PAGE FOUR The British Whig SATH. YEAR. - 2 : A 4 there be any delay? Blot i iain President «+s Managing Director Sec.-Treas. and arenes Teessusnassrcarsasenssane 398 SUBSCRIPTION RATES yours OO eeod be) in ae) cneen E00 , 12 paid in advance .....356.00 Fear, mai] to rural offices §2.50 year, to ed States yr 3.50 on ..§100 v 1 he 9 Pro rats, MONTREAL Rane TAT VE 3 St Pefer St. O REPRESENTATIVE Traders Bank B 14g. ESENTATIVE: New York 1810 Anse Vids. « Chicage one of "the best Job pe - in Canada. civenindion of THE DRITISH G In Anthenicated by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. Pr RED CROSS APPEAL. It is announced that in order to meet the requirements of the Red Cross Society a popular appeal will be made to all who are in a posi- tion to contribute to fits funds. Of all the agencies in the world, for the relief of suffering incident to the war, in all its diversified forms, this in- stitution stands at the head. It does this because it knows of no national or religious or racial lines. With a keenness for every situation that fire- sents ltself, with a' freedom fof ser- vice as broad as the universe, with a passion for usefulness without limi tations, the Red Cross carries every- where the symbol of its virtues, How it has aomplished 80 much In this great war words cannot. tell. The Whig ass rondsobits many outer- prises, There are no boundaries, on land or gea, beyond which it cannot go. 'There is no power, civil or mili- tary, which bars the way to its most humane work. There has seemed to be no end to its resources, no emer- gencies too great for its reserves, no service too severe or trying for its devices. 'In that supposition one: is surely mistaken. The prophet of sun- " shine has been its constant attend- ant, and still he has not vouchsafed that the barrel of meal and the cruse of oil shall not fail The tremendous demands upon the Society's treasury have depleted it, locally, and somewhat reluctantly the leaders in the movem@nt look hopefully to the people for an out- pouring of their bounty. It is as- 'sumed, with good reason, that it is only necessary: Societyfs needs in grder to have : them, met. It will not be accepted "as a surprise, "then, that! the Red Cross Society on the 30th of this month will enlist such liberality that Canada's soldiers, at thé front, will have the assurance in Red Cross sup- p that all thelr needs will be met, 'and this will excite the greatest grat} «tude, Kingston will not fail them. a The Hamilton Herald says Mr. ~ Rowell 'in his address at Woodstock 'did not 'favor 'conseription. No? He said "We must call out our young men still available or desert our men who have fought so gallantly at the front." What is that if not con- ' Scription? . SOME POLITICAL CONDITIONS Alberta and Saskatchewan have mdde the political plunge, and the legislatures, being dissolved, the elec-| inf tion.dn these. provhices will be over ig the meat month Tue Hme has eo known the} THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1917 tion for light or legislation have been postponed. The session" has accom- plished very little so far, and it may accomplish little yet. Probably one giving an account of the imperial conference, will he to suggest, per- haps to insist, that the parliamentary term will be extended. A good deal will depend upon the asurances that accompany it. If these be no promise of a change in the policy of the government, of progressive legislation, of active min- isterial leadership such as the times there will be no agreement with the opposition. A continuance of the present ministerial' incapacity cannot be for a moment justified. require, Conscription in two months? That is now the proposal. Why should There is a eri- Must it be accentua~ or indis- sis in Europe. ted by Canada's inability position to send relief? AN ELECTION AT HAND. The iP to vote is to be extend- ed to all soldiers in the Canadian Expeditionary Forces, irrespective of age. The idea was opposed a year ago by Solicitor-General Meighen, who wanted "mental maturity" 'made as the basis of political enfranchise- ment. Now he is willing to surrend- er on this point, but on this point only. To Indians he would atcord the franchise while they are in mili- tary service, and lose it as soon as they return to civil life. To the nurses in the war the franchise will be given, but they will enjoy a mono poly: of this privilege. Hon. Mr. Meighen, the voice of the governs ment inflegal matters, gives no hope of the women generally enjoying in the federal election. the freedom they will exercise in the lofal election. Meighen and Bennett, (R. B.), dis- approve of aliens voting in Canadian elections, and change of attitude when réminded that the men who had become natur- alized should not ba deprived of