EL sl a . . " Er ---- = RE TR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1917 A GR AND = ESTABLISHED 1853 { HOUSE| } t' E -- of Daily mes ml 1] EEELL LE '3--Japs Novelty Act--3 ii JOFFRE, the Hero of the Marne. | A080 E VIVIAN, Ex-Premier of France. | : | _ The eniy oficin] motion pleture of | | Freaeh Commissioners' vinit te Mont- | FOR CHILDREN 2 rive wilinsipier | coxpeyen apvERmISING, mares! : 4 eorge in . | { First lasertion. Ic = nord. Each con- oHpsk RFFRCTIVE ADVTS. cosT . OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. It Son and daughter lesson in thrift "Me 1 Millions" { YE rantar, ag. little. Shen oa three times 50c; 4 bees, Apply to A. B. Cunningham for them a Savings Account e Bank ! » charge | one week, $1. Ga 7 Arence street. Help then aad yo A regular | - The Pathe News, Comedy and Other one insertion, 25¢; three insertions, | tet teste BLACK PURSE, ON PRINCESS Thrift Habit acquired iren wil plays, i SOc; wix $1; one meath, $2. {omESTNL T, CANOE, ALMOST NEW. Street Owner may have same FLATS FOR LIGHT HOUSE-KEEP- sre shan yi i a i ER i Apply i. Farley, {#9 Johnston calling a B ce. Rg. Apply 134 Division s : : lary * - nviteq! Monday, Tuesday and Wednesda ¥.} HELP WANTED i or Jong CASE CONTAINING TWO Phone Te : § R ativer, or : . POLITE VAUDEVILLE { books, Epistles and Gospels, A Fiv Met Phot DRIVER. APPLY GILBERT'S GRO- | FoR JOKES, PUZZLES AND NOVELTY Garden of the Soul on Tues- FURNISHED BED ROOMS; ALSO © Reel A re oplay cery toys see Frank W. Cooke, 3% day Same may be had at rooms for light house keeping; Nance O'Neil in "The Irom Woman" | = Clarence street. Whig Office. : cooking with gas or coal. Apply illic Burke in The Last Chapter of | PORTER. APPLY RANDOLPH Ho. - A RING WITH SIX KEYS, ON 396 Princess street. 118 BRANCHES IN CANADA. "Gloria's R » | tel HUPMORBRILE, 1915 MODEL, IN FIRST Wellington street, on Monday. ee : \ i class condition. G. A. Bateman, §7 Owner may have same by cali- FOR FURNITURE STOR AGE, E. WA. Comedy "Max Comes | 4 COMPETENT NU RSE, AarrPLy TO Clarence street ing at Whig Office then has a clean, dry furniture STW HE [Max Linder 4 " i' 4 sireet bullding, 442 Albert street. Phone cv and Other Phutuplays TET Ti Ter ---------- | DOUBLE DWELLING, 41 AND 43 Div. FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- 2152 . - he 10c Ral ng | } A SEWING GIRL. APPLY E. J. SLA. islon street. § rooms and W.C. in TISED FREER = - OF Amy Seat eserved, Extra ter Brock and Division. Phone | each; well rented. Apply €1 Divis- Anyone finding anything and : i EEN 2032. | lon street. wisk.ng to reach the owner may TWO FRONT FURMISHED ROOMS, | 2¢ | A GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY MRS do 80 by reporting the faots to wegnt. hd Dleasant sultable for iA 3 LL. SE NT. ons '" Ap 02 ol | Gardiner. 150 Bagot street. TENTS, AWNINGS, VERANDAH CUR- The British Whig. + Tontsor Snekeapiag Pply mi | eee tains, canoes, and camping sup- George B. McKay, Manager. A MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS. AP-| plies. Mlabing 'tackle oe rs frte Of SHAFER. oot ins St v Of W. Cooke, 39 Clarence St King- rees, STORAGE FOR FURNITUR CL N, A Ate rrr ply Street Railway =, LIBAN, ston. Phone 831. - joa wo satile, Io ads dry, airy roms; your own look and IB x p 3 Y : etc. These. ost, may be -. SEVERAL WEN AT THE WORMWITH : i t 3 --_-- y Key. Frost's City Storage rr 5 Plano Factory; steady employment ertised for in t t : 4 Fb OR S. A L E Thurs., Friday, Saturday | o Facto 2 LAVEIE NCIEE OF eyo. Te: Lowt™ cotum. Quien srt" Pane S341 Fon. O00 | PACKER, STEADY POSITION FOR cluding the famous Athlete, Over- a-- good man Apply N. C. Polson Co. land and Perfect Models; also tires -- - = == | LARGE FURNISHED BED-ROOMS, a and bleycle accesseries. George : with or without board; sitting : z America's Dalutiest