Daily British Whig (1850), 12 May 1917, p. 18

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of | hes OF THE DAY A -------------------- CHURCH SERVICES || ois moe or Mother's Day is Tomorrow JENERAL INTEREST. UENEHAL INTEREST Gibson Art Line of ie s Day Cards and Booklets from 10c FUR STORAGE St. Pauls--~Re tanat Ys . oa 33 Mother . Say 4 Frvice, , ja Happenings In the City and Vicinity |! to 30c each. i. M 2d. A ecto Kaki ' modern. Miss § wil ~--What the Merchan{s Offer to the| Safe, Reliable. 11 oa Drea ein, r. recite "His Mother's Sermon." Sol-| Readers of the Whig. MUSIC SPECIALS TONIGHT Sunday school, § ; wn. ov i i £ 2 ! . : 3 L In Bargains in practice pianos, ati I atest Popular Music TE Rae for 25¢ Telephone 489, our fur i . Co - Jb Yorth League wissionaiy aicetin ere was no session of u Standard and Operatic Music (regular 40¢c) | . 3 for $1.00 A aw's Ch aR \ Monday, 3.10. e Court on Satur norr van will call. i . a i} oy ur ' ig TEA ry -- ) . - aud ¥, Ottawa Jo d 'ress, . >: JUNE MAGAZINES NOW ON SALE nd 7pm. Sunday school and LBSA--Class meets for Bible | is in the eit i : Pictorial Review (beginning new serial by Emerson F lough, com- 3 pm. | Eon nttince Murat roo. Lae at McAuley's, or e 564, plete in three issues), Delineator, Fashion Review, Designer, The am. and 7 p.1 JOHN MCKAY, ers, students, and sold ily} ghey, 3 if No JT vey the Sc: bive, & Redline Fashion Book, Fashionable Dress, McCall's. PAGE SIX _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1917 £ Bible 1all Alway Kingston club, held a dance i Limited. : - rkness";. 7.30 pu. topic, "The | City Hall on Friday evening Live, Snappy, Breezy, Parisienne. - k St. . Calvary Congregational Church, Queen's Chamber of t! e ( \t Pyra-| Rain prevented the baseball match . 149-157 Broc corner Cision snd Baot Strouls. a Wh Symbolizes.* All| Friday afternoon Letween Macdon- Photoplay, Motion Picture Magazine, Picture Play, Peoplys : that 1p! interest I 5 ud lcome. | qld : sntral schools p : 7 Ba fini Soi tr Argosy, Smith's, Blue Book, Adventure, Railroad Man's, Cosmeo- Chialmees. Barvie and a Streets | say's and hear some of the new May politan. Rev. M. Macgillivray, D.D., min-| victor records, ister. Services: 11 am. os A service will be held at St WEEKLIES --AIl Story, Literary Digest, Saturday F. .vening Post, Thoughts on Power, Process a lark s, Deseronto, on May 13th in i} : and holt actise Re Product in the Greater Things of memory of the late Bishop of On- Country Gentleman, Life, Puck, Judge. J Lvall. pasto be dideau Life." 7 pm., "The Microscopic and | tario. : t Telescopic in the World gf Mrs. Kennedy, Montreal street, a : Things and in the World of Man." | was removed to the Ho Dieu On e Union Sunday school," 2 p.m.; prayer meet.! Fpiday in James Reid's motor am- O1 e, St. James' Church, corner ; 3 r streets A seats free. ing, Wednesday, 7.20 p.m.; mmun- bulance Underwood and re Ww : A., Te tor The Hants Tres at the Manse, Friday, ie-Gen, H. Panet and Capt. 160-162 Princess St. Open Nights. Phone ol PA rc AP ti Rev. T Savary gs . 1 rectory. 152 Barrie street Fifth 7.30 pm Strangers cordially invit-| Kenneth Carruthers, who were 1 & a.m., holy ed to all the services, slightly wounded have returned to Sunday after Easter. { - Ty ™ communion: 11 am. morning r P duty, EWI ers r and litany. Sermon subject, € Bethel Congregational Church, | building lots on "Sidney Heights," | p : " oa! 3 ; Days." } p.m., Sunday Johnson and Barrie streets--Pastor: | Eas r , are selling fast This hool. 7 p.m., evening prayer and Rev. T. De Courcy Rayner. Resi-|is a sub-division owned by J' R. 8 . -. New or Rebuilt sermon, "'Rations." , dence, 220 Johnson street. Phone McCann, King n. . 3 { ¢ 2116, Services 11 am. and 7. p.m.; Lieut. "Jack" Williams has res ® Rented and Repaired. pe - mn. A : o | i ay s 3 v 11 a.m., covered from his wou in the foo First Church of Christ, Sc jentist, Sunday school, 3 p.m Johnson street, between Bagot and Mother's Day service. The pastor! and has been discharged from hospi- | Wellington streets Sunday s ol will preach, his topic being "Jeesus | tal to 2 batelion, er ) OY ( na 9.45 am.; service, 11 am. 3 ct, and His Mother." 