the rights of citizenship, = All the talk of voters' lists and voters' privileges is suggestive of one thing, an early election. EDITORIAL NOTES. The United Irish Societies of New York demand that the Amggican sup- port of the Allies he made contin- gént_upon the "¢omplete dndepend- ence of Ireland now." The difficulty is to make this demand binding upon the Wilson government. There is a cure, for the German spy syste! "'1U'{8' {o 'hang a few of the conspirators to the nearest trees. Or, as in England, make them the targets forisome real sharp shoeteps: Unele Sam 'cannot safely have ay of these snipers akou id Wim. mare tem The demand of the bakers, irre- spective of party, for a food dicta- tor, cannot be ignored. The govern- ent at Oftawa will find a movement me of these days for its dis- placejuent if it does not wake up. The people are becoming rebellious in spirit. Billy Sunday still holds the fort in New York, backed by hundreds of ministers. The collections at his meetings have reached about $100,- 000. But they by no meaiis meet the expenses, of the campaign thus far. Sunday's is a most efficient, but ex- pensive aggregation. has ee NR law the Crown Prince of Germaay, the Duke of Mecklenburg, et al," will be Utditted for grand larceny, per haps for murder, and duly p: ) after the war. They will not forget meanwhil¥; that serious 'indictments have been preferred against them. David . Lawer, manipulator, has heaps upon Byron : and Ford by' how they were duped Into | proposals. They were German cause without knowing it. lesson to some men 0 ad- vertising - of = themise thout knowing what the effects will be. ------------------------ Fancy the German Scheidmann, that Germany's will Ue sia, "unless the gang the pro- n Hation| owing peace g the A ist, who lest it abandon their plans of con- of the first acts of the premier, after; they manifested no, Under the new French criminal been dmwn on the laws adopted in] torney General 'Ma¢Donald, the de- Re-- Great Austria, Norway, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Holland, Denmark, Sweden and Portugal. Wilhelm's Danger. (Montreal Star) The man who attempted to assass- inate the Kaiser was a German. Wil- | | feeling the weight of the mailed fist!} helm hasa't been near enough to an Englishman .or @ Frenchman in the last two years to sun any risks. {oe Change of Plan. (Windsor Record) When you cross the river the US. immigration officials conduct a search of yout character and on your return there is a search on this side for "life preservers." * Difference gf Opinion. (Hamilton Times) be. John Ferguson, presdent of | tha Academy of Medicine, has seem- | ngly & pretty poor opinion of chiro- | edteopat | fence would' seem to: have crumpled up. The defending counsel is report- jed to have said that it was indis- creet of MacDonald to have taken | money, and "too bad, in view of his being a young man with a career be- fore him." Attorney - General MacDonald is of privileged junkerdom in Canada. It may serve as a warning to cer- | tain other of Canada's younger sta- tesmen to show due regard for their | political masters when they are tempted to throw off the halter. The | people of Canada might be interested | to know all Lae circumstances of the | smashing of MacDonald? What mov- ed | ward and give the evidence necessary [10 destroy him? Could it have been | purely because of a desire to main- | tain the high standards of political { life' so prevalenf in Canada? (Coutinued on Page 10.) practors, hs and Christian | Scientists. But some of these people may have a poor opinion of the doc- tor. THE MAILED FIST ° IN POLITICAL LIFE a tnd Ottawa Citizen. M. A. MacDonald, attorney general in the new government of British Columbia, failed tg appear before Justice Gregory on Thursday to deny the transaction of political barter between himself and Dr. Robert Mackenzie's brother. After - Mac- kenzie gave evidence of having given $15,000 to the young, 2nd likely to become powerful, politician, now At- A Country Garden. Anna Bird Seawan dn Pi toatl Review oT Hollyhoeks. "and larkspur, . | Color everywhere, | Warm and still and fragrant Breathes the sunny alr, Pinks and tiger-lilies, Yellow marigold, Candituft and eoxcomb, Roses manifold. Hollyhocks and larkspur, i ae, crimson, blue, ' Sunshine all around, dear, ° Bufterflies--and you! War savings certificates are being sold at the rate of about a thousand a day, and total in value at the present some seven million dollars. ~~ Random Reels "Dt Shoes and Shipé and Sealing Wax, of Cebdages and Kings? THE PNEUMATIC TIRE The pneumatic tire is a rubber- ized article of commerce which re- tains air; tacks and. horseshoe nails with. the utmost impartiality. Some times it will take in a long, inquisi- tive ten-penny nail on