" PAGEFIVE een I -------- a OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT. oO Connor's Ladies' Excluisve Backw sweeping r 'choice. weather conditions are responsible for the following uctions on séasonable garments. Be early for first Special - Sale - Special Saturday and Monday Every article offered new this spring, and worth more whole- sale today. A BIG ASSORTMENT OF SILK SUITS AT LOW PRICES. $9.98 Each -- 35 Spring Coats Plain colors, faney checks, serges, etc. The season's very smartest garments, newest styles and latest cloths. Every size in the lot but no two alike. These "coats sold regular at $13.50 to $20.00 each. 19¢ a pair -- Hosiery Specials 15 doz. Ladies' Hese, fast black, seamless natural wool feet; all sizes, worth today 35¢ a pair. "10 doz. Boys' Stockings. Rack ribbed, double knees, fast black. Sizes 7 to 10. : Half Price Suits 23 only suits left, individual models, no two alike good assort- ment of sizes. priced regular at $18.00 to $37.50. Half Price to Clear. 49¢c Each -- Boys' Shirt Waists 30 dozen New York waists; tapeless, no draw strings to break. Fancy striped and plain colors; chambrays and percales, fast washing. All ages 6 years to 14 years. Big Reductions in All Summer Hats AH the new creations are here at low prices. See the child- 'rén's hats, clearing at 69¢ each. 10 doz.Girls' Middies 25 Doz. Yoile Waists ' at ." id- | 10 doz. House Dres- | ses at 98c. 12 Doz. O'All Ap- rons at 49¢. 10 doz. Silk Waists $1.25 (==) TJ. JCONNOR tt {UMENTS ! of the city for members. us BADR NEW. PARTY Ws FD KINGSTON NOW W HAS AN INDE- PENDENT POLITIOAL PARTY Formation Took Place at Meeting Held Thurscay Night--Will Be Afilinted With" Party Already Or. ganized in Western: Ontario, At a meeting held on Thursday night, an Independent Political Party was formed in Kingston, which will be affiliated with the party formed in western Ontario. At this meeting, communicatibns were read from the Toromto and Hamilton branches, and the local or- ganization will be supplied wjth a system of organization and speakers will be hrought to the eity, Provisional officers were elected, but the names will be announced lates. Quite a number of men signed up and paid their fee, and next week it is the intention to make a canvass Letters to the Editor | Mine will Not I Be Closed. Toronto, May 17--(To the Editor) We beg to deny the report in a recent issue of your paper, that the Fron- tenmac, or Indian Lake Lead Mine is closed down. As yet We have only been putting the plant in order, and from time to time as conditions war- rented, have been hirimg and dis- charging men. Due to the lack of coals we were not in full 'eperation the early part of last week but work did not entirely cease. You probably got your information from one ofthe men discharged at that time, We are pleased to say that we have sow secured coal and expect fo complete repairs and turn out large quantities of lead very soon. Yours truly. Indian Lake Lead Mining Co, Ltd W. Dillon, president. IN MARINE CROLES. Movements of Vessels Reported Along the Harbor. \ The schooner St. Louis arrived from Oswego with 200 tons of coal. It 's understood that the steamers Aletha and Brockville will be taken to Hamilton to be used in the ferry service there. The steamer Jex clear ed Thursday night for Oswego. MT. Co's. bulletin--The tug Em- erson arrived from Montreal with two light barges, and cleared 'with | Yes grain barges for. Montreal; the er Westerian cleared for Port; Colborne to load graim). the steamer Simla with the barge Melrose arriv- ed froni Port Colorme with grain. Tire steam barge Fpllette Winter cledred for :Ashtabuld to load ; coal for Quebec. C:pt. Mehoney, Kings- ton, is in-ccnmand, The Follette is axnentéd to lv befween Murray Bay, ' Quebec, and Ogdensburg with pulp- weod this He, ae, gae. ple have Wloé" So used 