Daily British Whig (1850), 21 May 1917, p. 7

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Li A i Hil An Fhrift Hi ESTABLISHED Thrift FOR CHILDREN I ISSS tinbie 116 BRANCHES IN CANADA, BANK or TORONTC George B. McKay, RG , Manager. FOR SALE dw wad with all thro moder ghonut In On ELE FAN purcha his is well boeat ard thy ding ty, and balance tl good propery "inch «i | i be avn Wil i] 11 THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 56 Brock St. Spring Time is rowing Time We carry Steele Brigg Vegetable and and packages, Ww a well a Ferrys, Flower orted stock of! and Rennies leeds in bulk | make a specialty of choiee Mix- | ed Sweet Peas, Dwarf and Tall Nas | turtiums in bulk. ) | Onur "Limestone City" Lawn Grass Seed will grow where all others fail per 1b, 26c foag's Drug Store Branch Post Office. Kingston, ont, a om lp, : SPECIAL EASTER Meats and Groceries Swift Premium Hams and Bacon. Choice Western Beef, Veal and Pork, Fresh Eggs, Lettuce, Celery and Green Onions. J. M. GORDON Phone 88. Car. Montreal & Bay St. FR i mcr cra ergs F.J. JOHNSON The Leading Florist Florist Floral Designs, Wedding Bougq and Cut Flowers our specialty. Orders filled promptly. Phone 239. 1153 Brock Street. New Potatoes, New Cab- bage, New Carrots, New Beets, Butter Beans, Cucumbers, Lettuce, Radishes, As. paragus, Tomatoes, Pineapples, Strawberries, Oranges, Bananas, > A AT The Bon Marche Grocery | Cor. Ki TAXI SERVICE RING 960. and Earl. Phone 1844 { Open and Closed Cars. Hyacinth, Daffodils, Vi Valley Roses, Carnations. Al Thi Week ! We offer the best Prince Edward Potatoes ever used, by the bag or peck, at a reasonable price, Also choice creamery butter, fresh new laid eggs, pineapples, oranges, lemons and. bananas, all Kinds of garden vegetables, pure kettle rendered lard, Aippings, cooked meats of all Kinds, The purest pork sausage, made from farmers fed pork only, and: pure spiecs. Everything clean and sani tary at pt Anderson Bros. Phohes 438 - 1846. "Princess and Div Division Streets. Phones: Office 68; Res, 874, DO vou w glasses for dst tant' vy DO : for re pairs when pair with VISIONS listance WH i k two TWO ior op 1 1 reading. styles Cement Invisible RJ RODGER, | and Manufacturing Optician clock is on the Jeweler Whete the walk. (POTATOES ! Lowest Prices, Telephone or see us before huy- ing. ( Friendship's ! 210 Plvision St. Phone 545 Nw ing, 25¢ per lb. Cotosuet, better lard, 27¢ per Ib. Try a puond. You will be satisfied. P. H. Baker, Cor. Frontenac and Princess Sts. Phone 1016. FOR SALE A Five Passenger McLaughlin Car Used less than 1000 miles. Snap for a quick buyer. Boyd's Garage 129 Brock Street. FOR SALE LS "ylinder, 7-Passenger 1916 Model Studebaker Auto- mobile. Full standard equipment, new- ly painted and overhauled. Bert S Phone 759, 169 Raglan Rd. NIAC itinee " | at the Ferry | ing seed may | three-year old {At 2.30 PM. [& 1.30 P.M. | Filmdom's | The | i WERE GOING -- So is Domestic Shorten-| than vee «a. "AUCTION SALE lor THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MAY 21, 1917 op ER. HOUS CONTINUOUS Performance A GRAND Daily Extraordinary Offering-- Greatest Actress in the World The Divine SARAH Bernhardt Mothers of France -- | Photographed and produced by the French Government. I'he Programme will also Comedy and Travelogue Pictures. Prices--Matinee, 39 and 135¢. Evening 10c¢, 13¢, 23c¢. Thursday, F dor: Sat. ACTS POLITE VAUDEVILLE-2 A Five Reel Photoplay George Walsh, in "Melting Millions" JOFFRE, the Hero of the Marne. VIVIANI, Ex-Premier of F rance Evening 10e¢; Any Seat Reserv i STRA ND Tuesday, W ednesday v AUDEVIL J=TIEATURE PHOTOPLAY SO Irene Howley in "Her Father's Keeper" Chas. Murray Louise Fazenda, in Maggie' s First False Step "The Purple Mask" and Comedy Reels. Admission 10¢; Evenings Je. Monday, aud EGG-O BAKING POWDER Revived Prices: BLY QUICK BEFORE THERE IS A FURTHER ADVANCE Hat Cleaning Time Now ix the time to get your straw or Panama hat cleaned and bleached. Specialists in Panama bhleach- fugz., Satisfaction guaranteed. New York Hat Clean- ing Co. Successors to Pappas Rros. Cleaning . Business. 