Daily British Whig (1850), 15 May 1917, p. 5

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APPEAL 10 THE CITZENS BY THE UTIHaTIES COMMISSION TO SAVE WATER. Uptown Pay Station For Rates-- Military Authorities Want Per- manent Power Extension tg Barriefield' Camp. "Saye water".is to be the appeal of the Utilities Commission 'to the people this summer. At the com- mission's meeting on Monday after noon it was decided to place ad- vertisements in the local newspapers calling upon the water consumers to £0 easy oh the water supply, despite the facet that Ontario is "dry." This decision came about as the result of Chairman Toye asking Man- ager Folger if he had ordered meters placed on any of the city schools to regulate the use of water on the lawns. He had been told by a mem- ber of the Board of Education that such an order had been given. Man- ager Folger gtated that meters might have to be placed on various places in order to regulate the waste of water. In the case of schools the Commission could make a rebate if it saw fit, but it was necessary in these times of expensive coal to cur- tail the use of water where waste was involved. G. Y. Chown then suggested that the Commission place steady ad- vertising in the city papers asking the people to see that water was not wasted. He thought the expenditure would bring good returns to the Commissfon. On motion of R. F Elliott, the manager was authorized to insert such advertising in the papers as he thought necessary. In reply to Mr. Rigney, the man- 1 ager said that a complete cand sys- tem was followed in régard %o leaks in consumers' taps, etc. He could tell if the consumer after being noti- fied had made repairs or, not. The inspector : followed up the delin quents, More Pay Stations, R. F. Elliott offered a splendid suggestion with regard to an addi- tional pay station, which so appealed to the other members of the Com- mission that it is likely it will ba carried out very soon. He stated that people in the outer portions of the city complaiged greatly at having to go to the City Buildings every month to pay their gas and electric tates, and he suggested that the Commis- sion establish a pay station in western part of the city where the consumers could pay their dues. Chairman Toye ns, TH ing four of such" The would not be much. > On motion of | «Elliott it was decided that the chiirman, the man- ager and thefimover should report on the matter at the néxt meeting. Debentures of $57,000, City Solicitor Whiting 'was present with regard to the issue of deben- cost foundation. A hy-law will be sub- mitted to the City Council next Mon- | day evening targRutiti ion. Five per cent, debentures at (97 will be issued for $57,000, Mr. Whitihg' aldo asked for in- structions with régard to the claim of C. H. Finkle, who had lost a horse on the 6th of April by the ani- mal stepping. on ground at Ports- mouth which! had becothe charged with electricity as the rgsult of the storm that morning' causing some AA at A tat Stomach Was Very Bad Much Dizziness and 'Pain The Liver Got Out of Order and the Whole System Was Poisoned. Ottawa, Ont, May 156.--When the , tourse of the food through the ali- mentary canal is impeded by slug- gish action of the liver or bowels the food remaing undigested, and as a re- sult it ferments, This gives rise to poisonous gases which crowd about the heart and cause dizziness and choking sensa- tions, ag well as jrregular action of the heart. The liver struggles to remove the poisons from the blood, becomes en- larged, and finally fails, allowing the poisons to pass on to every part of the human system. Complications arise, and there ig Bright's disease, hardening of the arteries and apo- plexy. The earlier derangements of the digestive system are such as are de scribed by this letter from Mr, Rochon, | He also points 'the way ro oure by use of Dr, Chase's Kidney- Liver Pills. Mr. Louis Rochon, R. R. No. 11, Ottawa. Ont., writes: "For about seven months my stomach 'was very bad. I was troubled with dizziness, and had gas on the stomach and awful pains in the right side. The liver seemed tq be out of erder, so I begat wsing Dr. Chase's: Kidney-Liv- er Pills. This treatment seemed to be exactly what T needed, and before the first box was all used I was cur- ed and feeling as well as ever, * I also used Dr. Chase's Nerve Food waen feeling weak and suffering from nar- vous headache, and wag soon restor- ed to good health. Iam: proud of Dr. Chase's medicines, and recommend them above any doctor's medicines." Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, one pil a dose, twenty-five cents a hox, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Ce. Limited, Toronto, Why are 90 service to them of our patrons satisfled with our glasses? with years of experience of our profession. If you wish satisfactory results, con J. J. STEWART, Cor. Wellington and Clarence Sts. Opp. and a full knowledge sult * Opt.D. Post Flower Seeds . Vegetable Seeds Lawn Grass Seed... . : . Crawford sGr 3 "Flower Seeds That Grow." BUY FRESH SEEDS" * $a £ a SRE wy esiablivi- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, /AVBSDAY, MAY 15, 1017 break in an electric pole apparatus. Mr. Finkle ¢laimed $150. The Com- mission decided to offer $100 in settlement. The horse that met death was ten years old and blind, but @ ka driver. Power to Camp, Lieut.-Col, Benoit, district engin- eer, wrote the manager asking that the Commission make a permanent extension of its electrical system to Barriefield camp. It was decided to] use the old line over the bridge for the present, and ifthe Domirion Government will give the Commis- sion a contract for supplying elec- tricity to the Royal Military College and the camp, then the permenent exténsion will be made. The jman- ager will take up the matter with ; Col. Benoit. N Two tenders were received for re- moving the four frame houses en King street which stand om land the Commission has purchased for plant extension. The contract for the removal was given to Henry Kelly Who offered $50 for the priv- ilege. © James Gunn made an offer of $35. his was a case where the highest bidder won out. The Commission acceded to the an electrical demonstration at the tures for the pew gas holder and | { George Muller ed) request of Manager Bushell to give Kingston fair next September. The purchase of temporary coal supply was left in'the hands of Man- ager Folger who as performed wonders since the shortage began. | The Commission has every confidence in his ability to handle the situation. Manager Folger was given author- ity to attend an executive meeting of the Canadian Gas Association in Ottawa. Accounts Passed, These accounts were ordered to be paid: S. Anglin & Co. ' Canadian General Electrio Co. Hanson, Crozier & 'Bdgar Hydro-Electric Commission Jackson Press McKelvey & Birch Ltd. .. P. Walsh A. H. Winter Joyner, Ltd. Canadian Customs Dominion Govt. Villard Property Pay Lists April 27th rs. E. Chapman Canadian Customs . . Edward Stanford Belleville Gas Co. W. B. Dalton & Sons ... Acme Stamping & Tool .. 'Works Crouse Hinds Co. Pay Lists ending May 12th Electric Gas Water 8S. Anglin & Co. Angrove Bros. Auto Tire Co. Bell Telephone Co. . Botsford & Nicol + Burioughs Adding Machine 0. Canada Steamship Lines Capadian Locomotive Co. Canadian Pacific Railway 30.03 880.90 84.50 949.50 60.75 190.58 115.03 © 20.48 3.14 50.50 1.500.00 1,860.61 <20.00 19.13 21.46 438.79 11.87 10.26 6.03 |) 310 1,618.04 931.10 2.00 12,78 2.00 Frontenac Lumber Co...' Gas Journal Publishers . 'Gananoque Electric Light | Co 1,432, 80 290.04 30.00 1.73 Grand Trunk Railway an Grasselli Chemical Co. .. G.N.W. Telegraph Co. ... Harlison-Walker Refractor- ies x 255.18 30.38 | 9.10 1.00 90.40 Thomas McAuley McDonald & Willson ... McKelvey & Son John 8. Moore Onward Mfg. Co, . Sterling Rubber Co. Tallman Brass Co: Toronto Pottery Co. Utilities Commission ... $11,412.38 ' In attendance at the meeting were R. H, Toye, G. Y. Chown, Mayor Bitiote. T. J. Rigney and R. F. lott. | DECK COVERED WITH CE [STEAMER EX "PRESENTED AN ODD SIGHT FOR MAY 15TH An odd sight for May 15th was witnessed in the harbor on Tuesday | secretary-treasurer, Bruce Sdunders; morning, when 'lips bloodless. btiredness and loss of weight: ' 2.10 Banaed WAS ANAEMIC- For Over a Year * Anaemia, or blood turning to water, is caused by the heart betomi-; Ing deranged and if the heart be- comes weakened it cannot pump the blood as it should. As a result the blood becomes improverished, apd loses its nourishing qualities,' a face becomes pale and.ihin, afd.the There is a Weakness, When those suffering from thin of watery blood start faking Milbarn's Heart and Nerve Pills they ¢an see a change from the outset. Every dose Introduces 'inte the blood those vital elements necessary to make it rich and red, The pale cheeks take on the rosy hue of health, the weight increases, and the 'whole being thrills with a new life. Mrs. R. J. Grey, Fredericton, N. B., writes: "When I was a sul hi at general house work I my strength and became portaxed run down. For over a year I was very bad with anaemia. A. friend told me to try Milburn's. Heart and Nerve Pills so I got a box and when it was done I felt and lookéd so mach better I decided to get six more. When I had taken them I had gained not only in strength, but in flesh and color, and best. of all was good Ladies Beautiful Boots Black Kid High Top Boots, $6.00, $7.00, $9.00. AL Calf High Boots, $8.50 and Grey Kid Boots, $6.00 to $10.00. Fawn Suede Boots, $12.00. health." