Daily British Whig (1850), 14 May 1917, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MAY 14, 1917 Sa ON G R A N D OPERA Iu EEEE At 2.30 PM. +7. CONTINUOUS ° E138 P.M Daily Performarc: gy | Polite Vaudeville | | A Five Reel Metro oT = | Ethel Barrymore in "The T Awakening of Helena Ritchie " | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES FOR SALE ESTABLISHED 1853 SAVE XO UR MONEY -- economize -- avoid waste-| First § fon, 1c a word, Each IHESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. COST ; TIA 3 y ount a "he } ki *31: : r. nsertion, eh com-| I" FFE TS. 0 pa 8. Open a Savings A i The Bang Billie Burke, mn secutive insertion thereafter, little. Once, 25¢; three times 50¢;: FOUND FRItES Ary LENCE ST. CHAM. A ts: ) = | py .) 99! ecemt a word. Mini one week, $1.00. SMALL SUM OF MONEY AT 79 Clarence street. gham, ssets: Your Saved Money will insure your future, heip you | Gloria 8 Romance. - insertion, 25e; t ns, Wm. Davies Co, Ltd. st i S0c; wix $1; ome month, $2. A DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY OR- Apply at office of Wm. Davies DOUBLE AND SINGLE ROOMS, ALL 7 urct . War Loan Bon nd give you a new in-j, 4 lew! , 3 py a y $ 3,000,000 put hase a War Loar Bond and give i "| The Pathe News, ( omedy and Other a" der for five. dollars costs three Co. oy Moderns oh iL fri KL > cents. A PUBLWC nar LER Division. on ply 19 « § centive in life. ; : Photoplays. Aa Sav Accounts for small or larg ms invited at | Coming--Thursday, Friday, Saturday HELP WANTED Ha De gOlice. | LARGE thi B I ¢ . a -- + FOR JOKES, PUZZLES AND NOVELTY have sRine - A «ARGE AIRY FRONT oe D-ROOMS, I ank 2-----Acts Polite Vaudeville--2 TENE : SE RVANT, APPLY 305 toys sce Frank W. Cooke, 3% A GENTLEMAN'S CYCLE. furnished, pear University Fe mS A Special Fox Feature Film 1 Clarence street.' Ow ner may have same by ap- piy 99% Upp ¥ plying at 12 Raglan Rd. and ny 'pper Wikliam Si HUPMOBILE, 1915 MODEL, IN FIRST oving property. : FURNISHED BED ROOMS; ALSO A. Bateman, 67 / a : 5 or light house keeping: 119 BRANCHES IN CANADA, | William Farnum in GOOD DINING-ROOM GIRL. APPLY age Anglo-American Hotel ["A Tale of Two Cities" ne es : with gas or coal. Apply ~ d, Extn n riwright. Any Seat yi Reserved. 3c Brtr Cart FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- mer: months, A; good condition. Good, wutfit for a wisk.ng to reach the owner may ed by the late Dr. RB K Kilborn. Geor ge B. McKay , Mana, ger. : oY YY FEE YB 9, - | SMART BOYS WANTED, APPLY TISED FREE F nac Moulding ay ass Co, A GRIFFIN S. | oy. : - fanuiy. Apply C. H. Pickering, 4990 do so by reporting the facts to 4 My to Mrs. Kilborn of the sur- | f , 2. r . t > > MOTORMEN AND CONDU UTURS, AP- ? Montreal s 398 Princ The Pathe News, Comedy and Other ply Street Railway Office, » bi BLE DWELLING, 41 AND 43 Div. y have same at ------------ Photoplays. { ision street. § rooms and W.C. in treet, butween 8 am FIRNISHED Matinee 10¢ Evening 16e; COOK GENERAL. APPLY LADY | each; well rented. Apply 41 Divis- $ 8 pa wear Princess "Phone 1252. ! fon street. all modern fpr # | rwossvren SURREY RIG IN Anyone