208 Princess street. Phone 303 Five doors below Opera House, "CARD OF THANKS | James I f The NOTICE ! The RATEPAYERS Of WOLFE ISLAND The Carload of Seed Potatoes Township, ordered by the Township Council, is now on the siding Whart, and those requir. obtain same ag cost, S225 per hag of 90 Ibs, te the Purser Ww, SPANKIR, Reeve, namely, | Apply 251 Princess Street, 22nd, at 2 p.m. n commission, Furnitare, Tuesday, May All goods sold reserve ALLEN, The Auctioneer. Telephone 52 | 7 No CREDIT SALE Of Farm Stock and Im- On Tuesday, "22ma, at 1 O'clock at Dr, Binek's Stock Farm, Lemeoines Point, Tp. Kingston. 15 milch cows (in o heife lings and calves (heifer calves This herd is stein (De Kohl and Calum unregis- tered), 1 gelding, : mares, 15 hp sta. tionary gas engine 1200 Ib. De Laval Cream Separator, "(ha or power) sorn Moder, binde 3 ow cultivator, hay kmader, wage sleighs, harness and all other nece farming uten- sfls About $0 ton ¥ in barn, Terms---$10.00 and er cash. Over this amount § months credit on approves od notes at 6° WM. MU RRAY, Auctioneer. Death at Flinton. Flinton, May 22.--Grim death has again visited our midst and on Wed- nesday 9th inst, claimed for its vie- Um, an old and respected resident in 'the person of Nelson Baskey. The deceased had suffered for geveral months with that most dreaded of | diseases, cancer, and bore his suffer-. ings tg the end without a murmur. He was a successful farmer and a man highly esteemed by all whom he came in contact. In relig- ion he was a Roman Catholic. De-! ceased, who was sixty-six years of | age, was an affectionate ro and | a most kind and indulgent father. He leaves to mourn his loss rowing wife, four daughters a sons. The daughters are, Mrs. Ar- thur Trolley, Kaladar; Mrs. Nick King, Timmins; Mrs. Phil Chaille- voux and Mies Frances, at home. bred ys » d four include | A GENERAL | ---- MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS, with | , @ SOT} The sons are John, on active service . in France; Nelson, Cape Vincent; ' Charles, New. York; and Perma, at | home. Dr. Satscadion Douglas has ar. : INEEEEEEE) ou CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First lasertion, 1¢ a8 word. Each con- ADVTS, secutive insertion thereafter, hailf- cent an Minimum charge for S5e; three inmgertiQus, mouth, $2. HELP WANTED word Cooke, v. Clarence street / COST three times Soc; .: ND Nov ELT) 38 FOUND ON FRIDAY EVENING, BAG OF ¢ =, left on letter DOX--< ner OFFICES IN CLARE bers. 9 C 'CE ST. CHAM. Apply to A. B. Cunningham, larente street « OMPETE NT NURSE. APPLY HUPMORILE olass A. Bateman, G 915 MODEL, IN FIRST ¢ Store. rug $ A GENER APPLY 305 SERV ANT, Alfred eet WILLOW BABY « ARRI ¢ ton g 2N CENTS HOUR. Ave LARORERS, AN App Hell Telephone Co, RUBBER TIRES i r Cheap SERVANT, Unive APPLY MRS, S60 Bago } Gardine t street. rs BLGGY, for fry FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- FLATS oR Queen street LIGHT HOUSE-KEEP. 184 Division street, or ROOMS; ALSO house Keeping; or coal. Apply RNITURE., CLEAN, your own lock and City Storage, 299 ®hone 526; res. 