THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MAY 21, 1917 PAGE FIVE NATIONWIDE PROHIBITION COULD NOT LEAVE CANADA "Out of the High Rent District." AS A WAR MEASURE 18 VERY | FELT iT was iid bury TO. . . O'Connor's LADIES' Fn. ge Sp A Few New Arrivals in - Exclusive According to ¥. W. Duggun of To-| James Harold Talbot Said There Was ronto Who Spoke in Sydenham Something Greater Than a College 3 3 4) . ! : Street Methodist Church om Sun-| peorea ympressive Memorial Ser- 3 v ) day Evening. vice at Cooke's Church, 8 ; d | [A '00 wear The immediate need of nation- At Cooke's church on Sunday i id O11 are wide prohibition as a war measure |m,rping Rev. E. R. McLean held an ' Frank W. Dug- was emphasized by impressive memorial service for the , e gun of Toronto in Sydenham street | .+o prof A. Laird, at one time pas- » Methodist church on Sunday evening. fo. of the church, Perey Calvert 11x i rices Local prohibitory laws" he said |Caverhill, Edward Fair Corkhill, ! "have closed thousands of bar-rooms| ya meg Harold Talbot. and Garfield NY ) ' \ : throughout Canada and called forth | paqmong Rodgers. Messrs. Caver- fre ff | Mahogany brown laced boots with fawn i Y i rganized public sentiment so great pi 'orkhill. Talbot and . | With any Catalogue House in Toronto or That 5 ACHand = pow Mads for wom. |W, Corkhill, Talbot and Rodgers Lom suedetops .. .. .. ........-...$10.00 i .. ... $10.00 Montreal -- We know the answer. plete prohibition." Here in Ontario |" yr Mer. THe. iy rater. NGL : we see the logic of this. With the ea Tr Re one Iaelr Tete. rey kid laced boots iy Hl passing of bars, shops and club ca Hebrew, XH, 1: "Wherefore, see- ced boo SE OUR EXPENSES OF SELLING decreased drunkunness and increased in Te are also compra aban: y ¥ EE ot calf oot books ik 31200 . : economy. Those places remote from | ip oo oreat a cloud of witnesses, Are the lowest in the city. -- So are our the Quebec and American borders | oi us lay aside every weight, and 1 are deriving greater benefits thanfipe sin which doth so easily beset / prices on dependable garments. . { those municipalities which are con- oy --_ ~ us run With ce | 1 A pleasure to show you the new models mn tiguous. For instance--Hamilton, | ace that js set before us" "CANADA'S BEST " 1 1 i i d d Kingston, Londot and Toronto there [ the gpeakemdBade an interesting a . eilk suits, silk skirts and summer dresses has been a reduction of 2,560 arrests | rorarance to the late Mr. Talbot. His ' now ready. for drunkunness in three months as | early home was in Buffalo, and he b i, compared with the same three. planned to return to the States : : \ ' Headquarters for Stylish Millinery. months under licenses. In Ottawa [io compare: his aducation amy or yl : Ab r th Sh because of its nearness to the licens- | tayo yp pis life's work. Deceased 3 erne y 8 oe tore ed city of Hull, and in Sarnia and | was going into law, but had carried Windsor which are opposite the Am- | on most successful work 0; mission erican border the decrease is much [go145 tor the Presbyterian church. ! less while in Sault Ste, Marie and | yr Talbot explained his presence O noyYy Niagara Falls there is an increase of | hack here last fall with this remark: 80 and 203 respectively. The im- [1 o5y14 pot get away from Canada ® ® provement here said Mr. Duggun, ¢an {1 founq that in these days there was A Soft Hat or Derby -------------------------------------------- 2 only come through Federal action. much more interested in Canada 260 Princess St. Telephone 800 Prior to the war England de- [than in the States. . Whi h will It B "Hi h t t b tl * * " pended more on Russia, Rumania Mr. McLean made special refer- Be 1C 1 €. igher up street, but lower In price. and Bulgaria for grain than upon |ence to this remark, and referred to . America. Dire necessity compels [the many who had crossed the line, these places to hold what they have [in order to shirk their duty, stating and England looks to Canada as |that the country was well rid of never before. Within twice as easy them. He remarked that many a reach of England as India or Aus-{man in Talbot's place, would have tralia every ton of food grown in |made his American upbringing, an Canada is therefore worth two