Tuesday and hold it in.a firm grasp until the fam- ily starts out for a drive on Sunday morning, when it will let go with a soft, Sipfiait ny noise ten miles from a garage. The one of the pneumatic tire is to prevent the inmates of a seven- passenger tonneau from being thrown through a brand new mohair top ev- ery time the car steps on something in the road. As this happens fre- quently when the inmates are think- ing of other things, the only effect is to dishrrange the conversation and back hair of those present and shat- ter a few nose-glass lenses. It is very difficult to figure on what a pneumatic tire is going to do next. It is apt to. blow out br) ob resonant tone. of veic carpentdr fal hE Be a a ee. and eave the entire family stranded on a side hill; put this never happens except when 'the spare tire is Wt the garage, being vulcanized. In case an extra tire is handy, it will not take over half a day for the average man fo get it on the rim and blow iti up with a hand Pump. mebedan AL bin ruew Rippling Rhymes - - wife is a born mechanic. { Punctures in pneumatic tires a caused by some foreign substance ¥n- tering the inher tube and allowing the air to retire to some spot where it will not be of any assistance what- ever. - Punctures can be cured at about half the cost of the original tire, but. a blow-out is usually fatal to everybody. but the garage pro- prietor, Pneumatic tires, are generally guaranteed, for. 5,000 miles when driven by people who prefer to ride on the road-bed. Automobile owners with abundant means usually carry an extra tire on a rim: in the rear. This is done sq that in case of a puncture there will be nothing to do but. remove the cover from the spare tire, unclamp four bolts and wriggle it out of the tire carrier, jack up the car in a sitting posture, unclamp four more bolts, 'take Off the wheel, tear down the differential, hammer the old rim into" submission with a sledge and drive on the 'new one with an axe. When this i¥ done on a hot day Ly a stout éitizen 'surrounded by sev- eral admiring relatives, it is a very pleasing eperatioifi™ i The pneumatic tire isscheaper, bot- ter and less brittle 'than it. used toq be, and if the price continues to de- cline it 'will take its place as:a house- 'Hold necessity, along with the five- root bathtub ane Slestrie curling iron. ANOTHER SLACKER That citizen into matrimony, is somewhat phoney Svho hastens that he may dodge. the fray; it ought to shame his soul, doggone him, to sed how people look upon him, upon his wedding day, Methinks I see him humbly kueeling, his Vo1o8 all choked with maudlin feeling, before some maiden thought." he says, fair; "The "of doing battle aut where the noisy cannon rattle, is whitening my hair So long as Jan ing single, the chances ate I'll have to min- gle with men whom I abhor; 'T have no use for sol- dier's labors, 1 have no use for war. than have a husky German shoot mie, or prod ord; I'd rather men should call me Rab-| intb the beastly habit of being carved or] marry me, sweet Isabella! Have pity on] 3 cringing fellah, who hates the thought of blood, for won't'avert disaster, by chasing with me to the You'd think the gitls would deem him uth 8 Blt; than § ¥ ® bored. ws. you won' my 1 } datty, 'that they a and 4 Ng prospers in hig. wooing: have no use for guns and sabres, Pd rather hear my neighbors haughty, would order him away; but} girls like his billing and cooing, and WALT MASON. THINGS THAT NEVER Rr Dr. Robert Mackenzie to come for- {fi F amous Men's and Young Men's Suits Mail orders promptly attended to. Send chest, waist and inside leg measure- ments. We will do the rest. YOUNG MEN'S PINCH BACK SUITS In' new Shetland Plaids, $15.00. YOUNG MEN'S FORM FITTING SUITS The Ritz, fancy tweeds and cheviots, $15. 'Men's 3 Button Sack Suits English Tweeds and Worsteds, $15.00 ; $1¢ Attention ! The place where all auto troubles are made right. Auto supplies of all nds; cars washed. and Repair work a specialt, sonable, Call and give us a Always et ea Tablets 100 Cups of Tea for : 40c. An ideal overseas package. Horlick's Malted Milk Tablets Convenient and nutritious A day's ration, 25c, DR. CHOWN DRUG STORE 185 Princess St. Phone 343. First-class farm of 37} acres, 4 miles from Kingston main road; good buildi land all" deep ich; A = loam in state 0 ---- Te ---- cultivation; a very COAL CUSTOMERS |] desirable-small farm Please Notice ! in splendid location. On and after first of May|§ -- Coal Sales will be for Cash Only. BOOTH & CO. _Phone 133. Gre mids] W. nt vrrianm Hinde ERIENCE Address 272 nivernt Ave. M It is a pleasure to deal with a man or store fair in its square i U its and prompt jin Sealing: This ser Vice may be had at the UNITED GROCERY, 138 Princess St. Phone 267. The home of choice MO ------. me----------