Daily British Whig (1850), 16 May 1917, p. 5

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~ "Out of the High Rent District." O'Connor's LADIES' Exclusive Stop Paying high prices for Exclusive Ready-to- ear. Gaze in our window for seasonable bargains. Look At the great values we are offering i in suits and coats. Listen To the verdict of hundreds of satisfied cus- tomers who are shopping here daily, and saving money. » T.J.O'Connor 260 Princess St. Telephone 800 "Higher up street, but lower in price." BUY FRESH SEEDS Rennie's, Simmers' and Steele Briggs' At Sargent's Drug Store Corner Princess and Montreal Streets Telephone 41 Don't Forget to Put Your Furs Away Be-. fore Moths Come. APN Pt Results * @: Why are 197% of our patrons satisfied with our glasses? Because our service to them is backed with years of expetience and a' full knowledge of our profession. If you wish satisfactory results, consult D. Optician and J. J. STEWART, Opt. Optometrist, Cor. Wellington and Clarence Sts: Opp. Post Office. Phone 800 --r--------. Pineapples ! Pineapples ! ! Can Pineapples this week they are at their best and prices are lowest. SEED POTATOES--Early Rose and Dela- |} ware Potatoes. i Fresh Strawberries arriving every day. Crawford's Grogery, "Good Things To Eat." Rat ie wr -Choicest Stock of Ladies' Skirts Call sh bape our, halen silt of dion Skirts We Also Have a Nice Variety of Ladies' Sport Coats. Call and be convinced that our prices are reasonable. A: good variety of boots and shoes, linoleum, oilcloth. EE Foc tariient, upstairs; where we try to please everybody. | | monia, Il. Twelve days, cholera infantum. THE DAILY 'BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1917 NUMBER LOWER IN 1916 THAN HAS BEEN STATED, The Total Was 117 Bat This Num- ber, Includes Ilegitimates and Some Others From Outside, The milk inspection question of late led to quotations being made of infant mortality in Kingston, -it being declared that the mortality of infants in this city is the second high- est in Canada. This assertion has been disputed and rightly so, for the percentage of infant death in King- ston is less than one-half of one per cent. Allowipg*Tor illegitimates and a few other outside infants born in Kingston hospitals, Kingston's in- fant mortality in 1916 was about 455. According to the vital statis- tits registered the total number of infants who died In Kingston last year was 117, or 22.5 per cent of the total deaths here. There were seventeen deaths from cholera in- fantum, which may or may not have been caused by milk. The following show the ages of the infants who died here last year and the causes of death: Three days old, cerebral trouble. Eleven months, measles. A few weeks old, atalectasis. Illegitimate infant, asphyxia dur- ing birth. One day old, prematurity. Two years, broncho-pneumonia. One week, cardjac weakness. . Ten days, measles. Seven months, 28 days, broncho- pneumonia. Eleven months, measles. Seven months, measles. One day, premature birth. Three and .a half months, maras- mus. Fourteen months, monia. Eight months, intussusseption. One year five months, broncho- 'Pneumonia. Two months, eight broncho-pneu- days, pneu- Fourteen days, acute enteritis. Ten months twenty-six days, bron- cho-pneumonia. Six weeks, cerebral hemorrhage. Seven months, congestion of the lungs, Three days, spina bifida, Four days--injury in birth. One year six months, measles and pneumonia. Thirteen preumonia. One month fourteen days, monia. Four months twenty-two days, con- vulsions Ten days, convulsions. Two and a half months, marasmus: One year and three months, tuber- culosis. Three months and five days, an- aeémia. months, measles and pneu- INFANT DEATH IN KINGSTON One month, marasmus. One year, six months, tubercular meningitis. Nine months, gitis, Four months, intestinal toxaemia. Ten weeks, marasmus. One day, premature birth. Six days, convulsions. Twelve hours, asphyxia. + Two months, spina bifida. Five months, marasmus. Five 'months, intussusseption. Seven days, hemorrhagic disease of infants. . i Three. months, intestinal. indiges- on. One year three months, meningitis. Eight months, cholera infantum. One day, prematurity. Six months, cholera infantum. Twenty days, infantile diarrhoea. ' Two months, cholera infantum. Nine months, tubercular menir- itis, 'Five months, cholera infantum. Six months, cholera infantum. Twelve days, cholera infantum, Twenty-nine days, empyema. Seven months, cholera infantum. Eight months, marasmus. Six months, cholera infantum. Eight months, mar: smus. Nine months, gastio-enteritis. Eight months, ¢holera infantum. Five weeks, inanition. Ten months, pneumonia. Ten months, cholera infantum. 