'of gas and "fad 'thonth Col: The people have b to the 'monthly pa electric rites 0IN BLACK CALF 00 IN TAN CALF $8.00 $10. Invictus Sport Boots for High School Girls. - 5 "America's Latest and Canada's Best" \ ' Abernethy's Shoe Store -- Which Will It Be. . a -- ITI, a Sn Si. A Soft Hat or Derby A | | FOR COMFY Large Comfortable Pull Wars Ji : "5 "Strollers and S eys, man Back, Roll Edge, and Collapsible Go- Rattan Baby Carriages. Carts. James Reid The Leading Undertaker. An We are headquarters for the "wideawakes" who are keen for the new things in headwear. You can choose from the best makes: BORSALINO, MALLORY, BUCKLEY, STETSON, CHRISTY, PROCTOR, WPC. $2 to $4.50. dae | bs, The Big Hat Déatérs. : 24 At ---------------- ee -- PASTRURIZEW MILK AND CREAM, Visit' This Dairy and for Yourself. Satisfaction Guaranteed, Oficinl Test by H. I. Sanh. Mik teat. ag? ako TL RL eh of marble and Em SY tw Stuer FALLON BROS., | Pinca gs | . | Can Pineapples thi week they as a thee best and prices are lowest SEED POTATOESEarly ware Potatoes. " rt Sen Ee hele Crawford's Grocery "Gobd Things To Eat." BUY FRESH SEEDS Rennie's, Simmers' and Steele Briggs' At Sargent's Drug Store Corner Princess and Montreal Streets Don't Forget to Put Your Furs Away Ber Telephone 41 PTR. E. C. CHESHER TELLS OF APPEAL MADE IN BATTLE! * | Decided to Lead Christian Life at Almost the only one of his platoon to escape death or injury in the ter- rific fighting of Vimy Ridge, Pte. E. C. Chesher, of London Ont., now in (he Credeent War Hospital, looks on his escape as 2 the answer to his pray- er utte he swept into action "Oh, €od Ir it be thy will, for my mother's sake, save me." Pte. Chesher was one of 250 who decided to lead a Christian life at a meeting conducted by Rev. H. H. Bingham at Barriefield last summer. In a letter to the minister, he says: "I don't pose you will remember | me but 1 one of the many whom u: saved for Christ last sumfer at Barriefield. hed a while I remained true, but uly, my lit brother, ed 3, fell into a Srl of ing ater ingame. When I first got word of the 'was roi than 1, and one October while I was sitting hens the YM.C.A. hut at West Sand- ling Camp, Kent, he spoke to me so strongly that I haa to give in, and in his Stent and infinite mercy he for- It was s0 terrible that I went almost |-- paid. 'Earl Stevens hay sold his house on Church' street; * Pictom to - George the late Mrs, Henry wa y a BEES INGSTON EVEN rs| 25 YEARS ACO Men are engaged planting maple and elm trees in ,eity Convicts are engaged in ty Wn. the roadway in front of the penmit tiary, Stone for the new Roman Catholic i Chu at Portsmouth, dressed in the Beniientiary is ready for use. 190 For Six Months When the blood! Becomes impure the very first sympéoms which ed fest ee BAT various forms ot RRM bails, pimples, ie etc, and d of these troubles you re The best bloud cleansing remedy on the market to-day is Burdock Blood Bitters. of Doustnds of people from one end Young ind purchased the home of} 4 we 4 if ar BRIT. GUVT. ENGCH RE MED « IN No 3 v CORED GRADING CH WIS in RRICE IN ENGLAND. Fe opt, ge prams for 8 hua A Bas $ How ap' etrcuka ACO, HA VERS POC KAD (NW... LoNinn THAT TRADE MARKER Wied "7 RKNANORS 1s STAMP AFFIXED TO ALL GENDING PACKETS A . YOUR HAIR WITH HAD BOILS| oroughly with a | " to the other have used ft} years, | Shampoo' lector Murray states there was less | than $50 of the total "accounts un-|" ny 24 JONNSON. A Phone 2083 | ed 42 Butter Fat. Potatoes We have just received a car of potatoes suitable for seed. We will sell these off the car at a very Ho Why are '90%, of our ebony satisfied with our glasses? ta them 4 backed with years of experience and a full Ahonlotun Shen kobe J STEWART, Opt.D. of our profession; "3 you Wish. satinfactory. vomits, consult Optician and Optometrist, Bis. Opp. Post Office. Phoue 600