" A ---- ---- A -- ---- En _ -- ----- ROUMANIA IN HISTORY | YA NEW POSE OF FRANCE'S MOST POPULAR HERO = RETAINS MANY CUSTOMS INTRO. JDUCED BY ROMANS, Dutside the Cities, the Peasants Cling to Ancient Costumes and Habits, Country Has More "Local Color" Than Any Other European State With Possible Exception of Dal- matia, HE famous column of 44 Trajan, in the centre of Rome, which is familiar to everybody, bears an epitome in merble of his campaign ld , ri £0 he LS \ ia | & . : ignlefiindalobuaened 100) : | | a | : We have just received from New York an Eos : ' } Al EA attractive assortment of beautiful Jersey silk says William Eleroy Curtis in NF Syound the Black, Sea.". "You will suits. The styles are extremely smart, with a ber that it /i d with pra er : Hi my Wl Y LT oN , : : \_ Temember that it /is covered with | [J HESS , { ; large variety of the season's best colorings to . "carvings, winding /round it from top ! , tH : g E z to bottom, like the coils of a ser- . E -- 1 » As choose from. Pent, which shows the progress of g " ; F RR | . armies an tle scenes. These ] ¢ . » 4 1] , oe and Sle sen twenty-five ! Fi 4 nd il ) PRICED FROM $16.50 TO $35.00 hundred human figures and repre- 5 ~ 2 a H : sentations of hundreds of animals and other objects, and all of them relate to Roumania. § ; N i "Trajan left his legions im Rou- 1 via d " mania as a rampart against the bar- | rS 4 1 : barians upon the north and east, and, | ¥ ; ew or inva- | § 4 3 i | . motwithstanding the constant sions of Avars, Huns, Goths, Tar- 3 ¥ tars, Mongols, Turks, and other ; 09 i hordes from Asia, their descendants 3 , R { ® ® have held their ground, and nothing da : Aa a is dearer to them than their con- vi * . } § sciousness of Latin origin. % A "Many of the customs of the an- hig : . p cient Romans still prevail. And on " a E 4 nN 3 . a certain holiday in all the villages vo Lag 1 J : a % hs bl Fashion has decreed that the separate may be witnessed a revival of the ? » as levied y 1 3 : . y i ay he acesed: a revival of lhe : = 1X ouse is indispensible in every woman's ward logy. The peasants wear robes in s \ : E robe. We have ready a galaxy of the newest imitation of those of the ancient shai ' oe d . . . . : : styles in plain tailored effects and novelties, Roman warriors, with bells on their belts and sleeves. They stamp their pe : = ! : 3 . . Toot oF he wrornd lie. ae a " : lace and embroidered trimmed. There is a Ameritan Indians, and they shout In ; ¢T ; on tendency toward high neck effects. We order to prevent Saturn from hearing H . h ey PIE h o . . . : : Fad have some exceptionally good numbers in the voice of the infant Jupiter, the be ] ¥ future king of the gods. The Ru- . Nj = Wy Tah as nis hati Latin ans I : Ny: these. PRICED FROM 98¢ ON UP TO $5.00. upon their children, and even upon 3 their cattle. A farmer will call his oxen after Cassius, Cmsar, Brutus, 'Augustus, and Anthony, and the mame of Trajan is as common as the name John with us. There are sev- eral traces of Trajan remaining. One of them is a bridge which he built to convey his army across the Da- pube in the year 104 A.D." "The original inhabitants of the country were called Dacians. . . . J About 325 B., C. Philip of Macedon THE BRITISH TANK invaded Dacia and laid siege to one : of the towns. The great Grecian con- X : AN AMAZING WEAPON queror was about to give the signal N ; - -- for an assault upon the walls, when xi Rg - a Caused Germans the gates opened and a long line of : . And Hos the priests, clad in snow-white robes, . 3 : ' ~~ E { Heavy Losses by Flank- with lyres in their hands, came forth E gly ; ing Fire. and approached the Macedonian \ V HERR: 0 co 1a i camp with songs of peace. Impress- : x Co h Lo a NA tr Pett it. At MAN trai i penhagen, via ndon, May 14. ed with the spectacle of their confid- TY ~Baron von Ardenne, German mili- 4 | ce in Jin FhMIB Maced the sitadel 'tuxurious hotels, such imposing pub- |} | spoils of office. We need of honor | tary expert, says the British tank is offense and defgnse which was great- lic buildings, and such fine merean- | men who will not lie. Therefore, we | Probably the most amazing weapon | iy to his advantage in his future cam- tile houses and business blocks in the | {need the mother's influence." which modern land warfare has pro- paigns. Even to-day the natives wear Capital (Bupfarest) of so primitive : INTE | , Figures wore presented showing|duced. He admits they have caused sold ph bearing the busts of 2 country as Roumania, and there is ARE URGENTLY NEEDED TO- | the scarcity of men for the minis-|the Germans heavy losses, particu- Philip and Alexander the Great and 2 Striking contrast between the city |. DAY, SAYS E. BR. McLEAN. { try. There were parents who would | larly by their flanking fire, though their successors upon the Macedon- 8nd