~~ PAGE TWELVE -- INDIANS WIN ! Dozens of People Have Now Tried and INDIAN BICYCLES OLD "POP" ANSON NEVER LAJOIE'S EQUAL A Leading Baseball Writer Pays Great Tribute to To- f ronto Chief. 'Writing about "Baseball's Great- | est Players" in this month's Base- | ball Magazine Editor F. C_ Lane pays the following tribute to Larry La- joie, the Leafs' manager: wore a baseball uniform with a ma- jor league initial on the shirt front. His passing from the majors has {been of such recent date that we | hardly yet realize it. Was there ever a second baseman who was Lajoie's equal? They hold up Anson as the type of batting power. But Anson in 22 years of service at the rela- base had a grand batting average of .341, That average was swelled by the ridiculous season of 1887, when a base on balls counted as a hit. out such an unfair advantage bat- "Last season Napoleon Lajoie still | tively much gasier position of first That season Anson reached his | prime, batting for .421. Lajoie with- | : om Be latter Sreanization at a meeting | CANADA IS INCLUDE of International League c owners and managers in Buffalo. President IN NEW GOLF RULING E. G. Barrow, of the International, R « ---- said after the meeting that his or-' Revolutionary Regulation Pro- | ganization stood ready to carry out mulgated by Western G.A. its agreement, but that it would not . --Much Discussed Penalty contest 'the decision if the American League voted to call off the series. Stymi : Mr. Barrow.said that those in attend-| StYmies in golf play are abolish- ance at the meeting were divided as ed by a revolutionary rule promul- <0 the wisdom of playing the series | 83ted by the Western Golf Assocla- this year in view of wat conditions. | tion at Chicago for play in the wes:- ern amateur championship. The No Race Suicide. new rule, which does away, so far Brantford, May 23.--In Terrace | 38 three-fourths of the United States Hill district there are two families 30d all of Canada are concerned, which show no sign of race suicide. | With one of the most discussed pen- The assessors in making their round ities of golf, also eliminates to a | | found one family with 14 childreig ;2T8@ extent the bother of liftiny | |and another with 12, none being Dalis on the putting greens in medal twins, The parents are in both cases play. . French-Canadians, The new regulation upsets one o> i the cardinal rules of the ancient f Scottish game by providing that the | all nearest the hole shall be played | | SPORTING NOTES first when both balls are on the] . putt mg green. Heretofore, the ball | A 4 | farthest from the hole had te be . played first. In match play, where Forty-nine horse racing assocla- {the contest is hole by hole, the old tions throughout America distributed | 310 brought about a stymie when in purses and stakes nearly $4,000,-}tng pall nearest the hole was in the We Live But Once Let Us Partake of Earth's Good Things by Smoking. Milo Cigar Made in Kingston by GEO. A. McGOWAN CO. er rg THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF CANADA | S. ROUGHTON, Agent. / 60 Brock St., Kingston. Phone 610 We are experts in home lighting. Get your home wired now and enjoy all - ---- i E---- | ted for .422 in 1901,, Anson started { away back in 1876, when the Nation- [ 000 last year. direct line of play of the ball farthest and they pronounce them the best ever. Made by a strong reliable company with - : al play ith a | i : o dass | ; i . from the cup. In medal play the ola g pany | al I a ra Yale will be represented in the in- 1y)e demanded that the ball aon 3 { minor. 1 tercolleris ce p i strong guarantee that will stand the test. minor. Many of his great averSes| tercollegiate Lacrosse League this the hole be played or lifted until the the comforts of electric power and light. Ask us. | was the rule and 'pitching and field- year for the first time. Fred Jacob is the new president {as he would sufiffer a penalty of one one farthest from the hole had been played, if the first player desired, | 3 a joke. Why compare such a COUNT THE INDIANS ON THE I ere that of Lajole, who is 21 of the Toronto Lacrosse League, suc-' stroke if his ball hit the ball of his H.W. NEWMAN EL TRIC CO | years of service made a grand aver- | (age of .388, but three points less | ROADS There must be satisfied people. ceeding James Labett who retired ! fo w-comipetitor. | than Anson's and against opposition | ©W'I& to pressure of business. The new rule reads:--Whex . { overwhelmingly more difficult. An- Ty es i T both balls are on th&yutting green, 79 Princess St. Phone 41 son was a great batter beyond doubt, | The N.L.U. game between the ball nearest the hole must be | {very likely the ablest natural hitter | Shs and Cornwall, at Toronto Island | payed first. If a stymie exists, and ) of the old school . But Anson never | Stadium on June 2nd, will be dang the balls lie within a putter's lengtn TTT -- =. | saw the day that he could equal La- | '€¢d by the Khaki Club. They wi of each other, the ball farthest frou. EEA hil TA. NR | joie as a hitter . And as a fielder? | Sell the tickets and have charge of the hole must be lifted en request: { There never lived a second baseman | 811 arrangements. 