AE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY,JU Among The Glaciers ~ TAND with te gn the summit of a S Canadian Pacifi Rocky Moun- tain, What a wondrous panpor- ama is ur ded: not ouly of peaks and ranges, tier on tier, line on line, but of vast glittest flelds of snow and ice, making a jte world of the upper heights, a region of eternal w ter in striking con st of tue fl r- covered beds of the a le be- Jow us, or the green of the alpine nea dows and the forest depth We are standing !u a A where rivers of ice How, lor it manifold wonders of pature buge suaky lines of ice are girely movisg dowL the mountain slopes to their death in a termival moraine. And while they thus travel down hill, they are at the same shrlt K- ing, so that with few exceptions show a graduai recession which marked in some glaciers by scientific study, huge boulders carrying the year when the toe of the glacier reac that spot, with later markings indi- cating the shrinking process. The fllectllewnet Glacier, for example, re- k 5 treated up 'the valley, belween 1890 = VR 3 er er : ry 5 4 and 1898, a diswance of nu less than E y Ry 3 J . PREC 3 : #52 feet. . £ 3 2 ' : >, § Ww 88 ] Field piece behind barricade on the Letania and protecting arsenal The [llecillewunet glacier, in the Sel- Photo Ny Sogntecsr. oF 20. kirks, is one of the largest remaining hoto by courtesy of C. P. R. giacial deposits in the Canadian ranges, a gigantic ley river of green and white-nowing valle ard with a magnificent sweep Longfellow's de- scription comes to mind as one gazes on the scene as "a glittering gauntlet which the frost King bas thrown in de flance of the , and so It seems as it glitters back Is radiance from its white -bosots aod Its crystal archi tecture Or stacd oun l.efroy or Hungabee, of better sull. oo lewple, in the Lake Louise region, and again the eye 18 held in thrall with the colossal canvas and the y glaciers on every peak. Who wilt 10 1 that superb view of the Vicioria acter trom the Lake Louise Chalet, or the White tiasses on the jofty rouis of t Tet Vea wtien a full moon Nouds thet with silver n 7 The sheen of a hundred spark waterially mukes a drapery, wuile al vs the ear 18 bombarded with the gouud of a wigh.y avalanche tin blieg row inconcervable heights Tne wonder of the glacier is more fuily realized when they are explored at close yuarters, when their fantastic caverns and awesome Hssures are en tered or crossed. when the mountain slimber pleks nis way over a ass of fee masses thrown up as if in mortal gouy by the pressure ol the upper Jevosits that cause the downward ' wovement. Yonder is the snow feild et slac ' of the Illicillewaet Glacier, B.C. * ; 4 rom which the glacier flows, here is = ' ad . % % : wid Toa the ualylowking ; LY cl: British advance in the West--An old British trench near Fricourt, showing the number of revasse i¢ called that separates the . ; AR sand bags used in construction. lacier from ihe mountain side Ser- / wy Torey & -- --Photo dy courtesy af C. P. cs -- curious lee towers -- look lke : he por uments of the gods, and the ton snout marks he end of the glac rom: whence flow the melting waters at mark he pirth of t rivers in this vast Causuian Garden of the od of Roekies and Selkirks, in hich scores of Switzerlands could be ut, nothing is wore wonderful than ne great glaciers ever jourpeying to heir obliteratiop, ever sweeplug 0 yard the villey nels. 3 all of Peronne--on tb Pun--soee of our (roops entering the town of Peronrc. cto dy courtesy of O. P. R. i ~2hoto bu cowrtesy of prs of ot sn of oe of wit, _