finding anything and THE SURGERY FORMERLY OCCU. | | ee GIRLS, APPLY KINGSTON STEAM Princess street. The British Whig. The adver- gery, Qor. King and William Sts | andrs, Cor. I'rincess and Syden- INTS, AWNINGS, VERANDAN CUR- Ssement will be printed in this |13crr AGE FOR Pp A brick Yencoot ave tL 1, decor lot to lane] MPNd8Ys Tues, Wed, f:_] |, ne vows fr ere Sa tent RAITURE CUBAN re 1 Jesse L. Lasky Presents, > x 4 Mshi tackle, etic. Fran "Fou n= rick veneered dwelling with deep lot to lane Jesse L. Lasky Present a Faso Tenteman. Apply. Box| W. Cooke. 3% Clarence SU. Kink: [ll | elonc nd, *hticles~ does got tn HH] at rear, nine rooms, hot air furnace, electric light, | Mae M : | 514 Whig Office : b ote Rhone 531. etc.| These, if lost, may be ad- ae Murray, in | gas for cooking. This property is well located and | "On Record." | ham oe 8 key. Frost's City Storage, 299 Queen street. Phone 526; rea, 5 vertised for in the "Lost" column. | PIANO BARGAIN -- CHICKERING 2 juare plang, handscme - rose wood =------ an q pv 8, 5, $125; LARGE FURNISHED -nup D-ROOMS, with or without board; sitting room if desired. hot and cold run- TWO MEN T0 ST ART WORK ON e Tuesday mornin Apply at the b mel), Queen's Unive rsity. £ood tone, can be bought on easy terms. Immediate posses- | rb eae " Sec 1 | A GOOD WOOD-WORKING MACHINE | sion. Speak quick as we intend to let this go at a The oh Tot Kingdom. : hand, leads \ Food wages. | zl ss Comed) sitenac and Glass Co, 6 per month, C.J een nm ring water; use of phone. Apply 21 Princess St 103 Lower Union sa LOST. " Cay HE STONE HOUSE, ck street ahd | Fe RNISHED RODMX WITH EVERY Owner out convendene 1 isekeepn- | % bargain. | VAUDEVILLE - Sg Apply | A BUNCH OF KEYS, ON BROCK ST.! ing, inchiding Kitch Kas range, REUM Avenue Re ward offered for return to Whig electric lHghts, Q d tocality Ap- | } f 3 Ld Ta.| of city 'reams THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY | Ce S10 Kvoning $5. | MH ionihg Firat, RCUERC liad: | TS Uhivoreliy Sis iy Box 50 Whi. 'os | BG Wig Gn | | | | i | land and Perfect Models; also tires sake. Finder kindly return to An- aud' bicycle aceessories. George derson Bros, Princess and Divis a 1 Muller, 373 King St Phone 1032, kn streets ce. J y Box i4 Whig 56 ; Off * Polson & Co. oy IN oc es: 68; es bod { A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN- Lu Br k St. Phon ce R ? 874| : SERVANT ROR MAY 1500 coding the famous Athlete, Over-{ 4 SMALL PEN, VALUED AS KEEP- FURNISHED HOUSE, » Roows, nd mir recA erat rrr etre ora . SE STH. r I fly of three, mo washing , o Ea wither maid kept / i i art street. Phone Monday, PTaésday and' "Wednesday PIANO BARGAIN -- WE MER TIANG [A SUN OF MONEY BETWEEN Al- ELEC hands ' as v red anc we Lower Stat ndey ™ ATE BRICE ne » a pa ne : Ke Ne. 1 kindly return to Whig Office and "wi 3 Wa ot Aru NOR terms, $10 cash, Font receive reward " immediate p ssion a i rincess VAUDEVILLE |------------------ You Can Count On It Wm. S. Hart, in Al Onc, Sumas Man | » W, Lindsay, Lid: 121 Princess St 4 FOR SALE OR TO LET. Es eta When we take care of your storage bat- 6 " TE ' apr ! tery there's no doubt of quality service. | The Square Deal Man YTEARY WORK, 3021) | CHOICE STOCK OF CAMP AND ROAT a, "cl bin re aise Bi Ae ne Ln UL UMMER PEACE cong TO RENT We have established ourselves as experts. 