tons |excuse but not so with the deceased, grown in India and four tons grown | who showed such an heroic spirit. in Australia. For England's sake, | Deceased told the speaker that he ary oan on S that mighty champion of equity and | was very anxious to proceed with his justice, we must stop the breweries | college work, but he felt there was and distilleries from destroying our [something far more important in Maturing: food stuffs. these days than a college degree, 1st October, 1919 1st October, 1031 a Mr. Mcl.ean had an interesting let- 1st December, 1925 1st March, 1937 The Waste ter some time ago from Mr. Rodgzers During 1915 distilleries used 83,- |and he read some passages of it, " , | Price on Application. 288,969 Ibs. of grain showing that he was very willing to 3 ! FOR COMFY Write to us today for information and prices. Your requests During 1916 distilleries used 44,- | make the sacrifice. | will receiver our careful attention \ 971,959 lbs, of grain. During the service, the choir sang, During 1917 distilleries used 88,- | One Sweetly Solemn Thought". We are headquarters for the | Large Comfortable Pull- "wideawakes" who are keen i 107.019 Ibs. of grain. Pip aa 3 : Strollers and Sulkeys ood Gund & Com otal, 216,267,947 lbs. Musical Memory and Pictures. for the new things in headwear. | 3 ys, W ' y pany Tota, 218.080 {an Back, Roll Edge, and Collapsible Go- Canadian Pacific Railway Building, sine Ja0% breweries used 145,- t A¥hgite Leliotman is 3 Donen, You can choose from the Montreal Toronto New York 295,673 lbs of grain. er of the Gods" is coming to Griffin's . : 3 During 1916 breweries used 93,- | Theatre May 31st, 22nd, 23rd. best makes: Rattan Baby Carriages. Carts. 150,690 1bs. of grain. If you have a "musical memory" BORSALINO, During 1917 breweries used 98,-|and beautiful themes are Impressed | MALLORY, 552,300 1bs. of grain. indelliably on your mental record, | BUCKLEY, | o : Total used 336,998, 663 Ibs. then you may have the enchanted | STETSON, { ames el fee picture beautiful with you for all CHRISTY, ! E Allowing 40 bushel to the acre and 50 1bs. to the bushel for different |time, for the music . composed es-' PROCTOR, ETC. . grains we find it required a yearly |Pecially for "A Daughter of the The Leading Undertaker. acreage of 36,044 acres to supply | Gods," which comes at Griffin's Fam- 2 to $4.50 EE -------------------------------- Beachnut Brand Products distilleries and 55,832 acres to sup. | ily Theatre for threo day's melod- $ ' RnR ply the breweries. It is true the cally runs along with the charming | 7 distilleries are providing the Imper- | fairy story, and tells! it with an ap- fo CERES | PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM, Beech-Nut Blackberry Jam. rg phat of food are being de- | conservation of every white virtue 'Beech-Nut Peanut Butter. poses. sweep and diapason of the snow- | Phone 2083 erage purposes, prohibition of the | gnomes; the sheer appeal of pure . i - | peal that is wholly lacking in the ial. Munitions Board with great quan- |p y 8 Visit This Dairy and Beech-Nut Grape Jelly. stroyed by turning the grain into in-.|and black hatred; the aeolian song 1 of the winds and the impressive . Dominion wide. prohibition of the | ridged seas; the whimsical elfin . we ' G C wh d inter-provincial sale, and manufac- | beauty of scene and person; and the | ra or $ rocery, ture would save this gigantic waste | glad, triumphant spirit of the good tat 5 \ We have just received tities of alcohol 'monthly - for war | Spoken word: ¥very'human passion I o oo. Decide for + . th t Yourself. -- Satisfaction Guaranteed, It is just as true that mil- | that has part in 'the spectacle, the Cam bell Bros. ! omcial Test by H, B. hy Milk test- ' 24 JOTNSON STR IT toxicating liquors for beverage pur- The Big Hat Dealers. : | manufacture of intoxicants for bev- | movement and song of the ever-husy A A AA A AA ct A A AAA A AAA A 6" : " and assure our own and Allied na- | that conquers and endures--the In- Good Things To Eat. Phone 26 tions of food sufficient to feed their | spiration of the song and story-- . . 