Actress SMART BOYS WANTED. alin Muller, 373 King St. Phone 1032. room if desired: hot and cold run- We hive a two-storey, s emi-bungalow. solid brick | . : . | Ziomenac Moulding dud Glass Cou 103 Lower Union oh, PhO0S. APPLY dwelling with al] modern im provements including hard- Anita Stewart, mn CHOICE STOCK OF CAMP AND BOAT | PURSE CONTAINING SUM OF MONEY | floors i i + g are "© . oye 99 | GIRLS WANTED AT ONCE. APPLY stoves, china cabinets We also on Montreal street, on Monday wood Hoors throughout. Owner has left the city, and being | Imperial Steam Laundry, Barrie buy and sell everything in new Finder kindly réturn to Whig Office | FURNISHED RESIDENCE, 119 EARL ! 1g ppa anxious to sell will take £500 ow ith I Ie . street and second hand furnéture. J. and receive reward. street; brick, § rooms, open fire- eRe sy Pt down with balance to suit | . - Thompson, 337 Princess street. places, nice grounds ang shade purchaser. This is well located and a real good property | A Special Elght-Part Feature. YOUNG GIRL OR MIDDLE AGED WO- Phone 1600. ,trees. J. 8. R. McCann, #2 Brock ett man wanted for house work, Ap- / SABLE RUFF SOMEWHERE ON St. Phone 326 or 621. W-------- i ply 243 Brock street. . = Division street. Sunday night. F n- . | . . SEE ME FOR NEW AND SECOND der return to Whig Office and re- { SALESMAN AND (COLLECTOR, SAL. hand sideboards, dressers, couches, dive gd, FURNISHED ROOMS WITH EVERY THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Marguerite Clark, in SH i i ary and commission Singer Sew- ue chajrs, tables, Singer sew- ---------------------------------------------------- convenience 1 light housekeep- 56 Brock St. Phones: Office 68; Res, 874, "The Fortunes of Fifi" ing Machine Co. 223% Princess Si foe gi crockery. pletures, -- ing, including kitchen, Ras Tange, w-- stoves and ranges. Also buy new | SMALL BL ACK DOG, SMOOTH HAIR: electric lights. Good locality, Ap- GOOD RELI\RLE BOY FOR MAILING and second-hand furniture. A short il, white spot $ ply Box D. G. Whig Office, -- . Department, steady work, good Shapiro, 35 Princess street. Anaw o name of Tnixie. Return Mrs. Vernon Castle, m wages. Apply Brilish Whig Of- 9 ck street. or phone 135 AAA A sm ene. ® » Y Y I fice and receive liberal reward BOARD AND ROOMS. 1CA 1 | " py AUTOMOBILE TOPS -- YOUR OLD oe Patria A GOOD WOOD-WORKING MACHINE bows recovered and top made Hke FIRST CLASS WOARD AND ROOMS, - N A NA A AA octet trata coms . . > hand; steady work; good w res. new at half the price of a new top WEDNRSDAY AFTERNOON, BE- very convenipnod, central loca- 0 1 Your oes & : best friends | Prices: Mat. 13c; Eve, 25e. Frontenac Moulding and Glass Co. We bave everything for tops, tween Queen's University and Bar- ery Apply 243 Brock street Sur eyes are your best friends Limited. cushions, slip covers etc. Jag W. Ne street, smal silver watch on| 20 APPIY 243 Brock street, A rr ---------------------------------- Yo! them constantly, ~ They serve you Judson, Brockville, leather 'wrist strap. Reward wt oe wt they he y Ko Wrong how A MAID WHO CAN (OOK, GENERAL this office or at Principal Gordon's FINANCIAL pin treat them Nu. they are | work, small family. Apply No. 3. | \UPOMOBILE--CADILLAC, § PASSES. house. " . ©d to the best ca hivuld be ex- . St. Clair Apartments, Cor. Barrie ger, cdfiplete with electric lights | ems " amined hy a competent Owtometrint. and William self starter, demountable rims, : . g : 4 . 4 FRONTENAC LOAN AND vywew, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY bumper, shock absarbers, tires ah STOLEN 3 t We Can Give You This : 1. 3a COOK. GENERAL AND HOUSE PAR. | good aun wk, "osurbers, tires ar ment Society: incorporated 1863; lourmaid for Deseronto. Write, cellent condition. Will be sold at WILL THE PARTY WHO TOOK FOX EG; Vice pronel aby Sui . 