7 pm, Abraham H. F. Ward, Tweed, is expect --" i "Adam and Fallen Man.' Wednes- Shaw will preach. Let all rally to| ed in GaRanogue next Wednesday to 4 : 3 nue the managenient of the { Qur windows re Nniete day evening testimonial meeting. these services Wednesday; 8 p.m, | Ist I 1 : i . g 58 nite ave voting Frid: Thousand sland Railway Public reading room same address, united prayer meeting; Friday, 8 p a 3 J . with suggestionsgfor wedding Portable, Fouling, 8 3 Je. Rib- open every afternoon, except Sunday. m Y.P.S.C.E.. Welcome to all ser- " H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 { " a mgd bons an arbon rapers. 3 to 5 o'clock. All are cordially in- vjces, Come King street. Leave orders at McAul- |§§ Tea N > . Filing Cabinets 3 y's Book Store | N\ Fea Setts, Roast Platters, - ited to the services and the read |ey's Book Sic { \ } Wal foe A \ _ ; \ A Entree dishes, Soup Tureens, Office Furniture hE TOO Queen Street Methodist Church--s There was a good sized market on \ ® Bread Trays, Cas 1 Rev. J. D. Ellis, pastor Mothers' | Saturday morning Potatoes sold | / H rays, Casseroles, a s hur 1 ANDErGReE aalifs ; from $3.75 to $4.25 a bag, eggs] 3 wen J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 3ruck Stree) Meindl ) | hen, oa) b.xper en ew ting, 10 a 2 Th She to 404 + dozen. and butter] \ 4 alrs O Cut Glass in variety, and 41 Clarence Street. corner Brock an bpsren ; | public worship, am. and 7 pm; from 40¢ a lb. { the very best of workmanship. George 8S. Clendinnen, pastor, wil Sunday schoc adult Bible class and conduct services 11 am .and 7 p.m. Young Mens' Club, 2.45 p.m.; morn The immigration inspector here] . . Personal rifts for the Bride Sunday school, 3 p.m Morning: ing topic, "Mother im~War Time"; | has been notified that hereafter alll ' and Brides : or pt Rh theme, "Greeks Seeking Jesus." In .7 m Prof. Chambers of Queen's Americans entering Canada and of ane 3 ) maids are here to. military age must be put on record ts Y suit a desires, . the evening the Bsycle Circle will as- University, will speak on the Armen I I i -- - mA - | srobler 3 ' srson will | 48 to destinatipn and length of stay . ian problem. G. W. Anderson will In Platinum or Gold. hive charge- of the club in Bible | in Canada i ~ studv. Seats free. Everybody wel- Prot. J. M. Lanos has been quite lA = come ill during the past few days and -- 4 - : = i unfit to respond to the call to pro-! 3 0 Achievement Cooke's Presbyterian Church-- | eed to France. His attending phy- | } | 10S minister, Rev. E. R. McLean, M.A, | siclan states that it will require : [1 ! -y Through B.D., 372 Brock street. Minister at| !ong period of rest to restore hin, | if YN. NN d Jewelers and Optici both services, 11 a.m., subject *"Miss-| and that going to France is abso Issuers uf Marriage Licenses, ( ionary Mothers." Baptismal service, | lutely out 9" question 5 _ 11 am.; beginners and primary Prevost, Brock street, has receive NY -- ' . Glasses. school; 3 pm. main school. [all his pring aby ge good for ; t I'his yeay s' model; medium Speeial observation of Mothers Day. | lis order clothing depar ment, n MEN TT : ¥ "i: ie hens will sheak. 7 | Ready-made clothing he has in stock ! bust; made from good quality Ex-President Roosevelt Rev. J. W. Stephens will speak. 7 vf / : i A : oct "The Y 'g po ] ne lin f Blue and Gray . asi . ner) k was awkward and stupid as p.m., subject "The Youth's Oppor 3 er ie ne of 8; en 4 x coutille: satin trimme d . four a boy until he suddenly dis- tunity". } Monday, 8 p.m., Young | Dra net: ober. Hos hos a Trade ) ) Sinra on covered that he could not see | People's Society; Wednesday, § pm. | (0 leave their order. Ho nas iso 19) : hose supporters combine com | changed his career. Sydenham Street Methodist Church | . PARADIS As tnuel 22 otheg Boys, Bre yey meotibE. Strangers welcome, Furnishings v 0 0) fort and freedom. Sizes 19 to ' I f 1Y S f TAXI STAND He tals us S00 ] THE PRICE OF CHEESE E14 30. A regular $1.25 .98¢ " Always ready for your call -- Yours may be such a case. £ Rev. Alfred Brown, pastor, will | | Buyers Think 2214 Cents is Enough [ line. On sale tonight - day or night. Come in and get our spec- pren:t at 2th services. nu a.m., This Season. # ss BR . ® Fishers of Men"; 7 p.m., "'Pharise GARAGE FOOT | Wists Avice, £ and Publican." Music by navies It is said that cheese buyers have | "New York style Silk Suits, beauties, $25. 