PAGE : FOURTEEN ES ---- Do not let the grass grow under your feet Is your Lawn Mower in proper shape to cut grass 7 WE HAVE EXPERTS who can put your Mower in shape, who can make it cut grass, but not stones or chips. Phone 529 A We will call for your Mower and de- liver same FREE. TRY US ONCE and we will have you for a steady customer. TREADGOLD Sporting Goods Co., 88 Princess St, Kingston. Telephone 529 BASEBALL BRIEFS Charlie Pick, the former Leaf third baseman and last season with the Athletics, is playing a fine game for the San Francisco club. Mapgger Fred Mitchell is certainly meeting with quite a little success at Chicago this spring. It is to be not- ed, too, that the Cubs have been go- "ing along at top speed, though handi- capped by the absence of First Base- man Saier. J The Elmira Club of the New York TRY 5c. Poet Cigar 5c. S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston. State League has signed up a young louttielder by the mame of John IX i Sullivan. 1f the youngster can hit the ball as hard as the famous John L. could hit his opponents, he won't linger long in the bushes. Davey Robertson made the first home run for the Giants this sea¥on: | Wally Pipp, for the Yankees, and La- von Fabrique, the new, shortstop, for the Roblins. Robertson made his off off Ferdie Schupp. Fred Toney, the strong boy of Billy Goat Hill, Tenn., is going fo give Alexander the Great and Ferdie Schupp a great battle for the pitch- ing honors in.the National League this season. Matty's © wonderful pitcher has already won five games out of six starts, His performance of shutting out the Cubs in ten in- nings without a "hit may stand out as the pitching feat of the year. Twenty-one players are subject to three major league teams in Greater New York. on the supposition that the age limit will be from twenty-one Ho twenty-seven years. Of this num- i ber eight are members of the New Hughes; York Giants, seven of the New York , Yankees and six of the Brooklyn Ro- bins. George Stallings was pretty much peeved when Tener decided to cross off one of his team's victories, but the real injured party is the good- patured' Hank Gowdy. Hank hack- ed out four hits in the game in ques- tion, all of them having now been tossed into the sewer. Tougher things may happen to a ball player than to take four hits off him, but' just now we can't think of any. BILLINGS TO SELL i id NQTED TROTTERS Turns Over His Virginia Farm to the United States - Government. Owing to the fact that Curles Neck Farm, the magnificent estate owned * by C. K. G. Billings, on the James ' River, fifteen miles from- Richmond, must be immediately prepared for the use of the U.S. Government for army purposes, Mr. Billings has de- } cided to hold a dispersal sale of his- entire trotting stock, unquestionably the greatest collection ever owned by one breeder. Mr. Billings recently offered this farm to the » United States Government, and his offer has been accepted. , The dispersal will include every trotting-bred horse he owns, . with the exception of the champion trot-. ter Uhlan (-.58), the trotting gueen, Dillen (1.58%), and eral rid- horses. There are a t 70 head e tonsignment, which includes the Harvester (2.01), former world's champion trotting stallion; William (1.58%), champion four year-old pacing stallion," and Peter Dillon (3) (2.11%), a sensationally | fast young stallion by the $50,000 sire, Peter the Great. | The remainder of the list follows , ~--Margaret Druien, 2.03%, plon trotting qu: of 1915; Queen Abbess, 2.03%; 06% ; Lettie Lee, 2.06% ; Bernice R. 2.07%; rrine (4) 2.07%; Berta cy Boyce, 3. cham- | i Mac, 2.08; The Lark, 2.08%; Bar-| ness Virginia (3),"2.08%: Luelle Bingen (3), 2.08%; Santos Maid (4) 2.08%: Lou Billings (3), 2.08%: Lucile Marlowe, 2.09% > Louise Wil- ; son, 2.10%; Margaret Preston, 2.- 103%; Kingseon Belle, 2.10%; Bar- oness Evelyn (3), 2.12%; Roberta Bingen (3), 2.13%. - FRENCH IN BASEBALL The Major Leagues Have Now Three in Their Ranks. While there have been any num- ber of Irislinfén and Germans active in: the national pastime for many years, Frenchmen have, for some réasofi or other, either held aloof or have not taken to it. Now it is dif- ferent however . The Wajor leagues now haye three gentlemen of that nationality, or rather, origin, within their ranks, Laverne Fabrique is the latest of these, and his work as shartstap for the Robins is certainly up 40 the mark. When he began his Pr sional career, the name of an- man of his nationality, George ance, was still familiar to the fans, while Lajoie, Another star of French extraction, was mere than past hid prime. Fabrique hails from Michigan, and made his start in a small league in that state some ten years ago. He played with the Jack- sO club four years before he was shifted, and then it took