108: | Taflng wages a Tauy George| w bargain. Ww. J Moore & Son. fur rug from line in yard of No kie, KC. Money Issued on oity | e | lesley, sero . - i9 Johnson street kindly return and farm properties, municipal and i 1 avoid further trouble > Re R. Ju RODGER FOUR EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES, | PERSONAL am Chased, *" rest mes a . Por | A gorrlhe ig wk 7 0 sya chased; nvestment nds or Manfg. Opticlans & Optometrists, ! kitchen women, wages $30 per sale; deposits received and in- 122 Pri . - ith Apply J. BE Austin, 138 a Phen 30) Kellermann Queen street, after § o'clock bm. | gam, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS FOR SALE manager. 87 Clarenos ee Kingston PORTABLE OR TRACTION, 20 HORSE rine aud in blemn- | rv nN " . 4 eo 4 The Perfect Woman, in power engine and engineer to run . S in Time IS Stone crusher at Penitentiary. Ap. | Qut sear; Ly Sapaittos DT GENUINE VICTROLA AND TWELVE | LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND Sone i ' ply 'R. H. Fair, Kingston Station | : Specialist, 268 selections, your own cholce, $28.50, Fire Insurance Sompaay. A le i Po | 10 cash and $1.00 per week. C. W. Sssets $61,187,215. In addition to " - oe : | Bagot street. ndsay, Limited. which the policyholders have for i DY HU IRS, CABIN | security the unlimited Hablifty of | BODY ILDERS, NET MAK- | low Complete in Fight Parts a farmers Painters dnd handy | ARCHITECT Dosetble "rates. Before © remowiss Car of Cholee u oes. | - men for vanious departments. Chey- » | $ ea ram, Potas [ A Lass of the Lumberiands" sud rolet Motor Car Co, of Canin. SEAWORTHY FAMILY LAUNCH, old or giving new business met | | ne Lid, Oshawa, Ont. with oak canopy gop; dength 30 ft rates from nee & Susage, B POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, NER. 6 ft. 6 in. 10 horse power. Agents. Phone 33 We carry a well assorted stock of [[| Telephone or sce un before buy --~-- chants Bank Bulld'ng, = corner haan double boathouse (one half obo d | Steele Briggs, Ferrys, and Rennies ng. Brock and Wellington streets. rents yearly). Boat well equipped a------ ------------------ of Toronto, INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INVEST read Successful ed Sweet Peas, Dwarf and Tall Nas- A. B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER are made and lost by Investors. Our "Limestone City" Lawn Grass 19¢ per tin INMEDIATELY, GOOD BRIGHT BOY, shoes, Jeather straps' National --. _. 33¢ per tin preferred. | Apply ~ College Book MOTORBOAT. MUST BE SERVICE. niture. 8. Shapiro, 45 Princess | ) . 9 ONCE, FIRST OLASS BAKER, marks, designs. Estab. Office 0ag S rng or p Never Printed. TOF BUGGY IN GOOD" CONDITION, head of Princess street, just + Vegetable and Flower Seeds in bulk - . 9 | +. BOY WANTED ahd. 18 Ruud condition, Chéey for BUSINESS CHANCES and packages. rien S I S | : , $ (Seienaia owpertunity far boy ? Apply h . { of 14 to 16 years, to ra print LEGAL one cent until you k : n - } x trade. Good wages to i We make a specialty of choice Mix ' * BAKING POWDER & start. Apply Whiz Job thet. Finance, and learn how fortunes 210 Division St. Phone 543 -* and solicitor. Law office, 79 Clar- | LARGE STOCK OF IRON BEDS, COU- Free trial subscription. Success- turtiums in bulk. ddd ence street. Kingston. ches, stoves, men's clothing: also ful Finance, $08 8. Dearborn St. Ee ------------------------ er Revised Prices: ' new upholstered chairs, organ, Chicago. Beed will grow where all others fail. | A GE ul 15 or 16 years of age, for symmer ANTED GENERAL Cash Register, We buy an|= 25¢ per n> y . h a ( ' rn en aie Ber ae work at camp. One with bicycle w kinds of new and second hand fur- PATENTS " " . 