ee rm your son and daughter a for them at this Bank BANK or TORONTO George B. McKay, Manager. . a FOR SALE We have a two-storey, wood floors throughout. anxious to sell, will take $ purchaser. 56 Brock St. Em tn Spring Time is Growing Time We carry a well assorted stock of Steele Briggs, Ferrys, and Rennies Vegetable and Flower Seeds in bulk and packages. ---- We make a specialty of choice Mix- ed Sweet Peas, Dwarf and Tall Nas- turtiums in bulk. Our "Limestone City" Lawn Grass Seed will grow where all others fail. 26¢ per 1b. Branch Post Office. Kingston, Ont, SPECIAL EASTER Meats and Groceries : Swift Premium Hams and Bacon. Choice Western Beef, Veal and Pork, Fresh Eggs, Lettuce, Celery and Green Onions, "J. M. GORDON Phone 88. Cor. Montreal & Bay St. mother's memory, a flower white; Mother living, a flower bright. © Boxes RZE Washing Powder, 25¢ Caverly and Bradshaw Phone 1844 Cor; King and Earl. TAXI SERVICE RING 960. Open and Closed Cars. - I Help them add wo at he Thrift Habit acquired by the th more than the dollars ngs Accounts for small or large semi-hungalow, dwelling with all modern improvements, Owner bH00 down This is well located and a real good property. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phones: Office 68; Res, 874 Hoag's Drug Store | POTATOES ! LISHED 183535 FOR CHILDREN lesso in thrift unt n The Bank J lar inter- ldre n yw fn a Savings Aco it it costs you sums invited 116 BRANCHES IN CANADA. brick hard- and being balance to suit solid including has left the eily, wilh NVISIBLE. TER A OPERA] HOUSE GRAND A230 PM. Daily fom: £130 P.M Musical Act--3 People A Special Fox Feature Film William Farnum in "A Tale of Two Cities" The Pathe News 4 Comedy and Other | ¥S. 10c Evening 10¢; Reserved, S5¢ Extra Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. The Greatest Actress in the World| Sarah Bernhardt, in "Mothers of France" Photographed and produced by the French Government. Prices, Mat. 10c and 13c¢, oo Hic Heeningy 106, 156, 25, 10¢, 13¢, 25¢, GRIFFIN'S ! Thursday, Friday, Sat. Pallas Pictures Lenore Ulrich, in "Her Own People" Mrs. Vernon Castle in "Patria." MUTUAL WEEKLY VAUDEVILLE Mat 10¢; Evening 13e, Matinee Any Seat Presents y Prices: GRIFFIN'! 3 Days, Starting EXPERIENC ED Is GENERAL SERVANT, Fs BOYS WANTED, WANTED HELP WANTED APPLY RANDOLPH A BELL BOY. Hotel A GENERAL SERVANT. Alfred Sir APPLY 303 FOR BALE VE ADVTS. COST THESE EFFRECTI little. Once, 25¢; three times 50¢; one week, $1.00. FORD TOURING CAR, months. Price $300.00, USED FOUR Phone 1592. STENOGRAPHER. 516, Whig office, APPLY MRS, Gardiner, 150 Bagot street, MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS. AP- ply Sireet Railway Office. Apply Box APPLY Frontenac Moulding and Glass Co. City. > jE AGED WOMAN TO TAKE charge, house. Apply 22 Pat- rick Et A GOOD RELIABLE WOMAN OR GIRL to care for baby. Apply 104 Charles street. A GOOD WOOD-WORKING MACHINE hand; steady work; wages. Frontenac Moulding and Glass Co., Limited. WENERAL SERVANT FOR MAY 15TH, or family of three; nor ironing; tnother Apply 174 Stuart 1140. vo washing maid kept. street. IMMEDIATELY. BRIGHT YOUNG MAN for summer months. Apply stating age Box 61, Whig dglerking salary. experience for Good and Office To wash REPRESENTATIVES distribute Tablets which clothes spotiessly clean rabbing. One trial makes