1 1 | ta 3 . ; 3 Will you come in and be convinced? |Ford Sterling/aind Harry Kingston Smelting = & hand turneure, "3 Varese awehing: a ve mores f ~ = i LESSES, Gribbon, in eaten ; hompson, 337 Princess street ahi {on the "i ' i 5 rence FURNISHED Hol TO LET Fon Phone 1004 = 124-126 Clarence St. |- "Stars and Bars." stribute= Tablets which wash | oLn cs > rrr D REPRE NTATIVES TO a « c ¥ Apply Box hi Mice spot le y elenn without | AUTOMOBILE TOPS -- YOUR rrwic aT PIANO, "Got )» TON A a At Pt ii s 2,000 feet of Keystone Fun and Frolie A tess! ows recovered i y 1 : ton ) Free inspection of any battery at any- time [7 Francim Ford and Grace funard, in OTIETR CT mand Aor | | Dow at hall the prace oF 8 mew. to FOR SALE --. to responsible person ustomers p undred « 8 , or 5 t pl : "The Pur le Mask. » 'profi. | Make fle ole We have everything for tops, ply 9% ; P ay. I eae Ave «| cushions, slip covers ete. Jas. W | GENUINE VICTROLA AND Twi do a ua . Send ten cents for samples I nam me Emel | Matives ioe. EB vening 13e. r four washings, Bradley Com- Judson, Brockville, ne *wons, A fy n shedce, i A ~ { i - rar Brantford, Ontarie. cash and per wee > . BOARD AND ROOMS. i A ------------------------------------ en Lindsay, Limited Sp in Tim IS MISH-AMERICAN RUBBER ( M. | PIANO BARGAIN.AN UPRIGH WE | y o o | f Os 1 . bér piano, red mission cas s " NEW PIECES }, Under Washlees Daughters of Rebekah Ton fa nod Sam represents. ctaves, d Tone, sHEhtly used [PIANG BARGAIN---UXBRIDGE ORG- ory LASS Roskn AND Roous, Oddfeliows Temple 1 vgs and tubes of Mil. | » h cash, $7 per . high back, handsome wainut i » Broc R alroet io. GANANOQUE, TUESDAY Comnany of ALL , V. Lindsay. Lid, 121 ase, 10 5E0pS, 7 octave, chony & Apply 243 Brock street. { = EVENING, M AY 15TH y securing agency musi | Princess str hg ers, 33r : wv "a $a caxsn, In Aid of Tobacco Fund. Dancing 9 ba py to carry stock of goods, NE Pr. Siroes mosay, Mtdal FINANCIAL to 1. 50c¢ couple; ladies 23c¢. this Cy, Rimly nddoece UTNE | KARN, MORRIS AND PRINCESS - ROR meer rres parr fhie,_sgeicy. kindly, address ho Pianos, I You Wh Do faicess FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. We carry a well assorted stock of ! ronan wi ey. le | grade plano ft would pay you to PIANO BARGAIN---NEW YORK WE- ment Soclety: Incorporated : Steele Briggs, Ferrys, and Rennies | : ete geo EN ! call an Mr o. F Telgmaun, 216 ber Plano, huridsonte walnut case, or ee EE ah Vegetable and Flower Seeds in bulk FREE DEMON rontenac street, and see Tose On ebony and ivory eys xi - - y 3 exhibition at reasonable prices, and tone. This hag been put » oe. K.C Money issued on city and packages. . 