen.! 0¢ to 95c¢; Stratford, 79%; Wood- | Pineapple, each ! Cow Hides (green), lbs. ... 20 ers and feeders, $2.16 to $10.00; to $5.75; Sheep, light, $11.00 to| CANadian Western, No. 2, 87¢; do., 'tral America, 42%e. Leather firm.' Stock, 85c. Radishes, bunch .. . 6 [Calf Skins, lbs, .. .. .. .. .30 cows and heifers, $6.25 to $11.10;(314.00; do heavy, $8.50 to $9.50: NO. 3, 86¢; extra No. 1 feed. BO, {remiacns: Moats Coe: gather firm; , | Strawberries, box .. .. 5 |Deacon Skins, each, up to .. $2.00 calves, $8.75 to $13.25. Calves, = $8.00 to $13.00; Spring| Barley, Man. feed, $1.18.. Flour, | . : pits esd Tomatoes, Ih. . .. 'a | Horse Hides (mane and tall Hogs-- Receipts, 50,000; market |lambs, $12.00 to $14.00; Culled! to $11.25; choice to fancy, $11.30 : be Hay. Ee - {on}, each ... Teves 00 Slow: light, $14.50 to $15.60; mixed, | lambs, $9.00 to $12.00; Hogs, feq| Man. Spring wheal patents. firsts, | GENERAL TRADE. Bellevillo--baled $10.50; loose, | Grain, | Sheep (fresh take off), each 2.50 $15.15 to $15.70; heavy, $15.10 to'and watered, $17.00-to $17.15; do| $15.10; seconds, $14.60: strong ER eensinad { $9 to $10; Biantford---bales i | Barley, seed, bush | Tallow (rendered), lbs. .. . 08 31525 Aoush, $15.10 to $15.30; weighed off cars, $17.25; do .fo.b.,| bakers', $14.40; winter { patents, | Butter. Inose, $10; Chatham--bales, \12 to | Bran ton... es f pigs, $9.75 to $13.70; bulk of sales,| $16.25. chofce, $14.00; 'straight rollers, $13,-| Butter sold om Saturday's farm.| 311: Kitchener--baled, $15 to $16; | Buckwheat, bush. . Pow up the old sod that has been $15.45 to $16.65. 50 to $13.80; do. ba , 1 14 $15; 1 id] -80; do., bags., $6.50 to $6.- er's markets over Ontario, wi id. | loose, to : London--oose, | ¢ i ! th ra aro. Wh with oy $13.50: Owen Sound baled, [core Srathed, owt. . .. [sown two or three years, and sow Sheep--Recepits, 14,000; market GRAIN QUOTATIONS. 65. Rolled oats, barrels, $8.25 to'er range both way, at from 22¢ to Jeady; rn. J1l.28 £9 am ---- $8.50; do., bags, 90 Ibs, $4.00 to $4.- 50¢ per pound, as follows: Belleviile, $13; loose, $12.50; Peterboro-- -bal-§ Corp, yellow feed | Sorn oF robs, o plant potatod, iA h : $13. 85. Toronto. 25. Bran, $43. Shorts $46, -Midd-|42¢ to 50c; Brantford, 43c to 45e:| 0. $16: loose, $14: Port Mepe---| pyar 35 [ 1Gavy seer IE Ol peas 8 EN _Noromto. May 11--Manitobs wheat lings, $48 to $50. Mouillie, $52 to| Cobourg d2¢ to 43c; Chatham, d5ej baled. $18; loose. $11.50 to $14: | piour, ewt, firat Eo PUN ols. of Ite. Law. Attion Raat Bullaior Tn® sas 1a. | RE: ,Northern, $3: No. 2, $2.97; $67. Hay, No. 2, per ton, car lots, | t0 48¢; Kitchener, 42¢ to 45c: Lon-| Stratford: loose. $3 to $12. and grade i... .. | ast Pod ap Bo Nil i as tle--Receipts, 2,800; market a pet $2.92: No. 4, $2.80, track, bay | $13.50, don, 43c to 47¢; Owen Sound, 32¢c; Woodstock--baled, $13 to $17: | pour, ewt, second ied d pleasure next shipping stéers $9.50 t $12 50. Ports. 5 5 to 35¢; Peterboro, 40c to 48c; Port! loose, $14. | geade .. .. x ; |muech comfort and pleasu nex butchers, $8.50 to $11 Po 31380: 1 Manitoba oats--No. 2 O.W. 88 %¢; Winnipeg Hope, 42c; St. Thomas, #4c to 45¢; | | Feed flour, bag . 3.10 350 | summer) S50 star 0 ou: heifers, | No. 3, 88¢, all rail, delivered. Winnipeg, May 11---Wheat--No 1 | Stratford, 40c to 42c; Woodstock. | {Hay, baled, tom .. 