'until the nearer ball has been play- | | who could touch Lajoie in the ab- | - ) ed, and then replaced in its previous | | solute perfection of his play." | Colorado Springs, Col, will soon [lie. Penalty for violation, loss of | -- era | boast of a golf links on which the | hole in match play, two strokes in | | SEIN BE SURE YOUR MILK IS DELIVERED "IN SEALED BOTTLES. All our milk is thoroughly pasteurized and bottled at once. It is safe. It is pure. It is good. Phone 845 . Price's ¢ aa ERAS "gallery" will be able to watch the [medal play. Under no circum- | play around the entire course of stances, except as above, shall a bal: | -- ---- | eighteen holes from a comfortable [on the putting green be lifted. Play- | Barrow League Club Owners Discuss | geat on the clubhouse verandah. ers in all rounds must observe this | Inter-League Situation. -- rule. And ignorance of it will not | Decision as to whether there shall Tom Longboat, the famous runner, | be accepted as an excuse for its be an inter-league baseball series be- | has written to Tim O'Rourke, To-|breach." tween the International League and | ronto, stating that he is still "some-| The rule promulgated is the third the American Association was left to [where in France," radical action of the Western Gol Association under the present ad- ministration. WILLING TO CONTINUE The good old Indian motorcycle still leads. Other people tell you that you can get something just as good. YOU GET THE ORIGINAL YANKEE FANS MUST PAY x wae mae nc masenn maa vom | JUST ATIVE June 1st. Whefl June 1st reaches the base- ff | i i ball season, the uncomplaining Yan- y I | | 1 : i i if kee fan will begin to dig into his jeans for an extra two or three or five cents when he passes the turn- | stiles at a baseball park. That's the This is the week to buy. Bicycles will be higher when our present stock is sold. t way the baseball magnates are going | to pay their war tax. E HE C [ Z = The efforts of Governor John K. | ! Tener, president of the National league, and of Ban Johnson, presi- dent of the American league, saved the magnates the trouble of handing | ,out a percentage of their gross re-| ceipts. Governor Tener's clear | knowledge of the problem, and his | | influence, undoubtedly saved what | TREADGOLD Sporting Goods Co. 88 Princess St., Kingston. Telephone 529 Large Line of Jolly Jitneys. Special price while they last, $1.25, Bassinettes, white enamel, good springs, rubber tires, $4.50, Best line of baby carriages, $16.30 to $45.00, 1 probably would have been a bad day Ps R. J. REID, Baseball is a little different from Leading Undertaker most businesses, A baseball club has to win a lot of games to enjoy a real- | ~~------- ly profitable season. Usually six | clubs in an efght-club wheel are far | AESTAULISHED enough down jin the race to be los- 1832 ing ventures or be able only to strug- gle through with an even break. : ge One club in any league is almost cer- tain to have a losing season, and the rule generally works for two or three clubs. Baseball couldn't make fortunes for its backers. In its history there cannot be found one man who made a huge fortune directly from the in- come he derived from baseball. There are several relatively wealthy men in the game and some of them have made a great deal of the money from baseball, but usually the rich man in baseball has accumulated dol- lars in some other venture. The tax will be levied by means of stamps, placed. on the ticket by the fan. This is thé plan that is work- ing in Canada, Phone 577 LEET ooT Say SUMMER SHOES AN'T trust yourself to slippery eather, 5c. Poet Cigar 5c. [| | > in canoe, sil boat or yacht. And, of course, you have to have Fleet Foot Shoes for tennis, baseball, golf and lacrosse. Fleet Foot Pumps or low shoes are the proper accompaniment of Summer apparel. ---- And Fleet Foot Summer Shoes cost so much less wankd than leather, that it is real " economy to wear them. MONUMENTS Importers of Scotch and American Granites, Vermont Marble. The McCallum Granite Company, Ltd. Telephone 1931 897 Princess Street. SPECIAL ALE SPECIAL STOUT SPECIAL LAGER Under 2}% Proof Spirits Carefully brewed and bottled. . Fine flavor and nutri- tious. Pure and sparkling. For sale by all standard Hotels and Grocers or delivered direct from the Brewery. For price list and/ further information """JOHN LABATT Look for Silk Thread on Tip of Each Cigar. S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston. Miss Molla Bjurstedt, the national tennis champion won the final In the singles of the women's metro- . & . politan patriotic tournament at New Look trim and neat--enjoy York. In place of the usual cham- yourself-- and save money, pionship title and prizes she be- LIMITED by wearing Fleet Foot this comftes the recipient of a certificate LONDON. ONT. awarded by the United States Lawn 202 Tennis Association, as all of' the or Jas. McParland, 76 1 | funds of the tournament are donated Brock St., Kingston. A ees) tp the Red Cross. : , YOU COULDN'T BLAME JEFF MUCH AT THAT. NQT UNTIL 1 SEE THE GUY THAT'S Gonna Sling TG Pre! WELL! WHAT'S THE THE 106A C'mon, C'MON SAY, WNAT ARE YOU "Loar mnG™ AR Al OVER. TNE Bog 1 I'M GLAD MUTT AND T Sutep- Aut. alk ek GET YOUR Pick, and COMmECN | JOINED THE MARNE CORPS. WERE GONG wiry A "ANDING Now I CAN LEARN 50 THING PaRTY- TO PRACTICE DiGi OUT & BATTLE $n.O. I NEVER WAS ON BOARD TRENCHES ASHP BDERORE! : DO MARINES De THAT?