33¢ per tin Store, cheap, ive full ticu- street. Phone 1237. Our Best "Ad" Is . Se per tia lars to Box 35. Wie Oe rHe BANCOCK & SONS. Patents. irade : E00d wages steady work. Also boy - . ND : BUY QUICK BEFORE THERE adeung wan to learn baking [TO SURCHASE THREE &sscoxb THEIL eeg . rade. Apply Pollitt Bakery, Col- tion. Apply S. Brien, Camden East. 9 + . 1S A FURTHER ADVANCE lingwood street. A rem hargain in lots at the Branch Post Office. YOU'REIT! Kingston, Ont. ¥ distribute Tablets ich wash toulara and price to Box ABC.[§ warden lami; city water, Iugaioy PAPERHANGING When L " - . you buy to try youn nL clothes spotlessly clean without Whig Office. of Mra. C. E. Fralick, Pri rrr mmc i sn i Extra Choicest JAPANI| null" jo bw--gur cooked and alye. rubbing. Ohe trial makes rman- ANTED REE RISENTATIVES To steel tires and low axles. Give par outside city lmite.. The beat of i * ent customers. One hundred per SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIA PAPER HANGING, PAINTING, GRAIN. Cent profit. Make five dollars for cash or in part payment of new ing and kalsomining. Rooms pap- 8. C. Chief Fire Dept, Brock street, King- pany, Brantford, On : (near Barrie). ston. TEAMING AND ALL GENERAL CART- Y A W. W. SANDS, City Clerk. Ya ae] ing, moving furniture, etc. S$. An. | BY aoe. A BATEMANS ESTATE Kingston, May 25th, 1917. derson, Malt House, King street --- DENTAL west. Phone 722. Boxes, $1.50 Cor Frontease and Erincess Sta Lipton's Plantation Brand Black Tea . - ; in 235 Ib. Tins, $1.40. $3500, RRICK HOUSE, NEARLY NEW, 3 " | ; - E. KNAPP, B.A LDS, DDS, When you require Tea a LADY OR YOUNG GIRL TO RENT a| ghlest improvements, § rooms, dou | A. Office, 258 Princess street. Phone n fomtoriabie room Jn good Sivate -- e652 home, all conveniences; close to $3000. BRICK, 7 ROOMS, ALL IM. Kingston Business College, or provements, &Rs and electric light, sh je. ORDON'S on. handy for business section of city. : J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, G D N Further particulars can be had by lot 33 x 13%; ide ha corner Princess and Bagot streets. is the place to get it. " sewing applying to BORNG23 Whig Office. $3300 DOUBLE STONE ALL IMPROVE- Phone 626. Phone 88, Cor. Bay and Montreal Sts. knitting 4 ments; stable. TE aE IR EY SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- learning. Appl . WOR SALE OR TO LET. $4300, BRICK, 11 ROOMS, ALL IM- DRS, SPARK Wailng on RES DEN. ---------------------------------- -- Provements; rear entrance. } ry Dewar, D.DS, J J HNSON SUMMER PLACE, COLLINS BAY; 345. . . r front; best bass electric. ight. The i i ! | | } | | | daily. » \ (GREEN) TEA in S1b.| P.H.BAKER [city ur iiolity minors BRE iio JE Se" mite! TH Feincsss rear Youn £ oie, HE Gen { J ( large dwelling: about three acres|$3000, BRICK, ALL IMPROVEMENTS; f wate ------ Notice is hereby given that a court Hunt er Tr > -- . > Florist will be held pursuant to the Ontario bathing. A JM $i4ee, FRAME, IMPROVEMENTS, SIX FURNITURE FINISHING Floral Designs, W Bouquets Voters' Lists Act by His H the 3 le gston. = and Cut rng hn Orders Judge of the County Court of the ee x | VACANT Lows, ALL PRICES. FURNITURR VINISH. flied promptly. Phone 230. 115 Broek County of Frontenac, at Barriefield, MONEY TO LOAN. ¢ Ph BRISOULL. card. 33 John ha a lll on Monday, June 4th, 1917, at 11 aL TE To Loan, @ crameven wr. |" i "drop & re Ea ena es Tn rd | or Say for WANTED oO 1 : WM. MURRAY, ; aT 1 | MACHINE OPERATORS FOR SHELL pen fine} | C osed we pr | Clerk. ign: TF] Le DEPARTMENT . AT | Apply: J. Farrar, Supt. Kingston Taxi Cab [|The Bon Marche Grocery fl = CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COM Co. Phone 1844 Cor. King and Earl. : : 5 " PANY, LTD. . hee TARIO, SH 3 | Kingston 1 Ontario ORSER, PLAINTIFF, A Delicious Dessert DALY, AND OTHERS, DEFEND- ANTS. PURSUANT to the Judgment and Final Order for Sale made in this cause bearing date respectively, the ith of October, A.D. 198 ad the 21st Erba ene vy aveiniie lo Prana. Meveh