1 i Can Pineapples This Week. hungry multitude. It may be added |all these vividly are given by the! : ' the speaker said, that the farmers of | magic of the music. Raymond New- | . . . Canada will decide the war. Let the | ton Hyde. consulting art expert for We have just received a car of potatoes suitable . Federal Government act now, several millionaire collectors and a ITT PIOmy for seed. We will sell these off the car at a very .. musical enthusiast, 'has declared that . close price. tet eer aS NH re stat att he can sit in silence, with closed eyes, . Confirmation Service. and, as he invokes theme after'} YOUR HAIR WITH There was a large congregation in | theme of "A Daughter of the Gods," » St. Paul's Church on Sunday even | the pictures reel off before his men- | . ing, when a cofffimnation service was | tal vision as definitely as though pro- @ held by the Bishop of Kingston. | jected on the theatre screen. 1. | Co C oanut @ @ » Canon Fitzgerald presented twenty- | therefore," may be accepted, with | one cand dates. This was the second {such a high testimonial, that Wil- confirmation service within the past | liam Fox's milllon dollar film as an Why are 99% of our patrons satisfied with our glasses? Because our | six months and making a total of attraction {is both a sumptuously service to them is backed with years of experience and a full knowledge | forty-two confirmed during that |arrayed art exhibit and a grand opera Oil A PA LO PHN At ANNAN A of our profession. If you wish satisfactory results, consult time, and a grand total of 300 du:- | featuring the "most perfect woman | ing Canon Fitzgerald's term in the |in the world." Humperdinck, whose ASK YOUR GROCER FOR parish. One of the candidates was |child and fairy music in "Hansel & | > J. J. STEWART, Opt.D. Spticun oud from the parish of Coe Hill, all the | Gretel" has established a standard | ! . 4 ' 3 4 . others confirmed were from St |well might havg lamented the chance | ! ! 1 or, Wellington and Clarence Sts. Opp. Post Office. Phone 699 Paul's church. The bshop gave w |to interpret "A Daughter of the SHAMPOO | yi i ' very earnest address from the words | Gods." Matinees each day 2.30 p.m; X | "I have fought a good fight." nights, 8.15 p.m. | 25¢ a Bottle. IN PACKAGES. BUY FRESH SEEDS - | Black, Green and Mixed. Packed in King- Engagement Announced. In Marine Circles. ¥ : : t b Rennie's, Simmers' and Steele Briggs' TO ey omaih Lake, Ti a I ais P rouses | GEO ROBERTSO N % SON. Limited their second daughter, Mary, Isa~ | night. . ' ' belle, to Arthur Roberts, Point Road, M.T. O's. bulletin--The steamer At Sargent 8 Drug Store Barriefield, the marriage to take | Joyland arrived with a cargo of bar. Dru Store place quietly on June 6th ley from Fort William, which was Corner Princess and Montreal Streets Telephone 41 transhipped into barges for Mont- : ho 82 ' real; the steamer Sarnia City arrived 4 Don't Forget to Put Your Furs Away Be- || When You Can't Sleep |. :: the barge Egan with grain from th IIB {lich the Welland Canal; the steame: fore Moths Come YOU SHOULD USE Sarnia City will clear light for Pres. . : : . ' Whe cd oa E EE -- mii s-- Heart Miles Pills Conscription in the Bible WHE N - On the approach of an enemy the | . » Jawish army was recruited by a con. : scription made from the tribes under i 9 Sleeplesspess is raused by the ner-| (ie d rection of a mustermaster, by Women S : vous systeft becoming deranged. whom also the ofiVicers were appoint- ® - 4 . Perhaps too much worry has got-| ed. The army was divided into thou- . ten on your nerves, perhaps you have|santis and hundreds under their re. < TRY Li Walking overworked yourself, or have been! spective captains. (Numbers xxxi., excessive in your use of tobacco, but| 14; Numbers fi., 34; II. Chronicles | + _ 2 : i y : ' whatever the cause the neivous sys-| xxv./5; xxvi., 12). HENDERSON'S farm stock and implements, Tuesday, Th with perforated wing : . May 22nd. PR oo tip and low heel" . OR " Brown Calf. a a ol ve- a ne engine | § models from Ameri- on 71 nd F. Buitway. bas | TABLE DELICACIES | can makers. ~* Store 59-61 Brock St. Allan M. Reid, : . re : treights: Chicago to 111 Princess Street. : ad eat . Aiey RY 4 3 ? and 3% cents on corn. From Kings. : wi : : : ton to Monlreal rates are 2% cents | west and will labor in the Diocese of to 2% cents. Winnipeg. : ; 3 |