"Out of the High Rent District." O'Connor's LADIES' Exclusive Children's Dresses Correct New York Styles for Summer. Fast washing materials, guaranteed for all ages 2 years to 14 years. . Prices, 25¢, 49¢, 69c, 89c, 98¢, to $3.50. Baby Coats, Baby Dresses, Christening . Robes, Baby Bonnets. FIRST COMMUNION DRESSES A big stock to select from; correctly made for ages 5 to 12 years. All at our usual low prices. T.J.O' Connor 260 Princess St. Telephone 800 "Higher up street, but lower in price." i MONUMENTS We have opened a branch of our monument business with a large stock | unique uniform that indicates their of marble and granite. FALLON BROS., Special attention given to cemetery lettering. 139 Clergy St. Phone 637 mA Ae A A AA A int ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CHARM TEA IN PACKAGES. Black, Green and Mixed. Packed in King- ston, by GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. AA AAA AANA Pl J er A Ae eA tent + |EYES @ WHEN THE EYES NEED GLASSES IN MOST OASES THEY ARE DEFORMED AND NO AMOUNT OF EYE WASHES SUCH AS ARE ADVERTISED WILL CURE YOUR EYES OF THESE DEFORMI- TIES, FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY CONSULT US BEFORE YOU IND MONEY ON USELESS DRUGS. / Optician and J. J. STEWART, Opt.D. Optometrist, Nor. Wellington and Clarence Sts. Opp. Post Office, Phone 699 A APA APA PAA AA AAA NAP AA NN AAA BUY DS FRESH SEEDS Rennie's, Simmers' and Steele Briggs' At Sargent's Drug Store Corner Princess and Montreal Streets Don't Forget to Put Your Furs Away Be- fore Moths Come. Telephone 41 L -- A A A AA AA A Heinz 51 Varieties ry oa distinctive one NN wearing on i | aviation police. | poli | price, it is hard to get, ' Pickled Walnuts, Soup, Pickled Onions, India Relish, Pork and Beans, Peanut Butter, Worcestershire Sauce, Sweet Pickles, Sour Pickles. Crawford's Grocery, "Good Things To Eat." Phone 26 Women's Walking {ed further away or closer to the THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MAY 28, 1917. NORAWE CAMP 5" FASCIMATING Deseronto Has Spring Into the Public Eye Yo iy, WAS BULT IN THO MONTHS i ROYAL FLYING CORPS CAMP | MAKES INTERESTING VISIT. | { -~ | | Uniform of Aviators is Distinctive-- | Lieut. Who Entered the Smoking | | Car Was Beseiged With Questions | | =----Refused to Answer One of Them. | In some months, the little town of Deseronto, thirty-five miles | west of Kingston, has grown in im- portance, until {ts name is now known even in the big cities, where | people live who do not deign to know It its two of the existence of such places. has been advertised because of |aviation camp | The word aviation and the associa- [tion which it has for skilled, experi- {enced, incomparable, dangerous but (intensely interesting work has a fas- |cination for every person. Even the | oldest and most experienced soldier | respects the recruit to the Flying | Corps. The generals at the front | show great deference to officers of | lesser rank in the aviation corps, and {in the little town of Deseranto are {hundreds of young men, wearing a | desire to imitate the birds. | The uniform used by the aviator is It is made of the khaki cloth, but in- | stead of the usual cap each soldier | | wears one of the 'forage pattern." | The double | breasted. {now familiar coats are short and The class of men one sees on the | streets of Deseronto or at the camp is {the very highest Clean cut young | fellows the regulations calls for the | age to be between eighteen and twen- |ty-five years--they have their future | before them and select the flying {corps because of its possibilities. A second camp is being construct- ed. near. Deseronto, on the Rathbun farm. Col. "Bob" Low, that dashing/ constructionist of Valcartier and| Borden camps is on the job in an | electric way that keeps the men working at top speed and the won- derful amount of work that has al- ready been accomplished at Mohawk is due to him. They say that he is "an awful man to swear," but in any, few if any-oould equal his work in| the time he has taken. One enters the Mghawk camp by| either train or road. The first sta-| tion west of Deseronto on the Can- ddian Northern Railway is a new one] called "Mbhawk." On the platform] of the station, that fairly 'breathes in| newness is a crowd of soldiers each! wearing the uniform of the Flying Corps. Here and there are older men of big physique, dressed in blue and their caps the title of Back ofthe station and as far as one can see, is a level--absolutely level--field without the sign of a hole or a fence fo cause trouble to the machines or their occupants. Touching the right-of-way of th men. Here in regulation style are hundreds of tents that are| the sleeping quarters of the mechan- ics and flyers. ther west along the railroad. It is| the site of the hangars and aero- dromes where the immense mechani- cal birds are taken care of. These are all of one storey and about 200 feet long by 75 feet wide. Huge doors at