ent customers. One hundred cent profit Make five daily. Send ten cents for samples for. four washings. Bradley Com- pany, Brantford, Ontarto, = Monday, May 21st. 2.30--TWICE DAILY--8.13 William Fox Presents A Daughter PO you wear glasses for dis- tant vision? DO you also wear glasses for reading? WHY have two pairs when you can have one pair with TWO VISIONS Upper part for distance, Lower part for reading. Two styles-- Cement Bifocals. Invisible Kryptok Bifocals. R. J. RODGER, Jeweler and Manufacturing Optician Where the clock is on the walk. Car of Choice Eastern Potatoes. Lowest Prices. Telephone or ne uk before buy- Friendship's ! 210 Division St. Phone 545 Do.Y our Bit for the Red Cross on Wednesday, May 30th. \ The Red Cross Workers will make a and the soclety fun continping its work, Remember the ate, of the Gods WITH ANNETTE Kellerman I New York's Sensational Success | The $1,000,000 Picture al Prices: Matinee 25¢; Evening 25¢, 50¢. Toronto pajgl $1.00 to see this picture. STRAND Thurs., Friday, Saturday The Masque of Life 7 REELS > Greatest of All Thrill Filme I's Big, ns Romantic, It's Exciting It's Different Fatty Arbuckle, in "The Bright Lights" Matinee -10¢ Evening 15e¢. 200 Reserved Seats, 25e. oo FREE DEMON. STRATION IN COOKING At Crawfords ingens Street "EGG-0" RAKING POWDER USED, Don't Miss This. Mr. R. H. Toye, Chairman Public Utilitics Coniimis- | {{ sion, will be received up until = Hat Cleaning Time SPRL I sires wiho =o kindly helped to make Wife" the oaste, solvists, dancers, quartettes a panists special Chapter opera house engine, "CARD OF THANKS The Annandale Chapter 1T.O.D.E. de- to express thanks to all those "Jack's To the members of Khaki Brigade, A acoom- ue. The General carting Andrew's /& sUCCess choruses, thanks are is also grateful to to the ASC. for decorat St Hemming, spruce for Church and the City Council for the use of hells for rehearsal, for the and Mr. Ballantyne pianos to Messrs. Ballantyne Dean for services, to those who lent flags and stage properties, to Mr Brannigan and the employees of the for courteélsus help, and to those gentlemen who checked the tie- kets and receipts, A A A te At AAA Aa EXTENSIVE SALE On Tuesday, May 228d, at 1 o'clock, at the Stock Farm of Dr. D, A. Biack, Lemoilnes Point, Tp. of Kingston. Pure bred Holstein cattle, hotles: Agricultural implements, 15 h.p. blizzard blower and belt, 1500 Ih. De Laval Cream aparator, Quan- tity of hay in barn, ete. Note--Nothing will be sold previous to this sale. MURRAY, Auctioneer. WM. NOTICE This is to certify that from this date I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my a hg R. Ww. RB' PARQ HARSON, Kingston R. No. 1. Watts, "ms 179 Wellington St Easter Lilles, Hyacinth, Daffodils, Spires, Asalen, Vielets Valley Roses, Parquhatson. Phone | FOR JOKES, PUZZLES AND NoyeLyY toys see Frank W,. Cooke, Clarence street HUPMOBILE, 195 MODEL, IN FIRST class condition. G. A. Bateman, 67 Clarence sireet. A GRAFONOLA AND TEN SELEC. tions $27.60, $5 cash, $1.00 per week. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. 121 Princess St. DOUBLE DWELLING, 41 AND 48 DIV. ision street,. 