PAGE SEVEN da ' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1917 SAD DROWNING ACCIDENT ; : i FOSTER OF WII Chatham, Ont.--*] was sick for aboyt | PANTEL JOHN . > 2 ; four years. Got very weak, could pot | KINSON'S MET DEATH FRIDAY with r 3 eat to -amount tc and cur vthir I got {When He Fell OF Boat Tnto the | 4, and Water Vinteft--Capt. | conclu n that = Attempt | Will consider for Not +E E03500000 SEPEPEE PEED Told In i Twilight § = ' PERSONALS. Well- known Wom en. Good News for Sufferers From Kidney Diseases Probs: Fair, a little higher temperature Sunday Py you. have experimented | of th s for kidney have all are alike a me i | ; at Pyke Rescue--Deceased} Cap Made ent tha liver market for Hewor eo * + a Could Grant 3 Mrs. Walter Macnee was ho 88 at a delightful luncheon at the « joan- | try Club .on" Wednesday, when Mrs. | P. Hunter was the guest of houo -- | the other guests including 'Mrs. JAB. | Carruthers, Mrs. R. E. Kent, Mrs. | + T. D. R. Hemming, Mrs, PC. Steven. | son, Mrs. Sanford Calvin, Mrs. Er- nest Cunningham, Mrs. J. L, Whit- | On Sale from 7 to 9.45. ing, Miss Bessie Smythe and Miss | Mabel Gildersleeve. | * * * | "Miss Bessie Smythe, West street, entértained informally at the tea! at Swim, horn | or the bh! would not buy it rega- owned off] larly Warner's Safe Kidney and com [re r Cure is made a formula tried and tested lements beneficial in the dis ed kidney in Just read the bute from a teft jcerely recommends Daniel John 1h ter, aged Wilkinson, wads dr Ray 19 NE ras from containing tug nyng San tt Cent 1S 7] treatment of the llowing w Is of tri- who sin- arner's to all ind the irday | to Fad at 9.30 p.m. brought Sat Cape | nw J. different stages mains were 1 morning and later forwarded ~ \ ome mes. by not get the help I needed. A frie mine advised me to try Dr. Pierce's eI pr ae n orite Prescription. 1 began to take it The accident he So f the de- Sufferers with the 'Pleasant Pellets' and by the irprise «to many friends of the de- ® Nerers i : . | time I had taken tw bottles | was well | ceased He left a large ciFole Having been afflicted with kidney Tonight we have a number of articles in small lots to be cleared regardless of cost: - 2 as a tragic sland Hyer ro ant re 20 y 8, | on the road to récovery, aud in six months | friends Srom the vieinity of 1 home [20d liver complaint for oveg 20 years, | {hour on Friday in honor of Miss a | 1 I was entire ly Wwe I, / appetite came back and I gained in fl . Now 1am as strong and healthy as one could wish to be. I owe it all to Dr Pierce' eines and I am glad of to give testimony bave done wonders for me.' Taruma Parker, 14] I. King St Chatham, Ont.--*I have taken 'Dr Picree's medicine with good results. was weak and run down, lost my and got very thin. 1 took ite Prescription' 'and medl- the opp -Miss rr 'Pleasant, Pellets' an 1 these two medicines built Ie up in a very short: space of time so that, | felt as well 88 ever. I found them to be all ti at is recommended of them: they are good.' -- Mus. Wu. Werge, Cor 1 aylor & Grand Ave, E,, Chatham, Ont. Every womga' who has bac kache, head- scke, low spirith, sleepless nights, owes it to herself to speedily overcome the trouble before a breakdown causes prostration. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is & non-alcoholio remedy that any ailing woman can gafely take because it is pre- pared from roots and herbs with pure ine, containing vonic properties. | Save! Save! ~ Free! Free! ' On Saturday we will give free with each' purchasé of 50 cents or over one pound SNOWFLAKE BAKING POW. DER A pure, guaranteed article. The demand is sure to be heavy and as we have put up only two hundred pounds the supply will be exhausted quickly, so shop early Saturday at the Satisfactory Drug Store. At Best's P.S.~8ame proposition at Branch Store. 1'ly smother EE WHEN YOU; EOIN RYT; | ted, Toronto, Ont, Maintain the Highest Standard of Quality in Sight Testing, Lens Making, and Eye Glass Fitting Our Charges Are Moderate Our Work Is Guaranteed. Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. 3 doors above the Opern House. 236 Princess Street. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, in their favor; they | only and Liver | come all, write Dept rope while | even to Safe ronto, Ont TELLS OF THE DEATH OF STEWART RAE 92 293, son of Late Lieut.-Col. Britton Wrote f Home Shortly Before His Death. - On Wedneiday last CE. Britton, | Gananoque, received a letter from his son, Lieut.