Daily British Whig (1850), 18 May 1917, p. 3

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The "Best" Drug Store L.T. BEST, Chemist. 124 Princess St. FROM THE 1ST OF APRIL TO 18T OF MAY Large Numbers of Contributions to Queen's Hospital--The Donations Came From District as Well as City. 4 Seeley's Bay. Waddell Sunday school class, Olivet Methodist ehureh, 12 dozen cheese cloth handkerchiefs, 19 bandages, 13 night shirts. Mrs, Tandy, 3 pair socks, Elginburg Patriotic Club, 53 tow- els, 13 pair pillow-cases. Miss Browne 1 pair socks. Bay View Woman's Institute, Collin's Bay, 23 pair socks, Dyde 1 pair socks. Miss Mrs. 8, Brophy 1 pair socks, * Miss Swaine M: Mills 2 2 cholera bands. Mra. pair socks, Mrs, L. Gordon, Glen- vale, 38 towels, 48 wash cloths. bury Red Cross, 10 pillows; Mrs. John Ball, 4 pillow-cases. Mrs. Mal- colm Macgillivray, 1 pair socks, Mrs. Gleeson old eofton. Mrs. R. J. Me- Clelland Queen Street . Methodist Society, 95 face-cloths. Work For Kingston Red Cross. Socks--Miss B. Comer 1 pair, Mrs, McGill 1 pair, Miss Lulu Flem- ing 4 pair, Miss L. O'Brien 1 pair, Miss C. Smith 1 pair, Mrs. McBride 3 pair, Miss D. Davidson 4 pair, Miss Hynes 2 pair, Miss Willa Mit- chell 1 pair, Miss Duff 2 pair, Mrs. Corbett 1 pair, Mrs. Gauyner 1 pair, Miss F. Chown 1 pair, Mrs. S. .R Bailey 1 pair, Miss King 1 pair, Mrs. Bogart 1 pair Mrs. Montagne Strange 1 pair, Mrs. A. Hoppin 3 pair, Mrs. Echlin 2 pair, Mrs. W. H. Asseitine 1 pair, Mrs, Pretty 1 pair, Miss Isabel Bureau 1 pair, Miss Caird 2 pair, Mrs. Hysop 1 pair, Mrs, F. Conway 2 pair, Mrs. Gow 2 pair, Mrs. T. Hea- ley .1 pair, Mrs, Quigley 4 pair, Mrs. D. G. Macphail 1 pair, Mrs. Rayson DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1917 a Bir Sunbyry Red. Cross workers--42 pneumonia jackets, 25 abd. band. ages, 1 suit pyjamas, 1 pr. socks. Women's Institute, Inverary---9 nightshirts, 12 pyjamas, 12 shires; 9 pr. socks. p Cooke's Church Ladies' Aid-- (a) 5 many-tailed bandages, 54 bed- pads, (b) 119 pads, 14 nightshiris, 100 pads, Young People's Society,. 6 doe. tria, bandages; Miss MaCallum's class, 12 pnewmonia jackets. Willing Workers' class, Seeley's 'Bay Methodist Church, 12 pneu- monia_ jackets. : Queen Street Methodist Missionary Soclety--41 T e 92 wash cloths; Queen Street Methodist church, 92 wash cloths, Calvary Church Red Cross, 100 17 scrap books. . Shanly Women's Institute, 47 shirts, 10 pr. pyjamas, 9 pr. socks. bed pads. Glenburnie Beaver Club, | i Anno uncing 5 QUR FIRST MONTHLY Mail-Order Comparison Sale St. Andrew's Church--21 bed, 18 crutch pads. or One of the greatest merchandise events ever offered to the buy- ing public of this community. A sale of comparisons in which we prove conclusively that "We meet "or beat catalog prices"! Sale Starts Saturday At9 o'clock. Continuing Throughout Next Week. See Page 9 of Today's Whig FOR A HOST OF GENUINE BARGAINS! : 1 pair, Mrs. Swaine 1 pair, Mrs. Hetherington and Mrs. Nixon 5 pair, Miss Drummond 1 pair, Miss A, | [Elginburg Patriotic Club--1 suit Muckleston 1 pair, Miss Harold 6 # pair, Mrs, Wooley 2 pair, Mrs. M. |! Aid, Elgin- Clough 1 pair, Mrs. John Allen | burg--23 shirts, 1 pr. socks, 7 abd. (Sharbot Lake), 2 pair, Miss M. Ir- | bandages. vine, Wolfe Island, 5 pair, Mrs. A.{ Wolfe Island Red Cross--2 pair Hendry 1 pair, Mrs. McGill 1 pair, |PYjamas, 3 nightshirts, 2 wash Mrs. Banks 1 pair, Mrs. J. C. Con-| €loths, 14 crutch pads. nell 3 pair, Mrs. H. F. Price 1 pair, St, oJhn's Ladies' Aid, Portsmouth Mrs. Percival 2 pair, Mrs. H.W. Ly- | --35 shirts, 3 army shirts; St. John's man 2 pair, Miss O'Brien 2 pair, | Young People's Society---9 night- Mrs. Matthew Elliott 1 pair, Mrs. shists. 9 pneumonia jackets, 2, pair George Hazlett 2 pair, Miss Hynes 1 | Socks. pair, Miss C. Smith 1 pair, Mrs Taft R.R. No. 1, Kingston--42 triangu- 1 pair, Mrs. Milton (Pittsburg) & [lar bandages. 