00 All kind of Fox Stoles Consultation free, ¢ and full choir. Class meeting, Wd54 reached the conclusion -that 2213] suitable for Summer OF BROCK ST. am.; Junior League, 10 a.m.; Bible | cents might be the basis for the sea-| White Silk Boot Hose ce ee oe... .. 35¢c Wear school, - 2.45 p.m.; Senior League, | son, but such a price would not be| Phone 322; 611 | x Ci , { Monday, 8 p.m.; trustee meeting, | acceptable to the producers some of| washed. 7.30 p.m.; quarterly official and whom consider that in view of the} Black Silk Boot Hose Cw ws wees we 39¢ Oil For Sale. % te 80d i ' ; 97 1L Sn, - . - ' . trustee boards in joint session, Mon- | high cost of feed a price of 27% B. PARADIS, Prop. ing day, 8 p.m.; district convention, | cents would be 'necessary fo relieve Silk Boot Hose, popular shades s+. B0e our i I | ' J Wednesday, 8 p.m. Soldiers and | the farmers, | . . . . students specially invited. A cor- Buyers in Montreal have suggest- Pictorial Patterns for June i . dial welcome to all. |ed 22% cents, One vendor says 25 cents is not| : 80 Brock Street St. Luke's Church, corner of Prin-! too much when all the aspects of the| en ~ -» i . . ~ REAL ESTATE } . cess and Nelson Streets--Rev. J.| milk situation are considered, in-| oo ) | Phe Iden | } Nelsa {milk . © one 700 Go Grocery de P or W ht, M.A, B.D, -| clud the high-freight, and insur- ' . BARGAIN " > tor. ae Allred trent. Phone 871. { ee oh ter abinTy Cnty: & A F Cl Rogation Sunday. 11 a.m., morning TY ewman aW sss { ayer. S subject, "God t} 7 Five Brothers Servin ¢ mm | ancy ove Per TAS ay Jed the Pte. Poy But! oy Calgary, na phew | THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. R T= L . . | and Bible study class; 4 p.m.| of Mrs. M. Woodrow, Lower Bagot New Single Brick Churching and Holy Baptism; | street, is ill in an hospital oversas. | 86 Bay Street 7 pm. Evening prayer, sermon He left Calgary with Lleut.-Gol.| i subject. } Man's Co-operation. Mason's Battalion, and has been in : In ohe pound sections, 25 cents each | \ysic: fAnthem, "Tarr With | the trenches for over fourteen. | Fresh California Prunes, nice and : y thi A -- Sevea rooms and attic: furnate; { C Sy. Me. O My Saviour," George Graves! months. He is one of five brothers | --~ > Ansmann rp ~~ mn electricity and gas; large barn; uiey ... . 10¢, 1234 ¢, 15¢c. Ib. | and "choir, "Gently, Lord, Gently | who are doing their "bit." | BUILDERS' SUPPLIES weey Ju A lot 60 foot front. Owner leaving | Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs for 25¢. Lead Me," unaccompanied. Seats H-- f elty. Will sell at a bargain. FE 15¢ Ib, iq Et Cog icy . G s . p vee ees free. Strangers and visitors cordial- The Old, Old Story. CLOSING OF MAIN . EE Sweet Cider ... ... ... 40c a) ly invited to attend. If you love the story of God's love British mail cioses irregularly. Baled Shavings ---- | and salvation simply and earnestly Information posted at P.O. Lobby . . : ' Splendid bedding for Hall from time to time. ANN , First Congregational Churchi-- | told, go to the New Orange McC corner - Wellington and Johnson ground floor, nearly opposite Y. M. United States, daily . § SZ Brock Street. W. R.McRea & Co. streets. Pastor: Rev. T. De Courcy! C. A., Sunday night, 7 o'clock. 30 a.m. and 11.30 p.m. horses and cows. Phone 336 or 631. Rayner. Residence: 220 Johnson': : Yeand Trak me and 11.30 pm. Also useful for street. Phone 2116. Services 11 a. | -- Grand Trunk, Toronto and m., and 7 p.m.; Sunday school, 3 p.! Stat, including one eb am. spreading over floors $18530--New Dwelling, garden (ull m. 11 am, Abraham Shaw will : - G 4 T k and al t lanted ). < preach; 7 pm. Mothers Day ser- | *T}e Hat Store" rand Trunk ind iil wen, Co and damp places. aun ine Wl: bomen Mote Fan | i SES 01s 45 see Lis fm All clean shavings, || 56200 Aired St, on car Niue, row , "When others Fail' | Ts . 