'Two and a half months, cholera infantum. + One month, intussusseption. Twenty-four days, marasmus. One year, cholera infantum, "Three months, acute inflammation of bowels. Three months, marasmus. Six months, cholera infantum. Five months five days, gastro en- tubercular 'menin- | Ten months, marasmus, Jos. B Abramson, with forated wing Ho low hen '| Military College. Two months two weeks, hydrocep- [| halus, Four months, marasmus, Six months, whooping cough. Five hours, incomplete develop: ment. Ten days, jaundice. & There were only four deaths of chiidren between the ages of three und five years. » HAD N ARROW ESCAPE His Tunic Was Found But His Watch DRIVER C. M. ASHWORTH © Driver C. M. Ashworth writes his parents that he had a very marrow escape recently. He went outside his ghack to wash and left his watch! in his tunic. Fritz sent over a shell demolished the shack and afterwards all the driver could find 'was his tunie and it was sadly rent. HORSES IN STABLE; CANNOT GET DRIVERS Scarcity of Help Has a Serious. Effect on One Local Cofcern. Much has been said and written abput the scarcity of help since the war commenced, but it may hot be generally known that therq is one local concern that pas horses "'eat- ing their heads off in the 'stable," to use an old saying, becanse of the, fact that men cannot be secure to drive them. "The hbrses have to be kept in the stables because we have found it im- possible to get men to do the work," said the manager. "I kmow the de- mand for men at the present time, but if is pretty hard when you have to keep horses idle like this when there is so much work .to be done." Another R.M.C. Graduate Dead. Capt. Robert Ferris, Stewart, re- ported died of wounds, was only twenty-one years of; age. He re- ceived his training at the Royal Mili- tary College, Kingston, Deceased was a son' of James: 4. Stewart, of the Standard Bank ofiCampbellford, and a grandson of 'the! late J. M. Ferris, M.P.P. He was born in To- ronto and before 'enlisting worked in the bank with his father. Y.W.C.A. 'Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Young Women's Christian Association will be held at the rooms on Jehnson street on Friday, May 18th 8 pm.] Reports of the work of the past year will be presented and an address will be given by Rev. E. R. Macléan on "Social Service". The board for the coming year will be elected as usual, All cordially invited. Mentioned in Despaie hes, Brigadier-General 8. wright, Kingston, is ral Gen. Haig's despatch. The officer Is a son of the late Rev. Conway Cart- wright and a graduate of the Royal He has seen much service. [owes EVENTS] 26 YEARS ACO + v J. McKay says that the 14th Bat- wa talion is composed chiefly of home' boys because: men that would be bers have to go to the States ~ k. Sergt. Brough, of the RM.C., has' saved five people from drowining. - a Niliam Rea left today to accept tion in New York. $8.00 IN BLACK CALF $10.00 IN TAN CALF \ Invictus Sport Boots for High School Girls. "America's Latest Abernethy"s Shoe Store and Canada's Best" Doings in Men's Hats at Campbell's t Another new style just added to our line. s 9 The "Hampshire It's made and fashioned by Mal- lory's, the noted United States \men's hat makers and is one of their advance styles. See it. We are noted for having the latest in men's hats and this season sees us better prepared than ever to serve you. All the new styles and every best make Is here. Derbies & Soft Hats T SOLD AY LEADING CHEMISTS address envelope. Bend stamp ses LT N. WES Fonvem: rT havk MARKED WORD * THERAPION * U Sr cov: St AMP AFFLNED TO ALL GRNUINE PACKETS. > ERAPIO PRICEIN ENGLAS &s for! YOUR HAIR WITH Cocoanut If SHAMPOO -25¢a Bottle. » _-- nr FOR COMFY Large Comfortable Pull- man Back, Roll Edge, Rattan Baby Carriages. I, AAAs. Strollers and Sulkeys, and Collapsible Go- Carts. James Reid The Leading Undertaker. tte cee--------S-------------- op po | EEE = (bil Dairy |= Potatoes PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM. Visit This Dairy and Decide for Yourself, -- Satisfaction Guaranteed. Officinl Test by WH. B, Smith. Milk test. ed 4.2 Butter rae. 24 JOHNSON STREE Phone 2083 if ern We have just received a car of potatoes suitable for seed. We will sell these off the car at a very close price. W.F. McBroom, BE SURE YOUR MILK IS DELIVERED BOTTLES. IN SEALED All our milk is pasteurized and thoroughly bottled at once. It is safe. It is pure. Itis good. 'Phone 845 - Price' 8

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