12 pnewmonia Jackets. pair, Mrs, Macpherson 2 pair, Mrs. JPortamouth Presbyterian Ladies Oliver Chown 2 pair, Mrs. Day 2|Aid--4 pr. socks, 8 nightshirts. pair, Mrs, Wood (Portsmouth) 2 Sydenham Street S.8.---140 band- pair, Mrs R. Crawford 1 pair, Mrs, | 88es. a Nicolle 3 pair, Mrs. Bateman 2 pair,| St. Mary's Sewing Circle--1 pr. Miss JF. Richmond 1 pair, Miss J. E. | Wristlets, 5 pr. socks, Richlong 1 palr, Mrs. Duff 3 pair, Ladies' Aid, Bethel Miss Connell 1 pair, Mrs, F. Elliott doz. triangular bandages. 3 pair, Mrs. T.5C. Wilson 1 pair, Miss | St. Georges Cathedral Mission-- 'Ella Fraser 2 pair, Miss Ross 2 pair, | (2) 6 nightshirts, 4 pyjamas, 1 abd. Mrs. Macmillan 1 pair, Mrs. J. A. |bandage, 36 trja. bandages, 2 pneu- yj Holland 1 pair, Miss F. O'Donnell 2 | monia jackets, (b) 49 tria. band- pair, Mrs, 8S. Crawford 1 pair, Miss | 38s, 8 pads. 2 nightshirts, 51 band- Hodgins 2 pair, Miss Crisp 1 pairt| ages, 1 abd. bandage, 2 pneumonia Mrs. McGill 1 pair. Jackets. Bandages--Trigngular bandages | Harrowsmith Red Cross--10 night- Mrs. Ayerst 8 dogen, Mrs, Lavefl 2 shirts, 4 shirts, 1 pyjama, 1 hospital dozen. Mrs. Nichols 2 abd. band- |#uit and § palr socks. ages, Mrs, Holland 6 abd, Mrs, Pinghill Red Cross--(a) 86 pads, Whalley 22 triangular. 3 pr. gocks, 12 T bandages, 4 pr. oper- Knee caps--Miss 'McKenzie. ation socks, 16 abd, bandages, (b) Pneumonia jackets--Mrs. 8. R.!10 abd. bandages, 97 binders, 2 suits Ba: Prisn r Be Lima pneumonia Pads--Mrs, M. C. Dunn 12. : wanbury I Shirts--Mrs. T, Mills 38 - night | Jackets, 2 pyjamas, 2 pr. socks, 1 shirts cut out, Mrs. T. Mills 7 flanuel, | crutch pad, 35 abd. bandages, Mrs. Zutelt 25 might shirts and 24 Miss H. L. Chown's class--12 army cut out, Mrs, McGill 2 night | Pneumonia jackets. shirts, Mrs. Mackenzie 6 night Alta Putipa. Club--=12 pneumonia shirts. Jackets. \ Mrs, Fairlie 21 wash cloths. Mrs, W. G. Anderson 26 wash cloths. Pyjamas--Miss Drummond 2 pair. Branch Cor Division Harrowsmith, 21 pair secks. = Sun- CASTORIA ) "For Infants and Children Use For Over 30 Years Always bears ; the Signature 44 ed Phone 59 . 2018 A Pies are just as good today as were those made when we were chil- dren. The change is in the eaters, "ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CHARM TEA IN PACKAGES." Black, Green and Mixed. Packed in King- ston, by GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited ESTABLISHED AN 1643, Church--1 These days -- most economical women shop at f EF gaigh sah eae NAYS Lei "By Washing Tt | When you wash your hair, be care- ful what you ysé. Don't use prepared si or anything else, that con- tains tao much alkali, for this is very {81urious. as It dries the scalp and agin the hair brittle. best thing to use is just plain mujsified cocoanut ofl, for this is pure 'and entirely greaseless. It's very cheap, and beats anything else all to places. You cab get this at any drug store, and a few ounces will last the whole family for months. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in, about a teaspoonful is all that is required. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, cleanses. fhoroughly. and rinses out Sastly. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and is soft, fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to han- dle. Besides, it loosens and takes out every particle of dust, dirt and dand- ruff. Pagham Red Cross--7 pyjamas, 7 hospital Shiga: 3 Ps, 20ckS. Ventnor e816. pr. socks. Spencenville--2 3 Sits Digan, 25 hospital shirts, § pr. sock o Hartington Ladies' Aid--1 doz. bandages, 7 pr. socks, 5 {flannel sh ide Society of Union, Street Baptist Churety, 8, pheu- monia. jackets; 27 wash cloths. oF ALLOW BREAD SORAPS Donations to Queen's Hospital, Soldiers Ald Society, High Park Presbyterian Church, Toronto, (through Queen's Alumnae Associa- tion )--45 pair pyjamas, 13% dozen