5 WANTED GENERAL terms to sult the purchaser 1: conditdor by our e Ss. ce and arm properties, municipal and We make a specialty of choicé Mix- Ji . o 150, $10 casih, $6 per m AW ountry debgntures; moitsag A pur. ed Swoet Peas a and 'Tall Nas- ll FOR THE BRIDE | STRATION IN B|TO PURCHASE THREE sSncosxD dndsay, Ltd, 121 Princes sstreet chased: ' investment bon hy] | hand pod tables. in good condi- | pw ME FOR NEW AND SECOND sale: deposits received turtiums in bulk. : ! | tion. Apply S. Brigg, Camden E hand sidebrards, dressers, couches, terest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, Our "Limestone City' Lawn Grass [i We have just "opetied | COOKING THRER FURNISHED ROOMS BY 31 - { parlor chalrs, tables, Singer sew- SEAWORTHY FAMILY . LAL New. manager, £7 Clarence St, Kingston. oy o re By | nan aller ifs ws i 5 i machines, crocker ictures, with oak canopy sop; length 3 t Seed will grow where all others = | case of new silyer gifts, i 1st, by young couple, no chiklren: prt Ie oe ane. Es Day iT bean G-ft. 8 in. 10 horse power. | LIV ERPOOL. LONDON AND GLOBE 26¢c per 1b | in price from $2.00 to $25.00. Hi must be central' Apply Box, 177, | and' second- hand furniture. A Also double boathouse (ome half Fire Insurance Company. Available At Crawford's Princess Street Whig. i "» Shapiro, 36 Princess street. rents yearly). - Boat well equipped assets $61,187,215. In addition to and in good condition. Cheap which the poleyholders have for f cash. Apply Jno R. Wright, | security the unlimited Hability of > i i | We invite your inspection. Store, SECONDHAND - i . | "EGG-0'*. BAKING POWDER for cash or in part Baymont of new l of Toronto "city property. insured at lowest g S ng ore. 1 | : USED, Planes snd Victrola." C -~ Ww, Lina- | ---- Possible rates Befors : renewlin | « Aa ly n ss reet. ol or ei Ving new usiness * | . | yo hgh ce tah LARGE STOCK OF IRON BEDS, COV- rates from Strange & Strange, Branch Post Office. i Don't Miss This. POSITION WANTED. outside city limits. The best of ches, stoves, men's clothing; alse Ament Phong 3 325. a Kingston, Ont, gurden land; eity water. Inquire a 4 : i A STENOGRAPHER WITH KNOW- of Mrs. €, KE. Fralick, Princess Sptbb bb a new upholstered chairs; military | ==== Ze ER g office TI Apply Box 5111 Whig |® niture. S. Shapiro, 45 Princess harness, shoes, leather straps! Na- - ~ tional Cash Register. We buy all BUSINESS CHANCES } 132 Princess Street i . " Office. Pb dR bbb street. Phone 1237. REMIT BY DOMINION EYPRESS TAXI SERVICE ii | Hat Cleaning Time Ee money order. Lf lost or stolen bon ---- ----- a I GEO. A. BATEMAN'S RESTATE Ket your money back. hon : | i - - " ledge 'of book-keeping and general St, near Bath Ra. kinds of new and second hand fur- ------ Where the clock is on the walk, p= RING 960. ® | Now In the time to get your straw /d8 Agency. il a or noma hat eleawed and $3300, BRICK HOUSE. NEARLY NEW, | INVESTORS WARNING DON'T I NVEST bleached. patent impravements, 8 rooms, dou- one cemt until you read Successful Finance. and learn how f rtunes * aes ---- Specialists in Panama bleach e Jot Are tnade -- and lost by Investors, Open and Closed i Ing. Satistzetion guaranteed. i Is & $3000, BRICK, 7 ROOMS, ALL IW. Free tris) subscription. = Success dal e provements, gas and electric lgey Chicane, 60% 8. Dearborn St, : o. Cars. 4 «.3'| New York Hat'Clean- lot 33 x 183; side laae. : $3300 DOURLE STON E ALL IMPROVE- PATENTS . na | 3 ng Co. * ' ments; stable, Kingston Taxi Cab 179 Wellington St. rerun aoax tian. Hat Women $1300, BRICK, 11 ROOMS, ALL IM-| WANCOCK & SONS, Patents trade Easter Lilies, Hyacinth, Daffodils, | = s Fone Vielets, Valle 208 Princess street. Phone 305 Provements: rer entrance. marks, designs. Estab. 