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50c. & box; three boxes for $1.25 at all dealers or mailed direct on Milburn receipt of price by The T, ©o., Limited, Toronto, Ont, CIVIC COAL YARD - MOOTED TO HELP CITIZENS IN A CASE OF EMERGENCY. Le J Amendments to Municipal |Act Safe- guard Against Extravagance and Reckless Expenditures--Must be Shown Emergency Exists, . Ald. Simmons has intimated that it is his intention #0 move in the City Council to have the city open up a civie coal yard. The Trades and Labor (Council 'has had the question of ceal under considevation, . and asked that the Civie Utilities Com- mission purchase coal that ould be supplied to the citizens at cost. . The Board of Control at "Toronto | has had the coal problem under con- sideration, and their action 'will be read with interest. - Their property commissioner was given instructions to purchase large quantities of coal in the open market to be kept in storage and sold to citizens in case of emergency, but difficulties have arisen. In the first place it has been ascertained that there are no large stocks of coal on hapd at the mines. | there ®ré so many; Secondly, that safeguards against extravagatice and | reckless expenditure: n'the amend- | ments to the Muniéipal A¥t 'passed at the last session of thd Legislature empowering municipalities to buy and store fuel that it WHI probably take from a thonth o's % wédks to get the necessary! Whdefiin-oduneil "It in 'stated that "dé! Anythihg can be done a by-lag 1 be pads- ed by the City Counell, Bdtting forth' that an emergency oxi * that it is desirable that the ¥ urtiiase AN, Doings in Men's Hats at Campbell's Another new style just added to our line. The "Hampshire It's made and fashioned by Mal- lory's, the noted United States men's hat. makers and is one of their advance styles. See it. " We are noted for having the latest in men's hats and this season sees us better prepared than ever to serve. you. All the new stylés and every best make is here. Derbies & Soft Hats 42s $150 a supply of coal A al, ' been done application must he a Munig- to the Ontario Railway and pal Board for approval of the same. If that is given, application can then be made to the Goverpment for the passing of an order-in-epuneil, HT Accompanying - 'the; -application must be a schedule, setting forth She cost of the fuel it is proposed to buy and other details in connection with § AT TRADE MARKED WORD THERAPION * 15 OF = TH. DING CHE MIS PRICE IN ENGLAND. 2 aitabiilt your ¢ se. No follow reulars, LEKC Medd a HAVERSTOCK RDN. vs LONDON, WRIT. GOVT. ST APFINRD TO ALL BRNUINE its distribution. If the order is issu- ed a further by-law must be passed by the City Council before x ton of coal can be purchased. A Lad Injured. Paul Cunningham, 108 of Lient. and Mrs. Ernest Cunningham, West street, was knocked from a bicycle he was riding, near the corner. of Union street and University atenue, on Monday afternoon. THe wheel skidded on the pavement at the cor- ner and he was struck- by a horse that was being driven ip Union) street. The lad was taken to the General Hospital. His face was bruised but otherwise he was un- injured. ' Excelsior Athletic Association. A meeting of the Excelsior Ath- letic Association was Weld in St. 'Luke's Hall on - Monday evening, when the following 'officers: were elected: President, ' Murton ' Berry; vice-presidents, Wilkam Wright; sxgeative committee, Stanley: Robin oad Robert Polk. the association 5 an 00 | YOUR HAIR WITH Cocoanut Sra FOR COMFY Large Comfortable Pull- man Back, Rell Edge, Rattan Baby Carriages. Strollers and Sulkeys, and Collapsible Go- Carts. James Reid . The Leading Undertaker. ' A RRA City Dairy PASTEURIZED MILK AND C REAM. Visit This Dalry and Decide for Yourself, -- Satisfaction Guaranteed, J Oficial Test by H. B, Smith. Milk test ed 3.2 Hutter Fat. | 24 JOMNSON STREET HOW "MOTHER " MADE HER BREAD It's no secret. With poor flour she could have done no than others. Our flour contains all the cereal elem that gave old-time flour its olesomeness and flavor. Bread, cake and pastry baked from this flour have made many reputa- tions. Just try it once and see what better results you achleve W.F. McBROOM 42-44 Princess St. 1686. BE SURE YOUR MILK IS DELIVERED ~ IN SEALED BOTTLES. - All our milk is thoroughly pasteurized and bottled at once. It is safe. It is pure. It is good. one 845 -~ Price's

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