EE CA PAGE TEN Cre. es 'News From Easter Ontario | EWS FRON THE DISTRICT oro CLIPPED FROM THE WHIGS MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES. In Brief Form the Events In The Country about Kingston Are Told Full of Interest to Many. James E Carter, "Picton, moved to Peterborough Fourteen boys of the Bre publie school have help farmers On June 26th the ercises will be held at N.Y., High School. 1 five graduates R. J. Hudson, formerly ton, Ont,; W. J. Houston, ville and J. Dryden, Deseronto, taking out citizenship Watertown, N.Y, James E. McNeely, Calabogie, now a patient in the Hotel Dieu Hospita Kingston. "He was oporated upon on Tuesday for appendicitis. - Hugh Featherstone and Miss Alma Lodge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Gull Lodge, of Arnprior, motored t Almonte on Wednesday, and were quietly marr ed At Tweed, William West, Stirling, was charged with being found in an intoxicated condition on 29th April, on a street and also with carrying fire arms. He pleaded guilty to both charges and the fine and costs amounted to $41.86 In Chicago, on April 28th Richard Holmeg Layng was united in mar riage to Misg Elizabeth Agnes M« Lean The groom is a son of Mr and Mrs, John Layng, Athens, and is attending dental Jeollege if the Windy City. The Arnott Parry Co. have con- tracted with Ferguson- & Nichol, townsite sub-division owners Trenton, to erect twelve houses upon their property. Work has alre: commenced Many of these are already sold. "They expect duplicate this order as soon as these are completed. Friar THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 wanting anything done In the carpen- | tery line. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work; also hard- wood floors of all kinds, All orders will receive prompt attention. 60 Queen street, WIRE FENCING Trellis, Flower Rorders, Railings, Gates, Wire Guards, Baskets and every description of wire goods manu- factured by has 0( kvi lle graduating Vine here will be ex Cape of €harles- Shannon are papers at of Shop Partridge & Sons. Crescent Wire Works, Kingston. Phone 380. | rm -------------- nr) 1 EARLY VEGE- TABLE PLANTS Fruit Plants, Flower Plants 50 Varieties. 100 plants, your choice, delivered $1.00--Catalogue Free. PAR! ADISH CONSERVATORIES, 'F. C. Jones, Beamsville, Ont. ------e TT SOMETHING OUT OF THE ORDINARY | | denly ill last Sunday, | president, | dent, {dent and Mrs. | from Gunner Guy Gamsby, | saying that {ciently from his wounds received at i the front, i line Reco Front. Gunner Guy Gamshy vers Returns to the Lansdowne, May 1 «jamin Warren, Brox away last Monday She by her husband one son Charles M. Quin Tuesday h as accepted 3 sp ent, | Fl | Horne, t Presbyterian ol Rev. | Hingston, was ir nsuitation w Willam McCo large staff of men emp Bilington's summer Marion Landon is quits A kitchen shower l'hursday afternoon « of Miss Edna Stevens Allen Mrs. E res Imer Burns was Corporal Walton, | cadet sc nd | engage Mr | and choirmaster | position taken sud-| Mr. Johnstone has accepted a | tion, an orgy of waste, a fasting of i RE THE DAILY BR ITISH WHIG, HAS WON PROMOTION D.C. M., ville, Now Lieutenant. Brockville, May ion of his services in France wit the 5th Canadian Mounted Corpl. Howard Walton. this town has rank of: lieutenant and is now at hool in England In the action on the Ypres f nearly a year when Lieut.-Co Baker men of the Mounted Rifles B fell, Walton won the D.C.M., tinguished conduet in obtainin uable information of ti forces. In the same wounded He G.T.R. offices at ) DCM. ago, ! 'i enlisted. CHOIR RESIGNED IN A BODY. Dispute Over an Organist in Ren- frew, May 12 sence Renfrew, last in the the p t in On Sunday Rey M: Andrew's upi Lat by of St rch was oc of Cobden tlover, New Jersey, officiated at th "Ffie choir, having heed re unanimous request to Johnstone as organist . resigned in a body result the choir seats were held the years. Mr. Allan, rgan -- a and as a empty. Mr for Johnstone has past the eight { of Brock- 12 --In recogni- | been promoted to the and many other officers and | SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1917 | CONSERVING THE FOOD SUPPLY Rifles, | His are ow mn their ) Congress 1 sident to deal wit if it were the pr instead of being t many tlousands of e dealers in w ? Those put on the book and brought into opera- hen, in pursuance of under- meas Unit tandings arrived at in the confer-| oooh ences between Sir George Foster and | ' members gf the Washington Cabine the foodstuffs.ef the whole vast wb cultural 'area belonging to the two English-speaking nations of this con- | tinent will be brought under regula- | tion of the same kind on f the line. Even if the did nothing,*it would be the hounden | u f the Canadian Government to ts authority over the 1pply 2. Every pou a. | hi county has in store, every ound it can produce