the country life in that little i es {do almost anything to prevent their | they are by no means invulnerable fan throne. ? kingdom. Outside of the/arger cities [Great Need im World To<day of a! children from going to church. The |to the German artillery. The baron asserts that the line of "Constantine the Great introduced the peasants cling tenaciously te Mother's Influence--Special Ser. Speaker knew of one father who told : s daughter that he would rather Yillagey) along which the Anglo-Ger- hristianity, and by the year 360 A, their ancient customs and costumes | Ths |hs o Histishaty, one Phe Year J 0 A. and habits of life, No country in mon a' Mark "Mothers Pay. see her dead than going to church. | ma ruggle is now raging lies in oughly civiliséd parts of Christen- Europe, unless it be Dalmatia, has s¢ Special Service in Queen Street | How willing we were to soe other [advance of the main Hindenburg ! oe dom, but there was no peace for the Tues of what artists call 'local | = Methodist. | people send their children to heath- Hue, and that vongequently the even- rv people until they obtained their pre- color. In his sermon at Cooke's church ! en lands. tual loss of these villages, including ESCRIPTI . sent government. | In the villages on market days | on Sunday morning the pastor, Rev. A special Mothers' Day service | Bullecourt, could .not be deemed a RUGS OF EVERY D. ON; qiery Stranger is surprised to You can see crowds of peasants, both |g BR. McLean, Spoke on "Woman | was held at Cooke's charch on Sun-| decisive event. This admission ine FURNITURE FOR EVERY ROOM find such handsome residences. such rin al women, wearing t . na | Missionaries," and gave a severe ar- [flay afternoon for both the members | dicates that the Germans are reckon- We were never so well prepared before to meet your de- t na Toss, Which 's artistic and at 1 aiznment of parents who discour- | of the congregation and the Sunday | Ing on thie loss of Avion OPDY, Roeux, mands. We have exercised great care in selecting our patterns,' In Bukh; rést, however th age and refuse to allow their child- | school, and it was a bright and help- | and other towns in the further heavy with the result that we are able to offer you values unobtaine wm as Pores On SF SD {ren to take up the calling of a mis- | ful service: Rev. J. W. Stephen, of | fighting, which is coming along that able anyw! Canada. hats The coachmen wea a sionary. He told of the urgent feed | St. Andrew's church, delivered an |sector of the front, Our immense selection of new rugs in all the rich tones of gay livery--a long tunic of velvet, | °f MOT workersdn far-off fields and | appropriate address, and there was a genuine Oriental designs at a fraction of the cost. Our Mst of For Infants and Children generally blue or black and heavily |/"34€ a strong appeal to young men |a splendid programme of music and War Tidings. {and women to enter the work in an | recitations. The British War Office announces ) UseF Over 30 ears | embroidered with gold braid Nearly i In - BY e fotfort to help win the world for | S---- that the voluntary recruiting age 5 all of them are Russian exiles. 5 Always heay i "In Bukharest oné can hear gen. ) Cbiist. i In Quicen Street Methodist. will sogn be extended to men up to d | uine Tzigany orchestras and genuine The speaker told the story of "Mothers" Day" was fittingly cele- | fifty years of age, both single and Signature { Hannah, the mother of Samuel, and | brated in Queen Street Methodist | married. . ° 1 BYPsy music. 4 or . "The Roumanian language is more | referred to ii as.an example of 2{cnureh on Sunday morning. Hun- Captain Albert Ball of the British ke the Italian than the Russian and j mothers influence. He made a fit~ ; 4.045 of flowers were worn by the {fying squadron, who recently receiv- ' has a Latin origin . . . and the | ting reference to Mothers' Day, stat- choir and congregation. Every.per-|ed the freedom of Nottingham, Eng., PLANTS ! name of the country is properly ' Dg that it was to the mothers that | son seemingly wore a flower--white | for - having brought down German so Ep akins, orl [| Romania," Single porton. "In #he. world here | ing uemorial for 4 dowd mother |airplanes. is missing. "CC . and Celery 8 son, ¢ world Uaere | and colored for those whose mothers ancellor has rep 0 the SH Plants, he delivered when dee Few Wants, | was great need of a mother 8 influ- are still with us. newspaper publishers of Berlin, say- ence. In Canada to-day there was The pastor gave a sermon appro-| ing that the Government is taking eh : Leave your order at the store He wants his meals cooked Just Tra ovr wagon en the venue lll right, and composed of the particu- | i -- Sometimes Shuddes Re War." In taking up this subject the | Paper to the newspapers. We have opened a branch of our