either end completely open the end of the building. Windows close- ly built, allow a great amount of light into the building and add to its appearance which is well set off by a gently rounded roof. Bluish- grey paint has been used in the de- corating. There are some half-dozen of these 'dromes on this field, and more are being added. Each will com-|1 pletely envelop a couple of aero- planes and a vast quantity of tools, ete. Needless to say a guard watches shepherd provides and takes care of his flock, God will look after people not only during the war but | similar fine examples. representative. First case he gets results and certainly, cellent music. | the Whig today, it will be seen that coal was then seMing at $6 per ton, the : Today the citizens are called upon to coal from Charlotte, o able to get hard coal, although mak- railway is the canvas home of the Ing every effort possible to get military their winter's supply. sisters, The most interesting part of the| Herbert, has left for her home camp, however, is about a mile fur-) Montreal. the week-end on Wolfe Island. [xoSTON EVENTS St. as to the speed of the machines and answered that an average speed of séventy-five miles an hour is: kept. He said that flying in a stiff wind is dangerous and not commonly done by experienced men "Is it true that the Royai Flying Corps have a new machine that has proved 'marvelous in its work?" was the last question put to him. It was absolutely quiet in the smoker when fhe lieutenant stood up and walked out of the compartment, leaving be- hind him the words, "Excuse me, gentlemen, but after that question I prefer leaving, to lying." WAS HELD IN QUEEN STREET METHODIST CHURCH Over Two Bright Young Soldiers Who Had Made the Supreme Sac- nfice--Other Church Services. A memorial service was condueted in Queen street Methodist church on Sunday morning for Stanley R. Bryon and Miller Briden, young sol- diers who had fallen in battle. Rev. J. D. Ellis spoke feelingly of the men paying" fitting tribute to their worth. Capt. Fairful, a returned soldier, now with the Y.M.C.A. and Military Hos- pitals Commission spoke In a splen- did way of the Canadians at the front. They worthily represented' the Dominion. Every one who had been anchored to a mother, a church, a Y.M.C.A!' in Canada held strong amid many temptations. Allan Haff-| ner, home from Queen's Hospital| unit,-sang forcefully and Mrs. John Evans rendered sweetly "He Will Wipe All Tears Away." It was a very inspiring service. In the evening Prof, C. L. Rick- wood, Pembroke, in military train- ing, sang finely and the male quar- tette, Messrs. Pound, Pettigrew, Mar- shall and Hodge, gave a selection of extreme beauty. A Helpful Sermon, A sermon of great beauty and in- spiration was given in the First Bap- tist church on Sunday evening when Rev. J. K. Fairful spoke from Psalm, XXIII. Though the captain as a Young Men's Christian Asso- ciation representive was through the campaign at the front, he did pot tell his congregation much of the Kfe there. He dealt more with the need of confidence of the people as their Maker to bring peace back into the world and to take care of them in this great crisis, The captain spoke of all Christian people being God's redeemed ones, as the sheep belong to the shepherd, Christ bought his people by His own sacrifice. - As the His | always. He illustrated his text by Capt. Fairful is now in charge of the social serwice work at the Mowat Memorial Hospital as the Y.M.C.A. The choir of the Baptist chureh supplied ex- rT MY¢ WHAT A DIFFERENCE Coal Sold in Kingston Twenty-Five ¥ears Ago at $6 Per Ton. My?!, but what a difference! In the "twenty-five years ago' column of and even at that the people thought y were paying a pretty stiff price. pay $8.50 per ton and even at that There is still a great scarcity of hard coal. Most of the Kingston coal carriers are bringing over soft They are un- in Mrs, Omer Chalut the guest of her Mrs. M. Wart and Mrs. F. in Edwin W. Gananoque, Fawcett spent | | 26 YEARS ACO | | A new gilded cross was placed in! George's Cathedral to-day. Coal dealers say coal will be $6 per ton next winter. Sir Oliver Mowat was a worship- per in St. Andrew's Church to-da. Hon. G. A. Kirkpatrick has been selected as lieutenant-governor of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. and little Lucy, 'the treasures carefully. The machines that are in use cost about $8,000 each, being of special construction for the work. They are 'called "dual control," which means that either of the two passengers can guide and régulate the speed while in She air. 