under the ut- shi most stimulus, will be needed, and | ought to he conserved for the use of establish food the Entente nations. To 'leave the food supply the sport of the market would be to cripple Canada's own | war efforts, to fail Britain, and to invite disaster. A riot of specula- NEW PORTRAITS OF BRITISH ORGANIZERS OF VICTORY ce ~----t a but is recover- ing The annual Women's Institute | meeting has held in village hall last | Friday Mrs. Moxley was re-elected Mrs. Shaw, 1st vice-presi- Darling, 2nd vice-presi- McNamee secretary. this week Kingston he has recovered suffi- Mrs Letters were received to return to 'the fighting Confirmation is to be held here in St. John's church by Bishop Bidwell on May 14th. Rev. Mr. Rittan conducted services here last Sunday in St. . John's {church The W.M.S of the Methodist church met on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. W. H. Foley, when | Mrs. J, H. Warren was presented { with a life mémbership certificate. A Ib. tin of Forest ity Baking Pow. | der, which is the best made for 23¢. | At the Unique Grocery, f C. H. Pickering, Prop. 490 and 492 Princess St., Phone 330 AUTOMOBILES OF QUALITY Reo and Cadillac CALL GEORGE BOYD Distributor. 20 Brock St. Phone 201 AND SEE THEM. Misses Arthur Latimer and Robert Jack have purchased autos. Mrs. W. W. Stafford and daugh- ter, Gertrude, wlio have 'Been visi- tors at Mrs. Wm. McConnell's, left on Monday for Kingston. BROTHERS DIE TOGETHER Were Killed While Operating a Ma- chine Gun Brockville, May 12.--Hugh L. and William Knowles, the two sons, of Hugh Knowles, of Carley's Corners, Grenville County, were killed in the battle of Arras. The two brothers were operating a machine gun, with Hugh L. in charge, and William as- sisting when they met death. The young men were eight months on the firing line. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8 Earle and daughter, Olive, have returned to Picton after spending the winter with Mr. Earle's son, C. 8S. Earle, A te AA A eA sm A, Victonia, B, C. / A ce A ARN pt at $4.30 For the farmers of the Township Ston are Now available ont board 4 P er Bag of King- car at the ~ cal position in town and will con- tinue teaching. Ackland Acquw tted. Brockville, May 12.--Dr. George F. Ackland, of Newboro, who was committed for trial at the police court several weeks ago on a charge of perjury, arising out of a county court case, L.. Dowsett vs. George S. Hill, concerning a horse deal, ap- peared before His Honor Judge Dowsley yesterday Considerable evidence was taken, including that of the accused. In summing *up, Judge Dowsley not only acquitted Dr. Ackland, but accepted his evi- dence over that of Mr. Hill. Duving the trial/ it was shown that when the writ was Issued against Hill he went to Newboro to get Dr. Ackland not, to testify against him. The doctor refused. Monday, 7.30; quarterly official and The Late Mrs. « rie. Napanee, May 12.--There passed away at, her late residence, South Centre Street, on May 5th, Mrs, A. A. Currie, wife of the late Andrew Currie, at the * advanced age of eighty-five years. Her maiden name was Christie A. Carr. She was bern at. Black Creek, Prince Edward Co., where she resided with her parents until she 'was seventeen years of age. She was married to A. A. Cur- rie, Cherry Valley, with whom she lived for forty-seven years Five child®en are left to mourn. The late Mrs. Currie was very active and busy when ahle, having just com- 'pleted knitting her sixtieth pair of The remains Valley on socks for the soldiers. were taken to Cherry Monday for interment. Honor for Treaton Boy. Trenton, May 12.-- Henry Burrt rece.ved word that his son, Sergt. Ross Burtt, had won the Military Cross. Mr. Burtt has the proud His- tinction of having his three sons on active sérvice, although his eldest Som, Sergt. Ed. Burtt, "has been in hospital since last September, when He was wounded on the Somme. The third son, Pte. Fred Burtt, who is with the 31st Battalion, is doing his bit "somewhere im France." Fire. : N A Serious May 12.--An expensive fire Perth babe on Wednesday in the shoe factory. It gave the firemen a sii. - born fight to subdue it, andthe loss by fire, smoke and water will be mn the thousands, hut the loss is cover- ed by 'nsurance. A four-inch hard- wood Tioor kept the fire from the upper storey, where much valuable Stock was stored. Concern is Closed. Almonte, May 12,--The Ker-Ben Limited, Almonte, has teen closed and the Shareholders will be given @ Statement shortly. The Habil ties, it is understood, are pretty heavy, the Sirvetors being le for an overdraft. M any of residents { of Almonte had stock the con- cern. If the concern is and up it 'is hoped another compary 'will se- cure it and carry on the stove and | furnace manufacture. ---- te SR, the poor and a feasting of the rich are evils that must be made