989 y roms; rost's TISED FREE Anyone finding anything and Fist, ng to reach the owner may L AP- Street Railway Office. Dot nL E DWELLING, 41 AND 43 DI street, € rooms and W.C : well rented. Apply 41 Div lun- street ply WANTED. Al ilding and Glass Co., AY BOYS enuc M ST, 33 GEORGE WAL Nt T BE m Se « usse BOYS Wo stow AND TRO SMART me 8 Ww WwW. J ages. The Th APD Y tH YOUNG © ani OR WM BDLE Ace Dn wa- ork. TENTS, AWNINGS, VERANDAH CU tains, canoes, and camping plies Fishing tackle, ete, Ww Cook 3% Clarence St, gon. Phone 891 su KR-GENERAL FOR FAM Kin Frank by reporting the faots to British Whig The adver- ent will be printed in this mn free of charge. Va in is- ARGE th "3 FURNISHED or without if desired water BED-ROOMS, board; sitting hot and cold run= of phone. Apply u se 103 Be Union St. does not In- horses, y be ad- column. D- 1s vertlsed for in the - "Lost" i RNISHE D reet: br Re SDE ANCE, roms 119 EARL pon fire- and shade $3 Brock R- Pe FOUND El HALF GROWN AIRDALE by auton DOG, HURT hile pl to Humane VIN Hoon ime for | Kir COOKING, Matron, He al Street ALARGE cluding t Nt NBER OF BICYCLES, } he famous Athlet land and Perfo Models; accessories ie ing St Phone 103 COON ror « Muller, e, Ove also tires str Noel 41 C arence ee N= re LOST. range, ROOMS, within ALL five trains and 74 Whig ats RLY Box hoy FOR MAILING ad | Of- * GOOD RELIABLY Ww tisk CHOICE STOCK or camp v al al -- | ne RKING MACHINE {Bod wages { and Glass Co, OR THC TION, ME FOR NEW AND hand sideboards, dressers, couch parlor chalrs, tables, Singer se ing machines, crockery, | pictur stoves and ranges. Also buy and second-hand furniture. Shapiro, ss street PORT ARLE ASSIST WITH re of 1ildren Yor NG «ia Louse Ww To wha « \ red \l Avroson » TOPS -- oC ed and at half the pri h ytd shions idson Yorn er top made li ELECTRICIANS -w for tol ete. Jas. Br. ri AND BOAT Ww secoND new oLD of 4 new tu . oN JIRou K ST w UP-TO-DATE 176 Un BRICK RESIDENCE, West, with or with- immediate msession Art Store, Princess nton St ARCHITECT POWER a SON, ARC HITECTS, WER- chants Rank Bulld'ng, corner Brock and Wellington streets es, wo es, A HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, RIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin: blem- ishes removed pormanently, with. ont scar; 30 vears' experience Filmer J. Lake, Eve, Ear Throat and Skin Speoialist, Bagot street FOR SALE ke Pp ps Ww 2068 WANTED PRINCE Highest MORRIS AND If you wish t plane &t would pa) on Mr. O.-F. Tels ntenac street exhibition at r o terms to suit the p KARYN, Panos grade call Ir wages, steady work, E. F. W. SALISBURY, 19 "Wellington St. E., Toronto WANTED R but 'PR ESENT A VES TO wash hout \ WANTED GENERAL wit ---------------------------------------------------- URCHASE pol m. Apply 8 clean al makes hur bey dre ni washing ntford, Ontari eee ee ee 'GIRLS! With or without experience, on sewing and 'knitting machines. Light work; Highest wages paid while learning. Apply | SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT las. C Princess street. and r mited, 121 | BY A PARTY a house- y g, from Twelve M. Ma t, Kir » buy a high PIANOS, h or in part payment of new Lind- GENUINE TROLA AND TWE SS selaotions, your own choice, FIRST » RONTE NAC ment presi CMG kle and fu count AS est mana dd; BOARD AND ROOMS AND ROOMS, . Central loca 3 Brock street, ee FINANCIAL LASS ARB LOAN AND TINVEST- Soclety: Incorporated 1863; tent Colonel H. R. Smith, vice president, W. F. Nie- K.C Money Issued on elty Arm properties, municipal and ry debentures; mortgages pur. investment bonds for received and In- allowed R. C. Cartwright, ger, §7 Clarence St, Kingston, deposits $10 cash and $1.00 per week. Lindsay, Limited FAMILY canopy vo PD 6 in SEAWORTHY with oak bean 6 ft Also double remts yveariy) and in good cond O cash Apply Jno R , § of Toronto res eens ah LARGE STOCK OF IRON REDS, COU. ches, stoves, men's clothing: als« new upholstered. chairs military harness, shoes, leather straps! tional Cash Register. We buy s n kinds of new and second hand fur- niture. 