'The control is similar to that of automobiles the extra motions being made by the wheel being mov- operator. Passing through recently on the train, a lieutenant of the organiza- tion department of the Royal Flying Corps came aboard at Mohawk and settled back comfortably In the smoker. The curiosity of some of the passengers was better than their manner, but the officer forgave them by his frankness in answering patt of Suffered With Heart are the only remedy that can give For Ten Years Would Nearly Smother, There is nothing that brings with it such fear of impending death as to wake up in the night with that awful sense of smothering. The uncertain and irregular heart action causes the greatest distress of both mind and y. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills prompt relief and effect a complete cure in cases of such severity. They strengthen and invigorate the heart, so that it beats strong and regular, and tone up the nervous syStem so that the cause of so much PAGE FIVE Strap Shoes. for Kiddies This year we are well stocked with shoes for the little ones. A dozen styles of children's strap slippers in kid, patent, calf and white buck and canvas. All at popular prices. ; Abernethy's Shoe Store GET AFTER THE | NEW STYLE || STETSON | We have just received from John B. Stetson Company, the celebrated Hat Makers, their latest ¢reation. It's called "The Town Topic" It has a lively sort of style that cannot fail to please men of youthful spirit. Come in and see this and the other new things in men's head- wear. Campbell Bros., The Big Hat Dealers. MMSCHARGES. No. 2. cures THERAPION Wi i.o | SOLD BY LEADING CHUFMISTS PRICK IN ENGLAND, | R. LECLERC Med. Co, HAVERSTOCKRD .N.W,, LONDON, SEE TYAT TRADE MARKED WORD "THERAPION' IS OW wT. eee ea ma HE NEW FRENCH REMEDY.» | BLOOD POISON. Send stamp address enve ape, age & symptoms for FR LSTAMP AFFIXED TO ALL GENUINE PACKETS Cocoanut THERAPIO No. 1. cures THERAPION Nu.3 curs | vice on suitability i your c se. No follow up' circulars, Oil | SHAMPOO | 25c¢ a Bottle. Prouse"s Drug Store Phone 82. Opposite St. Andrew's Church. WHEN Hr A A lt tt ttre : Let Us Help Brighten the Home Your labor seems in vain after housekeeping if you do not add something new to your household. a dH Wht Ey al gy asm Y JK Ix) AE Hatily 1 0 We have it: A three-piece parlor suite; a parlor rug; a brass bed. ; and syervthing that helps. A ames Reid The Busy Store with Motor Service. COOTER CPU URRRAEOARRA DOR oh Sale in Millinery _ Balance of our Spring Millinery to be sold below cost. We have just received a big shipment of silk dresses, all colors. Also a number of silk and crepe de chene waists, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Boots and Shoes. We have a choice line of furniture, includin rlor, dinin room, and bed-room sets, am ! g If desired we will sell you any of the above goods on casy weekly payments plan from $1.00 to $2.00 per week. ; Jos. B Abramson, 257 Princess St. Phone 1437 . J ot Seed Corn Was your crop .a disappointment last year? Then don't Jet it occur again. Come to us for your seed and get the warranted kind. We have all varieties of garden | and field corn at the right price, W. F. McBROOM 42-44 Princess St. 'Phone 1686. Chaice Selection of Spring Suitings their bombardment of questions. |abXiety becomes a thing of the past. hada Shoes with perforated wing tip and low heel In Grey Nu-Buck, Tan, Russia Calf, To= bacco Brown 'Calf and Gun Metal. Smart and attractive models from Ameri= can makers. Allan M. Reid, 111 Princess Street. : * Kingston. Some of his answers might interest you. "Flying is the greatest sport in the world," he said, "it has motori or fast motor-boating beat to pieces. I was up recently and met with quite a scare when the machine dropped in- to an air pocket, but I have been going up and will go up every tim I get the opportunity." "Do you fly in the rain?" "What height do you fly at?" "Is it cold up there?" "'Are you frightened?" were a few of the many questions thrown at him. He stated that there is no object to be gained by flying in the rain because one cannot gain information and only take a chance of getting lost. The average machine flies about 6,000 feet in the air. It is cold--mighty cold he said--at times. Perhaps for a few minutes) some people might be frightened, but it is never noticed. He was asked ng! believer in medicines, but I feel that Mrs. M. O. McCready, Wapella, Sask., writes: "I am not much of a it is only right for me to let you know what your wonderful remedy bas done for me, and in a very short time, too. I had suffered terribly with my heart for nearly ten years, could scarcely do any work.and would near- ly smother at times. I had many rem- edies, some only relieving me for a time. I got a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills and felt so much better that I kept on using them, and can truthfully say I feel like a new woman. 2 "I would advise anyone with heart trouble to use them." y Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50c. or three boxes for $1.25, at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limi- IN DOUB1 -- TRY POR -- GROCER AND L/ Store 59-61 Brock St. "HENDERSON'S TABLE DELICACIES '§ Prices Reasonable PPPS Crawford & Walsh » Princess and Bagot Streets.