imposs- ible by early action on the part of the Government. HOW CAN EVERY MAN BE FULLY OCCUPIED? Se 2 ronto Globe Of 1,042 women applying for work in munitions factories during April] only 352 were placed. Openings | were reported for only 407. Only 154 men applied for work, and nil though there was a reported demand , for 127 only a few over one hundred ; were given employment. Scores of munitions workers have been laid off! with the completion of large orders, | and the view is freely expressed that former activities will not he restor-| ed. Idleness or partial idleness is at ordinary times the most serious item in general wastefulness. The sudden demands of a gigantic war gave value to the fighting qual- ities and capacities of men, and to the industrial capacities of both men | and women. Labor ceased for a time to be a drug fn the market, al though there seemed always a sur- plus. With the lessening of muni- 'tions orders the human surplus is again in evidence, and the need of | utilizing it is made far more urgent by the abnormal cost of the neces- paries of life. What is following close on the Acels of production. ! tHe AWFUL FAILURE | IN THE WAR TIMES Toronto World, Con The soldiers both at home and at the front know what is needed of the' government that has failed to do wat should ve * been done months ago Many errings may be drawn across this trail, buf the trail is one that cannot be overrun. The solders who have faced and are fae- ing the stern realities at the front are too close to the awful business of war to be bothered with the in- anifies of party polftics at this time. The things needful is what taey want---reinforcements Sir Robert Borden says the Americans will send regiments." And the partisans abuse jthe aldermen and the Socialists and the pro-Germans and any other lay- figures that may be available, but they say nothing of what is needed universal service, the selective draft. conscription, the operation of the Militia Act, or whatever the measure may be called. Tais, along with food production and munition- making, is the one. thing needful. When the record is written, the fail- ure in this respect will be the black- est thing upon it. Mr. and Mrs Mrs, AR Arthur Sprung have taken up their residence in Picton again after an absence of some two years with their daughter in Ameli- asburg. Careful - wives who habituatiy |] make up their husbands' minds re- fine the process until they attain the Many Tives would be a great deal oetor if they wen he a most I ary results. nd of food | both sides | » Uthited States | | | ! i | { { | 8 3 "Ranks with the Strongest" s3 HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE Head Office, Royal Invurasice Bidg. -- < MONTREAL - ed HOME PORTRAITS $35 per dozen. 11 in. x 14 in. line prints, lefter to G. BLAKEMORE, KINGSTON. Copies of all my photos in Whig's ustrated supplement. may be secar- A SPECIALTY For engagement from me. apply by A PERCY J]. QUINN, , Manager, Ontario Branch, Toronto W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ If you don't buy gro- ceries here we'll both lose money. S50c¢ 1h, 40¢ 1b. Try our Serpa Tea Choice Japan Tea ... P. H. BAKER Cor. Frontenac and Princess Streets, Telephone 1016 Phone, night, Ns Kingston Foundry "GARAGE We have the machinery and we have the skilled machinists to repair your automobile or motor cycle in the shortest possible time. Give us a call and be convinced. / SELBY & YOULDEN, LIMITED, C. H. Powell, Manager. -- 1793; day 240. THE LATEST MUSICAL INSTRUMENT Everyone is talking about the new SON- 'ORA and its wonderful tone and expression. Do not lose time, but call at our ware- rooms, and see and hear this latest of inno- vations for music in the home. Plays any make of disc record. Prices $65 to $1500. Easy terms if desired. (RHR C. W. Lindsa 121 Princess Street. $1 One DOLLAR DAY This is model Melo- die Sonora, $65.00, with * tone modifier, automatic stop, needle cups and special at- tachment, etc. Finished in makhog- any. y, Ltd. Kingston. = MARR ----------------, "$1 SALE ! Monday, May 100 Dresses, valies up to $6.00. Monday . . 120 Children's Wash. Dresses, Monday 30 Boys' Wash Suits, values to Ladies' Kid and Silk Gloves, Monday Hosiery, silk and Tiske, excellent values, Children's Raincapes, with hoods, White Wash Skirts, all sizes, i ~ Sateen Underskirts, black and .D. and A. Corsets, our $1.75 line. Hat Shapes, all this year's style, valued up to $3.00, for . SALE COMMENCES 9.00 A.M. MONDAY. Rigney & Hick Old Stand, opposite St go $2.50. Monday Ladies' Black Umbrellas, $1.50 value, Monday black, white and tan ;reg. 31. 50 3 pair for 2 colored; reg. $1.50 in neest styles, regular Silk gach, 3 for 14th at . . Bs58 388% for . . 88 \ Ph Bh pk pd hk ph - re nmaamima® Sani 888 DON'T MISS IT. \ Randolph Hotel. 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