6 rooms and W.C. In each; well rented. Apply 41 Divis- fon street. TENTS, AWNINGS, VERANDAH CUR. amins, canoes, and camping sup- les. Fishing tackle, ete. Frank . Cooke, 39 Clarence St, King- ston. Phone 891 A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN- cluding the famous Athlete, Over- land and Perfect Models; also tires and bicycle accessories. Geor Muller, 373 King St CHOICE STOCK OF CAMP AND BOAT stoves, china cabinets. We also buy and sell everything in new and second hand furniture. J. ympson, 337 Princess street Phone 1600. AUTOMOBILE TOPS -- YOUR OLD bows recovered and top made like new at half the price of & new top. We have everything for tops, cushions, slip covers etc, Jas. W. Judson, Brockville, MORRIS AND PRINCESS If you wish to buy a high grade plamo it would pay you to call on Mr. O. F. Telgmann, 216 Frontenac street, and see those on exhibition at reasonable prices, and terms to sult the purchaser, KARN, Pianos i Tr ho ht ath A veal bargain in So at the head of Tn sires Just outside city limits... The best of garden land; city water. Inguire of Mrs, C. E. Baniiek, Princess St, near Bath Rd SEP rer db i 2 SITUATIONS VACANT. AN EDITOR, IMMEDIATELY, CAP. able proof reader and editorial writer, willing to assist with night asignments, for small Conserva- tive Ontarie' Daily, Practical prin- ter preferred. State expenience ang salary expected. -Address In- telligencer, Beleville, B. CUNNINGEAR, BARRIST! and solicitor. Law office, 79 ri ence street, Kingston. WANTED GENERAL PLAIN SEWING AND DRESS.-MAKING Apply 59 Markland Street. WORK anoNe idly JIoRiE XD © an e, ele, one Or 92 Victoria Street, TO PURCHASE THREE tand pool tables. in good condi- tion. Apply 8. Brien, Camden East. oN oF 1a an pe ih San ba paymen t Ps ANG ] plasty W,. Lind- mrad, a Braceus street. | Girls & Women Dominion Textile Co. ; in. Pto-dais coon m ed. Girls Can Learn How To Card, spin, wind and weave yarns into cloth. Call at office, Cataraqui St., or Phone No. 6, re- : garding: FOUND BLACK OSTRICH HOA, ON Brock street. Owner may have same by sppivieg at Whig Of- fice, A HAND-MADE HANDRER- chief, on Brock St, om Sun- day. Owner call at § Birch Ave POUND ARTICLES ADYER. TISRD Wi Anyone TAnGIng anything and wist 5 ol reach the vwihesr ue ting the faots to ; TO LET T™O OR PHREE INFRA ISHED rooms. Apply No. 188, Whig. OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. bers. Apply to A. od Cunning' 78 Clarence street. . FLATS FORJLIGHT HOUSE-KEEP. tux. Apply 194 Division street, or 79. SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE, ALL provements, good Karden lot; session June 1st. ston Ave, ------------------------------------ FURNISHED BED ROOMS; rooms for light house Poxiag >i with os or coal, neess reet. I~. pos- Apply 23 Living ALSO Keeping, App by or in gel Phone 1082. LOST. A BUNCH OF KEYS, ON BROCK ST. Reward offered for return to Whig Office A PAIR OF LADY'S NOSE GLASSES in an old case, in Bteacy's, or on street Monday afternoon. Finder kindly return to Bank of Montreal FOR SALE OR TO LET. COLLINS BAY; large dwelling; a t three acres of land, water front; best bass fishing on the River io Lawrence; good thing. Avon J . MM, Theo- bald, 297 King St ingston, SUMMER PLACE, FOR SALE HOUSE AND LOT, 33 GEORGE Apply on premises. MARE, SIX 'welght 1100. Apply 7 UBNUINE TaoTROLA gl TWELVE ur own aholce, $28.50, toe prog an 118 50 per week. CW, ndsay, Limited. SER ME FOR NEW AND SECOND hand gideboards, dressers, couches, parlor chairs, tables, Singer