8 brick dwellings. 'Rechab Tandy will sing at this ser- mh tad price 50¢ a bale. | $2300--Earl St., possession at once. vice, You need the help and inspir-' - $4400--Aberdeen Ave ation of these services, so come and $5000 Clergy St. West, enjoy them. First Church, "The { P. J. MORAN PRESIDENT TO RENT church with a welcome. "All seats : bute Albert St., all improvements, $20.00 free. } 2 | City Baseball League Gets Off to a Johnson St., Stable and storage. i St. George' w GC "athedral--Very | 0 | 1 my - Go ball A . aeoted ev. G. Lothrop Starr, M.A., D.D., es | he City Base Sagne eapte * P 3 ¥ x {the following officers at a meeting Bay and Wellington Streets, oi. dean and Féctor; Rev. Cecil W hailey, | i | M.A., B.D. priest-vicar, 138 Bagot | £ | held Friday evening: P. J. Moran, King=ton, Ont. : street. Telephone 1444. Rev. vo | oH - president; James Ahern, vice-presl- Phones: Office 66, Factory 1415 Sellers of Real Estate, Boyle, M.A, assistant, 120 Welling- | r {dent; F. JT Holmeés, secretary treas- Cor, a Di bbon Sts. ten street. Telephape 1904, | | eo A he i ~urer; first honorary president, § E Lumber, Conl and Wood saad z ones an By Sunday after Easter. 8 am. Holy | | Trotter; honorary presidents, W. F.| oma Communion: 11 am. matins; | y i Nickle, Col. A. BE. Ross, Mayor| a preacher, Rev. Cecil Whaley; 3, ; | Hughes, W. B. McKay, Brig-Gen, T. ' exall Stores ER ! p.m., Sunday school ad Bible class, | | D. R. Hemming; honorary vice-pres { y IB Tt I confirmation class; 4 p.m, holy | ! idents, J. G. Elliott, W. R. Givens, N A Br IT TY DRUG STORES baptism; 7 p.m. evensong: preach- | Two heads are bet- | Jack Fleping; Tig teats were re- or i xed presented at the meeting, James Re YD ua ns eo ter than one -- but | Newman, Victorias; Joseph Daly, E. id * £5 intercession in chapel daily at 10 not under the same [Snundeis, Panigs; Ww. Famer Ath- ] : == a.m. except on Tuesday, wh er. { feties: G. Matheson an « son, 2 : And h luded i {fem 1s at § am: Thursday, Aseen- ||} hat. We have hats JJicrLc The victorias wili hola a | @ a S nd various apes are inclu in our sion Day; 10 a.m., Holy Communion. for everyone -- men i Meeting an Monday and on Tuesday J ; . © schedule wi » rawn up as 2 ghowing of Boor ¢ coverings. Wheraver YOU Di tine Ai pe women, boys and [fi *il then be Known It that team wih ' ' enter, Y ave space for a rug, we have one to fitit. = A small hay crop is looked for on girls, and from the | n. : oo BROWNIE CAMERAS Y ve onl ' S Wolfe Island. y Bos: ou have o Y 50 come here with the di = ah, Prominent farfer on Welle tv y We ude Reis Pui y mensions and we will show you invari =lng sued to the Whig on Sut if i itis a Verv cas G. E. Hasue, Treasurer Armenian] J L FILMS, . ous s and colorings that will appeal FB ed on the isiana. Te also stated that Ey ary Jp fosaer una sk scmicuges ie sukt SUPPLIES. to you and most of all, th t. S| It looked 1 if the sland would have | matter to make a [files subscriptions: 0 you o e prices are ow! ' 8 poor crop of hay as compared with lect 3 ih, Gananague, 31390. = other years. The meadows are look- ||] 200d se ection. iE io er anam ster Epiyorth League, | Kodaks f $7. 00 up. The cold weather has cF: | been a great drawback. | : i oo ny Axderadn, $3 : Brownies from $1 25 up. ul, Given a Call. ~ hn iH vies server ert Horsey ; | J Sey of Picton) . R. H. MacKinnon, BD, a Y lected he: ! \ » ¥ \ | graduate of Queen's, recently sup- (} George Mills & Co. | was elected a member of the Ontario D St | piving fhe pulpit af i] Pr ff omiaus Liveral Association execu-| 4B ] S rug ore = Churen, , Alta., since} ecs for Headwear Capt. Dancey left this afternoon | : { S LT Maras fl fer flier Mouireal to ve present ut" the ; Wc

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