-Col. Russell H. Brit- | ton, who killed in action in| France on May 2nd. The letter was| the | 4ateq April 19th, just two weeks be- | T-1 fore mis death . Speaking of the bat- | tle at Vimy Ridge he said: | "We captured a very large number | of German guns and ammunition and | I have crews from all the batteries | operating these captured guns now, | and we are firing his own ammunl- tion at him from all his own guns, | which is irritating him very much, t day evening Capt. Pyke of | using it for a time am now well and | acei-| % : rope nd did every-| and I can conscientiously | pes an i 3 | flicted Mich., U'.8., was found, but, death had] ] A too late. { believed that he was caught sample if you Warper's | t of holding himself up. Mr. and Mrs Edward - and four sisters, Misses Susie Deceased was a member of | the mains were taken to James Reid's a short time ago, and engaged |! was induced to try Warner's Safe 4 ime & I nga k-hand on the tug, | Kidn y and Liver Cure) and after | ard a splash in the | strong I can unqualifiedly state that | : ! ' a "| this medicine without ar U sav- | ately suspecting an [! y on edisine ithout any doubt sav «dd my life 'e 4 {recommend it to other similarly af-| ve io give help. Twenty Clarence H. White, Battle | laten, the body of the de- | Foi eX, . Warner's Safe Kidney Doctors worked over the body | Cure 5 Kid vo I but it was \ 3 r . » ho , but jt wa { and should be used w hen the kidneys! ed attention At druggists. attempting RE He could not swim, Remedies (o To temedies g " + drowned safior was horn at nson, near Enterprise, and was Beside his parents he is vived by one brother, Edward at | e at home, and Miss Kath- leen and Mrs. Robert Craig, in Chi- Roman Catholic Church On the arrival of the tug the re- undertaking parlors, and later to Wilkinson was Charred fire of last 3. Ken ed t Suffered With Heart | For Ten Years Would Nearly Smother. There is nothing that brings with n €everal places by January, the store of rick, Athens, is being repair- Wee contains no barmful ingredients Wiss Jean Young, Union Grace Martin, when her guests were Mrs, R. F. Segsforth, Toronto; Mrs. P. G. €. Campbell, Mrs. R. D. Suth-| erland, Mrs. Jack Inglis, Miss Flor- | ence Cunningham, Miss Aileen Rog-| ers, Miss Jessie Smith, Miss Lillian | Kent, Miss Agnes Johnson, Miss Mar- | Jorie Pense and Miss Mildred Jones. street west, entertained informally at the tea hour on Wednesday. | + + a . ' : = Mrs. John Aird and little Miss Helen Aird arrived in town yester- | day to be the guests of Dr. and Mrs, D. E. Mundell, Brock street. Miss Dorritt Larkin and Miss Gertrude Winger, Toronto, are the guests of Miss Marjorie Uglow, Bar- rie street Mrs. M vine and Mrs, T. M. | Costello, Renfrew, are the*guests of Hon. T. W MeGarry and Mrs. Me- Garry in Wychwood Park, Toronto. Archdeacon Dobbs, Kingston, is in Toronto, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. C. Dobbs. - *- - Mrs. W. A Bellhouse, Earl street, returned from Napanee on Thursday. Mrs. R. F. Segsworth, who has been with Mr. and Mrs. W. B Dal- ton, Johnson street, for a few days left today for Toronto. Lieuts, Harold Clarke and Rot] Rickard were in town from Toronto | for a few days this week. Mrs. K. M. Saunders and Miss it such fear of impending death as to ! wake up in the night with that awful sense of smothering. The uncertain as he is coming back at us with all, Kathleen Saunders, Alice street, who | : | have been visiting Miss Elsie Saun- sorts of i very | ders in Ottawa returned home on weapons, "The German infantry has and irregular heart action causes the greatest distress of both mind and little stomach for fighting unless | they have us at a disadvantage, | Friday, The Bishop of Montreal and Mrs. Natural Pongee 75 yards only, real | Chinese Pongee silk: 34 inches wide, sold all around town at 65c to 75¢c a yard. ! Tonight 43c. Marabout and Os- trich Ruffs. 18 only sample ruffs, priced from $3.50 to $10.00; all are slight- ly soiled. Tonight $1.98. Silk Boot Hose 96 pair only black and white silk hose in all sizes; worth 50c¢ a pair. Tonight 35c¢, or 3 pair for $1.00. A limit to a customer. Remnant Sale. Cretonnes, Nets, Scrims, Art Sateen, Madras, Repps and Curtaining. Tonight Less 33 1.3 to 50%. AY ese Men's Cashmerette Socks 60 pair black cash- mere socks, in sizes 10 to 11}, worth 40e a pair. Tonight 25¢. "Steacy's Special" Corsets 60 pair French cou- til corsets, four gar- ters,re-enforced front lace and satin trim- New York Dresses Tonight $8.95. 