8. Shapiro, 45 Prinoess street. Phone 1217. LAUNCH, Wright, Hdd d td MEP LIVERPOOL, LONDON Fire assets which secur city possit old rates Agents, or AND GLORR Insurance , Company. Avallable $61,187,215 In addition to the Doiteyholdbre have for ty ne unlimited Hability of property, insured at lowest le rates, Before renewing giving new business get from Strange & Strange, Phone 326, 1 BUSINESS CHANCES one © Finar are IS Chica made INVESTORS WARNING DONP INVEST ent until you read Successful ce, And learn how fortunes and lost hy Investors, subscription. Success- 608 8. Dearborn St, trial nance, go. PATENTS A real bargain fu Tots at the hend of Princess street, just outside city limits... The hent of garden land: city water. Inquire Kingston Hosiery, LEGAL + + + * * <* + + + + * <> $+ liek, Princess +S * Bed od deed feofodo ded dode de dodediddd dod b | -- Limited. n. and solicitor. ence street, Kingston. Wanted | Girls & Women The Dominion Textile Co. Has 2 most modern, up-to-date cotton mill. The work is clean, all white cotton being used. Everything neat and clean about the plant. System of ventilating & humidifying the air being the best. Girls Can Learn How To Card, spin, wind and weave yarns into cloth. Call at office, Cataraqui St., or Phone No. 6, re- garding: CUNNINGHAM, WAGES PAID CLASS OF WORK. INFORMATION OF ANY KIND. RARRISTER Law office, 79 Clar- BY GEO. BATEMAN'S ESTATE Agency A. $3500, BRICK HOUSE, NEARLY NEW, latest improvements, § rooms, dou ble kot 7 ROOMS, ALL gas and electric side lane ™M- light $3000, BRICK, provements, lot 33 x 132 $3300 DOUBLE ments; stable INE ALL IMPROVE- BABCOCOK & SONS, ranches; Drom st Patents, trade ab. 1877 ixaminer. Book "Patent Preo- ¥9 St. James St, Mont- Ottawa, Washingto . PAPERHANGING STOCK id prices all work 78 William to deo Fraser, tee pily. D "APER HANGING, PAINTING, GRAIN. ng towns pap- including paper. 252 Queen Bt, 11 Rr Ss, ™- rear entrance 4500, RRICK, provenrents; DENTAL $3000, BRICK, electric lg! ALL IMPROVEMENTS; $1400, FRAME, IMPROVEMENTS, SIX rooms VACANT LOTS, AL I. PRICES, | i MONEY TO LOAN, 'or CLARENCE Kingston FOR SALE OR TO LET. SUMMER PLACE, large AweNirE: about three BAY; acres |= COLLINS A. DR. J. DRS. E. KNAPP, RBA, LDS, DDS, Office, 258 Princess street." Phone 652 corne Phche De FURNITURE FINISHING r, Phone 345. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, r Princess and Bagot streets. » 626. SPARKS AND SPARKS, 168 Wellington street, D.D.8. LDS, assistant. bass Lawrence; M. Theo- ton of land, ater front; best fishing on an River St good bathing Apply J bald, 287 King St. Kings DRIsSC er. ( 'all or drop a card. FURNITURE FINISH. OLL, 23 John street. MACHINE OPERATORS FOR SHELL DEPARTMENT Apply: J. Farrar, Supt. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COM- Kingston PANY, LTD. Announcement Starting May 1st all coal sales will be for cash. We propose to share with our customers the bene- fits to be derived from a cash system. Jas. Swift & Co., Limited I Household Farniture li Will buy and pay fair prices, but must be clean and sanitary goods, ' TO OWTAIN THE .

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