1877. Verm- plrea, lea, elets, Valley Roses, Five doors below Ope: erly Patent Office Examiner. Master Carnations. | rm louse. a $3000. BRICK. ALL IMPROVEMENTS; | of Patent laws Biok "Paten: Pro- electric Mght, tection™ free. 99 By .. Mont- Bon Marche Special for The Dominion Textile Co. $140, FRAME, IMPROVEMENTS, SIX | oot ratehes frowW, Washinton. rooms. 'LEGAL One Week Only. A ; : VACANT LOTS, ALL PRICES. FOR SALE = 3 . . CUNNINGHAY, BARNSTER 3 3 Cans Duteh Cleanter . . . Lie. B80 re [IA Has 2 -- modern, up-to-date cotton mill. MONEY To LOAN, #7 CLARENCE ST. lf aK i» Clar- 6-Cylinder, 7-Passenger 3 Boxes Star Ammonia... , .... 35g AS Eh The work is clean, all white cotton boing used. ba SF a 1919 Model : 215 Ibs. a ie tnt ra ee aa Bate Everything neat and clean about the ARCHITECT FURNITURE FINISHING Studebaker Auto- 3 Bars Wonderful Soap ... .... 25¢ I : System of ventilating & humidifying the aie being the best. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. P. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE 1 VISH. 8 Cans Hand Cleaner . .. 25¢ chants Bank Bulld'ng., corner er. Call or dfop a oa 21 John Brock and Wellington streets. at pont x $iobil . 6 Boxes EZE Washin owe t 4 Full standard mis news E Woniug * ie, #3 Girls Can Learn How To Brock and Wellington rests. Er ly painted and overhauled. Caverly and Bradshaw BRP Facka Bert Stansbury fl rione 180s con. King'and wart ||, Sur iiemareintes, ||f| Card, spin, wind and weave yarns into cloth. FIREMEN AND HELPERS FOR MUR. Phone 730. 160 Raglan Rd. "Mo thors s Day ay Sunday ern i Call at office, Cataraqui St., or Phone No. 6, re- PHY STOKERS. [in et ar EL Fo garding: Highest Wages Paid. ; -------------- Mother living, a Sower bright. . Fi. JOHNSON, Florist]... ew. uieae. vss mete WAGES PAID APPLY CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE SPECIAL E AST ER { on the? market sqaure, Thursday, CLASS OF WORK. Meats and Groceries Y 135 BROOK SrnmmR, | 7% ©f Max at 11 o'clock, am INFORMATION OF ANY KIND. COMPANY. Obi WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer. / | men a Kingston--Cape Vincent : a Regulur trips to and from Cape i Or Walle tear a LT KNAPE, nA or olfe ix 1L30 . - auton nerons Islnd. For iuformation' Ta 5s CeSs street, Plone Card's Livery, Wolfe Isinnd. J \utos, Horses. Motor-boaia. ee mr en DENTAL OR. 4 LEONARD Wars, DENTIST. [| curner Princess and Bagot streets |] 'Ehone §36. | DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- * tists, 159 Wellington street, G. C. Dewan oa, Rr aia Phone 34 PAPERHANGING wE DAVE STILL A LARGE STOC! of of wad Robbed TB pe poh ed guarantee to do all work Srombliy! DP. Fraser, » William -- FARR RANGING Ta BEER =o Barrie).

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