six years to work his way into the major leagues. Fabrique came to the Robins in time to perpetuate the fame of the French in baseball, for Lajoie wound up his Pfeffer in Brooklyn, Ppp in Boston | jie jeagne career with the Athletics off Shore and-Fabrique in New ne. ast fall. } se -- To Join the League. The following officers were elected at a meeting of the Victoiria Base- ball Club: Honorary presidents, W. R. Givens, W. F. Nickle, M.P., Mayor honorary vice-presidents, Thomas Nicholson, L, Sleeth, Edward Hartrick, James Phillips, Charles Crozier; president, George Van- horpe: vicespresident, Harold Hugh- es; secretary-treasurer, 8S. E. Trot- ter; manager, J. D. McDonald; as- sistant manager, James Newman. BEST RECRUITS WILL COME FROM BASEBALL Physically Fit and Well Drill- ed--Hope io Finsh Season. Upon the suggestion of Capt. Hus- ton of the New York Americans; President Johnson of the American League is making arrangements to have American League scores distri- buted to Canadian soldiers and the men of the "American battalions wearing the Maple Leaf at the front. Johnson said today that within three weeks all scores would be furnished the soldiers daily. v President JohnSon said. that 55 men from each majbr league are subject to conséription." He said the owners are unwilling to influence any athlete who believes his needs him, but that there is yet hope the big leagues will he permitted to finish the season without the ditrup- tion oN the teams. - He expressed the opinion that the mén would not be called before the end of the present season, because all could report in perfect physical ¢ondition, and most of them at present gre in military training. Catcher For Leafs. The Toranto baseball "tlub have purchased catcher *E. Blackburn from the Chicago club. Blackburn was in the International League last year with Providence, fielding .976 and hitting 264. He went to Boston Braves .and hit .273 while with them. Later the Cubs secured him at the waiver price. He is due to report at once, country. We Live But Once Let Us Partake of Earth's Good Things by Smoking. Milo Cigar Made i in ga by GEO. A. McGOWAN Co. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF CANADA S. ROUGHTON, Agent. 60 Brock St., Kingston. Phone 610: " FF Kingston' Electric 'Store We. are experts in home lighting. Get your home wired now and enjoy all the comforts of electric power and light. Ask us. H.W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC C0 79 Princess St. Phone 441 . lei lal i 1} 1 The Best Goods at the Lowest Price -- No Inferior Goods At Any Price. Rh rh a an 'WHEN WE SUPPLY THE CLOTHES YOUR FRIENDS SUPPLY THE COMPLIMENTS PACE-MAKER We are improving our store in some direction every v dav. We know we have the good will and respect and confidence of everybody and it is our constant endeavor to give the public pacemaking merchandise of the highest quality, in return for the confidence they bestow. oy An Air of Distinction "This i is a comment often made as a man passes by wearing a Lailey-Trimble suit. He gets credit for wearing his clothes well, yet it is the clothes more than the man. the cit, the harmony of weave and pattern comes, from good taste 'and skill. It copiéd--it is in the clothes themselves; nor can it be described--but you will find itin it in style, be floy Trimble Ltd. made to measure clothing. ,Come in and leave your measure. a First to Last, the Truth in our Adver- tisements and in our store. ene Get your boy one of those good suits we are selling at $3.79 up to $12.00, in all the newest checks. 2 good raineont is a necessity 10 your comfort at this time of the year. You will be sure of getting a good raincoat - here because we show. have no other kind to. Special -- Mews Btn nhac and brown. Sizes 3210 38. . . . 'Lion Clothing The 25¢ First to Last, the Truth in our Adver- tisements and in our store. Extra Special -- We are offering spec- ial values in men's spring overcoats this "week. Notice -- We have still a few of those good suits left. Regular $16.00 value, 35 to 44, 3izea 35 0 we are selling $1230 We wil have a ee of Ti hose good grey "House. The Bargain Spot of Kingston. Look for the Live Lion in the' indo . 347 and 349 King F. R. Bradley is the latest owner to announce that he. will donate a tallion for service€ to the. Kentucky. 3 Breeders' Bureau. . : --, By BUD F FISHER. in , NAUGHTY | NAUGHTY YOU musTNT WANDER OEE LIKE THAT, ~ NURSE . scoLD! ---- JEFF (IF WE could ony FIND A Good PrNER OUT HERE 'Nn THE BUSHES WE (OULD SELL Him TD Some BIG LEAGUE CLUB FOR. & Dacha or Coin LET THE UTTLE €ux GO Onl AND YOU Follow ME, TLL SHOW YOU THAT I'm SO COME OA AND SHow ME WHAT KIND OF & PITCHER YOU ARE, I'M Tou TIRED J 10 WALK, Any. FARTHER I'm A prone OF BWTTERMwW | PELOP - PFLOP. AOBODN CAN SEE US HERR ] . OM VERY wets