15 only serge and crepe dresses, in col- ors black, navy, co- Pen, Russian green and Nigger. Most sizes in the smartest one-piece styles. For- merly priced from $16.50 to $18.50. Tonight $8.95. Pure Linen Table- cloths. 18 only with col- ored borders, size 56 x 78, worth $2.00 ea. Tonight$1.39 AP tte i Hand Bags and Chil- dren's Purses. Priced from 25¢ to 50c. .. Tonight 15¢ med. All sizes from 18 to 30. ¢ : { Tonight 98¢ Priced from $1.50 to $2.50. Tonight 48¢ SAU | | can truthfully say I feel like a new | trouble to use them." body. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are the only remedy that can give prompt relief and effect a complete cure in cases of such severity, They strengthen and invigorate the hears, so that it beats strong and regular, and tone up the nervous System so that the cause of so much anxiety becomes a thing of the past. Mrs. M. O. McCready, Wapella, Sask., writes: "I am not much of a believer in medicines, but I feel that it is only right for me to let you know what your wonderful remedy has done for me, and in a very short time, too, I had suffered terribly with my heart for nearly ten years, could scarcely do any work,and would near- at times. I had many reme- which, in their opinion, is insur- mountable, 'Then they will take a great delight in shooting our fellows, but on anything like even terms, there, is nothing to it. They have no fight, and beat it to their dugouts and stay there until taken prisoners, and they 'are delighted to be taken and are terrified of our artillery "Stewart Rae was killed. He was asleep in 1st Prigade Headquarters cookhouse, when a shell came in and killed him instantly. Poor old 'Stew' Howard Taylor will know what a good boy he was to all the 3rd offi- cers. He was the 3rd Battery ofM- edies, some only relieving me for a I got a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills and felt $0 much better that I kept on using them, and woman "I would advise anyone with heart Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 60c. or three boxes for $1.25, at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T.-Milburn Co., Limi- PLANTS! now hooking orders for Cabbage, Tomato and Celery plants, (0 be delivered when! de sired. Paasy plants, 12° 10 the box, now realy to plant, Leave your order at the store or at our wagon om the market Aud you will receive our hest at- tention, Friendship's ! 210 Division St. Phone 345 rn Wood's The Great ? ish ~ones and invigorates tl dervous Tpit. the he. ladon tix wil ure. "Bobs ay nilod 2 Dini pkg. on 1 weipt om el led free. THE wou cg. 1oacura ou, (rere RUGS OF EVERY never so well mands, able anywhere in Canady. Our immense selection of yi uuine Oriental designs at a _Yeustomers is constantly growi Phone 90. We have exercised great care with the resalt that we are able to new rugs in all the rich tones of fraction of the cost. Our list of ALSACE-LORRAINE Kaiser Must Yield That Which Is Ours, Viviani Insists. New York, May 12 "Germany has always thought," said M. Viviani "that by her heavy might she could imprison the hearts and stunt the conscience of hifmanity and so long as that doctrine of might prevails Germany can never offer us condai- tions of peace that will be accept able "We will not maké, peace, we will never, make peace, until we have had given back to us that which is sure 'Alsace and Lorraine fighting a selfish battle-- we are not fighting-to trinmph Tor burselves ! we who did not seek this war democracy." . u A ---- . The inhabitants of 'Selby received a shock on Monday on learning that Mrs. Ira Anderson, whiles perform- en with an acute attack of Brights Disease. While in a precarious con- dition at present, we arg hoping for her recovery. P. Cassidy, Marysville, paid $82.- 60 for one hog raised by Mr. George Akey, Tyendinaga. The hog weighed 590 Ibs, . Nt eA rir DESCRIPTION; . FURNITURE FOR EVERY ROOM before to meet your de- in selecting . %THERE'S A REASON.) ; I. F. HARRISON COMPANY | iM | | i | cers' cook, and came from Kingston. | We are not | "We | J are fighting for civilization and for | ing her household duties, was strick- | | J. C. Farthing returned to Montreal | on Thursday and while in town were | the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. | Dalton. | * . . | Miss Frances Sullivan has re- turned to town after spending sev. [eral months With her sister, Mrs. | Crookall, in Brooklyn and is the guest of Mrs. Sanford Calvin, Un!