12.00 13.00 | tae rmbt) han 4:80; cows, $5.75 to $10.-| American corn--$1.68%, nomin-| Northern, $2.86; No. 2 Northern, | 4¥¢ to 45c, | | | Hay, loose, ton . . . we | $100 Reward, $100 will be "50; bulls, $6.50 to $10.50: stockers al, subject to emb. : | i . X Argo. $2.83; No. 3 Northern, $2.78; No. | + Yo ---- 5 i re : i Oats, local, bush, . eu 85 io The readerg of this paper SJ feoders, 37.80 to 35.30; spring-| "Ontario cats--No. 2 white, 748 to] 3. $3 66; No 5, $2.41; No. 6, $2.11 Eggs Kingston Markets =f { Oats, Man., bush . A er i So Ste Toad | Shorts, middlings 46.00 52.00 Yorn able to cure In all ity mages, and & = i.23 ers, active, $50 to $125, 76¢c; nominal, accordin Belleville, 4c to 36¢; : v g to freights| feed, $1.40. Oats--No.2 CW.,! eville, 4c to 36¢; Brantford, {21e to 35¢; Cobourg 3le; Chatham, , |Btraw, baled, ton. . ' | that és caterrh. Catarrh being greatly influenced by wtitutional condones { Veals--Receipts, 2,000; market ac- outside; No. 3 white, 73¢ to 76ec. 78%e¢; No. 3 cw, 78%ec; No. 2 Straw, loose, ton e N | St A Fo » | % 5 b requires commtitutional, treatment tive and steady, $5 to $13.50 Ontario wheat--No, 2 34¢; Kitch 30c to 32: Lo | : . -80. hs inter, per | feed, 74%¢; No. 1'C.W., on track » ener, to 32¢. London, Hogs--Receipts, 9,000; market ac- | car Jot $2.88 to $2.90; No. 2 7 ' es *{34¢ to 35¢; Owen Sound, 29 1 " Iw . » 3 ; . $2. 90; . 2 winter, ! 7135c. Barley--No. 3 C.W. $1.. ' Sound, 2c to 30¢;; Kingston, May 12. | Wheat, local, bush. 8! vo | Halts Cane Cure 1s taken internal » Peterboro, 33¢ to 35¢; Port Hope.| Products. | ! ana Sox rough te Blood ied id tive and steady; heavy $16.25 to] $2.86 to $2.88, accordin: : . ; at . v 88, to freights| 233%; No 4 C.W., $1.18% ; rejected '$16.35; mixed, $16 to $16.25; york- | outside ne . rack. $1. |32¢; St. Thomas, 32c to 3c; Strat.| ac Byatemn there. 116.05: a h . $1.00; feed, $1.00; on track. $1. ay Ns ; Strat-; Butter, creamery,lb 46 43 4 {Alunous Surfaces of em these ers. 31 to 316.05; light yorkers, | Peas--No. 2 nominal. 23% Flax--No, 1 NWO. $5. =. rd, 3c to 35c; and Woodstock, | Butter, rolls, 1b. .. 40; 4% | Beet 4 ; : rar ias Ihe Toundaiten of the ais. The. $14 tn wr 0iE%, $13 to $14; | Barley--Good malting, $1.35 tol No. 2 C.W., $3.13; No. 3 C.W,, $3.00, | ¢ '© 3c. {Chebse, Wh. x. 000 .. 30 SO | bctiding up the constitution and assist-- roughs, $14 to $14.25; stags, $11.50 $1.37; feed barley nominal Sn AE * SI Eggs, fresh, doz. . 38% 40 1 . {ing patore in doing its werk. The to $13, Buckwheat--Nominal. Spring Chickens, yy TS ---- inds, | proprietors have so much faith the Tro Betieriie 38 to 36c sur pound; ERE Sheep and lambs--Receipts, 7,000; | Rye--No. 2, $1.88 to $1.90 M i Bran : 7,000; . 2, $1. 90. inneapolis, May 11. pe : : or any dase STIS 5 VURE. Hond market active and lower, wool lambs, Manitoba flour--First patents, in May, $2.80; July, $2.37 Piggy Te aioe. on soc} hours, Bog Fete, tbe h Ih or da nied lr for Mat of testimonials, A Address: ¥, J. CHENEY & CO. To- $13 to $17.25; clipped lambs, $9 to | jute bagsu. $15; .wecond patents, cash, No. 1, hard, $3.08 to $3.10. 33¢ to 2dc; Frei: : ac red "i CHENEY & CO. To. : i ) "e's . 2 lo, Ohio. } w he (#

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