Pillow cases, 11 dozen towels, 3 dozen hot water bottle covers. Capt. Fryatt Chapter, LO.D.E., Utica~--11 scarfs, 4 eomfort bags, 24 pair socks, 14 pillow pads, 42 pack- 4 TOBE OOLLECTED ages dressings, 20 crutch pads, 8 pro- Pishaing "| perty bags, 1 fot. cloth, 2 hinders, 4| From the Local Hotels and PAI 3 Pair wristlets, 2 pair mittens, 1 box Restaurants by the Pouls Time tells--75 years of honest paint making Bong, Con 3 Hoe sd hsadages, 18 tey Association. is our Ieputation and your uarantee for joQdesm Red Croms--{ pair cuffs, es hue 3 _ . o ting pair socks, socks, At a meeting of ith iv towels, 48 ty ,*12 sheets, i all on it 1s SBASED ON RAMSAY'S." © | | duttted to Shans tae Soke af iy Sst RE 8 pyjamas, 6 nightshirts. "Théreis a say Dealer waiting to serve 8 Watamas Patriotic wlid, 8t"An-| the Poultry Association for permis- interesting iteratureon paint ls lama site 3 moe pag Lom "Oe he Bread sere from : ho y Bhl-| hotels, restaurants an rding and color schemes. ® 2 houses in the interests of the Greater A. RAMSAY & SON COMPANY Makers of Fine Paints and Varnishes shirts, 32 suits pyjamas,' 10 eye Production movement. Montreal + Toronto : Vancouver A large variety of new designs just arrived. Sold with: or without cushions. We have also re. ceived a large stock of new grass rugs, in a variety of soft green and rose colorings. * A H "Thessruge are fit for any room in the huse. ong list of customers is growing. T.F . Harrison Co, garbage a CONCLUDED ON THURSDAY Importation of Liquor Condemned ~=Needs of Ministers' Widows. and Orphans. sn 4 The Methodist District Conference closed on Thursday .afterneon with the nomination of the various com- mittee members. The selection was as follows: sky Rev, W. W. Weese. I . Woodman and Rev, H. E. Curry. ai Local Preachers--W. Atkinson and { Cases, Rev. W. Henderson, Epworth League--T. J. Pritchard and Rev. B, Codling. Sustentation fund--F. Anglin and . W. C. Hollingworth. Service--T, 1. Ellis and Rev. A. on Memorial--E. Davis and Rev. L. M. England. Sabbath Deloro Red Cross--18 pyjamas, 15 pair socks 3 abdominial dandages. Picton friends of Queen's Hospi- tal---91 comfort bags, 1 pair wrist- lets, 18 knitted ties, 24 pair socks. Ladies' Ald Society: St. Andrew's Church, Campbeliford--12 sheets, 7 quilts, 2 pillows, 3 air cushions, 6 face cloths, 49 pillow eases, 16 dozen handkerchiefs, , Walkerton Chapter 1.0.D.E.--86 compresses, 376 large pads, 407 Small pads, 2,400 wipes, 6 extra large ston, g "with I tor Timmer Duke ou Argvle Chapter Wark. man. worth---19 pyjamas, 6 scrap books, . comfort bags, 21 property bags, Addresses W. trathcona, Alberta (Mrs. Had- anted, dow), 15 pnenmonia jackets, 10 ab- - Would: be pleased to dominal es, 46 pads. addresses of each St. Andrew's Church Patriotic So- ciety, Windsor--1,450 gauze pads, 432 gauze dressings, 30 quilted pads, 32 uightshirts. . anion Patriotic . Soclety"--50 reat pads, 504 compresses. ruce street Baptist Church, Wind- tor_-3:136 pads. Bloor street Presbyterian Church, Toronto (Women's pe tion) -- 161 'towels, 215 pillow cases, 11 wash cl 42 pyjama suits, 46 bandages. The committee also decided to in- crease wages of the collectors. Assistants will receive 20 instead of 18 cents an hour; single horse driv- ers 33 cents instead of 30 cents and the team driver 60 = instead of 45 cents an hour, \ The roof of the incinerator stack she at a cost of not more than $25. house will. be A SI ais tug roe For Sale By MCKELVEY & SON, Limited. wi SE The learn the "of the following: Joh , late of Enterprise, Ont, i W. J. Gallivan, Cut Knife, Sask. Charles Patterson, Cobalt; Ont. Maxime Perault, Enterprise, Ont. Sam Sleeth, 126 South Court St., Port Arthur. J. B. Trotter, 414 10th St., Nu- tana, Saskatoon, Sask. Thomas H. Moore, Kamloops, B.C: H. Orr Cochrane, Ont. boa 3

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