- | versity avenue. | Miss Alva Sewell, Toronto, ar-| rived today to be the guest of Miss| | Marjorie Pense, West street, | Lieut. Shibley Cormack, who has | been taking the R.S.A course left today for his home in Edmonton. Mrs. P. Hunter, who as Miss Kate | Upper will be remembered by many | Kingstonians is the guest of Mrs. Franci§ Hill Macnee, St. Lawrence | Cottage, King street west. * * - [ Mrs. L. D. Fallis and baby left | this week to visit relatives in Burke- | ton and Prof. Fallisg wil] spend the summer in Boston. Mrs. Ernest Cunningham came | down from Toronto this week and is the guest of her mother, Mrs, R. C. Carter, West street. Miss Audrey Rees, | spent Wednesday in town, Mrs. McGill and Miss Amy MeGill jananoque, are en peusion at Miss Orwell's, Union street. v i - * - { Mr. and Mrs. J. Munro Sutherland | | have taken a house on Union street | west, and expect to move in next | week, ! {_ Mrs. Corby, Miss Corby and Mrs. F. C. T. O'Hara 'arrived in Belleville from Honolulu on Thursday. Mrs. E. A. Collins and Master | George left today for Haileybury, | where they will join Mr. Collins, Miss Maria Grange, Napanee, has { gone to Toronto to spend two months with her sister, Mrs Shaw. } * - » | Mrs Michael Conroy, Alfred street, | left yesterday for Boston. | Mrs. Charles Edwards, Montreal, { is visiting her parents, Mrs. and Mrs. { George Darragh, 172 King street. Mrs. J. F. Pound' has returned to Hamilton, after spending the past Nm tite is poor and you feel all THESE DAYS MOST ECONOMICAL WOMEN SHOP AT month visiting relatives and friends in the city. Mrs. George B. Fleming and little daughter and Mrs. A. A. Paoli and little son of Newboro are the guests of their mother, Mrs. D. J. Murphy, 226 Queen street. © . - » Mrs. Walker, Toronto, spent the week-end the guest of her sister, | Mrs. J. G. Daly, Napanee, | Miss Leishman, Kingston, her aunt, Mrs, S. Brien, East, for a few days. | Mrs, Vandervoort, Kingston, spent | the week with Mrs. Meyers and other | friends in Frankford. Mrs. (Dr.) / Glover and little | daughter, King street, are now vyis-| iting in. Toronto, * } | is 'with | Camden { { ! > * Miss Etta Smith announces the | engagement of her niece, Dorothy | Henrietta Hawley, 40 Stuart Living- | ston Burns, B.Sc., of Hawkesbury, | Ont., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ww. | J. Burns, Kingston. The marriage | will take place early in June. | (Continued on Page 14.) | ANOTHER PEACE MOVE. This Time Austrians Want to Go | Right to Paris to Talk. ! London, May 12.--The Amster- dam correspondent of the Exchange Telegraph Company writes that he | has learned from the best of sources | that three prominent Austrian poli- | ticians are about to leave for Switz- | erland bearing peace proposals and that they hope to be given safe eon- | duct to France [n order to discuss | with the French Cabinet the possi- | bility of peace. : -- ii { Rev, Mr. Lowry, Franktown, re- | ceived the sad news of the sudden | death of his sister, Mrs. C. E. Harris, in 'the General Hospital at Vancou- ver, B.C. The City Council of Kitchener by! a vote of eight to seven voted in| favor of the appointment of B. G.| Michel, late of Carleton Place, as) 3 city engineer at a salary of $1,800. | A SPRING TONIC ro rs | Old Reliable Hood's Sarsaparilia is | Pleasant and Effective | 1 In the spring your bloods impure | and weak, eruptions appear on ur | face and ¥. you lack ' Yi strength and animation, your red out. Get Hood's Sarsaparilla from any druggist= It combines just the roots, barks, herbs and other substances that you need. ' i It purifies and. strengthens the | bloed---makes the rich red biood that you must have to feel well, look well, eat and sleep well. This is confirmed | by thousands of letters, from people } in all parts of the country. a Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best spring medicine, but is' not simply a spring is an all-the- Leading AT DAVIES FRESH SWEET Butter Seca 4()c Veal Special Roasts, Chops 24c Limited, Phone 507 idl ctl Beds, $3.50, $4.50 and up. oy Springs, $3.00, $4.50; Way Sagless $8,50. attresses, Felts, $10.50, $13.50. Kitchen Cabinets, $9.50 to $45.00. BR. J. REID, pairs of boys' heavy boots just the garden. To dispose of quick, $1.98