sew- ng machines, crockery, plotures, stoves and ranges. Also buy new and second-hand furniture, A Shapiro, 85 Princess street. ST. YEARS OLD; BAY Plum St. SEAWORTHY FAMILY LAUNCH, rth al bthaby : Jength 30 ft id mn, 10 horse power, Also doubte boathouse (one half rents yearly). Boat well equipped and in good condition. Cheap for Apply Jno R, Wright, Bank of nro. LARGE STOUM OF IRON - street. GEO. A. BATEMANS ESTATE Agency. BRICK HOUSE, NEARLY NEW, latest Improvements, § rooms, dou- ble. Jot. $3000, BRICK, 7 "ROOM 8, ALL Me. provements, gas ad Slectrie ght, lot 33 x 138; side lan ments; stable. $4500, BRICK, 11 "Rooms, ALL IM. pr TH rear entrance, BRICK, ALL IMPROVEMENTS; electric Mght, $1400, FRAME, IMPROVEMENTS, SIX rooms, MONEY TO LOAN, 67 CLARENCE ST. 5 n. Kingsto ARCHITECT POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. cha aa Bulld*ng, corner Brock and Wellington wtreets. FURNITURE FINISHING DRISCOLL, FURNITURE er. Call or drop a card, street. r. FINISH. 23 John $3300 DOUBLE STONE ALL IMPROVE, et Four Sen wend ry, airy an key. Frost's City a Queen street. Phone 520. Fe i. Ay LARGE FURNISHED SED-ROOM with or without board; ir I%om i Sedeta; hot and cold runs ning water; use of ne. 103 Lower Union St » APPR FURNISHED RESIDENCE, 119 EARL street; bwick, 9 rooms, open fire- places, nice grounds and shade, trees. J. 8. R. McCann, 82 Brock' St. Phone 326 or 621, FURNISHED ROOMS WITH EVERY convendence for light housekeep- Ing, including kitchen, gas range, electric Highs, Good locality. Ap- ply Box 1, G. Whig Office, FURNISHED HOUSE, 9» ROOMS, ALL modern improvements, within five minutes' walk of boats, (radns and host Ofce. Apply Box 74 Whig ce, P-TO-DATE BRICK RESIDENC 176 Unton St, West, with or bot ns out garden, Tia possession. \ Apply Wieeese's Art Store, Princess reel, BOARD AND ROOMS. FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, every convenience, central loca. tion. Apply 243 Brock street, FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment nt, + Go incorporated 1863; president, colonel H., R. Smith, G.; -president, W. PF. Nic kia, KC. Money imued' on sity and' farm propenties, municipal a: country debentures; mo chased; Investment bonds sale; de réceived and terest allowed manager, §7 Clarence Bt, Kin, LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Fire Insurance Se, Rompe. Avatiable Sasets $81,187, 318 n madition to which the poll olders for security the | unlimited habiiity "of of red lowest ohty Ba insu possible Yates. Before renewing ping Rew I & Phone 325, ny BUSINESS CHANCES INVESTORS WARNING DON'T § "a one cet suid) Jou | read ucueentur Finance, are ade and - bh * investors, Free trisl subscription, Success- 608 Dearborn Bt. oh kor PATENTS BABOOOK Patents, marks, pee Mog S Bateb. 1877, on Patent ter of Patent Laws. Book Patent tection" free. 99 St. James 3 . Mont Branches: Ottawa, Washington, real, PAPERHANGING WE HAVE STILL A LARGE STOCK of wall paper on hand st id prices and guarantee to do all work Dramprty, D. Fraser, 78 Widldanm t. PAPER HANGING, PAIL ly, GRAIN. ing and a pap- ered $4 per room, including paper. Young Rowley, 2831 Queen St, (nea~ Barrie). DENTAL A EB KNAPP, Office, 268 663. Printiee strest. THORS DR. J. LEONARD WAlsl, DENTIST, Phcne 626. DRS. SP. SPARKS, iiata, 169 A wale an Di, LDS aselsthnt Phon ne. "e