monument business with a large stock thom re unk of what is going to happen in | opeaker preferred at length to the of marble and granite. Special attention given to cemetery -- ww ~~ box, now ready to plant. "Man wa but little he A TS ian an wants but little here bole | great need of ft. priate on "Mothers" Day and the | all steps to insure the provision of UMEN lettering. lar things he likes to eat. He wants - his clothes kept in perfect order, and | 24r land, when I see the interests of {eat that though there are hundreds ten > ' . : s 9 . he 2 h the buttons sewed on. He wants to |tome of the women. Some of the | or fiowers, hundreds of animals and | get up when he gets ready, and then | Women are thinking more about the | pundreds of everything. there is FALLON BROS., 3 he wants to swear because he misses | color of the leather in their shoes | oniy one mother. Every person had | + PLANTING TIME * his car to the office. He wants to | thah anything else. ; a mother to honor and love, and FOR POTATOES. # --=-------------- oo Phone 343 {lf be cross when he comes home and | In Canada to-day there is just the those mothers deserve that respect. * 210 Division St. { Bot have it mentioned. He wants to |same need as in Israel of old. We | Man's mother is in some character- The usual time for planting |} Ieave his coat and bat snd shoes just | noed men of high ideals--men who ! istics the same as that of animals. + potatges tor beat Jesuits is, Says : H ASK YOUR GROCER FOR . C. B. vitz, from the : - 15th to the 25th of May. Po- #!} tatoes do well on sod land. If & ; t is impossible to get the land # |] y y before the time mention- |} he the sod might be plowed to |} Blowed to 4 IN PACKAGES. depth of about four nd the potatoes planted in # Black, Green and Mixed. Packed in King- very third furrow, after which 4 he land could be rolled immed- # |} | by a aro she pe. GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited, oes and to conserve moisture. $ ------------ where be happens to take them off | will be true to those ideals, who will {The offspring is nurtured. The love when he comes in. 'He wants his | not be tempted by the lust and the of the human mother, however, is siiprers right vo a tals adlice No Appetite tit 1: ttle Slee "| vastly different in many other re- fort. Me wants to put the ashes from 0 dae Rep i thoriave is constant. It lives Blaco while he smokes. Ho wants to. | SYPOWS of n Rundown Condition, | 18 Jong as the mother. "It overcomes yawn and: £0 tc bed: when ror We Have a Remedy. bad traits, bad habits or bad ac- wants him to go out with her and We ask every weak, run-down per- | tions. . Nothing steps it. jit has make a call." He wants eve son in Kingtton to try our Vinol, with | been called blind, but ft was really Juit a5 he wants it. and he wants no the understanding that their money | divine. : x == talk about it. --Judge will be returned if it does not re-es- | The mothers in this war were do- | : tablish their health. Letters like the | ing even more than the pien in the Poles for Wires. following give us confidence: trenches. During the past two The erection of poles for electric "Iam in the millinery business and | weeks two mothers of Queen street | wires has been fachlitated by the dn. {OF Wy feet most of the time. 1 got | chureh liad received the saddest of vention of a truck for the purpose. | Weak and rwn-down that I lost my | messages from overseas., They had It recently picked up four 40-repc | *PPetitc and was unable to sleep, had | waited for that Nord, Zhoping it hestnut poles, - carried = them 4 severe chronic cold and lest my col- J would never come, instantly or. I about Vinol through a alert to every knock at the door. a i ; {riend and within three weeks after { "There will not be many mem in taking it 1 noticed an improvement, | Burope when this war is over," said and soon gained in weight, health and | the speaker as he added, "Oh what strength. § am recommending Vinol | a mother has to bear! a to my friends and they also speak! This war will bring emancipation highly of it." Catherine Hoar, West and freedom to women in a way that Chester, N.Y. , was never theirs before. They have In hundreds of cases where old, | the highest right to honor, glory and. fashioned cod liver oil, emulsions, and | re: ly, and of it be- other tonics have failed to restore ing of ma exclusively it will be vist and health, Vinol has suc-{ i} eire also, us ER ceeded. because while it contains beet : ht a and cod liver peptone, iron and man- : 1 peptonates and i B 3 g a g g » CPE PPPFPP PP Ee EARNER An | Ryerson & Co. STOCKS, BONDS, GRAINS & COTTON Private wires to Toronto, Montreal and New Yor Howard S. Folger, Kingston Addressosd Clarense St. ~~ Toronto Address, 85 Bay street. HH b if PEEP LP0P4 0200S Batt ie Se $000342000000000000